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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from above and friends as president calls for tough sanctions against iraq. the band leaders meeting in the process debate has a punish tech front for saturday nights. master miss saw and drove and attack against israel. also in the program, german foreign minister on the night i babble meets with israel, sat benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem, judging here and to avoid retaliation against the route that would lead to a wider conflict rushing. besides going at least 17 people in injured dozens more in the crating of the city of chimney close to the russian florida. on the 100 day count down to the island, fixed in paris is all the many residents of the french capital are asking if the
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city is ready to oppose the huge event the i'm feel welcome to the program. francis president has called on the european union to impose most sanctions against iran following last weekend's attack. and manual macro said sanctioning should target the production of drones, which tech from a used extensively. the lead is amazing and brussels to focus on tensions in the middle east and on the war and you cry. i present the colors of pay of this, the latest demand from leaders to impose more sanctions against her on some of the you. countries also on the block to call for a safe spot in gaza and the release of hostage is being held by us. let's get more from the deputy correspondent jack power in brussels. welcome jack. one question into parts. really, what state are you proposing?
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i'm what a fact more sanctions have a country that's already on the massive international sanctions of the. yeah, that's the big question. it didn't stop iran from sending those drones $300.00 plus into israel, the weekend that is cause such concern in israel. but around the rest of the world as well. a ron's been on the massive widespread sanctions for a number of years not and they continue to do that. a number of the leaders of also, especially from the baltic countries, for instance, have wanted to flag up the fact that those, that rainy and drones have also been used over ukraine. this summit was meant to be about ukraine and by the your opinions and capital markets union, but instead has been taken over essentially by this issue of the middle east, off to the arabian drive, and strike against israel. well, those sciences could include, well, some of the lead as a discussing whether the iranian revolution regard course should be designated as
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a terrorist organization. we've heard from some senior you officials say that as you quite difficult to do legally. but i think what we would expect from the leaders is that they will tasks the organs of the european union to look into what sanctions could potentially be effective. but a number of e u diplomats have been saying to me on the sidelines of these meetings that they are fully aware that any sanctions that they wouldn't put in place wouldn't necessarily have much of an effect on the government's entire on. okay, there's also been a proposal to recognize palestinian statehood and tell us about that and how it's being received. yeah, so this isn't really an agenda item, but it is something that he usually does, especially the spanish prime minister petri sanchez have been talking about for quite some time that he suggested a couple of weeks ago that this is a spanish displaying could recognize the state of palestine before the summer. so this is also
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a sort of in lights of this european elections that are coming in june. we know that malta and the island as well. even belgium are considered in joining in that it's not recognition. neither european union is a whole, has a 2 state solution policy, which would include a state of palestine, but a number of countries are, i'm willing to recognize the state of palestine or a state of palestine, specifically pro israel countries like germany like austria, and also the italian prime minister, georgia maloney is set to be against this, but we do know that the spanish prime minister on the sidelines of these meetings not necessarily on the agenda, is going to be cooling for all the leaders to do the same, to try and push for this it would enforce the use position as a, as trying to bring a bite to, to stay solution, which we know is a position that is struggling now, especially with the moos of the as ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. okay, thanks jeff. jeff patrick in brussels.
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let's pick up a couple of those points. we have talked to add actually as easy use advice and historian. he also the book called the shadow, come on, this will remind me of the us on iran's global ambition, a welcome to a dw amo sanctions. do you think i'm effective? responds to iran's that strike on israel. i'm not gonna be sanctions do much by this point. the iran is already one of the most sanctioned company, is probably the most sanctioned country in the world. it also happens to have relations with russia, which is also in other heavily sanctioned country. and we've already seen that a lot of countries don't honor sanctions or find ways of going around them and even don't want to enforce them. um find a sort of a bit of exhaustion around them. so no, i think sense you who have limited effect. okay, so looking at what happened last saturday, the repercussions around his wall and that it would strike again with greater force . if it's viable,
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the us retaliate for that retaliation for israel strikes all the runs comes in the building in city. so do you think you're on is prepared for israel to escalate? i think they're not prepared. i think they help they could do this attack and frankly get away with it. they've been going out of their way to say move on to other countries before hand on the head of the political ideological office of hominy. so basically someone close to the supreme leader said that, you know, emphasize that we didn't want to keep anybody and is attack, you know, wanting the for the last before, had been over the rates. they've been in target population center. so no, it, i don't think they're ready for escalation with israel. i mean, i think they know that there's a appetite against that in the united states, investing capitals in the region search and lead out of countries definitely don't want a you're on his road walk to break code that can be catastrophe for everyone. so no,
