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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 5:15pm-5:46pm CEST

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during proceedings and olympic flame dance was performed, the torch will be carried through several countries on a 100 day journey until it arrives in paris for the opening ceremony in july. and that's your news round up for now. join us again at the top of the next hour by the the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a the
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a group of volunteers is angel and the mediterranean seats rushing to help refugees into stress. how many many babies? many of the risk volunteers have only just learned how to save lives in the last few days. now they're pushing the fresh training to the test and didn't really care which position they would do. i just want it to go and help the refugees. they help us lean goal and persecution in their home countries. many has been on the move for years and a deeply traumatized. every single human life we saved here matters. cognizant type in the mediterranean sea is the world's most deadly refugee roots. since 2014
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of 829000 people have drowned here on their way to europe. the march 2022 gas and risk and others are traveling to poland. their plan is to buy a vessel conversate into a rescue ship and use it to rescue refugees from drowning in the mediterranean. we just got a call from the fleet manager. he told us, the captain said the weather had gotten a lot worse than 2 years ago without any prior experience guessing. and a handful of like minded people found this assigned seat c punks in the past few months. they've raised 200000 euros and donations. spend time,
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i'm really worried about whether this will work or not. we've been working toward this for so long on the worst thing i can imagine right now is that we all have to take the train back home because we don't have the ships they going to take a look at a ship in poland, which might suit the needs so far they've only seen pictures of it is that most of the ex or meeting at the ship at 6, or we'll do all the paperwork and then he'll send someone out shopping and we'll be off on they've reached the pools in poland. if everything goes well, the group will sign the purchase agreement today and transfer the ship straight to germany. the space have to sales of and i've seen it in the pictures, but it looks pretty different in real life. so i'm, i'm the, it's amazing. it's the sky,
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it's huge. 12 beds. the shape is the 50 years old. it's down to the out is a fishing boat been was used as a sort of a vessel. it's time for the group to make a decision. ok. and i believe that. yeah, absolutely. all right, we already check before, so i'm fine. my name is on it. that's the main thing. the ship changes hands for 220000 year of buying. it brings gas on and the group a big step closer to the goals. they have set up with standing idly buying as ricky cheese drown in the mediterranean. when it comes to your it's external boat is guessing believes the block is failing to live up to its responsibilities. of the thing, if you think about the north sea and the baltic sea, there's a kind of solidarity there on those plus. but when it happens elsewhere and not directly on your own doorstep, everyone looks the other way. in the end,
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it's happening on our european doorstep, and if europe and states won't do something about it, we'll have to before the ships itself on its 1st rescue mission, it has to be converted at the garage, spelled adults to see punk one is 27 meters long and could accommodate up to 100 people. rebuilding it takes several months longer than planned. in the end, the modifications cost another 100000 bureaus. in august 2023, it's finally ready to ship is now mode in the port of brianna in spain. the 1st commission is just stays away. gas, so is the only c punks member joining the crew software to it's not to this. of course we're excited. this is the can emphasis. now we can finally stop talking about it and nothing and actually do what we came here to do in good faith is in the international crew is a mixed bag. there
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a team members here from easily fronts and jim many, many inexperienced in c rescue. others have been working as captains or operation lead as the is over the next few days. all of them will get to know the new tasks. one small group is responsible for see risk you practicing with life jackets. a new suit. the role is the written communication. she's responsible for coordinating the operation from an inflatable thinking and making 1st contact with the refugees. it goes well with as every other training cell engine, because it's the 3 people. so let's go to our engineering the strings pool. so what are our, our crew members of helping them practice holding people on board
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leg it's not easy the . c 2 nice. a new keys 25 and studies lower and parents off the university she'd like to legally represent see risk you organizations such as c punk. she's been working with refugees before he is helping them navigate the complicated asylum thinking process. this will be her 1st offshore assignment. i worked at the border, needs to look for 6 months. so basically as mess direct me the survivors out
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like this, that's the routes. and i know that once people have drones, there's really not a lot of things that we can do. so that's why i decided to go above to go to the program directly and to try to prevents as much as possible up to 10 days of training. the team a heads for the search and rescue area between 2 needs. the additionally the, the captain gets the signal to push off observation from range. yet we can start to bring on board the, the spend line, the spend line over this whole operation was financed with donations. it will cost $45000.00 bureaus. the most expensive part of this trip is the fuel for the ship.
