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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 4:02am-4:30am CEST

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and as both sides as the show restraint will consider the nature and scale of israel's potential options. and we're over here for referring to a full mcconnell in the countries intelligence community. why she thinks israel has every right to decide its own path. regardless of those calls for moderation, i'm feel go in by then, and this is the day. the run stands behind the most behind has belong to others. we are determined to win and defend ourselves and all our readers when it comes to defending our homeland iran. we are willing to go through anything we have offensive capabilities. we will know what to do and when to do, how much an onset, if the is a new machine, makes a mistake. this time, the around response will not be minimal,
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would immediately and severe. we are looking to make sure that it runs of them through the readings and make sure that they complete successful in their diabolical intentions. also, coming out of a plan to banned smoking for britain's young people on future generations passes its 1st title empowerment. it will not affect current smokers, right? so in talk to minutes in any way this bill is looking to the future to give the next generation the freedom to live longer. sophia, more productive law. welcome to the day and governments around the world. according for restraints, as israel, why is its response to last weekends attacks by iraq? european union for administer as a holding, hastily schedule, talks to discuss the volatile situation in the middle east. is ralph allies are trying to strike a balance between standing in solidarity,
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but of israel and curbing further fighting in the region. the air defense has destroyed these and reigning drones over israel last weekend. no western powers are watching closely as tel aviv moles. h next move to iran, says the attacks were self defense after a suspected is really strike on its embassy and damascus. but the country's ranging from time jo to the united states, germany have condemned the wrong that had honors of the dream. iranian redeem launched an unprecedented attack against history of this weekend and has left the region to the edge of the abyss on your johnstone's isolated, you know, on is, is, and yet israel is asking its allies to target to wrong with more sanctions. adding to those the us has long had in place. i think your opinions, ross of travel bonds and embargoes over allegations of rights abuses in iran, nuclear proliferation terrorist activities arming russia and aging out of backing
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the syrian government. some experts say to those will affect the already sanction smell against around uh, including on drones for example, the building of drones. well, that's from the, as in stopped iranians to, you know, produce hundreds of them. i cannot sufficiently stress how, how um we found them nice age of big jo, strategic changes. many, no fear is really retaliation could spark on even wider regional conflict. prompting western leaders to off tel aviv to exercise restraint. us as warrant 8 won't take part in the military culture offensive on the you is calling for com v one to continue our work to the escalate. this is something because we said very clearly, not only on the estimate of what happened last week, but or the before the regional escalation, real benefits, no one. and this is one of the main objectives of our efforts to,
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to make sure that there is no further escalation. because this is bringing us to the brink of a new on forcing situation in the middle east, unforeseen and unpredictable, with gauze of still under phone bars ment, hostages still caught in the crossfire of the humanitarian situation. still dire. i really, i as in certain these right of the intelligence community and retired from active duty in 2004 the rank of kind of just not managing director of the international institute for content terrorism. welcome to a dw kendall isaac. um, what do you think is right next move should be israel has to respond in some way. when i say respond, this is about the initiative. these riley public. i don't, in that sense, it's all about us and what we want, it's about what the perceptions are in the greater middle east. you are on the track just directly. we need to do some kind of not retaliation,
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but response initiated. so the wrong does not define the rules of the game. right? so, is this, is this, do we think then likely to be another of the sort of graduated attacks. everyone is saying that when iran attacked israel daisy so much notice and sense over the slow drones of israel, a would be ready to blow them down. so that's all it was served on both sides. iran was saying to respond and israel was saying to do something about it. no one person got got to got injured, but no major damage was done. is that the sort of thing that you're expecting from israel? so it's kind of interesting that everybody takes for granted that the is really interesting. defense systems would stop the 99 percent that it did. i have to tell you was in his riley, i did not know that they would stop 99 percent. and i don't accept the premise that
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the wrong did this because they thought that they weren't going to injure anybody. they fired in over 300 projectiles. and in that sense, this is about making a statement. i don't understand why everybody thinks that the wrong didn't think that they would do damage. they sent in heavy duty crews, marseilles suicide, drones. and i remind us all they supply all of the weapon rich is fired. daily into israel, from she's by law, from the whole team that doesn't come from nowhere. right. so i don't think that these rapid response is about just showing face. it's about a real attract the wrong to, and it's about to terrance within the middle east. so do you that for expect to israel responds to be escalate to me i think that is real needs to be on the initiative. i think that iran should not define the rules of how you act, not against israel and not in the world. we're talking about