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i don't think it is monica public is prepared for it at all, and i don't think you'd want to do that. i think it took the risk of the april 13 attacks hoping that it can get away with it without a direct confrontation with his ro. what's interesting is that because of course around doesn't wellness and israel probably can't afford to fight to was at the same time. yeah. look, it's this is, this is a interesting thing that i think you need to redraw nori israel. know, united states, not our country, is not euro, and not the people who are on not the people of israel mazda to put united states. i don't think anyone wants to as far, like i think um the, the, the is riley is working off calibrating what target to pick. they're hoping they're able to attack a somewhere or, or someplace that that to not lead you to where you run out of retaliation. but of course everyone, every side has to speak of retaliation. there's this idea of the parents also all dominion scholars and they look at it. i mean it's not really clear what does the
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tenants means all the time because you know, you'd, you'd think you can't, you're the 3rd. but you can also get yourself into a bigger conflict and then the cycle continues. what is so i think nobody wants to spar cents any on they iranian society. nobody's interested in fighting israel. but, you know, iranians as a whole, don't really feel like they have a stake in the conflict of israel read, read the neighbors in many ways, and they're, they're not interested in joining this fight. and they're, so they don't support the origins and phase read following policy. they're so look on the popular never, i don't a government unintelligible. i don't think people want this more, but unfortunately the history is full of wars that'd be done based on miscalculations of honors and wars that ironically no one want to, but it's still, they broke out. so this is why it's the moment that costs were serious leadership on the side of all the states involved to prevents uh, the escalation on and breaking out of the direct or something that has been tripped
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since the last 6 months of a 5 year has been a trip for many years now, and i hope we can do everything. everything possible to avoid is a what then about where support for iran might come from because a narrative tends to be about. iran is a pariah. it's a, it's, it's operating in the shadows and in the cold is, does it have any friends that would support says i, and a potential of further strike. well 1st of all, of course are they is some of the public seats of the top of a, the so called excess of resistance. a group of mini shows in the region that are very significant predictor, military forces in their own countries. the who these are effectively they are wrong in and there are perhaps one of the most serious, the anti israel forces in the region. there all these, the rocky munitions 2 days, the rocky prime ministers. i like to get them be with the protector on me to show so in many ways the governments that are controlling the capitals of government and
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the rock r i r l i. the around 11 on, of course, is, has the law that has the, that is the strongest force in liberty society and in many ways in terms of it's, in that i think of hated by many liberties people, but materially, it has a strong military power. and it doesn't have much drywall, so it didn't, there's live in on the syrian regime that's more complicated. i don't think the steering issue with it anyway at all wants to join a fight with israel, but it doesn't all have the power on. it's a uh, on its own. the, the axis operates on city and territory when it comes to other countries. um, you know, they will decide on a case by case basis, russia and china have some relations video. randi, i don't think they want to get into a fight in israel, out of countries, almost the provost are in the, in the region. um, other than the ones that i mentioned um uh, but you know, but they also, they don't want to get into a fight that prevents them, but they're not res riley. they don't want to get into this fight. so i think the regional feature is quite complicated. when it comes to the war,
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but it's very clear though, is that i know this will be a terrible war that nobody can afford. and a lot of these crunches that i mention, i mean human and syria and iraq have experience different versions of civil bar. so much of the last 3 years, 11 on, is economically destroyed, a very exhaustive place, other than not places that are ready for parks. and why would be a catastrophe on every level um, for all the constitutions congress is involved. fossil nice thing about us is thank you for walking us through that rise a historian and political scientist that i rushed as easy thing to the german is foreign minister has concluded, have visit to israel and diffusing tensions with iran on a line of bab documentary of his right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the full i have from events unprecedented avenue at the time of the weekend during the day she met with that present ease. i can't. so i'll be in jerusalem. like many of these rounds allies,
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germany has been urging the escalation in this conflict. speaking it's kind of a spend gordion apple. it was bible was going to see ron's attack on israel shows that ron is not afraid of escalation. you guys can say i am really racing here today. my toe to condemnation of this dangerous act and have told my is ready to be partner with very clearly. israel has a complete solidarity to iran, will face consequences by to the consequences live and we in the you are placing sanctions against iran and will continue to work on these fights here on at the same time. it is critical that this highly flammable situation, aga does not turn into a regional wildfire, iran, and it's proxies like has belong to the who these mrs. not poor anymore. oil into the fire keys last had you some correspondence. rebecca richards, why that be?
