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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the the business data we knew is long from berlin, the us and the new plan, new sanctions on iran, israel ernest, its allies, to step up international pressure on tear on in response to last weekends attack. western nations are hoping to this weight is ro, from any response, and could spark of even wider conflict. also coming russian missile scale at least 13 people in the u. freeney and city of turn me here. the attack close to the russian border leaves thousands more injured. and the 100 de countdown to the olympics in paris is on, but many residents of the french capital are asking if the city is even ready to
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host this huge event. the article for at least welcome to the program. german foreign minister on elena bab bulk has wrapped up a visit to israel and the diffusing tensions with a wrong babel comment with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the consequences of the unprecedented aerial attack. launched by a ron over the weekend earlier the day she met with is really president isaac herr talk in jerusalem. like many of israel's allies, the german foreign minister has been urging the escalation in the conflict and the press conference ads. televi spend glory on airports bear bulk of warranty. iran attack on israel shows. tier on is not afraid of escalating the original conflict to do this, because here i am rare to racing here today. my toe to condemnation of this
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dangerous act and have told my is ready be partners very clearly. israel has a complete solidarity. iran will face consequences by to the conduct vents and live in we in the you are placing sanctions against iran and will continue to work on these fights here on at the same time, it is critical that this highly flammable situation does not turn into a regional wildfire. iran and it's proxies like has belong to the who these ms not poor anymore. oil into the fire you are correspond, entire kramer was at the german foreign ministers press conference and has more details on bad books. talks with israel's leaders to mean basically she's been telling this really set how concerned many, many countries, all among them in germany, they also have the u. k. 4 administered cameron here at the same time and she was
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telling them, so it's uh, it should basically consider to calibrate it's response should be smart about it as she put it in also saying that it shouldn't given either. so there's an acknowledgement here, i think from determine a minute for administer saying, you know, everybody knows host dangerous the situation if this region is to bring over on the brink of, of why the escalation. but she didn't go really much into detail how such a calibrated response, which basically looked like and she also said, you know, they are now on their way to the g 7 meeting now, leaving from is resurrected to bed where they will be discussing the situation here but it's very clear the concern of what can happen and all those different scenarios that are being discussed because it's read has set a, this retaliatory response from iran from it. so to is really,
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so it would also burns a direct response from this rather than of course everybody's, you know, waiting, but that means it's a decision to a, for a response, but not about the timing and the scale of it as to what extent can jeremy play a role in efforts to de escalate the conflict between israel and iran at this point to well, i mean they're showing, they're concerned they're trying to talk obviously here to old account deposit. we also heard of the foreign minister saying that she had talked before the reply to tech and start today by iran and israel, a to her a ring and con to pop it also afterwards. and she said that basically iran what test the waters they would uh see if they could be an escalation. and she also said that that you at the g 7 meeting, they would be talking about a potential for the sanctions that could place on iran. but, you know, there's
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a lot of talk about, you know, trying to get to as well and not to respond or in a, in a different way to respond. but it's not quite clear how this would be done without pushing this region induct with not just concern, of course, is why it would concern the whole region into of why the explanation. that was our correspond antonio kramer, always great to get your perspective of things. thank you so much. well, as israel considers its response to runs attack and continues to find its war against the mos in gaza, there are fears over where these regional tensions could head the complex part of the world with many rivals vying for influence. israel's neighbor, jordan, and regional heavy weight sonya ravia both appeared to help defend israel from or on smith's house. to the surprise of many that was both countries are involved in a complicated balancing act, making it difficult to predict how they might behave of the future. when the drones
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and missiles from a run came flying towards israel, many of them passed through jordan's space. not only did the arab kingdom help shoot them down, it also opened its space to his riley and us planes seeking to intercept the amount insist that was strictly to protect its own citizens. but jordans, king of della has to balance competing interests. jordan is pro western and likes to keep in step with his allies, especially the united states, plus jordan. she has a loan buddha with these rel and once peaceful relations. a mine often works behind the scenes with these rarely authorities. but israel is born in gaza has outraged many jordanians. one 5th of the population is of palestinian descent, including king of done as a wife. the government has vociferously condemned to the rule, but the kingdoms perceive defense of israel in the face of it rainy and miss silas
