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tv   Beekeeping  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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go hosted to use the sales force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w, the against the beginning of the very beginning, i suicide was learning quite a lot about the beings. and over the years, i've noticed that i actually learned a lot more about myself through the doors to be in the beginning and beings, and even the other insects. they're not the evil annoying insects. you supplanted that they are vitally important animals on this planet. and we all need them without them, we wouldn't be able to live there ultimately the food for all other animal. so i'm not toyota. the
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mind. it's been trenton, it's been out so yeah, i on good morning. my name is clinton, i'm 18 years old and i care a lot about the planet and wanted to get. i don't want all the bees and insects to die out. and yeah, i'm trying my best to do something about in class and getting started. isn't present anything that was i shouldn't in my the i've always been interested in nature. i grew up here in the countryside. mean menu. i never had a cell phone. so i had to find other ways to keep myself busy. and i realized that nature wasn't doing so well, and then i started to build a ponds and put a bird boxes for birds to nest. and that's how it all came about. so this is, this is done not often, not so you know, if i knew it, i really only use the smoke when they're very aggressive and they don't like it. they think it's a forest fire. i, i the i'm, they haven't completed this one's nice for you. but
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here you can see the natural, it's st born, right? takes a while, the one that bone, she's on her way. good morning was this, these is so if you need is it as can it is, we hadn't planned at all for social media stuff to escalate like them. i made a video with the friends and we said this message has to get out into the world. the oath, there are far too few people teaching us about these an important insects and the whole topic. i think i so we just made a video clip and uploaded it, and it went viral and and with the next clips that happened again and again, the other ones, the, the yes. and now i'm finally reaching people so that more people can do it. and other people can start doing that on finding them. it's this thing is, the thing is, every one of us knows the planet, it's going down, right? everything's dying and stuff. it's right. i don't go and maybe that's also
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a reason why people watch the videos. i got because i show solution you them what you can do on your balcony in your garden, on a small scale to make the world a little bit more be friendly again or just generally more animal friendly. i think it might have a fee of $1.00 to hit. some of the interest is there that the topic of bees was just not really communicated. i think in a way that was accessible for young people come full. i don't know how to put it really like, how do i sign the the is each year so she named us and we're here between mean dos and telemundo at the bay of lou baxa, you know, through the here i move up and down to pay was might be calling these depending on what different plans are in blue. i'm stephanie eden chip. i am 46 years old and i run a small sustainable dude. c, a p, a re on the baltic coast over the
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supply at watts. i started writing a book about re scaling as a b keeper about 2 years ago to encourage others to do the same. the video, i love how common focused it is to work at the hives. it makes me incredibly happy to capture the taste is offering and summit, and the last 2 attached labels to the honey joseph. awesome. and to put them on the show for stay the ship, the end of the ice trying to find the same time. and there's a sketch, funds in right is i saw, should be keeping in mind data. so to use, i'm with 3 young children. it's really exciting to see that they start to, to naturally become curious about looking into the high end of the learning last about be and then like many adults,
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the quite relaxed and just use the sense as to what's happening in the hive. how i worked in marketing in t on hamburg and the lynn for many years and found city life and everything that goes with this incredibly exciting stuff that i'm position. there was something very personal and actually very beautiful happen. we have twins and that's suddenly called my entire professional life. and so question i have no prospect of my job at that time. but in a kind of perspective of could say the slide on the high. so con, permission, okay. once i swallow this, give out and i feel that something fundamental is about to change. not gotten it only just a moment ago that i have sales completely equinox, and it's been committed to ice cloths and all you know, mid thirty's. we 1st invested the loss in our education and studies of time, and there's not much difference and awnings. what's more, i've never had any reason to doubt that my employee offers it's employees and family friendly working hours. i mean he informed to show by size what the details
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behind. so at the end of joseph, by deciding just also family i seems to be catapulted out of everything i've accomplished so far and my idea of how equal everything should be. but it's like a bubble. well come to reality. and as i from plaza, they come and there was a lead to it just intent is the key thing has really been the decision i made also having been treated like this in my professional life. but i was, i should be, it was certainly a reason to say, i'm going south end a tool is i'll just stop by and visit the work according to my own standards in my own value. and i can and much dave on mine. i can and vaskins the i can't find the item this view tries to have to see all some gosh, them is my i have had my own the colony. it was in the garden here it was one of
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the 1st ones mom had them. it was also a very nice colony and dispatches and it had a nice clean. so the whole colony was relaxed and lovely spent on the god i universe and the ocean type. these have to be really well protected because without the bees, nothing would really work at all. and all living things would be quite a bit further behind without them. but it's weekly ads, which is that. yeah, how low ready? stable wilson, we once talked about pollination be and you just need be yes. because otherwise nothing would grow. i got an excuse me, nothing at all to find the. no apple trees high? no, nothing. it all kind of dominic's the, i'll stick on some of it. can you pronounce your infection?
