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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news line from funding is right indeed is considered a better response to it runs unprecedented miss file and drone attack. the country small cabinet just used to meet shortly for the 3rd time since saturday nights, aerial assault as well. leaders push both sides full of restraints both on the program. germany's chance of attack on straight tensions with china is lee the invasion. oh, i've shopped, says because of incorporation on needed own tips with presentation take files and demonstrations demonstrates outside george's parliament protesting against the law
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of a science and democratic more undermining the countries bedford e u membership. the i'm so again a welcome to the program. european union stop diplomats as the block is working to expand sanctions targeting iran after last weekend's attack on israel. meanwhile, these roles military has been displayed what it says is part of an a rating and ballistic missile victory from the dead sea. following the strike, it says the route in north $110.00 ballistic miss house towards each round of the weekend. in addition to hundreds of drones and medium range missiles, most was shot down. around says it's attack was in retaliation for what it says was israel strike on a rainy and come to the building. and city governments around the world have been calling for both sides to show restraint. with yvonne's president abraham raising warning,
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but any is right. and your response would have extensive and painful consequences may drop it down far as i'm writing you is writing political. i list a lecture at the rice when university in israel explained why he thought the rhymes attack presented what he called a valuable opportunity. well, um these are gonna be around since the 197 since 1991 has been uh, paying different uh proxy groups to get his rays and such as a mazda is by large items on me. i mean, fact um, a lot of the reasons why there was the piece was failings because the, i'll be around the origin support for extremist groups. and so every time is running super monitored by territory. there were there was more suicide from using these routes on the last 4 to groups on this of, on the reasons why the entries registered against the peace process. so for many
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years the, these riley government has been looking to, uh, to find the show you, i mean, was in for support of these groups for paying billions of dollars to different groups to tell you i'm to get his writing citizens. while i have to say this is why i yvonne desperate anita fray investment itself. but that's another issue. but for these by the government it's a, it's a top priority to protect it. citizens. okay, i know that the wrong in regina has attack, these are directly the, this is the opportunity for the state of israel to, to exact the price to exact the heavy price from the wrong and machine for not just because of its a support for those just because of its effect, but the date said 3 decades long, the project, i also the forwarding. anyone who wants to chill a needs, right. so what do you believe the heavy price that the state of israel should exact from iran, is this? well, these are,
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these are different the different conversation. these are the different issues that for example, the attacks against iran submitted 3 for structure according to 4 according to far new sources, edge of green mist. enough to understand that there was an attack, for example, against the you are me and a jerone bass getting more shots somewhere between 100 to 200 drawings for destroys these the, such, such as these attacks. but right now, um, but to do what happens? oh, not so sure. a range of options. let's, let's move on because do the, is it your belief that a military response is israel's only option? i think it's very important. look a feeling, you know, i'm from a rotten originally. i would love to see peace between a random israel, but the rodney readings, the only we're seeing that the nice the holocaust in the world is the only resume that goes for the nation of the state of israel and the treating of its people. there is no option for the trauma. see here, do you, i mean,
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reading does not believe in diplomacy. it doesn't even believe to use as shifted to have their own state. so there is no other option box to uh, to uh, to send the, you know, to the space that the realism, its international relations sort of realism is right. has to show spring creek gains to you on energy. otherwise, it will continue supporting groups that wants to these raising fact fill the according to wall street journal. in your time, some of them are the 2 parked in the october set of massacre work, train any right, and also some of the zillow. you're on the run. you said the speculation that we can get into here. let's try, let's look at what b is. riley found in minnesota. israel cast has been doing today. he's launch what he calls the diplomatic offensive, calling for sanctions against iran, and answering 2 parts. if you would mind, do think one request will be seated and to what effects do you think more sanctions on the country that's already heavily sanctioned?