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has an good many children's powerful neighbors. saudi arabia also faces a difficult balancing act. the sunni kingdom views she, i'd run as its biggest regional rival, but last year it re established relations with to run both the saudis and the united arab emirates have sought to improve ties with iran and israel, away prior to isabel's intervention in gauze it saudi crown. prince mohammed been so mind looks boys to sign a deal with the us, where the kingdom might have recognized israel in return for security guarantees from washington. but off to 6 months of war and gaza on tens of thousands of palestinians dead dots of the table. for now, still are the officials say both societies on the amorous shed intelligence with the americans. warning that it on was planning an attack on these rail that
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probably allowed for a most successful defensive response by israel and this ice. the challenge for our leaders is to keep the us on side well, not endangering the delicate relationship with iran or being seen by their own people as supporting israel or the expense of public opinions in gaza. and for a closer look, we can now bring in or i'll run, tie we, he's the director of the output center for political studies and independent think tank based and amman and jordan, mr. orange, how the welcome to the w. now, jordan and saudi arabia were involved in forwarding a ron's attack on israel. some is really media are now talking about a new military alliance against iran. is that what this is? i just think so. yeah, i mean, if it does so, then back to the 28th when you, when, when, by the 1st visit through that agent being but as dental the united states is that i have to make a midwest region. this is where the gap between the sun auto companies and as i am
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and the size of the drones. yeah, i mean it well, but i can get you to get the dogs uh i needed to add in. so, but i've got that is this where it was the very active release of lea. uh, it's a brain, get a very lovely, a live about it on. yeah. and that's good. so as i busted to move forward to get it to immunization alliance between as i and this i'm out of his date, i think it is been too far for different. and the reason the. busy ad that is really good to you guys out for more than 6 months. my 2nd bill that the guy, the problem present with their united states and it's reading the agent. and then he went up rushman between buddies and about a c. i knew that there was a medic and the last the 3 brought to use is to be sending that to me is do data of . yeah. and the image you get on this, we make it difficult for those countries to,
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but that is that it's about, i think i'm required to and it does not easy to above. and hope is that we did the alliance between both the companies. so what precisely do you think it was that led, especially a jordan end and saudi arabia to intervene? i got it. i think the job done in the perspective, it was all about defending the company is somebody in the one hand in the other, the job done. there wasn't much to be happy to see your involved deeply in this is, but i go because this wasn't, it wasn't the serious the challenge about going to then go to the game a very uh problem that they could relationship resent it. and they loved the few years they've been on the all of the proxies and then other is been bought the and the, some of the lead off we was and that i had that some statement by here i b,
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believe she has a good idea of which of or if it's in job done jani in a way or another, that's why i be good, but that doesn't to bring your to them in the same bases with as a buyer. because job, i'm also going to say that what's going on in guys that and with bang as an existing center, it's great, but it's mad. yeah, any uh, stability is security measure the identity. this has been in the, in the discussion of the public and the bait. enjoy the vision in the last 7 months . you'll have that freedom from the above, mcglatian know, but it's danielle boss, the value of what is the and it got done is that very much, you gotta be able to put on the pieces that month bind without any problem. right? but it dishes, what is the jo then as is that by design and that goes is i've got them in the deputies. binion is they add these uh, also exist in the finish of it,
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but in sort of the country don't then is it that between a if i may say, and i call to have some of each other between 2 major to come up and make of in our area, as i thought, uh yeah, it's a, it's a um, uncomfortable position to be in. what sort of conversations do you expect to be taking place behind closed doors in the air world right now, not only in jordan, as israel moans, it's options and considers how to respond to a runs attack over the weekend. not to allow but then you have a diabetic di vision from you guys that to somewhere else. this is it the but i added the money to allow that then. yeah. oh yeah. the photos, if it has been in the bought of been recently from guys that don't, but event by all means that i buy a button and that is the black by that is why it is to avoid this region of good long and is likely to region of why just bridgewater,
