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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from bad in the us on the you time new sanctions against iraq as israel logistics allies to increase international pressure on test runs in response to last week hands attack western countries also hope to dissuade israel from response to could spock a why the conflict also on the program. little bit because in georgia, advance of foreign influence slow, the critics say restricts basic freedoms and could be royal to police hopes of joining you. legislation fuels mass protest in the capital and the solomon islands go to the polls for the 1st general election since the government switch takes diplomatic allegiance from taiwan to beijing.
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the unfilled getting a welcome to the program, deputies. foreign minister has concluded our visit to israel and defusing tensions . we have iran on a line. i babble with his right prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the fall i had from your hands unprecedented aerial attack. the weekend of the end, the day, the foreign minister met with president with president is that had sunk in jerusalem . like many of israel's allies, germany has been urging the escalation in the conflict. speaking a ton of a spend glory of apple mas babel will not a iran's attack on israel shows tact. ron is not afraid of escalation to do this because here i am really racing here today. my toe to condemnation of this
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dangerous act and have told my is ready to be partner with very clearly. israel has a complete solidarity. iran will face consequences by to the consequences live in we in the you are placing sanctions against iran and will continue to work on these fights here on at the same time, it is critical that this highly flammable situation does not turn into a region wildfire. iran, and it's proxies like has belong to the who these ms not pour anymore oil into the fire last dodgers of correspond to rebecca rich as whether these right, the government was likely to heed these calls for restraint as well. so i, i think these warnings from, from many of israel's allies will be taken will be being taken into consideration when it comes to israel plan of counter attack. but the question is just how much
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we have been seeing israel taking advice, taking calls from world leaders, including us, president biden. but today we've seen the foreign ministers of the u. k. and germany as well, but also, you know, listening to regional allies at all of whom has been wanting restraint. if israel is going to attack, as it says, it is vowing to do so. it says that it has no choice but to retaliate. you know, we're seeing that sort of rhetoric, but we're hearing also. and then, you know, who's saying again today to david cameron and lena, bad books at israel would make this decision on its own. but it isn't going to be pressured by the allies, though it will no doubt be taking the taking this advice into consideration. um, oh, you know, i think the latest we've been seeing it, we know the will cabinet meeting day of today and then not able to reach an agreement. so these calls from regional, latest and from allies certainly plain to the decision what we are hearing. and
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what we can be pretty sure about is israel is going to counter a time. we've been hearing reporting from actually as an american outlet saying, but they were that sources with in so as close to the discussions were saying that israel had given the decision to retaliate on monday, but had decided not to go ahead with that because of operational reasons. so, you know, certainly with teetering on the edge of senior retaliation. but of course when, and just how severe we don't know yet. the german foreign minister also called for more humanitarian a to be delivered to got the civilian population. how much is getting through now? i think it's safe to say that certainly not enough. that is what humanitarian aid work is on the ground assailed is still humanitarian catastrophe unfolding inside gaza. we did say a lot of pressure put on israel in the wake of the attack on the world, central kitchen aid workers at co 7 of those 8 workers, including foreign nationals and it, we've seen huge pressure largely from the us. but all the allies, as well uh,
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urging is around to increase of the humanitarian a. but it is allowing into the goddess trips they said in the wake of that attack that they were determined to do. so we had the defense minister saying they were going to quite flood gaza with age, but that is not in fact what we're seeing. we have seen an uptick. we say of the border crossing that they were going to open in the north a open, but any one come boy cross over and we've seen also some a. so on the 8 trucks coming from that ashley called port, which was another one of the, the measures that they were taking in the wake of that attack. we said 200 trucks enter the, just a little over on monday, comparing that to 500 trucks today, which is what we were saying before. the will then, you know, it certainly we can say there's not enough going into goals. i even still kind of give it back to rebecca rich as in jerusalem. meanwhile, the french presidents as cold on the a you to impose more sanctions on iran following last weekend's attack. and money
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on my cross that sanctioning should target the production of drones, which tech ron has used extensively. and you need as a meeting in brussels to focus on tensions in the middle east and the war in ukraine as an macros. appeal is the nicest demand from builders to impose more sanctions on turnaround. somebody you countries also want to block the coal for a safe spot in dogs and the release of hostages being held by a mouse. us last at brussels correspondent jack power water fact more a you sanctions on iraq could have one tire on these already so heavily sanctioned . yeah, that's really the big question. phil emilita is the entering the summit here in brussels. know the roster of science instead of being on iran for decades have not really had that much of an effect in ron's position in what they do in the weld. uh, we do know though is you said the french president's manual. my chrome was talking about the expanded style sanction some of the lead is that we've seen ends or including the belgian prime minister always under the cro. he back spot suggestion
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for an eggs expanded sanctions program. we know that the use for and policy chief joseph are right, has been told that he should look into potentially increasing sanctions or higher. the, you could call the iranian revolution regards, which is the, you know, the military. um, pretty much of the iranian government, how they could designate them as a terrorist organization. it's pretty difficult legally, he said, but i know that it's a number of the use. leaders are one thing that happens. the u diplomats that i've spoken to in the run up to this summit that we're under no illusions as an additional sanctions again serrano, unlikely to prevent them from conducting another such attack like we saw on the weekend. but we do know that the conclusions that they will release will say something like a party should exercise the utmost restraint and refrain from any action that can increase regional tensions. whether that has any effect or on iran, or even israel,