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is rodney government was likely to have german foreign ministers call for restraint as well. so i, i think these warnings from, from many of israel's allies will be taken will be being taken into consideration when it comes to israel's plan of counter attack. but the question is just how much we have been seeing israel taking advice, taking coal from world leaders, including us, president biden. but today we've seen the foreign ministers of the u. k. and germany as well. but also, you know, we're listening to regional allies at all of whom has been wanting restrained. if israel is going to attack, as it says, it is vowing to do so, it says that it has no choice but to retaliate. you know, we're seeing that sort of rhetoric, but we're hearing also. and then, you know, who's saying again today to david cameron and lena bandbox at israel would make this decision on it's on. but it isn't going to be pressured by the allies. so it
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will no doubt be taking be taking this advice into consideration. oh, you know, i think the latest we've been seeing it, we know the war cabinet meeting day of today and then not able to reach an agreement. so these calls from regional, latest and from allies, certainly plain to the decision, what we are hearing and what we can be pretty sure about is it, israel is going to counter attack. we've been hearing reporting from actually as an american outlet saying that they were that sources within souls as close to the discussions was saying that, you know, the israel had given the decision to retaliate on monday, but had decided not to go ahead with that because of operational reasons, so it certainly with teetering on the edge of senior retaliation. but of course when and just house of view, we don't know yet. the gentleman, foreign minister also called for more humanitarian a to be delivered to gone to a civilian population. how much is getting through now? of the i think it's safe to say that certainly not enough. that is what
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humanitarian aid work is on the ground off site is still humanitarian catastrophe unfolding inside gaza. we did say a lot of pressure put on israel in the wake of the attack on the world, central kitchen aid workers at co 7 if those 8 workers including foreign nationals and it, we've seen huge pressure largely from the us. but all the allies, as well uh, urging is around to increase the humanitarian a. but it is allowing into the goddess trips. they said in the way because that attack that they were determined to do so. we had the defense minister saying they were going to quite flood gaza with a, but that is not in fact what we're seeing. we have seen an uptake. we say at the border crossing that they were going to open in the north a open. but any one come boy cross over and we've seen also some aid, the only 8 trucks coming from that ashed on port, which was another one of the the measures. but they were taking in the wake of that attack. we said 200 trucks enter. it just a little over on monday,
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comparing that to $500.00 trucks today, which is what we were saying before. the will then, you know, would certainly we can say there's not enough going into goals that even still. thanks. i think you, rebecca, rebecca and rich as in jerusalem is a quick look at similar stories making headlines around the world. israel says at least 14 of its soldiers have been wounded after that has been the medicine that group attacked and his re, the army base near the board of its 11 on. is there any minute treatment based based postage claim to show be tied to a 3 strikes against has been on targets in southern 11 on the 2 sides of exchange fight almost every day since the war and gauze that began in october, the rhine says at least 15 people have been killed and loaded. 15000 displaced by flooding across can you have your range triggered flash flooding and down branches . authorities of 10 and schools and public buildings, and to make sure shelters with full cast this morning that the rains and likely to continue until june. the results from crow aisha's parliamentary elections suggests
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the conception of prime minister andre plank of it. she's on track to win. the pos is dominated politics for decades, breast has been connected to a string of rings and corruption scandals. only 17 people have been killed and dozens of others injured after 3 russian miss house at the northern ukrainian city of chinese, of chan. here, near the russian border, present the landscape was quick to respond with a repeats if he's appealed to western partners from all ad defend support rhodes on these telegram channel that be attack would not have been successful if you credit had been batch or able to defend itself for sometimes that support comes from where you least expect it. at the beginning of march, this year, 3 independent, russian munitions took up arms against their own state. ukraine supports these groups, but distances itself from their operations. stressing that by act independent may have their own objectives corresponded. mounted xander has met the leader of one of
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these militias who sees the war as a chance to over throw the fruit in my dream and to create a russia according to his own right wing extremist views. dennis, the key thing has a security detail. wherever he goes, he says russian president latino putting one same dead reason you up with the tool . there is no other opposition left in russia because we are the opposition. and i think we made that very clear. then it's the key thing is the founder of the russian volunteer course. i mean, a militia fighting alongside ukraine. i guess they took parts and then incursion, international last month, attracting significant push back. these are not on soldiers, equipments, and all the vehicles we had in front of this was brought in from other parts of the front line. besides this equipment missing somewhere else and made it easier for all your training and come rates kind of community, it's nice to just hours after the incursion. moscow announced that had been
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thwarted in reality, the fighting lasted many days. fighting on its own territory, not exactly moscow as a plan, yet the ukrainian, no stories went to distance themselves from the operation save bully of wheat. and these were exclusively citizens of russia. forma citizens of russia, who as a matter of fact, conducted some directly participated in those tendencies, they bought it was their initiative. it was their decision. and it wasn't that planning what strictly speaking, the representative. so if the armed forces, if you crane did not issue a single audit to cross the border or invade the territory of russia. of course it was support, of course for him that was called a nation. the nazi of 3 russians unit said they carried out the attack. they were together on the battlefield and at this press conference. but one thing to her 2
