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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, the thing that we need is life from berlin. germany's chancellor tackles trade with china leaders in beijing, off, shots meets with changing thing and lead you out during a 3 day visit to china. speaks of the need for pragmatism, as tree tensions between china and the e. you rise also coming up keeping the lights on close to the front lines we meet, the electricians are risking their lives to repair damage. as rush targets you frames power plant and israel considers it's next step. as military says iran will face consequences for it's reprisal attacks,
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but doesn't clarify what form they may take the welcome to the show. germany, chancellor, or actual it's is wrapping up a visit to china speaking with its leaders at a time when economic and the full amount of relations between the you and beijing are increasingly strained. following a meeting between shoals and chinese premier leech, young lee said, but the economic interests of both countries remain deeply intertwined. further and changing ping warren schultz against resorting to protectionist economic measure, saying both countries depend on free trade. last year in germany launched a strategy to avoid over dependence on china yourselves also spoke to chinese leaders about the war and ukraine. in his last press conference before leaving beijing, schultz said, is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war,
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sir. what you have to say is this on the 4th bar click, this is a terrible rule that is being driven by unabated brutality on the part of rochelle services. 50 is therefore important and clear to germany as it is to many of ukraine's friends. and we will support ukraine as intensively and for as long as it's necessary hold on at the same time that we will advance the diplomatic efforts that ukraine is also working very hard to achieve. and since we've come up for a long way as chief international editor, richard walker is here in the studio with me, richard did the chance or find common ground with his chinese counterpart. i think you can really say that they have a huge amount of common ground. i mean, if you look at the objectively of where they stand on this war, you have germany, family on the side of ukraine, providing large amounts of weapons, providing financial support, providing diplomatic support and condemning the russian invasion from the get go. where is the chinese have had a very favorable view, the circumstances,
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basically the kind of narrative, the letting me a present has around the invasion of ukraine. and they provide a massive economic lifeline. they buy an awful lot of russian by energy to try to make up for the short falls that the russia has lost rep from its energy sales to europe. and it also provides what a cool jewel use good. so it's kind of good, so not necessarily weapons, but they are goods that can help the war effort. and so they pretty much kind of diametrically opposed and all of schultz has always been trying. and this is the 2nd visit since becoming chancellor to try to get the chinese to sort of see that this, this is not a good idea. don't like help russia. it might have this illegal war. and what we saw from him was trying to use slightly different arguments, rather than just focusing on is, it's a, will this, against you in charge of that it's against, you know,
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the principle of territorial integrity. also saying this is against our interest. we're in europe. this is a threat to our security and to try to appeal to, to more of the, you know, a more kind of realistic view of the wealth rather than something based on principles. so trying to hammer that message from trying to get she back on board in terms of cooling out russia on these nuclear threats. but there's some ambiguity in the chinese response that like it's read out from the meetings at one thing then it spokes person said another thing. so, so a bit of a blurry picture about where china really stands. the then this issue of piece thoughts what we just had in the quote that was the, the just be trying to get the chinese to come on board for peace talks, which will be hosted by switzerland this summer on ukraine's initiative on the basis of, of ukraine's own plan for peace. the russians have not been part of this process. and they've agreed to stay in touch on that and kind of positively try to
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communicate about that. so i think so seeing that as an important take away and below them is that lensky interestingly, the president, ukraine, has tweeted, things to laugh cells for making those efforts, saying that china is involved in that would be really important. the question is going to be, well, china is saying that russia has to be involved in any process like that. so is china going to go and lean on russia to take part in those tools? if it really did that, then that would be a massive winfield. well, that's shelves getting that to happen. but of course, that's a massive if you trade is always a huge topic between china and germany. we heard of schultz call for pragmatism that what does that mean in practical terms? especially with a looming trade war between the you and china. yeah, i mean the, they'll be a lot of people asking that question particular in brussels where so in the european union, they're doing investigations into whether the china is unfairly supporting its electric vehicle industry. and it's
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a wind turbine industry and other kind of key future kind of industries in exporting cheaper products to west markets, which are providing very difficult competition for, for, for west and produces all of schultz has repeated what he's often said that he doesn't want the coupling from china, this has been one of these kind of mantras in recent years to the west in china need to kind of really almost like kind of sever the connections. he's dressed again, but he didn't want to do that. he talks about what is the new buzzword, the risk intake, trying to take the risk of the relationship. but trying to say, look, this is just normal practice. we want to make sure that we don't have any like a one sided dependencies just as any other country would do. in fact, just as china also does, so he really did try to kind of tone things down for that part, the chinese or the child, the chinese premier said that this question of chinese produces having over