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which is clearly most aligned with the united states, the europeans will, will do that best here at the summits. and on dogs are a you lead is likely to agree, but the blog should call for a phase 5. they're hard to know whether they'll go that far. the last summit that we had here in brussels, they cooled for humanitarian pauses to lead into time. and is the start and they may try and run pop that language really they will focus on the issue of the issue of iran and the drawings that we had the, the european commission present us of on the lions system is being swept away by the middle east issue and she wants to raise the fact that there is a rainy and drones have also been flying and hitting targets and ukraine. the leaders will speak about how europe can support ukraine on his doorstep as well. joining this summit. thanks jack jack patrick in brussels. we'll take a look now, it's the most orders making headlines around the world. an exit poll from correlations, parliamentary elections suggest that the prime minister andre tank of rich and he's
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reading, conservators were full short of winning. and now right majority, think of it just correlation. democratic union potty is on track to win around $59.00. i to be a possible 151 votes. the policies dominate politics for decades, but has spring connected to a string of breaks and corruption. scandalous israel says at least 14 of its soldiers have been wounded after the has bloss after the has belong. millicent group attacked in his right of the army base may of the board of his 11 on is ready minute treat valley space for change. climbing just show retaliatory strikes on has blocked targets in southern 11 on the 2 sides of exchange fi almost daily. since the war in boston gauze, it began in october. more than a 100000 people have been moved from their homes because of flooding and cossacks down water levels in rivers in rushes in general, and southwest inside pier in regions. also rising exhaust has been caused by heavy rains melting, launch accumulations of snow,
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and rushes begun to withdraw its peacekeeping troops. i mean to go on and cut it back winter enough as a buyer's on any 2000 russian soldiers were deployed to the breakaway region. in 2020, i have to renew fighting the dream. as advice on the ethnic armenian forces, a media has accused rush of fighting to protect the piece of advice on the top of the region by force last september, a style the parliament in georgia has approved the 1st reading of a controversial new bill that critics are comparing to russian legislation and were widespread protests on the streets of capital tbilisi on tuesday evening left the legislation passed its 1st column entry huddle. foreign influence bill would require any civil society organization receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from overseas to register as pursuing the interests of a foreign palate. a correspondent to meet you,
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plug the job and talk to us about the, the pro test and whether they they, they are likely to continue. well of course we have to remember that this is the 2nd time that the ruling party is trying to pass this bill and it was scrapped uh after the mass protest last year. so uh now uh, george and prime minister iraq leak about, he'd say, claim today again that the government is going to proceed with the bill. no matter what. but so say protests was on the street. we've seen violence is in the past couple of days, right. police were deployed yesterday outside the parliament, number of people were arrested number of people injured, but protests was on the street say that for them. this is an existential choice. note on like that, that protest or isn't ukraine face during the my done revolution about 10 years ago . so it seems like both sides here are stuck in these beats or a conflict, and they're going to proceed no matter what. to be cheap on you off in the vote counting is due to begin in the solomon islands following
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a general election. the vote seen as a referendum on one of the country will continue its pivot away from taiwan and towards china. a favorable outcomes of beijing could help deep from the chinese managers foothold in the south pacific. there are long queues outside polling stations here in her diarra, the capital of the solomon islands. it is an election that will be closely watched by europe in the us. it is the 1st phase since the country caught relations with taiwan in 2019 choosing. instead to pivot towards china. we have see with us, with 31. now we, we have the one with the fast. we try to i think for me, i was hoping that that would be a good change for this country. but i've yet to see that up in the diplomatic shift by incumbent prime minister. my know. so you spoke of already closed up for
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a new wave of anti government protests at the time he signed the controversial security packed with showing there in 2022 and beijing is currently funding several building projects in her diarra circle. valerie is to time into the deep and diplomatic ties with beijing if we elected the country is facing rising poverty and unemployment. but to position candidates, a keen to point out that any investment from beijing comes a to cost. this is something that is very uh, containing like inflation of the ccp in this country, like people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way to think of the things they've been in for extra money, gods and things. so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. voters are electing
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some 50 politicians to form a national parliament. these m p 's will then cover less to form and majority government and elect a prime minister. so that process could take weeks. finally, to a record breaking achievement for a group of young dances from all over the world, hundreds of battery news gap in new york to break the world record for the most dances on point. at the same time. together they have to hold the difficult to top tip to pose the full minute total of $353.00 of them is to pull it off right from the previous record of $306.00. so i think 2019 time, well spent of next on the w climate service on it. are you looking at how the substance known as a bio chart can help find the air pollution?
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that's next, i'll be back at the top of the the version now. understand can have a site like the light is presented. do you have any news on instagram? no. follow up. cost about. why does that mean? i think it's like now i'm leaving the new host to join us for an excise as to.


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