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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the the, is it a double the news? my son's name is right and indeed has continued the consideration of a response to iran's unprecedented ms. tyler and trevor attack, as well as well cabinets is to to make sure things are by the options as well. they just pushed both sides for me straight, also on the program. germany's john so that cycles trade tensions with china is leader in beijing, shots as pragmatism and co operation. and media talks with president change in tape and dw meets the ukranian, electricians risking their lives to the task, damage and keep the lights on close to the front lines as russia targets the countries power plants, the
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control guy. welcome to the program. israel's will cabinet is to beat for the time in 3 days as it considers its response to iran's 1st direct attack on the country. as well as military has been showing what it says as possible in the radiant ballistic miss solve it for you from the dead sea. following the strike. besides the wrong launch, 110 ballistic miss austin was round at the weekend. in addition to drones and medium range missiles, the most was shot down around says it strike was invitation for it says was east rivals attack on the, on the radio comes to the building in siri, governments around the world for both sides to show restraint when it runs president abraham, raised the warning that any response by israel would have extensive and painful consequences. let's look at this with may. i just have
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a downfall. who's on the radio? these ready political on the list and lecture the rice when university in israel, and joins us from kind of a welcome to the w. so the world has been quoting on iraq, these route to de escalate, but you tweet and recently, but it runs, attack has given israel a valuable opportunity. what did you mean as well? um, the probably gonna be around since uh, 197 since 1991 has been uh, paying different uh proxy groups to get these rays and such as a mazda is by large items on me. i mean, fact, um, a lot of the reasons why it was the piece was failed because the, i'll be right in the origin support for extremes, groups eh, so every time is running, super monitored by territory. there were, there was more suicide from these, and these were from the last 4 groups. i was one reasons why eventually is
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registered against the peace process. so for many years the, these riley government has been looking to uh, to find the show you, i mean, was in for support of these groups for paying billions of dollars to different groups to tell you, i think it is right. and citizen is why they have to say this is why the yvonne desperate need of the investment itself. but that's another issue. but for these, by the government, it's a, it's a top priority to protected citizens. okay. i know that the wrong in regina have attacked these are directly, this is the opportunity for the state of israel to, to exact the price exact the heavy price from the wrong the machine for not just because of a support. ringback for those just because of its attack, but the birth date says 3 decades long, the project i off the forwarding. anyone who wants to chill a needs, right. so what do you believe the heavy price that the state of israel should exact
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from iran is this? well, these are, these are different, the different conversation. these are the different issues that for example, the tax of gains runs ministry infrastructure according to 4, according to for new sources, edge of green mist. enough time you've been that there was an attack, for example, against the why me and a jerone bass getting more shots somewhere between 100 to 200 jones by destroys these the, such, such as these attacks. but right now, um, but to do what happened? oh, not so sure. a range of options. let's, let's move on because do the, is it your belief that a military response is israel's only option? i think it's very important. look a feeling, you know, i'm from you right. know, originally i would love to see peace between the rounding israel. but the writing and reading is the only wishing that the nice the articles in the world is the only resume that goes for the nation of the state of israel and the killing of its people. there is no option for the film that see here, do you, i mean,
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reading does not believe in diplomacy, doesn't even believe to use as shifted to half their own state. so there is no other option box to, to uh, to send the, you know, to, it's basically realism, it's international relations. going to realism is right. it has to show spring for games to you on energy. otherwise, it would continue supporting groups that wants to these writers. in fact, feel according to wall street journal, in your time, some of them are the 2 parking. they drove a set of massacre work train in the right, and also some of the zillow. you're on the run, your supervisor, speculation that we can get into here. let's try, let's look at what b is riley found in minnesota. israel katz has been doing today. he's launch when he calls a diplomatic offensive, calling for sanctions against iran, and answering 2 parts. if you wouldn't mind, do you think one request will be seated and to what effect students think more sanctions on the country that's already heavily sanctioned?