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capacity like they're producing too many of these eves. and these, these, these green technologies, he really tried to play that down and said, you've got to view this objectively and said that, you know, basically, chinese produces are so competitive because they just good at what they do. and then it's not a matter of subsidies. so i think it's a wait and see what really the outcome of this is that they're definitely consenting. brussels that, well enough shows given date, there's this huge car industry that wants to maintain its access to china. these kind of companies are worried if there's going to be a trade war between china, the 8 d u, whether they will lose out a significantly from that. so i think a lot of observance in brussels worried that some of schultz might try to was the things down and these conversations where should you think we don't know whether that is where you have many unknowns after chancellor charles this visit to beijing? thank you. so much that was chief international editor richard walker. in the
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meantime, russia is intensifying. it's a tax on energy infrastructure across ukraine. since late march missile strikes have left some of the countries major power plants in ruins, an energy minister him on how to strangle is asking all ukrainians to prepare for more power outages in the coming weeks. the electricians and engineers are risking their lives to repair some of the worst technical destruction dw xian philip shots, and this reward from the eastern front line city of harkey, a small village and ukraine's the net screeching the battlefield as only a stone's throw away. this is the workplace of the axis left and his colleagues, the electricians college. when have a power lines a hit along the front line, the men have long ago stopped being distracted by the sound of the tillery strikes during the repair work. yeah, and my family is against this job, but they don't like me coming here to him, but we are very dedicated to a work. it's something we have to do, but i don't want to do,
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but i didn't to the front line village has been the target of many russian hill takes most houses and its primary school has been destroyed. nevertheless, more than 100 people, the live here for them, the technicians i heroes at the state 0 last link to civilization without electricity were completely cut off. there's no water has no gas to nothing works and yet committed to assist with the voltage. so that away from the battlefield and the city outside, cuz electrically retail were also feels more and more like a frontline job ever since the restaurant intensified. it's effects from ukraine's energy and festivals. this substation has recently been fits and constants. airlines make any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time. today's warning announcements ask a pause. staff members to take shows immediately at a safe location. we get to
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a quick moments to speak to the engineer in charge. when we learn from life, it's all very, very difficult. every time you start to repair something doesn't alarm it, and we come back. and so we have to start all over again. large power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian attacks the devastation at this thermal electric plan. you know, 5 kit is enormous 6 russian crews and decides to strike the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down budget that just look around. and you can see the extent of the damage, or we're talking about kilometers of pipelines, kilometers of cables that are destroyed to community, saying this is not going to take months since, and this is going to take years to fix it, loading of silver to low blood before its destruction, the plan supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. the engineer tells us its loss will be almost impossible to compensate. one small hope the west
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might be able to provide parts and the equipment for the plants reconstruction with the smoking room is we're really doing all that is humanly possible. here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially technical support from other countries, we will be very grateful that mean by the rest are continuous, its daily attacks on the power and the people i've talked to if and many of the ukrainian cities most certainly have many more dark nights, a heads up that the president of russia letting their food and has told his a rainy and counter part of the ram, right. you see that a new confrontation in the middle east could be quote, catastrophic, according to the kremlin. the pair held talks earlier as they're on warren's israel, of a painful response if it retaliates against iran attacks over the weekend. meanwhile,
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the is really for administer. israel caught says he has launched a diplomatic offensive against iran who wrote on social media that he has sent letters to 32 countries and has called for sanctions on iran. smith's health project, w correspondent, i'm in east of engine russo. i'm said this diplomatic offensive doesn't mean a military response is off the table as well. i'm sure that dozens of people who are tagged in this tweet, dozens of foreign ministers, that is, would be happy if it was an alternative. but if you see and that tweedy also said that this would be in addition to a military response. now extensions are already on the table for a lot of the foreign ministers that you mentioned. you have u k, the us, germany and india, which is hasn't really made up its mind how to respond to this escalation, the middle east, but at least for the us, some sanctions already being put up for a vote in the house of representatives there. so this is not
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a controversial shop subject for israel's allies, and it seems that we're trying to build momentum here to get a diplomatic offensive. but a lot of these allies that you paid us in germany have urges real to make that the alternative to military attack because they see any military attack as being an escalation. now the is where the war cabinet has converged a couple of times now and they have said that they are going to try to avoid a regional award, that their response would be calculated and not from the god. but listen to ron this so that any military response to the strikes over the weekend would be met with a even a harsher attack. and that's because the ron sees their strike as retaliatory strike. where is the allegedly, israel's strike on an embassy complex in syria that belong to iran? so escalation is not out of the question. even if israel's response is um, is light is calculated. now i'm in the war cabinet got together for the 1st time
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after um, october 7th of last year. and right now it seems to be focusing on a response to a ron. this, this shifted focus have consequences on the military operation and gaza. so certainly does the focus is largely on iran and as they weren't gauze it has been put on the back burner, at least in the media here. and it's not what is really they're talking about at the moment. but uh, cnn has reported, that's the ground offensive. in roswell, we're about a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering has been postponed. they were supposed to start evacuating people out of there, at least dropping leaflets to get people to move out of the area before a scheduled ground offensive. but that seems to have been postponed on the other hand, biden and a lot of other international partners don't have the same ability to put pressure on israel because they need to stand with israel in the face of a threats from iran. as dw correspondent i'm in is of interest. well i'm thank you
