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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the news long from berlin that germany's chancellor tackle trade with china is leaders in beijing or left shots meets we believe the teaching thing at leach young during a 3 day visit the china. he speaks of the need for pragmatism, as tree tensions between china and europe. right. also coming up israel considers it's next step. it's military says around will face consequences for it's for private attacks, but doesn't clarify what form they may take. and jam street outside of georgia's parliament. thousands protests against
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a law they say is on democratic and will undermine the countries bid for a new membership. the article fairly welcome to the show ceremonies, chancellor left shots as wrapping up a visit to china speaking with its leaders at a time when economic diplomatic relations between b. u and beijing are increasingly streamed. following a meeting between schultz and chinese premier and leach young. lee said the economic interest of both countries that remain deeply intertwined, president, aging, ping warrant schultz against resorting to protectionist economic measure thing. both countries depend on free trade. last year, jeremy launched a strategy to avoid over dependence on china themselves. also spoke to chinese leaders about the war and ukraine in his last press conference before leaving
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beijing. shaw said he's pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war. let's hear what he had to say. and it is important for germany, as well as all the other friends of ukraine to keep supporting ukraine as long as it takes. and at the same time, our diplomatic endeavours for which is ukraine and to be under spacious stands to form will be continued to. indeed, elias chief international editor, richard walker, is here in the studio with me. did they find common ground on ukraine? i don't need some really say they have come and grant me they, they really all around pretty much opposing sides of this conflict. you know, gemini, very, very actively supporting ukraine militarily, the diplomatically financially and the chinese that supporting russia all the way up to just before the point of military support. um, but there's a bit of a mix back on on the one hand and all of sholtes managed to get another statement
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from she, jim ping that he opposes the use of nuclear weapons and the praying conflict which he got a year and a half ago last time you went there, but then on the other side, she didn't ping statement did not oppose the threat of using nuclear weapons, which the previous statement did. he earned a half ago. so maybe one step forward, one step back to. and then what we just had in the clip that talking about the possibility of you know, peace conferences, this piece conferences, plans in switzerland this summer. and the germans would have liked the chinese to say, okay, we'll take part in that peace conference instead. they've said, okay, well we will talk about this peace conference and talk about what it could look like. and i think that, you know, really in focus is going to be whether russia also joins because the chinese and if you look at this, the statements of the chinese made their essentially saying we will support these conferences that include all sides. the russians have not been taking part in this a string, a piece conferences which ukraine and heavily involved in the russians have
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rejected that themselves. so we'll see, does egypt thing now go to vladimir putin and say, hey, you should take part of this peace conference. if he does, then that would be a big win, but we just don't know. yeah, yeah. trade always a big topic between china and germany. salts called for a pragmatic approach. yeah. what does he mean? yeah. well, we don't really know. this is going to be a lot of reading the tea leaves that, but you know, they're very sides of this picture. the, the are paying commission is currently doing investigate sions into a chinese subsidies for electric vehicles for wind turbine. so a lot of confront important kind of green technologies to the big part of the economy these days. and what the china is kind of dumping these products onto west of mock is to try to, to fuel economy. and the chinese embassy don't like these investigations. they are saying don't do anything that we would see is protectionist germany. i think feels a little bit caught in the middle of that because of course, well, you know, be a part of the european union. it will hope that the european commission is standing
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up for its interest, but also it has these big german comp make us, we're worried about a trade for because they think, okay, if the european union frances slips terrace on chinese cause what a china is that upstairs so now cause so they're worried about that. so i think there's gonna be a lot of focus in brussels of what shots and she exactly said to each other and the germans were promising. okay, we're talking to brussels about this as well, but they will definitely be concerned and brussels about where the shelves is trying to kind of work through their efforts down there with one or 2 very smooth announcements. so for instance, you know, beef impose apple inputs from germany into china, held up by shelves and as, as achievements from today's tools. but obviously, you know, that it does have no major, major products like job costs. you know, i was a chief international editor, richard walker. thank you so much. i this russian president vladimir putin has told his a rainy and counterpart ever i'm receive, that's
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a new confrontation in the middle east. codes beat, quote, catastrophic, according to the criminal pair held, talked earlier as tear on warren's israel, of a painful response if it retaliates against iran attack over the weekend. meanwhile, the is rarely for administer. israel caught says he has launched a diplomatic offensive against iran. he wrote on social media that he has sent letters to 32 countries and it's called for sanctions on ron's missile project. now the w correspondent, i'm in east of, in jerusalem, said this diplomatic offensive doesn't mean military response is off the table as well. i'm sure that dozens of people who are tagged in this tweet, dozens of foreign ministers, that is, would be happy if it was an alternative. but if you see and that tweedy also said that this would be in addition to a military response. now, extensions are already on the table for a lot of the foreign ministers that you mentioned. you have u k, the us,
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germany and india, which is hasn't really made up its mind how to respond to this escalation, the middle east, but at least for the us, some sanctions already being put up for a vote in the house of representatives there. so this is not a controversial shop subject for israel's allies, and it seems that we're trying to build momentum here to get a diplomatic offensive. but a lot of these allies that you paid us in germany have urge is real to make that the alternative to military attack because they see any military attack as being an escalation. now the is where the war cabinet has converged a couple of times now and they have said that they are going to try to avoid a regional award, that their response would be calculated and not from the god. but listen to ron this so that any military response to the strikes over the weekend would be met with a even a harsher attack. and that's because the ron sees their strike as retaliatory