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we'll have i'm not sure if it will be heated. i don't have enough knowledge on you can do drill listed to be able to tell you. but i can tell you that if the i o d. c, for example, does not go lucian's obvious function. then this will be a huge blow to the running machine because uses the aisle just in spicy because i'm kind of hard to find this tax. and this will be a said back what it would have. and then depending on the, on your politics. and that's something that is the subject of expertise. okay, that's good talking to you. thank you so much for taking us through that. the may i drop it down, fall in telling me. thank you and human rights office is cold on all states with influence to do old in that power to holds what it describes as the basic human rights and humanitarian crisis and gaza. it says, resolving the catastrophic situation of civilians in the territory must remain a priority according to causes. how must run helpful. i'm sorry,
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say almost 34000 people have been killed since the stats of israel is offensive in the category, in response to the october 7th cetera, attacks fast swain severe and they have been reduced to rubble with both and 1700000 people displaced german chancellor over the shelves has wrapped up his 3 day visit to china meeting with its latest as a time when relations between the issue and paging are increasingly strained. china is present, changing ping side economic corporation would help ensure what stable ties autonomy is present time at war and the chancellor against resulting to protectionist economic measures in both countries depend on free trade. last year, jim, he lost a strategy to avoid over dependence on china and global conflicts for also on the agenda. before leaving paging sounds social side, he pressed the chimes latest to help and the war in ukraine. and that he was pushing for a diplomatic solution. is a sudden force bar click. this is
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a terrible rule that is being driven by unabated brutality on the part of rochelle services. the to use the 4 and pulled and pleated gemini as it is to many of you cranes, friends. and we will support you trainers intensively and for as long as it's necessary hold on at the same time that we will advance the diplomatic efforts the ukrainians also working very hard to achieve and conceive from up front. let's get more from our route chief international edison, richard walker. welcome back to richard. did the to lead us find common ground on your crime? well, i think we kind of exaggerate that feel, i mean these, these 2 lead this, the positions of germany and russia academy in time, you're brought to on rushes. invasion of ukraine could hardly be more different. i mean, you have jeremy on the one side of massive support from the ukraine, the 2nd largest provider of weapons to ukraine, providing a large amount of financial help. diplomatic help. rhetorical help. on the other side, you have china, which is providing a lot of diplomatic and rhetorical support to,
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to russia. really supporting is kind of narrative of why this war is even happening, providing an economic lifeline, buying a lot of russian energy and also providing but what a cold jewel use. good. so these kind of goods that are not necessarily weapons but couldn't help contribute to a war effort. and so the starting point a very far apart um on the do use goods, this is one of the things that all i felt so that he wants to talk about. and he said afterwards what it was pretty vague. what he said, he said that i really talked about this at length. we had a lot of discussions. i think we understood each other, but there was nothing to announce on that on this subject. so piece towards what we just heard in the sound. in the sound bite, just that it's a little bit more tangible. so what i felt was hoping to get the chinese to say, or i will come alone to this peace conference is supposed to be held in switzerland this summer. and the chinese did not do that, but the 2 sides have agreed to, to discuss with each other about what that peace conference could look like. the
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positive signals coming from the chinese about this whole like of the as a new depth of diplomatic effort. the question will be on what times would they want to get involved at the chinese, if you look at the statements they'd be making today, been indicating that russia needs to be involved in any of these discussions going on. and the russians have to prove the idea of this conference so far in, in switzerland. so that's going to be something to watch those 2 jumping. now go to vladimir preaching and say, i want you to take part in this peace conference if you did that would be quite a cooper ourselves, if he doesn't and the question will be, will. what does this all come to? still about to trade? always a big topic between china and germany. chancellor schultz has talked about the need for pragmatism. what does that mean in practical terms? especially in light of this potential trade war between the a, you and china. yes. so let's get into what's going on between the union, china. so the european commission has lawrence investigations into whether china is
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unfairly subsidizing a whole set really important big emerging industries, electric vehicles, wind power, and other areas of green technology. and the idea being that china is currently trying to get out of its economic doldrums by putting a massive amount of effort into manufacturing and exporting these kinds of products into european market schools. so otherwise, democracy americans also very agitated about this as a way of getting out of an economic release that they're in. now. it's possible that if the u finds, yep, this is on fed market practice is going on here that they will try to put up terrorist or other kind of trade barriers to these products. so other kind of measures that the, the european union could do. obviously the chinese wants to prevent that. well, i felt as an interesting kind of position here because the german car industry, which is perhaps essential to the german economy, is deeply, deeply,