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so much with all eyes on iran and israel. 8th agencies say it's important not to forget what's going on in gaza. as the work continues from and still looming, the situation is acute and the north were fighting has been going on the longest a bakery there has reopened. now for the 1st time since the war began bringing bread to the hungry after half a year without flour to bake with or fuel to power its ovens supplies from the world food program have brought this bakery back to life. staff are working day and night to provide a lifeline to a population. on the brink of starvation. after a long struggle, 6 months out to the bakery was closed once again, producing bread to prevent from and then the cause of st. the outside. the cues are massive. israel cut off almost all 8 northern casa following
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how mazda is october 7 attacks. the un says the territory has the highest levels of catastrophic hunger in the world. 8 agencies accused israel of not allowing enough food and other humanitarian supplies into gaza. the l jump, the family didn't walk through rubble and destroyed buildings for nothing. they are going home with a bag of desperately needed bread. would feel a sense of relief to be able to feed these children again to end the hunger and be able to move on to the next day and may be called willing to bring more bread to gain. the modest meal is a rare feast for the family of 4. for months they survived on what little they could find, mostly left over flower from
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a deliveries that had spilled on the ground. and mixed with soil and sand. level reg 1st consist of flat bread made with flour. mix with good health sauce. this is what our life is like. the old job does have staved off hunger for now, but no one in kansas city knows how long they'll have to wait for the next pag of bread. and a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. rescuers in indonesia have found the bodies of 20 people killed by lands. lives triggered by torrential rains on the weekend. dozens of rescue workers and volunteers were involved in the search. a fire in copenhagen has torn through the city's old stock exchange. the flames destroyed the 17th century buildings expire. the storage site is the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce and was
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being renovated. the cause of the fire is not yet no. donald trump has arrived at a new york court for the 2nd day of his historic hush money trial. the former us president is accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to the adult film star stormy daniels. the 1st day of proceedings ended with a dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said they couldn't be impartial to georgia now where the parliament is a beating a controversial bill that targets organization's receiving for and funding the bill requires any organization receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an organization for sewing the interest of a foreign power to policing has been the scene of large protests against the law, which critics say is aimed at silencing political opponents. they argue that legislation is similar to laws in russia, and it puts georgia at odds with its impressions of joining the european union of
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the w spoke to some people in the capital to police or to find out how they felt about the law. i've got on this media about if they adopt the law dispute change the relationship between georgia and europe ready? kelly? i mean, what would it be hard for our country to pursue european integration, which is it okay, right there. gotcha, i, so these kind of laws are going to make us closer to russia. russian politicians even welcome to this legislative initiative. we don't want to because we want to cooperate with the west. how to live in new york. it is essential to adult the for an agent. no. why hasn't the government adopted earlier? revenue should be under absolute controls of hormones. yeah. you got it is, is that the opposition says that this is a russian law. i'm everybody resolved. the government claims that this is american law is yours, is that isn't. so who should i trust? what was the what our reporter maria,
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cut down months in tbilisi and she explained what is behind this controversial new wall? yes, so we are crunchy of the parliament where the lawmakers are discussing the bill in the 1st hearing and we understand that it's very likely that the bill will be passed today in the 1st hearing out of 3 hearings in total. so the government claims that you want to improve the transparency of the civil society groups of the n g as an oppositional media. and this is the rhetoric that actually the, the critics here in georgia. they don't buy that rhetoric. they're saying that the government aims at suppressing them and. # it's the government is um, setting the stage for the elections which uh, which are being held in the, in october and the say that these very good election strategies to silence the oppositional voices and to discredit civil society groups. we've seen protests
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yesterday, new protests called for it today. do they oppose the threats to the government plan? yes, indeed. weeks fact the, the big turn out today tonight and police the people are a really, really, uh, angry pro european people who, who actually one key georgia to be to be part of you. but they see that they see the government's actions as as opposing to their you emissions. so definitely today it's going to be quite, quite a difficult time for, for 4 people here. and please see they will have to fight the game for the european future. how codes the passing of this bill impact or just prospects of joining the well, we've seen some criticism that is coming from the watts from the brussel from brussels
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. i'm from washington. i, for instance, i know germany's and tons less, sol solved that ga, did not need this. this, these kind of flows and many western supporters of georgia is used to gratian one, please see that this kind of flow was such as for an agent flow, or for instance, algebra 2 pro hawk on the lower that the government is also has been suggesting these days that kind of, you know, legislation of these kind of legislations, they're not going to to do any positive impacts on george's democracy. and therefore it can also during georgians from there very long waited you a membership. maria georgia's government has based accusations of authoritarianism and pro russian leanings at this point. how free is george and society?