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so the one in germany and worldwide insect populations are declining, including the pollinators, such as bees are alert, well publicized study a few years ago showed that once within the 27 years, up to 70 percent of the insects, bio mass in nature reserves had declined. i'm catalina schmidt, you were here at one of epic, a eyes test size. we're a technology company that uses a guy to try to find out how to analyze why insects are dying out. i'm mess that's a lot. see here on site. we're doing a trial with a total of 14 colonies fights each and its own tunnel where facility of plants are in bloom, which the bees love. since i was a huge fan of the ones i'm monitoring those seem to be in fact this is our monitoring system for b colonies of opinion. it's placed right by the hiv home and all these that enter
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or x that have to pass through this entrance area. how about then the camera gives us data on these images of the beast. of we use artificial intelligence on the idols. if you take a closer look here, you can see just how much we can do here. we have up to $200.00 b is going in and out and per minute kind of a fun. no human being can record that, which is why we use technology and most of us can help us automate something that we would not be able to track ourselves. how many bees go in and out and find how many are caring, poland, how many are non torn up by one of the students, the improvised about sponsors? no incident with a 100 is a few been our very 1st study in this field was in 2019. and that's when we looked at the same as new nicotine. orient behind or data tells us how to use that have been exposed to a treatment react time versus those that haven't hung. that's part of getting a better understanding of how different pesticides affect these. before we know
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that poland gathering has also decrease size. this means that the bees have pollinated less and the percentage of b is that gather pollen has also declined toxic gathering less pollen for a few days may not be a huge problem for honey bees. but we always looked at the wild bees as well. and if they don't find anything to eat for a few days, then that can be a much bigger problem because they have a much shorter life span any way plus hobbin. that's why these consequences are very, very important, both effects and it's important to be able to measure those. definitely the mess and come out of the complex ego system of the thing. everything is interconnected, father, and if we create the foundations for the smallest creatures to thrive, then larger creatures can also live. well, they're the ones on these has been stem gate escaped. i mention the holding fee. when we talk about bees dying out, it's not really about the honey bees, but all these wild be in the honey bees, have the beekeepers who take care of them. but these wild beast just don't have
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anyone to the up. that's why they're the ones that are dying outright mounted any kind of causing all stabs in this. it was one down here as an insect hotel and that's awesome for the wild beast. and it's also really easy. you simply drill holes and some would want to apologize. i suppose it is. oh, that's what it looks like when the wild be living there can be no, but as well. it's actually a good thing that there is some clay on it that i mean, because it means the wild bees that move in clinton and they won't read again until next year. hank, it's silvia when they flip somebody else and they are in these tubes for a year and then the next year they're ready to go again. yeah. and then the dumpster is it is office and basically i see it like this. everyone is heard of honey bees. they opened the door to everything else to do with nature. and if the honey bees are doing well, many other animal species are probably doing well to feed on to you out. and we'll take the
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carrier like on some i mean thinking of as off 1st thing that i just got myself some books and read them. and i basically devoured all the books, i could get my hands on just to get an idea of what the different opinions are. what's out there, i'm going to hit it and go find bag into this. and then i joined the beekeepers association and got a b colony on not what i'm looking at and then relatively quickly i got a bit more alternative and try it out. a lot of other things because of the beekeepers association and you're told how things are conventionally done and then the next. but i'm often more interested in how these actually live in nature in old be hives or in long times ago. and then i will, i is leaving the, the, the
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display on guns. and while i've done this with a normal 3 trunks with a kit, and they hollowed it out with the chainsaw and i saw it around for a day or so. and then off. and then there was also this entry door here, was this sean always find a lot of work to build this kind of thing, but for me that's the best thing about it. some guys i think i look a little btn. i mean, that's the, i always have the being and i don't have the bees to harvest lots of honey. i experiment a lot, but i don't keep these because of the honey. it's because i find these animals. fascinating is a teeth if i send you intended on. if i leave the honey inside for the volume list here, i took out maybe 5 combs for the family, so we have some hunting this week. i left the rest in there. i la, come now the boxes are all full of honey and i don't have to feed them sugar water or anything. do my home so they can do their own thing. and i basically just look
