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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from ballot is right indeed has continued to consider a response to iran's unprecedented mist file and try to attack israel's will. confidence is to, to meet shortly, to weigh the options as well. the latest push both sides very straight. close on the program. germany's chance about tacos, trade pensions with china is lita in beijing. off shaw says pragmatism and corporation. i needed following tools to present jason, take thousands of demonstrates as john the straits outside george's parliament protesting against the lower base that he is on democratic and will undermine the
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countries pay for e u membership. the one from going to welcome to the program. israel's war cabinets estimate for the 3rd time in 3 days as it consider the service funds to be around 1st direct attack on the country. israel's ministry has been displaying what it says is part of an iranian ballistic miss style retrieved from the dead sea. following the strike, incense arrived launched $100.00 and time ballistic missiles towards each round the weekend. in addition to drones and medium range, marseilles, most were shut down. israel says it's strike was that it runs shooting. it runs as bits, drank, was inverse bones to what it says was a israel strike on a range and come to that building. it's syria, governments around the world, the calling for both sides to show restraints. man events, present abraham, right. easy warning. the any response by each man would have extensive and painful
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consequences. or may i drop it down 5 is on the radio, is right, the political adult list. electra the rice when university in israel explain why your thoughts iran attack gave his route what he called a valuable opportunity. 1 these are gonna be around since the $197.00 since 1990. 1 has been uh, paying different uh, proxy groups to get these res and such as a mazda is by large items on me. and in fact, um, one of the reasons why there was a piece was failings because the, i'll be around the origin support for extremist groups. and so every time is running, super monitored by territory. there were there was more suicide from using these routes on the last 4 to groups on this of, on the reasons why the entries registered against the peace process. so for many years the, these really government has been looking to uh, to find the show you,
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i mean with jean for the support of these groups for paying billions of dollars to different groups to tell you, i think it is right. and citizens is what i have to say, this is why yvonne's in desperate need of the investment itself. but that's another issue. but for these, by the government, it's a, it's a top priority to protected citizens. ok, i know that the wrong in regina has attack, these are directly, this is the opportunity for the state of israel to, to exact the price to exact the heavy price from the wrong and machine for not just because of its a simple. ringback or not just because of its effect, but the date says 3 decades long, the project i also the forwarding. anyone who wants to chill a means, right? so what do you believe the heavy price that the state of israel should exact from iran is this?
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well, these are, these are different the different conversation. these are the different issues that for example, the attacks against iran submitted 3 for structure according to 4 according to far new sources, edge of green mist. enough time you've been that there was an attack, for example, against the you are me and a jerone bass in kenmore shaw somewhere between 100 to 200 drawings for destroys these the, such, such as these attacks. but right now, um, but the do what happens? oh, not so sure. a range of options. let's, let's move on because do the, is it your belief that a military response is israel's only option? i think it's very important. look a feeling i'm from a rotten originally. i would love to see peace between a random israel. but the one, the readings, the only we're seeing that the nice, the holocaust in the world is the only resume that goes for the nation of the state of israel and the treating of its people. there is no option for the filament. see here, do you, i mean, reading does not believe in diplomacy,
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doesn't even believe to use asked you to have their own state. so there is no other option box to, to uh, to send the, you know, to, it's basically realism, it's international relations sort of realism is right. has to show spring for games to you on energy. otherwise, it would continue. symposium groups that wants to these rising fact fill the according to wall street journal in your time. some of them are the 2 parking, the october set of massacre works really any right. and also some of the zillow you're on the run. you said there's a speculation that we can get into here. let's try, let's look at what b is riley found in minnesota. israel katz has been doing today. he's launch what he calls a diplomatic offensive, calling for sanctions against iran, and answering to pods. if you would mind, do you think one request will be seated and to what effects do you think more sanctions on the country that's already heavily sanctioned? we'll have i'm not sure if it will be heated. i don't have enough knowledge
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on you can do drill listed to be able to tell you. but i can tell you that if the i o g c, for example, does not go lucian's audi sanction. then. ringback this will be a huge blow to the running machine because uses the audio just in spicy because i'm kind of hard to find the stacks, and this will be a said back what it will happen then, depending on me on your politics. and that's something that is the subject of expertise. okay, that's good talking to you. thank you so much for taking us through that to may i drop it down, fall in telling me. thank you. well the you, as human rights office as cold states were influenced through everything by cantu holes was it describes us the increasingly, or basic human rights of humanitarian crisis in gaza. the u. n. agency says, resolving the catastrophic situation of civilians in the territory must remain in priority according to god's as homeless run helpful. forward to almost 34000 people
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have been killed is the stats of israel is defensive. in response to the october 7, 10 attacks, fasts, ways of potentially have been reduced to rubble, a moving 1700000 people displaced. german chancellor off shouts has wrapped up his 3 day visit to china out of time and relations between you and beijing increasingly strained time. his present intrusion thing side economic cooperation would help ensure stable ties. the goal of the german chancellor against resulting to protectionist economic measures thing. both countries depend on free trade last year, jeremy lawrence to strategy to avoid over dependence on china global conflicts, but also on the agenda before leaving beijing was to shield sab, he pressed china's leaders to help in the war. in ukraine. chief political editor, mckayla could follow the chancellor on his china and visit his take on his 2nd visit to beijing, a different task. so it will have thoughts came to present seating thing with one