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a regime that is acknowledged as an enemy of, for a tarion regime. the exports not just terrorism ideology, ideas the call not just for the destruction of israel. they want to do much beyond that. and so it's not about the retaliation for say, it's about iran, not defining the rules, not for israel, not for the rest of the world. around says that the sat saturday night attack on each route, a waste is in keeping with its rights to self defense after israel sadly bombing. i'll be around the consulate in syria. can you see why they would say that? i think that the wrong is exceedingly good. a trying to frame the information warfare where they are a legitimate member of the international community. and i'll asked all of the viewers right now, is a country that calls openly common to you can show him also the supreme leader calls ultimately for the destruction of the state of israel. he didn't do that
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after the april 1st through attack. he does that every single week in his weekly sermon, a country that exports capabilities, ideas, ideology, weapons, all the different things that we're seeing in the middle east. this is not just something of self defense. you rhonda has been attacking israel and participating in the war against israel for years. not since april, 1st with the alleged israeli attack against their um, in rainy and revolutionary guard. the fighters who are inside syria. do you think uh benjamin netanyahu has lost control of this? will you when you consider the original, how may i strike the blind sided israel circles mister security in 6 months, one of the greatest matter? she positively still hasn't achieved its gold of destroying commerce and rescuing the hostages. and now iran is up enough to attack israel directly rather than through its process is missed and that's on yahoo and the right not to be this will
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. so you asked about minutes on your own. i'm asking you again about the promise in that sense of what you said. i'm here inside israel right now, and that's turning the risk attack the how much did against a israel being about prime minister and a time. you know, i'm out of supporters from industry to tell y'all when he knows that. and yes, he has sold himself is mister security for the colossal failure on october 7th is not only the term y'alls. and i wouldn't even go so far to say that the policy of any alternative government, when it comes to security, will not be very different from prime minister. and it's on, you know, he has additional people was in the government. everybody likes to quote the extreme elements, but those are politicians making statements. they're not necessarily the ones who make the decisions in the security cabinet that for risk attack on october 7th is not just about these really failure. it's about the ideology of homos. it's because
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we eroni are sleep thoughts, that's how mosque was on a different route. we me, i made that mistake, not just prime minister and it's um, you know, as an expert i say that and because of that, i do think that we are trying as hard as we can to attack from us. and we're not destroying it in that sense. because we're both trying to acknowledge and understand the loss of life that is happening within the gaza strip. because of the way that's from us built themselves. so there is no easy resolution. it wasn't about solving it. taking $250.00 hostages is what a tear army does. there is no easy way out of it. how most of you, the hostages, as collateral damage as bargaining chips, they don't see them as human at all. i've been doing this uh, mary eisen from the international institute for counter terrace. thank you. the russia is intensifying. it's
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a tax on energy infrastructure across the ukraine. since late march misaligned strikes of less, some of the countries major power plants and ruins the energy administer him and how they shank co is asking all these trains to prepare for more power cuts and the coming weeks. electricians and engineers are risking their lives to repass some of the worst technical destruction and dw is young. and they've shot said this report from the eastern, from light city of hockey, a small village and ukraine's done net screeching the battlefield as only a stone's throw away. this is the workplace of the axis left and his colleagues, the electricians that college when of, of how a line a hit along the front line. the men have long ago stopped being distracted by the sound of the tillery strikes during the repair work. yeah, and my family is against this job, but they don't like me coming here to him, but we are very dedicated to a work. it's something we have to do,
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but i don't want to do, but i didn't to the front line village has been the target of many russians have tx, most houses and its primary school has been destroyed. never the less, more than $100.00 people. the live here for them, the technicians i heroes at the state 0 last link to civilization without electricity were completely cut off. there's no water has no gas to nothing works and yet committed to assist with the voltage so that away from the battlefield and the city outside. cuz electrically retail were also feels more and more like a frontline job. ever since the restaurant intensified its effects from ukraine's energy and facebook, the substation has recently been fits and constants airlines to make any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time today, warning announcements, ask a pause. staff members to take shows immediately at a safe location. we get to
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a quick moments to speak to the engineer in charge of life and life. it's all very, very difficult. and every time we start to repair something, there's an alarm this and we come back. and so, so we have to start all over again. large power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian to tex the devastation at this thermal electric plant. yeah, 5 cuz it's been north. 6th russian cruise, new size, destroyed the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down. but you can just look around and you can see the extent of the damage, or we're talking about kilometers of pipelines, kilometers of cables that are destroyed like a menu, say, this is not going to take months. you can see. this is going to take years to fix it, loading of silver to low blood, before its destruction. the plants supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. the engineer tells us it's lost, will be almost impossible to compensate. one small hope the west might be able to
