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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use life from berlin, real leaders work to a verge of all i wore in the middle east. israel symmetry says it will respond to the uranium thrown and miss all attack governments. war cabinet convenes, but it's still not clear what form any retaliation might take. also coming up. some good news from casa, a bakery reopened for the 1st time since the war began bringing bread to hungry families. donald trump's criminal trial gets underway, the former president, the lashes arrived at hush money charges he calls and is sold on america dozens of drawers, who say they can't be impartial or dismissed the
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unpopular felony as welcome to the program. israel has reiterated that it will respond to the wave of drone and based on attacks by iran, but it's still not clear when or how it might retaliate. the government's war cabinet has met for a 2nd time since the sold ahead of the military says rainy and aggression will be met with a response. there's been no announcement of any definite action for local media. se commanders are seeking a response that will hurt or run without triggering or war, where leaders have repeatedly called for restraint. and here's a look at some possible as rainy reprisals a long shadow war that has come out into the open with
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a rounds attack on israel over the weekend. is we have government faces pressure from within the country to strike back at or on forcefully to maintain deterrence? yeah. as the highest risk and most drastic step is real, could take would be to strike at a run to nuclear program that can quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict. israel suspected to have attacked ron's uranium enrichment facilities before, including in 2010 with a computer virus program that's set it runs nuclear program back years. but never officially acknowledge that. a step down in intensity would be air strikes on around oil facilities, military airports, or other military facilities. attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the world economy. and attacks on iran's military could force tear on to feel like they had to respond. again. tit for tat, the attacks that could lead to a regional more in both cases,
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there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. ballistic missiles is low, and fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. raising the risk, the israel even further a 3rd option is no official public reaction, but to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. is real suspected to have a fascinated multiple iranian officials and nuclear researchers over the past decade . and also regularly strikes that a rainy and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area without attacking iranian soil, would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation his allies, like the u. s. had been trying hard to contain a arena murano from king's college, london gave us her assessment of his rouse, likely next to move. it's
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a very difficult question because we don't know how israel will react. and indeed, on the one hand, we have a lot of international pressure, most notably from the united states, but also from germany, the united kingdom on israel to basically not respond. and the allies made it very clear that they will not be involved in any counter attack on the right. and on the other hand, um for benjamin nothing. yeah. well now this is a huge problem because he has hard liners which are important through his political future. we're saying that israel aunt's house to resonate throughout the middle east. israel has to respond and to respond to have only in order to re establish its own deterrent, which has been eroded after the 2 battalions attacks. so it's a very difficult situation specifically, because if israel is to retaliate, have only against to run, there is no certainty that the allies will come to help
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a 2nd time. and of course, it also puts into questions the allegiance of um, the gulf countries will have allegedly helped. um, jordan, how's help? we know that, but some of the others likes that you are e and saw you read the, they tried to kind of distance themselves from this, but still they provided intelligence. and so they will have to be choosing between israel and the iran in the sense of course, i know friends of the room, but this will be a very difficult situation for them. giving the power dynamics that exist in the middle east. so it remains to be seen which way use real goals. that was maureen number, ron of kings college london. well, the german government has strongly condemned or runs the attack on israel. but chancellor or life sholtes has joined other european leaders and calling on israel to exercise restraint as concerns grow of
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a wider conflict in the middle east. german chancellor, olaf schultz is on a high profile state visit to china. but now that has been overshadowed by the risk of a large scale escalation in the middle east show, strongly condemned, runs as strikes. this was the very brutally randy and a tech. it was unprecedented. and it was the 1st time that they used to besides to go directly against the israeli state. this is unacceptable. but echoing on the west and calls the caution, the chancellor also urged israel to de escalate the situation. back in germany, the opposition christian democrats, said berlin should be ready to put its money where its mouth is. when it comes to support for israel. this is why it is asking for and i'm
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and, and i'm your mission from germany. germany should stay to its commitment and deliver weapons to it. so to make sure that it's where it is able to defend itself. germans are watching developments in the region. we've consent to go to worry about it, but i try not to think about it too much. room for 6 are sticking to know that. so is i they're all silver and somewhere along the line was over. they can't manage just sit around a table and say, this is how we're going to do it. good with my it said to mama that but unfortunately that's how it is at the moment. but while diplomatic efforts to resolve is rouse, will we, tomas might have dropped from the headlines. the german government says one of its top priorities is to ensure that the tensions between iran and israel don't escalate into a new role. and now a welcome development for families in northern gaza. i bakery as reopen for the 1st time since the war began,