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guess on will be documenting the mission. the crew will be at sea for several weeks . it was quite an incense and some people waving at us and. yeah, now it's the reality. like we actually going, i feel super heavy about it comes way to apply every single day. evelyn, in the past few weeks, the submission is finally getting underway. no one quite knows what awaits them at sea captain, not to roach and tore this being on a number of missions. he also works as a lawyer, international maritime law states that people in distress at c must be helped. despite these rescue crews of repeatedly used of human trafficking as a captain,
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arturo is also the under investigation. the electric pink, you're doing something wrong. so you quite convinced, then you try to convince yourselves that, okay, i see people so good. i'm not wrong shortly off to the ship ponce's, the valley, eric islands, the way that was since the 1st time christina hilts from slave's big coach, done his training to become a doctor. she's responsible for providing medical care to week and injured refugees . but at the moment, christina has to take care of the crew. of the crew is seasick.
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if too many people get si 6 and we wouldn't be able to complete the training, we'd plan so the crossing over run through some simulations. at the moment we barely able to keep the ship running. we don't fully operational yet. the group designs to drop off the coast of san diego to recover and complete that final exercises the, on average, a rescue mission can last 2 to 4 weeks. christina trains the other 12 crew members, so they can help provide medical care setting the specific impact to assessing with a massive search engines people. that's hardly, i deal with the small hospital and just to medical stuff. but it's still better than nothing at all feed and probably data. i spend a month on the to christina
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is specializing to becoming a niece purchased. she works here on a voluntary basis. she 1st came into contact with refugees 2 years ago in bosnia providing medical kits of people fleeing along the bulk on route one of the fog, a vast miss moore to view if you ask, what motivates me? i have a 1000 different offices from, i'm mentioned from a humane perspective, people a drowning. so at the moment we're pulling them out of the water, this position off. and it's not just about human rights. it's about what he's ethically acceptable. and i don't want to be part of the europe that lets people drown a new can guess on. also practicing we're son cetacean, the
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kinds i'm to start, i realize resuscitation is aren't always successful. i assist you more than most and i might be the one who attempted and someone could die in the process. this could be something that haunts me, perhaps for the rest of my life for flight. they've reached the search and rescue zone between shanicea and easily. the crew has been at sea for 10 days. the training is complete, their mind is still pretty calm with just a tiny bit nervous and started sputtering and boats in distressing the vast mediterranean these notes easy from here to see looks endless processing fee that essentially were like an ambulance travel thing about as fast as a bicycle across a space,
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the size of bavaria and sales. but there is so many refugees that see that they don't have to. luke some fishing fuel informs the captain of folks in distress nearby. you got to location. ok, i'll notify the crew right away. how much time do we have? it's time to put what they've trained into practice. a new has never been on such a rescue operation, let alone coordinated one. she'll need to remember full training to help her team and the people that rescuing stay calm the approach to both i had. so the decision like, well this is actually people to stay. and i so faces. i don't know. i think i had like maybe 3 seconds of it says unreal. and then i put myself in my ears, communicate their shoes again. how many
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how many babies? one, baby. it's a nukes job to establish trust with the refugees. she has to prevent them from panicking and pulling into the router. this is where your safety a nuke has to be careful not to get too close to the shop age, the middle clothes that seem evacuated to the people into the thing. the one by one children 1st a space is limited. the people here have been at sea for 3 days without food. for protection from the sun, the old, the hydrated, and extremely weak of the baby. and then
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another child was starting to get in conscious and it was like really necessary to all these had to ensure this to is to bring things at this moment that i a scarce and to intervene into hopes ahead of the. so getting late. so one of the children stopped breathing. one simple, the risk you shift christina, to resuscitate the child. situation is critical. the while the children are being looked after on board, the crew returns to pick out more people. then something goes wrong. a wave watches the inflatable thing,
