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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 7:00am-7:03am CEST

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the opportunity was law firm. our 3 thought documentary series on last day, hezbollah starts may 4th on dw the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories. the 1st day of donald trump's hush money trial has ended with the dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said they could not be impartial . the former us president called the proceedings a scam. as he left the court in new york, trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to an adult film star. israel has reiterated that it will respond to the wave of drone and miss on a tax by ron. but it's still not care when or how it might retaliate. the government's war, confidence has met for a 2nd time since the sold. but there's been no announcement of any decision.
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tesla is to lay off more than 10 percent of its global workforce meeting around $14000.00 staff will lose their jobs. the electric car maker is struggling with the global sump in a sales and an intensifying price for founder eat on. most also says many roles within the company are duplicated. you're watching dw news from berlin. you'll find a lot more news on our website at dw dot com, the a subsidy. nice little assaults of israel by iran has problems and released into his worst crisis since the last one. the attack was invitation for israel was bombing off in the rain in controversy in syria. but what
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a so emboldened around that he chose to attack israel directly, rather than through one of his proxies with his rail respond. i'm feel go invalid and this is the day the the said that cross every red line in his red reserves, the legal, the right to reach out. we don't seek escalation. but for continued support of the sense of israel. the slamming republic of around is not seeking to escalate the tensions in the region. the middle is, is on the bidding. now is the time for the fuse and the escalate. now is this time for mex human police today. also on the day germany considered as to.


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