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things. russia is where the commonality ends. the legion freedom of russia as seen as liberal. the siberian battalion is made up mainly of minorities from russia. the key things volunteer court describes itself as national list and has a far right agend suggest via the annals as we say. yeah, you're fighting a war of national liberation, a rush of the russians, a suffering under boats and it was, yeah, does. the country is flooded with migrants? i mean, we can see the consequences. consequences in with terrorist attack, save on an extremely tenant situation. august with crime in the similar to germany, france. boring. then i go to england, you miss nicky to move to germany in his late teens. he became a well known figure into europe in the united c. c. long as active. his camp is
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from his white rec suppression line, popular with neo nazis. he also organized and took part and mixed martial arts events, which drew participants from over here. today indicating his band from entering the shing and zone, which covers $29.00 european countries. but he says he's also fighting to protect the people who rejected him. thoughts mind, despite my conservative political and traditional views, how they might as well as might come rates, risk down lives even of speak is that spark. we serve as a shield that protects even the decadent ways of life in europe. and the west seems wisely form. that is a very important fact. when does has gone serious? these of russia justified its invasion of ukraine with ally that it was the nazi flying at this in a country where the far right doesn't hold
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a single parliament to receive ukraine, cooperating with neo nazis might seem counter intuitive show moment. but i to him, why do we walk with these people? and one question that we want to save lives have done this year because our priority is our country. people, all territory, all independence. and actually, let's win 1st and then we'll decide to up what you did. we do a drawing, it's up to a wrong number for us to be, which in it but i would for now the enemy of the trains enemy counts as some kind of french not to georgia where thousands of protesters of gathered in the capital to please see for the 3rd day after controversial new foreign influence bill passed its trust reading in parliament demonstrates as a demanding for the government scraps the measures which side mirror has repressive russian laws are used to silence the sent if it acted that legislation would force media organizations and and use that receive more than 20 percent of that funding
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from abroad to register as pursuing the interest of a foreign power. the as the, as the georgia government describe the bill. when i report to maria cause a match that is at tonight's demonstration into place the incent base update a protest this you say that they are worried that so actually this law board makes them to be closer to you to rush shocks. and they say that it's a russian style, a lot that has been introduced by the comma tribes, all long side to side and sub positions will meet the fall of the place that he thinks that transparency over the revenues that the receiving. what's interesting today that prime minister, right, the problem is the fact that she will not allow you can use a set of georgia which also do size buildings into the rationale behind this wall.
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well, it can be consider that the wedding party is trying to, with these kind of laws and policies trying to balance it out with ross, are trying to silence the pro democracy movement in georgia. and uh, you know, it's a flight and save that to avoid any sense, you know, for, for face and uh, with the russian authorities. that's for the protest. this happened counting the whole, say, and it's very interesting development in georgia. one country really is on the cross roads i used to build use. it's all good. it's really, i mean, the countries having saw that the was because clearly russell made it very, very clear that we saw on the floor was actually not how georgia become a member, stable future really kind of match. so that's
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a big box a 100 day, isn't so it will stop. i'll be 20. 20 full power is olympics. i'd be a big fight and was based on tuesday, the ceremony in greece will arrive in the french capital for the opening ceremony in late july. but despite the fact that the official countdown has begun, some locals are skeptical about the games chances of success. the various ways before the gates being 7 years in the making. a now there were just $100.00 days until they swimmers olympic games beginning the french capital. the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river saying it's the 1st time the event will be based on walter. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium. thousands of athletes will compete for one of these coveted metals. the 1st fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were
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held without spectators, because of pun, demik, restrictions any demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are in piece of painting the events with mixed feelings or links excited. no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not a to and excited about the olympics, even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts for bobby it f all real. it does have yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible. as i don't think the city of power is itself is already like an on monday french president emanuel macro and visited the grand palace. the iconic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing anti quando. despite the excitement, the president was clear,
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the safety comes fast confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes. on 300000 inspect, tate says is too high. it's coming up in just a moment and i'll be back with an in depth look at today is the news in the day at day taking a closer look at the web of loyalties in the power of well, that is around tanks on how much and indeed the iraq, that's next, the
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korea ruling was an iron just for you, policy surveillance every day. and i for the people that really looks like how does the reading so many govern the icon a state exclusive insight into the world of the gym done in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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dw. sure. on fix all the info every day, the world caution. i used to work for free. that was always i like because all the world we like the difference w call in the world and also your info is and all the input your w story. now on to the do big ocean, a beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from inigo capital funds in the m, as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all
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that much illegal of the stats may stood on d, w. the top diplomats were germany and the okay, you were in israel today as in restraints in response to iran's unprecedented messiah and drone attack. last week, the worry is asked and he's right. the military response might provoke abroad at war in the region. all these ready to government says it will respond with prime minister benjamin netanyahu promising allies only that each country would make its own decision. so today when you take a look at the complicated web of loyalties, i'm on arab countries in the region. i'm feel gale in the lane and this is the day i.


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