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this is it city as good as part of the country. each company has, has its own color, and they want to really afford such a hard and scenario part of the whole region. nobody will be waiting in such a wide spread confrontation on the agent as i live in the kind of the situation is the but i or i see now and the price that i buy. yeah. american allies and you don't get an allied most of the vision because what we are required to do about it is that i that, that you know, i game because you should know that is that i have to stop this business competing with yet on by attacking that is that i, if i need to invest the in the mazda it was, that is, it, is that i the also be sending it to the doctor that you like me to be done yet again, this will be very just a set of bios. i think the confidence that made them,
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which is and that is mainly wouldn't be a buddy to me, but i, this is the priority to avoid such grades as you know. yeah. we just have to be specific care. israel has, of course not claimed responsibility for the attack on the diplomatic compound a and in syria that was or i'll run tale of the or could center for political studies and jordan. thank you so much for all those insight. thank you. as to the current ones invasion of ukraine now and at least a 13 people have been killed and 61 injured after 3 russian missile hit the northern ukrainian city of tourney. his and his close to the russian border president followed him. his zalinski was quick to respond with an appeal to western partners for more air defense support. the roads on his telegram channel that the attack would not have been successful if you crane had been able to better defend itself. on sometimes support comes from where you have least expected. at the
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beginning of march, this year, 3 independent russian militias took up arms against their own state. ukraine supports these groups, but distances itself from their operations dressing. they act independently and have their own objectives. the w corresponding looks on the met the leaders of one of these militias who sees the war as an opportunity to over throw the government and moscow and create a russia according to his own right wing extremist views. dentist . the key thing has a security detail. wherever he goes, he says, russian president of the demon, 141 same dead reason you open the 2. there is no other position left in russia. we are, they are position. i think we made that very clear. then it's the key thing is the founder of the russian volunteer course. i mean, a militia fighting alongside ukraine. i guess they took part in an incursion into russia last month,
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attracting significant push back that these are not on soldiers equipments and all the vehicles we had informed. all of this was brought to him from other parts of the front line. besides this equipment missing somewhere else made it easier for all your training and comm rates. kind of seeming to slice to just hours after the incursion. moscow announced that had been supported in reality, the fighting last with many days fighting on its own territory. not exactly moscow as a plan, yet the ukrainian no stories went to distance themselves from the operation save bully of which these are exclusively citizens of russia. forma citizens of russia, who as a matter of fact, conducted some directly participated in hostilities, save what it was, their initiative, it was their decision. and it was that planning what strictly speaking the representative. so if the on process, if you crane did not issue a single auda to cross the border or invade the territory of russia. of course that
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was support. of course, for him that was called a nation, did not see him. 3 russians unit said they carried out the attack. they were together on the battlefield and at this press conference, but wanting to hurt poor things. russia is where the commonality ends. the legion freedom of russia as seen as liberal. the siberian battalion is made up mainly of minorities from russia to keep things volunteer. corps describes itself as nationalist and has a far right agend suggest via the animals as we say. yeah, you're fighting a war of national liberation. a rush of the russians a suffering under the hood samuelson. yeah. does. the country is flooded with migrants. i mean, johnson, we can see the consequences. consequences in with terrorist attack, siblings and an extremely tenant situation august with crime. and we have similar
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to germany, france, orange. then i go to england listening, nicky, to move to germany in his late teens. he became a well known figure into european neo nazi seen. not exactly his camp is from his way to the expression line. popular with neo nazis. he also organized and took part and mixed martial arts events which drew participants from over here today indicating his band from entering the shing and zone, which covers $29.00 european countries. but he says he's also fighting to protect the people who rejected him, thoughts mind, despite my conservative political and traditional views, how they might as well as might come rates, risk down lives even of spin. because that spark, we serve as a shield to protect even the decadent ways of life and your upon the west systems.