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we'll have i'm not sure if it will be heated. i don't have enough knowledge on your end to feel listed to be able to tell you. but i can tell you that if the i o g c, for example, does not go lucian's obvious sanction. then this would be a huge blow to the right english team because uses the aisle just in spicy because i'm kind of hard to find this tax. and this would be a said back what it would have. and then depending on the, on your politics. and that's something that's based on the subject of expertise. okay, that's good. talking to thank you so much for taking us through that. i may, i drop it down, fall in telling me thank you. and so human rights office has called on all states. we've influence to do everything they can to hold, whether it describes us the increasingly heavy for human rights and humanitarian crisis in gaza. you and agencies as resolves in the catastrophic situation of civilians and the territory must remain in priority. according to gauze is how much real unhelpful thoughts,
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the almost 34000 people have been killed since the stock of israel is offensive in response to the october 7th era attacks. vast ways of the territory have been reduced to rubble and more than a 1700000 people displaced. and you have a chance of old off shelves as wrapped up piece 3 day visit to china at a time when the relations between the e. u. in patient are increasingly strained. china is present, changing things i economic cooperation would help issue a stable ties. the will and the gentleman, chancellor games resulting to protectionist economic measures, saying both countries depend on free trade. last year, jim the launch the strategy to avoid over dependence on china global conflicts, but also from the agenda. before leaving beijing, mister schultz said he pressed, trying this latest to help and the war in ukraine. i chief political editor at mckayla, clifton father, the chancellor on east china trip, and here's how to take his 2nd visit to beijing,
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a different task. so it will have thoughts came it to present seating thing with one big task. but china stopped provide goods to russia that's allow it to wage war on you train, you train was looming law and see what i sold didn't get exactly what he wanted. what he did get is see rica missing to condemning the use of nuclear weapons. the next big test will be with a china tons up to a tons peace conference in switzerland on ukraine. if not, that would fuel fees that china is truly interested in resolving box conflict on trades. well, that's so hard to explain that germany's new china's strategy of the risking would mean more business. he promised precedent c. cooling for me, cooperation of influential countries, particularly on garza, on israel with no direct mention of
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a ron in the public statements. but another crisis, both sides would be interested in stuffing from spreading any further in the region . so kind of the customer will take a look at some of the stories making news around the world. and we'll stop in indonesia where a rescue as a found, the bodies of 20 people killed by loudon slides triggered bites, vengeful brains at the weekend. dozens of rescue buckets of volunteers and volunteers were involved in the search. to turn shall down pours into bye, have caused flash flooding, submerging streets, and leaving some areas without power, gas and water supplies. united arab emirates, the national center of meet you all g as issued a regular device, major international apple also briefly hopefully operations tired and trust me. okay. and piece of voting in favor of a new bill that would say young people, bonds from smoking. the tobacco undivided spill ends to prevent anyone currently aged 15 old, younger from ever buying
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a packet of cigarettes. those items to making facing less appealing to young people, available now passed to the next stage in parliament. donald trump has arrived as in new york called for the 2nd day officially started crushed many trial. the former us president is accused of falsified business, reckless to cover up payments to the adult film stuff stormy duncan's the 1st day proceedings ended with the dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said they couldn't be impartial to georgia web domain because of agreed an early draft of a controversial bill. that critic site is aimed at, simon sing political opponents. the proposal requires any organization receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an organization pursuing the interests of a foreign power. tbilisi has been the scene of lodge protest against the legislation. critics 8 similar to laws in russia and puts georgia at odds with its i'm patient of joining the european union,
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or dw report and re account of mazda is following tonight's demonstrations into blue state and sent this update. so definitely inside the much range i do the for an agent bill, this the consumer brush, a bill that the government side to push them to call them a lot. yeah. but has to back down because of the pressure on the 3 tier and the capital city, police see as well as the pressure from the watson. i lied, there's a warrant in georgia that sugar quite a bill be adopted. that put hands are of the you integration and that's what many puts out to see a been released to be are they fear that if demo is adopted, that it will be possible for them to be and you're not bird? one day, i put the goal inside that you days, that's on file and see it days that i've seen all their avenue that the civil society and uh,
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and deal with the saving. and they want to add independently. i add not look at brussels and washington in that regard. a clinic say that this going to be a diag damaging step for the uh, the you aspiring they said, uh so it still remains to be seen. but the government will succeed in uh, bringing this oh again and um we have what we can see already is that the ability to verify assistance with that. and the very good the case is to make it more this time it was really kind of met in tbilisi. so a fine has cause extensive damage to one of copenhagen post iconic buildings. the 17th century old stock exchange called fires, it was undergoing renovation, priceless. the danish paintings well inside prompting people to rush into the binding building to save them. well, foxes are investigating the course of the blaze fee and nothing to clear. the
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billboard on copenhagen's old stock exchange, but a mid renovations tragedy struck spending hundreds of years of straight up in flames. 5 crews rushed to save the building and the irreplaceable uh, collection inside stock exchanges and fire. uh, it was built by kristen. the full phone of years ago, and it was to send up a trade in, in northern europe for, for one of us. and that was the house, but the phone a people working in there working for things, enterprises and companies and, and now homeless is actually on file can use is watched in shock as the flames fried, rushing to pull treasures to st. louis
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. this is not for them. this is national treasure so, so people from the streets are running into the building, carrying out pain. it's a 400 year old building that is survived all the other fires to burn down copenhagen to the ground for the day. so it's, it's addressed to los the buildings, land might expire, made of for intertwined. dragon's tails was made to protect us. but it was followed by the blaze. the flag crews salvaged what they could around half the building was destroyed, with hopes it can be recovered in time. it's absolutely horrible. it's part of the story about c. c. we can't just leave it in
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a sea of flame. and that's why we'll do everything we can to rebuild this. know when was injured in the fire, which has built a deepest aging blog today, much historical collections. that's up on the w a globalization show global us. i'll be back with more world news at the top of the the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. as would it be nosy bay like good everyone to kings, check out the award winning called call. don't hold back
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