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well, georgia and civil society is very, very diverse and it's moving force. i really feel for it for georgia. you, you integration. but we can see that over the years, and experts have highlighted this, that we observe some fact sliding from democracy because georgia and government has been, you know, kind of trying to balance it out with russia. they see what happens in ukraine and the georgia and officials are trying to, as critics a piece russia, because they say that we had to were here in 2008. and we don't want it to repeat again. so documents see we see some uh you know, um, also it, it didn't, it coast the, these kind of in the lowest, also eco, these kind of foreign policy ship that we're absorbing here in georgia. as the w reporter maria, cut them on, say, thank you so much. because i've done now were flooding has forest evacuation of
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nearly a 115000 people with the president calling of the nation's worst natural disaster. in a decades, the waters of offices emerged, homes and rushes southern regions. the ural rivers travels both countries and water levels are rising rapidly. spring floods are a regular occurrence, but heavy rainfall and melting ice have made them more severe than usual. this is the worst flooding to had kaplacks down in decades. here in the north close to russia, hundreds of houses are submerged, cutting power and leading people homeless residents feel let down and say that helps did not come in time. most of the city could have been saved since i believe t for 76 years. and i've never seen a flood like a basic addition you know far to solve. the walter coming in and they could have really involved at the time, do it that,
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that is to dump my house is mostly under water. we want to save our pets, but we're unable to. we've been waiting for 3 hours, but there aren't enough rescuers or equipment. cosmetic authorities say around a 115000 people have been evacuated. melting snow caused by high temperatures and heavy rainfall have made the flooding severe. the state of emergency has been declared in several regions in neighboring russia. authorities are warning that colossal amounts of water are still to come. rescuers are building up defenses in an effort to minimize the damage. mass evacuations have been ordered. that officials say the flooding could persist for weeks to come. and finally, francis getting ready for the sports highlight of the year and the torch for the
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2024 summer olympics has been let's now at an event in greece, it took place in ancient olympia, the birthplace of the games. the flame will stay light throughout the competition which will be held in france during the proceedings and olympics lane dance was performed. the torch will be carried through several countries on a $100.00 to day journey until it arrives in paris. just in time for the opening ceremony in july and before we go, chris, a lender of the top stories were following for you today. germany's chancellor shaw says, hell talks with chinese president, she at the end of a 3 day trip to china speaking and raising show spoke of the need for pragmatic economic cooperation with the trade tensions between china and the view on the rise . the 2 leaders also discussed the war in ukraine, and utility crews have been struggling to restore power as russia as that stuff. the tax on energy infrastructure across you print results strikes,
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have left some major plan in ruin. the energy administer as told ukrainians even more power outages could be ahead. and that's it for the news from now and next up is eco applicant and looking at some high and low tech ways to make money. well preserving the environment, i'm really thinking so much for your company by the,
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the co africa wanted to see the future of costume production. click 3 of these close with them farmers and kind of in on ending how to work sustainable on virtual field. they practice how to deal with test sustain, to be good for the next on d, w glory,
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days of motor racing. one name stands apart from all the rest solo, from up until 1989. this race tracks near 10. i wasn't for the fastest drivers from all over the world. we're meeting legends from indian motor sports and learning about the legendary solar. in 60 minutes on d w, the do big deal. companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian reprocess. $30000.00 hides a day 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the, the full actually cost awesome comes from inigo cattle farms in the m,
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as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the in one of the best ways to protect and preserve the environment is through local solutions that help communities list sustainably. well, we're checking out some of those ideas on this new edition of eco africa. i am chris olives coming to you from lee goes. nigeria, good to have you with us today about is sold to crease initiatives that start from the ground up can often set an example of influenced people across the board is.


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