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on in amazement, a stone. i have another to that. the . so awesome, these honey combs are so soft, but also so stable because they're hexagon. no, so be there to his x. i gave him the form i think i need to know who could you? i really think you can really stroke them to see people think these are aggressive . very rarely there are a few that go crazy, but if they want to sting me, they would have done that. all right, go ahead and hit the button. i don't have a single thing with this. i'm kind spacing regarding the image at some speed somewhere for samsung. i will go stepping cod i'm, we're now in late some of the beginning of olga to have us. we've just had a rain show and the small, so i'm just so you know, the bees in the hive. now,
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one of the last generations of some of these, you know, they have a relatively short life time. about 4 weeks. they use of all the energy collecting net to impulse in the winter b, as on the other hand, have to endure healthy yet and the highest and must wound the queen to ensure the future of the coloring. them one to 4 percent of white space and the i might of you might be used to live here in a wonderful ocean which is completely um, treated furnished. it's simply the best imaginable natural environment for that as far as the transmission. it's inc, cause invite info sheet and for as a be cheaper but always expires. i'm fascinated me is how the b colonies have
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different characters. i don't want to see something called the news quite relaxed because i like to call them my hippie common way. since the very common sure. and when i looked into the how many super, relatively initial this happening the, and the bees of just living in the moon, the monkey fluent in talking. i can get this there also insanely aggressive. calling these with $10.00 to $20.00, be slowly towards you. these are often calling these that a very, very busy and work unbelievably hard to bring in the honey. you struggled out enough how many soup us to keep on saying one guy has to go when he's clement offsets and kind of them had sort of had the tell. but i thought of just reading about it. and then i went to be keeping coals and found a mental at the b keepers association. fine before the
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yeah, that's fine. yeah, it's fine. i mean, i simply came as a new member to one of our monthly bookkeeper meetings. that's when we met her 1st . she left so carefully to what we ulcers have to say. yeah, i know it's a fun on scott. did you get 5 done for that to be keepers association answers every question, such a way that's every beekeeper knows what we're talking about. even if they don't know so much that's about what happens to the big calling in the spring summer. it was all before the harvest and after the harvest and no mean time quits an app just a minute softer, a brief 1st cool to sleep, please. the chairs to be keeper's association in our region, an invitation lambs in my email inbox inviting me to a note saying the following thursday to the village: pub, some excellent. i remember these old boys clubs only to well from my time in financial communications, i say quietly to myself, i'm sure about what to expect from the evening. and my prejudices turned out to be
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almost more than justified from the door as i entered the village pub, whose interior looks like it hasn't changed since at least the early 19 eighties. i see almost exclusively old, a gentleman and dignified for time and to tie up my 1st gloves. me focus much side on the steps you mean? yeah, in all the tiny t f. he has used turn on his energy to develop and exemplary a perry. and she did it slightly differently than i suggested. she said no, i want to move away from styrofoam and plus to kind of do what i want to use wouldn't hives. she did a good job. i'm impressed that it works so well. that's the oldest there. yeah. yeah. so our concept is going to stop as or this concept pass. do you, i hope you have a couple of the points to the hobbies beekeepers association urgently needs. young
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people to get involved because older be cheaper, so very conservative and don't really care about their bees on a small scale in the hiv. yes, they do everything there. but beyond that, ensuring there's less spring that agricultural policy makes changes that agriculture itself becomes be friendly. i'm still waiting for that to happen. i'm each of the one. i mean that good cultural engineer and a professional beekeeper, i'm 50 years old and has been keeping these but 35 years. as the guns i mentioned, not being keeping means of being at one with nature by 10 for example, experiencing springs on but turned up to 11. because all the energy in spring is in the b column and their names. and that's just very life affirming. and it's great to then case the 1st honey. i went to prison for fighting for a different agricultural policy. hang us back. then lots of gene engineer plants were brought into the fields here. there were a 1000 headquarters of genetically modified corn. i went out onto the field and
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peacefully ripped out the plans with to preserve what was already there. that's how i kept doing it until i was sentenced to 2 days in jail or a fine of $500.00 euros per day. ok, i didn't want to pay that one. so it was taken into course of detention for 30 days because these target i had the liquid honey sent in because they could have been contaminants hidden in the solid honey, especially if i can be keeping talks with honey tastings and go for that was a big hit in prison because people stare at the walls, they're all the time, you know. and then someone turns up who's bursting with energy and offer some honey tasting goods on one of our customers with awesome consumer cleaning. and you know, this is a very young queen. she doesn't have a dock yet. these loved variety when the racing field as whether there was nothing left of this diversity, we had them green, the corn flower,