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bringing bread to hungry children. agencies warrant that in parts of guys, if there's a real threat of funding after half a year without flour to bake with or fuel to power, it's ovens, supplies from the world. food program have brought this bakery back to life. staff are working day and night to provide a lifeline to a population. on the brink of starvation. after a long struggle, 6 months up to the bakery was closed. once again, producing bread to prevent from and then the cause a straight. the outside, the cues are massive. israel cut off almost all 8 northern guns. the following come off is october 7 attacks. the un says the territory has the highest levels of catastrophic hunger in the world. 8 agencies accused israel of not allowing enough food and other humanitarian supplies into gaza. cl jumped,
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the family, didn't walk through rubble and destroyed buildings for nothing. they are going home with a bag of desperately needed bread. would be in the sense of relief to be able to feed these children again to end the hunger and be able to move on to the next day. and may be god willing to bring more bread to gain. the modest meal is a rare feast for the family of 4. for months they survived on what little they could find, mostly left over flower from a deliveries that had spilled on the ground and mixed with soil and sand. breakfast consist of flat bread made with flour. mix with good health sauce. this is what our life is like. the l job does have staved off hunger for now,
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but no one in kansas city knows how long they'll have to wait for the next pag of bread. now to some of the other stories making use around the world. australia and please say a knife attack at a church service. and sidney was a terrorist attack motivated by religious extremism. a mind was seen on a live stream repeatedly stopping a prominent bishop. several other people were wounded. a teenager has been arrested . so the weapon supervisor on the sides of the movie rust has been given the maximum sentence of 18 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter. honda gutierrez reed, loaded a gun for the actor, alex told one that killed filmmaker helena hutchins. in 2021. bold one is facing a separate trial on the same charge. tesla is to lay off more than
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10 percent of its global workforce meeting around $14000.00 staff will lose their jobs. the us electric car major is struggling with a global slump in a v sales. and an intensifying price for rapid reasons. growth also means many roles within the company are duplicated and the 1st day of donald trump's hush money trial has ended with the dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said they could not be impartial. outside the court in new york, the former president's condemned the proceedings as a sham ends in a sold on america. trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover of payments to the adult film star doors stormy daniels. he's the 1st former us president to face criminal prosecution. this is one of 4 criminal cases against trump jew to be heard before the presidential election in november to our correspondents in washington bank. i mean auto body gruber is covering the trump
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trial, and i asked them how damaging it could be for the former president. it could be very damaging, but no matter the outcome of this case, donald trump, in his communication and lawyers team, i determined to benefit it from the proceedings right before this trial started in new york is competing release. the video portraying him is a heroic figure of defending his supporters that from forces trying to take away the freedoms as they showed in this club. and he has repeatedly stressed that he should be on to paint trail instead of in court. and his audit that is a former president to should be immune from criminal prosecution. let's keep in mind that this chart represents and i'm president test of the legal but also of the political system here in the us. because never before has a former president faced criminal charges even being convicted tar crump could actually it continue his campaign for president because neither a criminal conviction nor a prison sentence would effect trump's eligibility for office. been coming. alvarez
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group or their georgia department is debating a controversial bill targeting organizations that receive foreign funding critics. ava draft law is on democratic and in that silence in government opponents. it's also at odds with george's and vision of joining beer opinion of the thousands of protesters with georgiana and european union flags gather outside parliament into play. see they oppose the government sales. that would force non profit organizations and media companies that get funding from abroad to register as being on the foreign influence. many here want georgia to join the european union and they think the proposal would be used to cab to sent a month to mind democracy. this is really bad for all, or you're all parents future and we have to fight now or we'll just move
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it spunk, spinning independence, and also mentoring meaning maintaining the loss. so we can integrate with your new union. better police arrest is 14 people, as the crowds hope to force the government to scrap the bill to metalli or in the day in the parliament building tension. so we're running high tons of, you know, position politician punched the leader of the ruling, georgia dream policy leading to a brewer and the chamber. the routing policy maintains the draw floor is necessary to fight pseudo liberal values imposed by foreign countries and say it promotes accountability. the policy is to own between deepening its relationship with neighboring russia, while also wanting to join the european union. pro here are
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packed to this will be out in force when the debate resumes in paul element, pressing the case, but georgia to become parts of the u. europe. today, after a short break, we take a look at the long struggle to secure voting rights for women. for me and the team to take care bye. the words, people have to say that's why we listen. because every weekend on d, w. conflict crises around every single connection mapped out.


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