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provide parts and equipment for the plants, reconstruction with the smoking boomers, we're really doing all that is humanly possible. here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially technical support from other countries, we will be very grateful that meeting via the rest are continuous its daily attacks on the pallet and the people of tar kiff and many other ukrainian cities. almost certainly as many more dark nights that were made about dora is a senior fellow with the center for strategic and international studies in washington. i asked her about some things she wrote last year, but new craig now has a chance to break away from 350 years of russian domination and shouldn't just rebuild what was that? so no real rush. so this is, you know, this is not just the domination from soviet times, but it goes back,
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i would say to peter is a grade. and so russia has always tried to dominate its neighbors and has constructed an economy and infrastructure and obviously, institutions that support uh, you know, the russian empire. so our, our message and our policy advice is to reconstruct you, crane to european standards to fit you know, the value is that obviously ukraine wants us to be free independent, have a market economy. and so this is a chance for ukraine to really break away from, from that, you know, russian pass and the new generation obviously. yeah. you, ukrainians want this. and you know,
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since 1991 and yes ukraine had independence and freedom. um, but there's always this whole, always been this, you know, russia trying to dominate and ukraine. so it really is. it is a very big opportunity for the ukrainian people from still of us ask my children called us because he's so heart disease, stroke dementia, you know, the age many, kansas, the range of different diseases, the smoke room finding something has never been a solution to anything facing and started such a part of the young person's coach. some people go to that same and i think everybody's faith nowadays. so things bad and we're better off without it. let's go from macro responding to charlotte chelton pill in london. welcome shop. let's start with critics of, of this proposed about what would that arguments well
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the critics, is it 10000 that they say, why are in the minority they, why i'm, i'm the most citrus ahead of this place today and they killed some of them too big names in the fund that is the for the next station. not looking at the truck. oh no, i'm only working on those on the serious side. they say that sounds like a personal they have some precedent to bring about the band going for one. and he said he wants the so if you want to have a freedom of the choice to make the wrong decision,
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decisions and city is on one of the idea of logical addition to elements incidents in this one and the member of parliament today that that might be finding a smoking you'd be making, you'll say estimates which results create to the last month. an outline a start of the outline, 1st place like the government's case, which of course one of the day i, this is evil. the government says many in favor of this legislation was the very uh, health motive behind it. as they went to the fact that smoking a big tens of thousands, every year,
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one member of the celebration is this next stage. so the money interestingly, those in favor of business today, terry and boy to think nursing in the deep trouble freedoms. freedom. it's cheap. no worries. she wants to say there's no need to see if she wants it. so if this goes ahead and i understand that i still have to go after the next stage, i'm walking through what, what, how this would actually work in the the day today. as your boss should come in,
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the one that will make you pay $1.00 of the strictest when it comes to smoking the policy in say that this is the 2nd, the spacing out out one once in space, it's currently sold. but. 2 the deal age is 18. what we'll do before on january 1st 2009. 2 this is not states and legal age to touch the on hills and that is generation. so that makes sense to you. they want to make it uh people. and
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so that sounds ways to know range of flavors. they have you pay, i know the 1st country to try and band smoking a new zealand did and then change that's mind that's of the last election. could the same hot in britain or like terry sills some way in the legislative process. this like it is more he's been looking for the is expected to be in the election year and maybe a meeting in the close is supporting this legislation by today in the, on the way. well, so that they go to this when charlotte
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and i'm worried about that. some of those no votes that came from within the government, conservative policy. what does that tell us about the prime minister issue? so next leadership one thing that helps as well, that means is that one wants to voice express. there are many, you've been very strongly held. have been a huge for some of the fun ministers. i wouldn't have been a good fit for him. as i say more and that she wants to have them. but at this point the kids should see uh no new selection is charlotte date of new charlotte chelsea and have
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a lot as well here in germany. meanwhile, uh where categories was legalized. uh, this binds you can now smoke weed in public, but anyone hoping for lights up the she is october fast is in for a bit of a down there. it's okay to get drunk. was the biggest beer festival, but the various conservative government says it's not okay to get high value, will be binding smoking cannabis and it's be a governance parks on the public festivals. they'll far as the site. they won't be checking visitors to october. second, test to see if they carry any cash. finally, the towards for the $224.00 summit games. some olympic games has been made at undergrads increase. it took place of costs and patient olympia, the best place of the games flight and will stand light throughout the competition
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which will be held in front during the savings ceiling. pick flying, dance was performed, a torch will be counted through several countries. and 100 day johnny intended to arrived in paris to the opening ceremony in july, the. and that is the dates you can follow out to him on social media at dw news lately, step headlines always available on d, w dot com on the d. w. thanks for watching and have a good the
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