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the corn cockle. it's according poppy field, larkspur. it's all been sprayed away as alice vick do splits when, because that's how society would do well to go back to that. but it doesn't matter . it has a subsidy system that gives money to farms that are already very, very large on those with more land receive more money. so if you have, let's say, 2000 and tech, there's like, that's half a 1000000 in government money for basic agriculture. and basic agriculture means 3 crop rotation. went through, we tie coins, rape seat dog device mice cops got to the alternative to changing the b keepers association from the inside would be to found a new association. it would have to stand up for bees and be committed to an agricultural landscape that seems to be it would have to get involved in
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agricultural policy. i think that kind of association could also take on the many young p keepers going now starting out. and then really get the be keeping community going like getting into in cash off. this really isn't easy. the, it's not to your own as you might use, even it hits were youngest on up in my room even quick. then when i started with my flower meadow project, i went to the local municipality and asked them for a bit of cash just to finance to see i know who that's one hurdle once and then of course you have to convince the farmers who have always been in charge here and tell them how to do it and say, this is how it works. and this is how we're going to do it. they will of course, you 1st have to convince them to let you dig up their meto. when so flowers, they're on the mice, most of them slammed the door in your face and say, come on, get lost kid comfort. but there are also a few who say, yeah man, that's a good idea. give it a try. who do you?
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they will be in like the south, around 80 kilos. it's really hard because he had some i think so far, i've been doing all these meadows on my own. so it's also a bit difficult when i tell my friends on the weekend. hey, let's make a flower meadow and then they say, do drill. what are you talking about? i want a party in the oh, there are a few who joined me, but it's still a bit difficult to get in the i celebrated man. it's pure nature. nate's beneficent, who is this is a flower meadow i sewed last year. if you can see only one plan blooming here right
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now, a wild carrot and fooling, but in spring and summer, there wasn't much more on that and something else is coming up here too. it's an experiment really will be and if it's not only be friendly, flowers, honey, be flowers that bloom. i don't care because it might be a flower that a butterfly lands on or something to do. in any case, there's already much more diversity than in this normal greenfield. so the idea is just to try it out and see what grows just so something in a small pot are similar and something will happen comes on john my name is my vision is that there will be enough flowers everywhere again for all the insects and for the animals and when the insects return and get the rest of nature will automatically be better again, the spit say to some extent hosting that it was really special to really feel the rhythms of nature. again, i missed that more and more during my kids and to see how you can feel the seasons
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. again, you can feel what's growing. you can observe which blossom is coming up. you look at the pollen that bees bring in and work through my god to beat against the beginning. i wish i just did up the very beginning. i suppose i was learning a lot about these. but over the years, i've noticed i learned a lot more about myself through to be used to being an smell, to find a balance, to come to the come this stuff to be radio, especially with managed was my story. i want to encourage people to listen to the own hobbs my show and to see change as an opportunity to visit to believing themselves. and to know that a gap in the korea is not the end of the world. on the contrary, it is a unique opportunity to move in a new direction. it doesn't have to be a grace adventure, like crossing the atlantic and assailing both sides. it can be something small and stuff 9 that makes you sparkle by finding that somebody. it's something the,
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it's part of every culture around the world. but can you guess why animals also loved the group? how does the impact of a lease from science to dance and back again are in a rhythm. in 15 minutes on the w, enter the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the warning ukraine grind on the
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neighboring voltage states, what's anxiously from that ring, sightsee, pressing the west to increase a think, kia, and make sure russia dozens with my guess this week is last is 5 minutes to christy on his tongue. and he's clear nature up, it's can conflict in 19 minutes on d w the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. this shadows of jumping colors, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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farms and destroy lifetime. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? i have time to raise all over brazil. we process 13 was in high today. 90 percent of that is wonderful. in market the auto industry, for example. this will actually cost awesome comes from inigo capital funds in the m as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the,
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this is data, the news life from the, the us and the e. u plan new sanctions against iran, as israel, which is its allies to increase international pressure on 10 front in response to last retents attacks. western countries also hope to dissuade israel from a response of good spark, of why the conflict also on the program for us and miss south have at least killed at least 17 people in india, dozens more than the ukrainian city academy is close to the russian for the
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