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strike. where is the allegedly, israel's strike on an embassy complex in syria that belong to iran? so escalation is not out of the question. even if israel's response is um, is light is calculated. now i'm in the war cabinet got together for the 1st time after um, october 7th of last year. and right now it seems to be focusing on a response to a ron. this, this shifted focus have consequences on the military operation and gaza. so certainly does the focus is largely on iran and as they weren't gauze it has been put on the back burner, at least in the media here. and it's not what is really they're talking about at the moment. but uh, cnn has reported, that's the ground offensive. in roswell, we're about a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering has been postponed. they were supposed to start evacuating people out of there,
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at least dropping leaflets to get people to move out of the area before a scheduled ground offensive. but that seems to have been postponed on the other hand, biden and a lot of other international partners don't have the same ability to put pressure on israel because they need to stand with israel in the face of a threats from iran. as dw correspondent i'm in is of interest. well, i'm thank you so much. a quick look now and some of the stories making news around the world today. rescuers in indonesia, i found the bodies of 20 people killed by landslide, triggered by torrential rains. over the weekend, dozens of rescue workers and volunteers were involved in the search of our and copenhagen has torn through the old stock exchange. the flames destroyed the 17th century building spire. the storage site is the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce and was being renovated. the cause of the fire is not yet known. donald trump has arrived at a new york court for the 2nd day of his historic hush money trial. the former us
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president is accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to the adult film star stormy daniels. the 1st day of proceedings ended with a dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said they couldn't be impartial. in georgia, the parliament is debating a controversial bill that targets organizations receiving for and funding the bill requires any organization receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an organization for sewing, the interest of a foreign power to boise has been the scene of large protests against the law, which critics say is aimed at silencing political opponents. they argued the legislation of similar to laws in russia and it puts georgia at odds with its emissions of joining the european union dw spoke to some people in the capital to boise to find out how they felt about the law. i'm calling to speak about if they
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adopt the law dispute change the relationship between georgia and europe ready? kelly? could it be hard for our country to pursue european integration hang on because of okay, we're going there. gotcha. i so these kind of rules are going to make us closer to russia. russian politicians even welcome to this legislative initiative. we don't want to because we want to cooperate with the west and don't know how to live in new york. it is essential to adult the for an agent know, why hasn't the government adopted earlier in the revenue should be under absolute controls of global is the use that is, is that the opposition says that this is a russian law. i'm very resolved. the government claims that this is american law is yours, is that isn't. so who should i trust? the our report or maria cuts a month. it is in the capital tbilisi and explain to us what's behind the controversial new wall. yes,
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so we are country of the parliament where the lawmakers are discussing the bill in the 1st hearing and we understand that it's very likely that the bill will be passed today in the 1st hearing out of 3 hearings in total. so the government claims that once we includes the transparency of the civil society, groups of the n g as an oppositional, a media. and this is the rhetoric that actually the, the critics here in georgia. they don't buy that rhetoric. they're saying that the government aims at suppressing them and. # it's the government is um, setting the stage for the elections which uh, which are being held in the in october and the say that is very good election strategies to silence the oppositional voices and to discredit civil society groups . we've seen protests yesterday, new protests called for it today. do they pose the threats to the government's plan?
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yes, indeed, we expect the uh, the big turn out today. uh tonight and the police, the people are a really, really uh, angry pro european people who, who actually warranty georgia to be to be part of you. but they see that they see the government's actions as, as opposing to their you emissions. so definitely today it's going to be quite, quite a difficult time for, for 4 people here, and please see they will have to fight the game for the european future. how codes the passing of this bill impact or just prospect of joining the well, we've seen some criticism that is coming from the was from the process from brussels . i'm from washington, for instance, uh, germany's um, tons to
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a sole side that georgia did not need this. this, these kind of flows and many western supporters of georgia is used to gratian born at b, c dot. this kind of the lowest, such as for an agent slow or for instance, algebra 2 pro hawk on the lower that the government as also has been suggesting these days of that kind of, you know, legislation of these kind of legislations. they are not going to to do any positive impacts on george's democracies. and therefore, it can also during georgians from there. very long waited to you a membership. is maria cut the months into georgia and capital tbilisi? finally, the towards for the 2024 summer olympics has been lived at an event in greece. it took place in ancient olympia, the birthplace of the gates. the plan will stay a light throughout the competition which will be held in france during proceedings and olympic flame dance was performed. the torch will be carried through several
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countries on a 100 day journey until it arrives in paris for the opening ceremony in july. and that's your news round up for now. join us again at the top. so the next hour by the exchange innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan. it's a.


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