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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, you're watching data we can use live from building is riley, lead is considered their response to you, ron's unprecedented mist style and drawing the attack. meantime, israel is allies prepared, new sanctions targeting tehran as well. lead is pushing both sides for restraints. also on the program dw made, so the ukrainian electricians risking their lives to repair damage and keep the lights on as russia targets the countries towels like the
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i'm jared raid, welcome to the program. the use top diplomat says the block is working to expand sanctions against the ron off to it's a tac last weekend on israel. a to dice summit. all the latest begins today in brussels. the escalation in the middle east will be a major focus. the sizing israel is a military display is what it says is positive and rainy and, and ballistic missile retrieved from the dates. the following, the strike. it's a, is a ron last $110.00 ballistic missiles towards each round at the weekend. in addition to hundreds of drawings and medium range missiles most were shot down. is iran say is it's a tank was in retaliation for what it says was israel strike on an a rainy and can see in the building in syria as well as these round can suit as each response to the attack and continues to find its war against the mos in gone,
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so there are fees either way, these regional tensions could hit. it's a complex part of the world with many rivals by political and religious vying for influence is rouse, neva, jordan and regional heavy white, saudi arabia, both of paid to help defend israel from a ron's me solves to the surprise of many. both countries are involved in a complicated balancing act and making it difficult to predict the future actions. when the drones and missiles from a run came flying towards israel, many of them paused to jordan. this space, not only did the arab kingdom help shoot them down, it also opened its s space to his riley and us planes seeking to intercept the amount insist that was strictly to protect his own citizens. but jordan's king abdullah has to balance competing interests. jordan is pro weston and likes to keep in step with his allies, especially the united states, plus jordan. she has
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a loan boda with israel and once peaceful relations. a mine often works behind the scenes with these really authorities. but israel is war and gaza has outraged many jordanians. one 5th of the population is of palestinian descent, including king of dundas wife. the government has vociferously condemned to the rule, but the kingdoms perceive defense of israel in the face of been rainy and miss silas has an good many jordan's powerful neighbors, saudi arabia also faces a difficult balancing act. the sunni kingdom views she, i'd run as its biggest regional rival, but last year it re established relations with to run both the saudis and the united arab emirates. it's a thought to improve ties with iran and israel. my gosh,
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prior to isabel's intervention and goes it saudi crown. prince mohammed been so mind looks boys to sign a deal with the us, where the kingdom might have recognized israel in return for security guarantees from washington. but off to 6 months of war and gaza on tens of thousands of palestinians dead dots of the table. for now, still are the officials say both the saudis, on the amorous shed intelligence with the americans warning that iran was planning an attack on israel. that probably allowed for a most successful defensive response by israel on this ice. the challenge for our leaders is to keep the us on side well, not endangering the delicate relationship with iran or being seen by their own people, supporting israel at the expense of public stadiums in gaza. we want to talk more about the role of arab nations in this conflict, tweet, henzy cope,
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shinla. he's a full but diplomatic. currently senior director of the count extremism project, which is a global policy think tank. welcome back to the w. so we just saw in our report how countries like jordan saudi arabia and d u a helped is route to fend off. he runs attacked on the weekend. how unexpected was this a thank you so much for having me. you know, this is really a moment where israel can build a very strong correlation against the wrong. in the last couple of years, what we have seen is really around expanding. it's influenced by a proxies throughout the region. it's by, it's much bigger than it used to be the quotes. these are definitely paid fine more active than they used to be. iraq is essentially having a problem with domination from tear on syria in the us up regime in the hands really at the behest of jet on because together with the russians, they help to save the country and it has of course i found
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a new found. so regional power of russia as the top. so yvonne has really been able to position itself in the region, pushing back against the rest and industry, the support. so it is now a chance because it expanded it raining in friends is not in the interest of either one of the other arab states. neither u a. e, no saudi arabia or egypt or jordan would like to see a middle east dominated by iraq. so this is really a chance that jordan really defended itself and israel, it wasn't all that much of a surprise because jordan has the longest, the 2nd longest peace treaty after egypt with israel. their real surprise was saudi arabia to a certain extent, fox discreetly over the last couple of months. the men ever that with these tried to shoot a rockets. and besides not only add to commercially shipping, but many tried to shoot those into israel. sorry, baby has been very helpful,
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not only in providing great options, but also shooting down some of those. right. and, and you're saying israel is using the opportunity in your, the beginning of your answer to, to build a strong coalition of density. ron, some people are calling this a new arab israel axis. would you agree with this description by some observe this? i mean, we're not twice. yeah. that so there is a correlation to defend against or anything besides already in place. but what i'm saying is this is a child support as well and took the fed coordination. but i will, of course, also depend to a certain extent on what these really reaction is going to be. i don't think from an x ray perspective, there is any other choice to respond back to you. i've seen the numerous war cabinet meetings over hours and hours liberating. what are the options, what can be done? what would be an appropriate response? back to a certain extent, we establish that they turns out that the rob is not going to attack israel now