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deeply invested in china. so he's traveling with the bosses of like the likes of volkswagen, mercedes, or, and bmw, they want to prevented trade was. so the question is, what did these 2 men really talk about that? what does he mean by pragmatic? was he really trying to kind of slightly undo the, the european union's efforts that we'll be watching that in the weeks. all right, thanks a lot for should richard wilka is dw street international as well. take a look at the symbol store is that making use around the world of finding copenhagen is told through the old stock exchange of flames destroyed the 17th century buildings spire historic sciences. the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce was being renovated. the cost of the fi isn't notifiable. rescue is in indonesia and have found the bodies of 20 people killed by land slides triggered by torrential rains that we can dozens of rescue workers and volunteers were involved in the search. donald trump has arrived at the new york court for the 2nd day,
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officially started a hush money trial. informing us presidents accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to the phone. stuff still be daniels the 1st day proceedings ended with the dismissal of dozens of jewelers who said they couldn't be impartial . now russia is intensifying. it's a tax on ukraine's energy infrastructure. since late march missile strikes of less, some of the countries major power plants in ruins and energy managed to home and pollution codes as to craig needs to prepare for more power outages in the coming weeks. electricians and engineers are risking their lives to repass some of the worst destruction dw xian for live shots. and this report from hockey to phone, ukraine's eastern from life, a small village and ukraine's done net screeching the battlefield as only a stone's throw away. this as the workplace of the excess loss and his colleagues, the electricians. i called the front of a power line i hit along the front line. the men have long ago stops being
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distracted by the sound of a tillery strikes during the repair work. yeah, and my family is against this job. they don't like me coming here to him, but we have a very dedicated to work. it's something we have to do if i don't want to put us in the front line village has been the target of many russians have tx most houses and it's primary school and have been destroyed never the less, more than 100 people. the live here for them, the technicians curos at the say their last link to civilization, but without electricity were completely cut off. there's no water has no gas to nothing works. and yet, and that is of system level to throw that away from the metal field. and the city outside, cuz electric field repair work also feels more and more like a frontline job. ever since russia intensified its effects from ukraine's energy and festivals. this substation has recently been fits and constants. airlines make
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any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time. today's warning announcements ask a pause. staff members to take shows immediately at a safe location. we get a quick moment to speak to the engineer in charge of the from life. it's all very, very difficult. and every time we start to repair something doesn't allow this and we come back and so, so we have to start all over again. large power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian to tex the devastation at this thermal electric plant. yeah, 5 kits is in north. 6th, russian crews, new size, destroyed the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down. but you can just look around and you can see the extent of the damage, or we're talking about kilometers of pipelines, killing me as of cables that are destroyed, the community said,
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this is not going to take months. you said, see, this is going to take years to fix it, loading if she wants to blow up before its destruction, the plan supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. the engineer tells us it's lost. would it be almost impossible to compensate? one small hopes the west might be able to provide parts and the equipment for the plants reconstruction with the smoking room, as we're really doing all that is humanly possible. here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially technical support from other countries, we will be very grateful that meeting via russia continues its daily attacks on the power and the people of car cliff and many of the ukrainian cities, almost certainly as many more dark nights edge meet if i'm dora is a senior fellow with the project on prosperity and development and the projects on
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us leadership in developments at the center for strategic and international studies . she joins us from washington. welcome to the w. what do you read into these continued russian attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure. there's even using this as a russian, as rush at targeting ukraine, specifically, or perhaps the western energy supply, or indeed the world's energy supply will generally. so thank you for having me. um, i, i would say, you know, russia is trying to attack, it's not, this is not just a military war for russia. it's an economic or so addresses trying to not only destroy ukraine militarily, but it's a really targeting all critical sectors, including energy and you know, this latest attacked and how to q is now going to be, you know, the, the end of it obviously put tens of primary goal is,
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is he and he's not going to really stop until he gets keys. so um, i would say obviously he's attacking ukraine. but implicitly he's really attacking, you know, the west and the western values. because i've seen it written of us by attaching the ukraine's energy infrastructure. the markets gets boot drives the price of oil and, and other fuels, which of course plays into the russian economic war efforts as yes, of course. um, but this is like a desperate uh, you know, we for, for put into really attack energy as, as one area. but it's not going to be just energy. obviously he wants to destroy the agriculture sector. and that also has room is ramifications abroad
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in developing countries and obviously drives up at price of fertilizer. so yes, he is trying to destroy ukraine, but also, you know, and directly he's fueling trying to fuel more disorder and chaos in other markets. so if we look ahead to post more reconstruction and presume that ukraine wins in whatever form you wrote last day, that you cry now has a chance to break away from 350 years of russian domination. and then it shouldn't rebuild. was it had, what did you mean by that? so um no real rush. uh this is, you know, this is not just a domination from soviet times, but it goes back, i would say to peter as a grade. and so russia has always tried to dominate its neighbors,