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the against the refugees middle, but i think the thing is deflating. more so, rushing into the tech visit the fader and especially because it was next the actual 1st rescue that they did in for a moment. i actually did that. i couldn't make it that i was fits for the position . the thing is no longer see where the fortunately another rescue see if he's close by. they help the see punk spring old refugees safely on board. the child who had to be resuscitated is in such
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a pool state that the crew requested emergency medical transport from the italian coast guard. the speed boat already has all the refugees on board and takes the people to the island of lump into the some 60 kilometers away. okay . think it was just amazing from every single person how they work for me that only made it possible to keep the child life they had a child who is trying to type out of step isn't crime interesting. so touch brown, a few. so thank you so much for that. the other refugees are in stable condition. they come all the way from been in, in west africa, around 6000 kilometers away. the 37 percent of people suffer from malnutrition, and almost half the country leads below the prophecy lines. altura contacts the
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coast guard. so we were to go to phone to, to about to go through. we have 42 people on board to see from corn. the coast got us to see if anyone else on board requires urgent medical care. that probably means that we will get another case. otherwise it wouldn't do it right. yes, yes, but they just do it. so to have us empty and then it must send us to the next case . an hour and a half later the coast, god returns to pick out the remaining people, the signs i just need one. on the one hand, you can see the people's elation because they think we've made a, we're going to europe now comes up, but they have no idea what awaits them. but they won't be given the chance to build
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a new life here and to access the opportunities that you and i have is white europeans and the so called free europe. i saw it will pay off. it's not all that free for people who aren't from here. so nice to me, this one here come, soul sky, it will help. and this is the refugees of both the see punk one approach to them producer and italian islands just off the tune, easy and coast. so over 10 years, they feed a hush contrast here between glitzy tourism and people pleading from conflict and crisis. it's the most frequent points of 1st arrival for refugees seeking to reach you are. the conflicts that arise from these are an everyday occurrence to the island, 6000 residents. one of them is the oddest chuck almost fell out. so in his studio, he exhibits some of the upticks. those on the run has left behind, presto, at stereo. this is an old car radio that used to be installed in wooden boats, and then i with the pedal many long. they were bigger back then,
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then the back gave us then lane. you'll get enough to get on the now the refugees arrive on smaller boats. made of sheet metal are aren't fair, which are much more dangerous. give them stuff if that it goes across the island. giacomo is known for his creasy collapse that you'd see. fee is long, produces infrastructure will collapse under the strain a space filling out and support the disaster. and it's often impossible to take the ferry to on it because it's already being used to transport miger and say, no, i have an in law live in a hardly any seats available on flights on this because they are all occupied by police or the red cross northern are the originals when they are just medical care was already per now it's collapsing on the demand strain and so on and on phone. so one of 19, it's a 10 pregnant women arrive at the port and sick people who require treatment at the clinic because of course of concern, as we all know goes kind of get an ambulance. i mean, she has no access to the emergency room and taking my godaddy out of the limits
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here again and she got to be unplugged is to the problem is the increased presence of police, military and other authorities is also changing the island his way of life the strictly controlled reception center for refugees. the so called hotspots means a lot more police are on the island. giovanni for a got plenty is the full mayor of lum producer. from the 5 year olds point of view, the government in run has lit. he's a little island down a place and so on. it is all, i don't blame the migrants for god's sake. a lot of we have nothing against these people. we want to take them in, but we need support almost be done and to create the right conditions on the journey deals with the got it is giovanni, come off to me. how are you doing nice.