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continuously in the next couple of months. but also it doesn't exacerbate the situation to the extent, but the sliding into a reasonable. and as you say, everyone is waiting to see how israel exactly does respond. do you think these are of nations would help israel again if it were to strike back against iran and provoke another account? it's a counter attack by tyran. i mean, helping israel in an offensive operation. i think this is a lot to ask. even the us government seems to have made clear that they are not going to be supportive often is right here. the strike on here on it's out that 1000 and extend to is really as strikes on these one are, which is also a clear to go that to israel or maybe in motion because you know, more than 80000 x rays have not been living in the north of israel since october and the arsenal of his paula is very vast. the trying to warn his re lease
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many is bought out by us. missile is much shorter than it was from you wrong. and is what i x at the behest of the on. so this is one of the options and with this option i don't think any of the arb states would have an issue. i'm looking at what happened in 2006 where israel attacked his plot or in a situation where just bought, i have taken hostages and killed them and diminished really it's infrastructure in liberty on the wrong direction was simply passwords and then they rebuild his pull afterwards, but then i would assume that if there is one on infrastructure, especially it's missile arsenal is significantly degraded by his rel. neither the up stage would have a problem with a no, but rate iran necessarily to react to this. and of course, if there is another, as dr hall's give on, on as well, i would assume that the likelihood is very, very high, that out of states are going to, again,
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come to the aid of as well. i just wanted to ask and finally, what do you think these old means for the future of israel is war against how mos in gaza, which we are now at a very complex situation. really. it's the different issue is that is where it has to sort out at the same time, of course, right? rarely that is still the issue that how much is in gaza. and as soon as these really troops had withdrawn from con, numerous, how must operate tips where they immediately afterwards trying to, you know, put their version of low in order again in place. so how much is not defeated in gaza at this point? this needs to be done. i must be, can not be allowed after a full problem live there. i talked to survive as a general concern in because i'm not in the is induced or israel, but not in the interest of everyone else. i just remind everyone we did the rest. i'm up stairs at the end of the year here in germany and in the netherlands that tried to attract germany and europe. in fact, i'm 2nd problem,
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of course is the ongoing shooting war with this is paula. actually on the best of your, on partially on its own b s. and this is a real takes 2 or 2 as well on the databases and that, that is just for teaching for that that the wrong pauses. so not only the fact of any rang and aerial attack, again at these proportions that they have seen down the line at the next opportunity get they get. but also, they're, you know, mean they're looming a new care program that was hands yak, option low with the account to extremism project. thank you very much for your insights and your time. we really appreciate it. thank you so much. and now the news, russia is intensifying, it's a tax on ukraine's energy infrastructure. it seems like much missile strikes have left some of the countries major power plants in ruins and the energy minister has us ukrainians to prepare for more power outages in the coming weeks. electricians and engineers are risking their lives to repair some of the worst destruction dw is
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john phillips shouts, send us this report from hockey, a small village and ukraine's done that screeching the battlefield as only a stone's throw away. this is the workplace of the axis left and his colleagues, the electricians. i called the front of a power line i hit along the front line. the men have long ago stopped being distracted by the sound of a tillery strikes during the repair work, and my family is against this job, but they don't like me coming here to him, but we are very dedicated to work. it's something we have to do, but i don't want to put us in the front line village has been the target of many russians have tx most houses and it's primary school have been destroyed, never the less, more than 100 people. the live here for them, the technicians heroes at the state 0 last link to civilization, but without electricity were completely cut off. there's no water has no gas to
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nothing works in the upcoming results as to the voltage. so that way from the federal field and the city outside, cuz electrically retail, we're also feels more and more like a frontline job ever since the restaurant intensified. it's effects from ukraine's energy and transfer. this substation has recently been fits and constants. airlines make any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time today, warning announcements, ask all staff members to take shows immediately at a safe location. we gets a quick moments to speak to the engineer in charge of the from life. it's all very, very difficult. and every time we start to repair something doesn't allow this and we come back and so, so we have to start all over again. large power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian to tex the devastation at this thermal electric plant. yeah,
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5 kits is enormous. 6 russian crews, new size, destroyed the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down. but you can just look around and you can see the extent of the damage, or we're talking about kilometers of pipelines, kilometers of cables that are destroyed like a menu, say, this is not going to take months. you can see. this is going to take years to fix it, loading of silver to blow up before its destruction. the plants supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. the engineer tells us its last will be almost impossible to compensate. one small hopes the west might be able to provide parts and the equipment for the plants reconstruction with the smoking room is we're really doing all that is humanly possible. here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially technical support from other countries, we will be very grateful. a meeting via the rest that continues its daily effects
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on the power groups and the people i've talked to if and many of the ukrainian cities almost certainly have many more dark nights. a heads up to a news update is more on d, w dot com. thanks for watching the you'll see about the video that goes in the media may google, google. i've got that done by get. i will stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you be able to order that up? jo made any a dog comment key more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a did you have you ever used them in, at the accounting method, do it only like godaddy? how do you guys find out about all the story in for my clients, the.


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