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and a has constructed an economy and infrastructure and obviously, institutions that support uh, you know, the russian empire. so our, our message and our policy advice is to reconstruct youth crane to european standards to fit you know, the values that obviously ukraine wants us to be free independent, have a market economy. and so this is a chance for ukraine to really break away from, from that, you know, russian pass and the new generation obviously. yeah. you, ukrainians want this. and you know, since 1991 and yes ukraine had independence and freedom. um, but there's always, there's almost always been this, you know,
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russia trying to dominate and ukraine. so it really is. it is a very big opportunity for the ukrainian people, folks, that's really the front door from the center for strategic and international studies in washington dc. thank you. thank you for having it's not a georgia web problem. insisted by doing a controversial bill that targets organizations that receive funding funding the bill. because any organization was even more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an organization pursuing the interest of a foreign power. debasing has been the thing of protests against this law. which critics say it is aimed at financing political opponents. they argue that legislation is statements and laws in russia and that he puts georgia at odds with some patients of joining the european union. will they w, spoke to some people and to police to find out how they felt about this little i'm calling on is media about if they adopt the law dispute,
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change the relationship between georgia and europe ready? kelly? could it be hard for our country to pursue european integration, which is that okay, we're going there. gotcha. i, so these kind of rules are going to make us closer to russia. russian politicians even welcome to this legislative initiative. we don't want to because we want to cooperate with the west and don't know how to live really. um, it is essential to adult the for an agent to know why hasn't in the government adopted earlier in the revenue should be under absolute controls of to global is the use that is, is that of the opposition says that this is a russian law. variability resolved, the government claims that this is american law is. yeah, this is that is, so who should i trust the data? well, our thoughts and the kinds of mazda is in the george and capital tbilisi. explain what's behind this controversial. so the government claims that you want to improve
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the transparency of the civil society groups of the n g as an oppositional a media. and this is the rhetoric that actually the, the critics here in georgia. they don't buy that rhetoric. they're saying that the government aims at suppressing them and yeah, its um, the government is um, setting the stage for the elections uh which uh, which are being held in in october and the say that these 2 very good elections strategies to silence the oppositional voices. and we expect the, the big turn out today tonight and police, the people are a really, really uh, angry pro european people who, who actually warranty georgia to be, to be part of you. but they see that they see the government's actions as as opposing to their you emissions. so definitely today it's going to be quite,
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quite a difficult time for, for 4 people here in billy. see, they will have to fight the game for their european future rear cut so much. the reco, breaking temperatures, the heating or fi oceans triggering another major carl bleaching. it's assigned to vulnerability and spouse disaster for marine life experts watery that some of the world's greatest one does may not survive australia it's great. barrier reef is in a fight for survival. recent sweltering temperatures have the room to the ocean waters closing mass bleaching of the coral. the only time we've seen bleaching this bed was in 2016. we just met everything died. the healthy reef coral here is usually brown x, but say the bright pink some blues are assigned. the carl is screaming out for help
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. bleached carl isn't necessarily dead, but it is a sign that it stoved in nutrients and fun. rubel always brown ones, if they've turned up the tires and on in this. yeah, that's this, this is an area that was only just starting to recover these a small carl's that a bleaching, you know, who knows who feels of us. it is a phenomenon that is happening around the world here in the philippines. marine conservationists are experimenting with new solutions to regenerate the carl they attached carl skeletons on to a large net, which will act as a base for the different types of carl. they will try to propagate in their cities when they're created has different kinds of
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corners. it has a selection of corners, and it is closely monitored. so it will actually help scientists see which scores are more resilient to climate change. and therefore, they will be able to create the recommendations to propagate those kinds of colorado. it is one of several ways that conservationists around the world of trying to save reeves and drawing off as ocean temperatures continue to rise. this was for the 2024 summer games has been looked at an event a great they suddenly took place. seems ancient olympia, the birthplace of the games assigned will starlight set throughout the competition which will be held in paris, and then pick up the flame dance phoned pots on the festivities. tours will be countered through several countries of $100.00 danger and hit in terms arrives and punish the opening ceremony in just the next on dw
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glory days of motor racing. one name stands apart from all the rest. solo, from up until 1989. this race track near 10. i was just drivers from all over the world. we're meeting legends from indian motor sports, learning about the legendary solar problem. next, on d, w. korea, reading with an iron. just the policy. i'm surveillance
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shape tomorrow, and join us and register now for the dw global media for in 2020, for the visa thing to do the same ones the short on and move on to to come, it was the even though for lifetime, for us when people would floss to a t, she have 3 stacking, you know, $10.00 to $11.00, and then that dispute it would be absolutely back. then that would be when f $1.02 cars would take to the track alone said who made specials. and the goal in a hallway ended racing stove in automotive use. they had brooklyn, the gentleman cut of us and we had to a lot of them.


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