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big us. but china stopped provide goods to russia that's allow, it's to wage war on you train, you train was looming logs here. what i sold didn't get exactly what he wanted. what he did get is see rica missing to condemning the use of nuclear weapons. the next big test will be with a china tons up to a tons peace conference in switzerland on ukraine. if not, that would fuel fees that china is, is truly interested in resolving that conflict on trades. well, that's so hard to explain that germany's new tying a strategy of d risking would mean more business. he promised precedent c. cooling for me, cooperation of influential countries, particularly on garza, on israel with no direct mention of a ron in the public statements. but another crisis,
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both sides would be interested in stuffing from spreading any further in the region . we've had a couple of some of the stories that making the news that will start in copenhagen, where a fire has torn through the old stock exchange frames destroyed may 17th century buildings spire. they start excites, is the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce, and was being renovated the course of the fight is now to angel down, pause and divide, of course, flash flooding, submerging streets, and leaving some areas without power, gas and water supplies. the united arab emirates national center of meet you your role on to meet your ology as issue to read a lot device at major international airport. also briefly halted operation. donald trump has arrived as a new york uh quote for the 2nd day office. he started cush money trial form of presidents for us president is accused of falsifying business records to cover up
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payments to the i don't film style, stormy daniels. the 1st day of the proceedings ended with the dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said that couldn't be impossible. this magazine, georgia have agreed an early draft of a controversial bill that critic site is aimed at financing political opponents. the proposal requires any organization was even more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an organization pursuing the interest of a foreign power to policing has been the same of large protests against this legislation. critic say it's similar to laws in russia and puts george at odds with its own vision of joining the european union. the w spoke with people in the capital to policing to find out time based out. i'm not on his media, but if they adopt the law dispute change the relationship between georgia and europe ready? kelly? could it be hard for our country to pursue european integration,
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which is then okay, what are you thinking about? uh, i said these kind of laws are going to make us closer to russia. russian politicians even welcome to this legislative initiative. we want to because we want to cooperate with the west side of how to live in new york. it is essential to adult the for an agent. no. why hasn't the government adopted earlier? revenue should be under absolute controls of to almost the exact is, is that the opposition says that this is a russian law. i'm everybody resolved. the government claims that this is american law is yours, is that isn't. so who should i trust me in the reports? i'm the kind of match side is that in to basically following tonight's demonstration and set this up days, i saw this way inside the much range. i do use it for an agent bill just to consider brush a bill that the government side to push them to call them
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a lot. yeah. but has to back down because of the press up on the 3 tier and the capital city, p. c as well. as the pressure from the watson i lied, there's a warrant in georgia that she'll get quite a bill, be adopted that would hinder of the you integration and that's what many puts out to see a been released to be are they fear that demo is adopted? that it will be possible for them to be and you 9 for one day and put the goal inside that you think that's on file and see if they've got some of these are there of any of that the civil society i yeah. and deal with i receiving and they want to add to independently. i do not look at brussels, i'm watching funny that regard. critics say that this going to be a diag damaging step for the uh, the you aspiring they said. so it still remains to be seen,
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but the government will succeed in bringing to so again, and we have what we can see already is that the ability better if the systems with us and the very good the case is to make it worth this. i know they've got the mats in tbilisi ducats down where flooding costs falls. evacuation of maybe 115000 people from that homes with the president calling the nations was natural. disaster for 18 years was of also submerged homes and rushes southern regions near old river struggles. both countries on both levels are rising rapidly. spring floods are of regular occurrence, but heavy rain folder and melting ice has made the most of an unusual. this is the worst flooding to hit cap ex stem in decades are here in the north, close to russia. hundreds of houses are submerged, cutting power and leading people homeless residents feel,
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let down and say that help did not come in time. most of the city could have been saved since i've lived here for 76 years. and i've never seen a flood like a basic addition the meal far to solve a walter coming in, and they could have reinforced the time do it that that is to them. my house is mostly under water. we want to save our pets, but we're unable to. we've been waiting for 3 hours for there aren't enough rescuers or equipment. cadillac authorities say around a 115000 people have been evacuated. melting snow caused by high temperatures and heavy rainfall have made the flooding severe. the state of emergency has been declared in several regions in neighboring russia. authorities are warning that colossal amounts of water are still to come. the rescuers are building up defenses in an effort to minimize the damage. mass evacuations have
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been ordered that officials say the flooding could persist for weeks to come. i said, show up to dates more at the top of the the, the in charlotte. the currently more people than ever on the world wide and such a big saffel, jessica middle castle josh, find out about robina story info. mike runs the it's
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a big day. so.


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