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why is that form? that is a very important fact. when does has gone through russia justified its invasion of ukraine with ally that it was the nazi flying at this in a country where the far right doesn't hold a single problem. intrusive ukraine cooperating with neo nazis might seem counter intuitive show more products. so why do we walk with these people? and one question that we want to save the lives of the not yet, because our priority is our country, not all people, territory, all independence. and actually let's when 1st and then we'll decide to up what you did. we do a drawing up the wrong, i'm supposed to be which and it, but i would for now the enemy of the trains enemy counts as some kind of friend and over to georgia. now where the parliament has approved the 1st reading of
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a controversial new bill that critics are comparing to russian legislation, there were widespread protests on the streets of the capital to boise on tuesday evening after the legislation passed its 1st parliamentary hurdle. the foreign influence bill would require any civil society organization that receives more than 20 percent of its funding from overseas to register as pursuing the interest of a foreign power. and the w correspondent, dmitri plenty of and is following the story for us from reagan. to reiterate, the proposed bill has not become law yet. it's been approved in the 1st reading. what happens next? well today interestingly, the opposition members of parliament have refrained from the book called the devolved. so the vote went and it is. we have to remember that this is the 2nd time that the ruling party is trying to pass this bill. and it was scrapped uh after the mass protest last year. so uh now uh,
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george and prime minister iraq leak about heeds a claim today again that the government is going to proceed with the bill. no matter what. but so say protests was on the street. we've seen violence sales in the past couple of days, right. police were deployed yesterday outside the parliament, number of people were arrested number of people injured, but protests was on the street say that for them. this is an existential choice. note on like that, that protest or isn't ukraine face during the my done revolution about 10 years ago . so it seems like both sides here are stuck in these beats are conflict and they're going to proceed no matter what. mm hm. so a lot of resolve they're on the street metering, the proposed legislation is not only controversial within the country though. it's also been criticized internationally, hasn't day. i absolutely the us and the european union have been consistent in the criticism of the legislature. they say that the bill uh, takes them further way, takes the country further away from european and generally speaking western values
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. and today we had a similar statement issued by the your opinion union, which says that the, the proposed law below that is being passed now by parliament contradicts your opinion, is core values and norms. we also have to remember that the country has been given the official candidate states has in december for, for the you are paying union. and so many protests or is accused the government of steering the country away from that path. also interestingly, today, the crime in has also commented on the situation in george and the presidential spokesperson. dimitri pass golf said that the western western forces are trying to stoke on to russian sentiment in georgia to in relation to what he described as a lo, which has been adopted by several western countries themselves. so here are the main reactions, but again the protestors and the government seemed to be very determined into taking their own, taking situation in their hands here as dw correspondent demitria plenty of in
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joining us from where you got. thank you so much. finally today marks 100 days until the 2024 olympics begin in the french capital. the olympic flame was lent tuesday at a ceremony in greece and will arrive in paris just in time for the opening ceremony and late july. for despite the official account though being underway already, some locals remain skeptical about the chances for success of the game varies, or because it's been 7 years in the making. a now there were just $100.00 days until they swimmers olympic games beginning the french capital. the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river sane. c h. the 1st time the event will be based on balsa. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium. thousands of athletes will compete for one of these coveted
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metals. the 1st fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were held without spectators because of pun, demik, restrictions, any demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are in piece of painting the events with mixed feelings or links excited. no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not a toyota excited about the olympics. even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts for bobby it f all real. it does have yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible, as i don't think the city of power is itself is ready by can swap on monday french president emanuel macro and visited the grand police, the iconic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing anti quando. despite the
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excitement, the president was clear that safety comes fast, confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes. on 300000 inspect, tate says is too high. i only have a 100 days left to figure it all out before we go. here's a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. the united states and europe in union said they are preparing new sanctions targeting around after is launched, an unprecedented missile and drone attack against israel on the weekends. western leaders have urged both sides for a strange, wary of any moves that could spark an even wider conflict in the region. and that is all from the news team for now, but stay with us because of next is made in germany looking at how the huge discovery of rare earth metals could boost industry here in europe. if it's the
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latest headlines you're looking for, you can always head to our website that is d, w dot com and make sure to follow us and social media our handle, there is the w news. i'm the called really came from all of us here in our news room in berlin. thank you so much for the,
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the the, using the digital tweeting to say we've owned factory, the 50 year old siemens planned a moon by was on the brink of closing. then new digital technology was used to keep it running on model projects being copied around the were made in germany next on dw,
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