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before he was elected man, giovanni was an art teacher on the island. giacomo is one of his former students. why does it look out beautiful? just last night. another boat with the $200.00 refugees arrived at port. in september 2023, some 12000 migrants move in twice the population. arrived in one unprecedented week . the small island was overwhelmed and declared a state of emergency the corner, cuz a lot of people say that the volunteer rescue ships encourage people to flee. but that's not true to get those stuff, we should have to bank them for their work already more we'd see many more depths without them. this is one of the place and that's what will happen if they cease to exist. it would be to me like a maloney on the phone, the lion and all the others won't stop migration just by talking about it in the
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holding the line. let me alone. oh yeah. in late 2020 to georgia maloney's cabinet . post a decree making civils the rescue more difficult. it's doubtful whether this policy will ever bring any relief to the people on lum producer. beckett see at the task to see thumbs discover another voting distress. the group has managed to make some makeshift trip hes today. think he left the please do see that the yeah. i know. uh tell me when were closer than 30 centimeters. okay. i was going to talk to the both as oh,
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the water is leaking into the refugees village. this one is full on a company. mine is and they don't have enough fuel to reach the show. then the crew notices that they think he is losing air again. the, the, it takes the crews 3 hours to get everyone on board safely. imagine you're on a boat that is thinking on the crowd in the middle of the night in the mid the
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throne and see. and suddenly there is this both coming. and this woman, a life giving you kind of orders telling you that you have to work together this crazy. no. every one is relieved and exhausted. so she 9 more people safe and resting. this time, those rescued running for more and persecution in sudan and humans. the next morning, the coast guard assigned the c punk one opposed to a 17 year old refugee wants to tell his story for his own protection. he'll remain anonymous how often one of the how do it for you? my fled to war and human with my little brother. and i see that i got to do with cost 9 countries. i don't live in prison to the tortured, pretty model. i took my brother away from me in the emerald city. i still don't
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know where he is. that you want me to have that, you know. after several attempts, he managed to flee across the mediterranean from chimneys the. yes, the hate all of you will. so thing, cuz it's difficult to describe the things i experienced in my country, the glue minded we all want to forget what happened. i'm now trying to think about my new life. see that how i can build a secure future for myself. i'm new one just across all the refugees. i've told christina they have stories eventually, but i've, i've, i've met people who have been on the move for years under the most adverse conditions and they've gotten so fond. of course. these are people with a mense knife experience, and so we real decades behind by comparison, even though most of them were under 18 at the time. though long back in long producer the refugees have reached europe. now they'll have to embark on another alone and
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we return to the asylum process. the authorities register the new arrivals. it's time for the crew to review the 1st ever mission, the se punk, successfully rescued refugees in distress with their own ship. there's been nothing fires, but i'm so relieved to see that we've reached the point we've been working towards for almost 4 years that i saw this done. doing that also been a way we can act as a catalyst for others who think the same way and say yes and screw borders on full borders are just an abstract construct thought up by people living on this earth, and mostly exploited by those living and privilege of tools and often even if we only make a small change, at least we're trying to be visible and show others there are people actually doing something about it depends on who you are. welcome to join in or you can just carry on talking about it. none of us are alone in our dissatisfaction with the situation
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even of 2 years and thousands of deaths in the mediterranean, europe has not found an answer without civilians, the rescue is even more refugees would be tragically drowning as they run from the violence that drove them from their homes in the 1st place, the gets ready for an exciting auburn toys to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window of the quote via including best deposits on the spot. on the on expected side to side dw, on pick salt, we in fact, every day, the room kasha, i used to work for free time, like becomes all the world we can make the different w call, the world unpack,
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pulse out your info is and all the input the w story, now on to the of the south asian country is in the spotlight. thousands of net policemen fighting a distant war on behalf of russia and ukraine, driven by poverty and the promise of a better future. they risk their lives to support that simon is back home. hundreds of families have lost contact with their loved ones on the front lines. those who the escaped baptists cons of
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a foreign hall. many others stand ready to join.


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