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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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the. 2 part of europe packed to this will be out in force when the debate resumes in parliament, pressing the case, but georgia to become parts of the you. europe today, after a short break, we take a look at the long struggle to secure voting rights for women from the team to take care of the words. people have to say that's why we listen to every weekend on d, w. conflict crises, every thing is, connection mapped out shows the geopolitically and see the on the board is
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what makes things the way, the way all the solutions mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube, the or you can, you know, build a more just a new mesa site with the site laming. there's a voices of these and well, many bought on the money for a vehicle the so those have made any, any me it'd be my biggest this isn't probably needs to be able to tell people that actually it's ok to severe
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the the i remember getting calls from the church secretary, he said, i would like to welcome you to the upper house, probably with a release. it is a for you i understand the rest of the variety from calling police here. i am incentive, so it'd be at the house of hollywood, melisha, a chairperson, and also i've listened with disability effectively. one of the things that i've been pushing is actually to make sure that we have
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a piece of reduced in the workforce for got sick. if we have a mazda is degree or a degree or whatever experiences a we have adults with to give us the job because of that doing discriminate and you know, it's and, and tell us that we kind of do it because we're disabled. the philippines, the september, them as well. yeah. it is. you must have was not domain. there's because the skill will come up. ingle board. so how come up some leading via the corporate team go up to mean, what does this that will award the, the homeless gala. this is the m p a so yeah, but i did comment by profession jumpers 50,
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so minutes i looked at our district as input one job up us one the easy i had just a minute based because the bad lucky heck. and i'll be waiting for to the him is on we don't do that on know system. delta or the buckeye, the journalist phone got to boost that the murder michael doesn't mean that the obvious that hard game gets you lost speeches to be so i into style of politics, global good on the gun. the auto scarcity assemblies just to look at the it's good. so for me to jot either
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in 2016, a student from the national was a push to speaking know her own life because of the difficulties in being for vision in august. then you think that really made me quest, showing my way choices? ask the university my name is sarah and i go, i'm a youth part that is representative. members of congress comes with a genuine youth representative and you have to see them on the
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masters when certainly not just your secretary know, but what could affect the future as young in place on the matter of need for a long then hold your lane. this is the scientists are you guess i talk about all these issues without the voice of the 2013 hyundai, no. go for a comfortable chair, pump a mass. i'm a do. it's got some sort of activity a, b, i get home on kick. last. how i'm going to guess all the name back to me. well now i'm going to give you a saw. you may have gave me some back awards. oscar optics. obviously,
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if the somebody's getting it appears on the flooding . ma mazda, the issue. uh, the goals can be home, you can get it. how much is a flat belly? uh, electric. both of them will want to to, to the non billable bill. they get called, in of under bizarre. how, sorry to you for sense about the theme get done. literally just in the man, how about the skill you fired could see that the one which is good to be that the reassembly again the the interest in politics is started. the problem is very each of the song and this was the because the waste,
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which is part of a prison living which i am a rock where so i live in which the i learned that the volume voice even with the you can still be use you can always use that twice to add your voice to many more voices of already demanding better virginia fees, better jobs, better educational, better health. the one of the things that i'm really pleased about is actually when i manage to um,
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push for sign language interpreter's or the settings for the little house. and also the at the house is a long time coming. and everybody thought i was crazy. but i said, sorry you were really being unfair if you do not have this service for persons with disabilities with this a disabled students to as a senator who is a p w d. and sometimes i, i feel a bit frustrated because people treat me like i'm a child the most of the time people feel that they have to always have to help me and i'm like, don't, i can help myself the
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2 beds a but the do you know, your movement speak for itself. my a horrible southwick's, the a young women to one, to end for politics, to go ahead. i think the lead the gets organized, get involved as the persist in rekey by your last insurance and for more women and to achieve a community pool and who needs to say we need young women like your sisters?
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are you going to do not the in my political career, what i really like to do is they speak to see more p w these in parliament. and i would really like to see more women in politics because we are the ones who is going to be able to be there together to strengthen the government. we can lead if given the chance it's about time that we do not discriminate. the
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young people up in the novel, but as part of like a dot, here's the thing you again, i think it would be a john. good thing come up of looks up, got hands off. i didn't, i was letting me clear go. because the other which she on last could be, i call it the, the fuck song. you've been on video from the event on the you must just those you have on file name on more. she has of the house. you said lincoln, the apple farm cannot tell you. no signs is not going to the daughter is supposed to be did i got to it? but i'll be head so will is the knit or is that it hasn't been sick of them the last year? i mean, i'll get burnett. let's get bought the dog a home. are you move?
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come on to you. let's see. do here john, case with him b, the, the, the a new crew that 1st mission
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life savers in the mediterranean. there's the punk faces. it's 1st big challenge of refugees who are on the verge of just the next on d w ruling with an iron just the policy. i'm surveillance every day and i for the people that really looks like how does the reading so many govern the isolates exchange? exclusive insight into the world of the gym done in 45 minutes on d. w. we are all set with what seemed close to
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him to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. the the a group of volunteers is out on the mediterranean seats rushing to help refugees in distress. how many many babies? many of the risk you volunteers.


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