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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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but really deep and but just reimbursing the watch now. the hello and welcome to focus on your up. it's great to have you with us. russia continues to clamp down on civil liberties in the country. authorities added what they call the l v t b movement to a list of extremist terrorist organizations, visitors. so if a clear bar in the south west of russia experience 1st time, the impact of the new building in march this year, they were subjects to a police rate. the extreme is labeled outlaws l g b t q plus activism. gay,
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less again, transgender or queer people living in russia cannot receive a lengthy prison sentences. this is not something constant to celebrate. the young man from moscow was opened the gate, but he never deemed himself as an extremist to evade the possible prison term costs since he went into exile escape route, let him from the russian capital to barcelona spain. he arrived after a long and exhausting journey. a warm welcome with the new progress, pride flag, caustics arrival in barcelona is a big occasion for his friends. and that's because caustic does not have a return ticket. he's here to stay. i'm exhausted, haven't slept with 2 months earlier. we met 39 year old konstantin or caustic for short. in moscow. constantine spent the last few weeks living in
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constant fear. he says, fearing repercussions for being gay in his home country of russia, the power in all? yeah, i'm afraid of every thing of holding a man's hand in the park. i just have gotten to that. we'd already probably be some highway legal like on uh is but uh that's due to a new law passed to november 2023. it identifies the vaguely defined so called international l g b t movement, which it deems extremist since november to man holding hands in a par can be prosecuted for so called propaganda of non traditional sexual relations. what that means for constantine is that he no longer feels safe living in russia. this has been the case for many people from the l g b t q plus community for years. but the new law exacerbates their situation. they
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faced arbitrary criminalization. konstantin has been openly gay for years, including at his work place. he works as an i t specialist and a managerial position. soon after the law was passed, konstantin was fired. the reasons for it were bogus. he says, and what was really behind the layoff, with his sexuality at the start of the site was after i was suddenly afraid for my future months. so i no longer knew where i could work up and you know, even how i could grow old and rush and have a get started initial data with a few years ago, i was hoping for a promotion, a successful career. and i would like to have it, so i wanted to save some money to didn't get, but i can no longer sure the someone that will come and block my bank account. uh so let's get my apartment and so on. it's cool enough. oh no, it's a date the police raise like this one that appear bar in or in burg have left the l g b t q plus community. really everyone's face the wall
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. no turning around face the wall. a chip off from a local association alleged that the bar was spreading so called homosexual propaganda. the owner is now face up to 10 years in prison. the community is in shock. yes, there's a lot of. yeah, well i asked myself with ice or vice and presidency, you know what i mean, i'm not alexi nev only. i have neither the coverage nor the will to fight against the system. i don't want to either. what i want is simply to live freely and brief calmly. the weeks following his dismissal were horrible. konstantin says, he felt persecuted, lived in constant fear, fear that he might unwittingly provide a pretext for his arrest. so he decided to leave russia and go to spain where he has a few friends. ready to tell everyone to take something different, i'm taking my playstation a whole life and just 2 suitcases and another
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life before him. but the fear of persecution stayed with him right up until boarding the airplane. was done with that to him, the bush. as soon as i had this feeling that i would get to the airport and something would happen and package control, i'm not even comfortable here. or they have an issue with my documents or customers . i'll send you some of them the what the welcome to when i pass the passport control and my things were being taken off the conveyor belt. by the time i saw a group of police officers gather many young people, they were looking straight out to get every nod from an officer. seemed a huge danger of, of taking took most of the, the constantine managed to leave the country via turkey and arrived safely in spain . some of those were a terrible 20 hours. i'm thirsty and i want to have a smoke. first, he wants to apply for
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a sty live in spain. his friends will help him settle in and find a job, but he has a whole new reality to get used to the about the past. i 1st have to learn not to be afraid anymore. i taught your all my life but not anymore. konstantin knows that will be difficult. he used to be a successful manager, but now needs to start from scratch. but he's on phased plans to learn spanish and go back to university. returning to russia is out of the question, the should 6 work be allowed are banned in europe? well, it's a hot button issue. the countries in the european union can't agree on various models of 6 work regulation exist with a germany having opted for a full legalization approach. like in most of the e u countries,
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prostitution is legal. here. sweden, on the other hand, supports the last lenient model. buying 6 as a criminal offense was selling 6 is not. let's take a look at the locations of 6 work in sweden and germany. hamburg sunk to power, the neighborhood palm to the body and its red light district. here, sex work is seen as business as usual, especially by man hamburg it goes with the territory divining, i guess they make money from it. so you can't say much. so i don't have people one to, to go down books and sunk poly sex as a tourist attraction that draws people from around the globe. there are even guided tours of the so called sin mile for their lives. if i could plug since, i'm probably double this process, so i go to sit down for a beer. it won't be long before someone offers you a room with a dancer with a 10 2nd officer. maki in con prostitution is legal in germany. the
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goal of the country's liberal legislation, which has been in effect for over 20 years, was to give the women access to services like health care and unemployment insurance. but there have been other consequences to many people from abroad. now travel to germany, to buy sex, including from women who don't sell it, have their own free will like teresa from africa out of fear for her baby under families. she wants to remain anonymous. she was brought to germany by smugglers. teresa tells us she owes these human traffickers, $60000.00 bureaus, and that she's supposed to earn the money on the streets as a prostitute. residential, they want to have most of the people going to move
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up pictures by sit on this plot it's, it's doing associated to to pressure her to human traffickers even separated her from her baby. not, not one that's on both sides on the screen, visit the child this side i the pushing me below me in the 5 random match. i was pregnant. sorry about douglas, brian moultrie. she fell off then all the one. not, not that you said, forcing women into sex work is a punishable offense in germany. but too afraid to turn to the authorities. teresa went underground instead. there are about 30000 officially registered prostitutes in germany. but the number of illegal sex workers is thought to be 10
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times higher women's rights activist nova eva says, germany has degenerated into europe's bravo. in her eyes, the german model has failed. germany's liberal loves promote a system that exploits and degrades women and turns them into products. and so in a box, if they come here and then tie on the given men, the right to buy sex with the woman for 30 years. it goes the sex the call from atlanta. paul for eva's sweetness approach to regulating prostitution, is a role model. what's known as the nordic model is finding more and more supporters in germany. housing board gotten sweden's west coast, but t is live, is a police officer on his way to an undercover assignment. he's responsible for tracking down sex buyers in his hometown people by 6, you know like 247. but we can also say in uh, an increase or a spike during,
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you know, lunch hour or so. and yes, when people get off work, you know, between maybe 4 and 6 in sweden buying 6 is a legal for live and his colleagues. it's a sex workers are simply witnesses, right, only their customers are prosecuted. this is the 1st address on his list. lou, this hoping to bust a customer today. so now it's just a waiting game. some crimes are easier to explain it to you. you've been drunk. know, cutting that fights and maybe you hit something everyone can relate to that and understand. but by in 6 it's uh, it's a shameful problem. in swedish capital stock. com, there is no longer any red light district. that's partly due to z, mon hicks, from the swedish police forces senior expert on prostitution. we have to ask ourselves the question, what would the situation look like if it was allowed?
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if it was legal to actually buy 6 and to actually run the problem, then we are most convinced that the situation here would be a tragedy. because we didn't need to use a rich country. there was a lot of money to be be made. back in housing book station in various cars, mathias live and his colleagues lie in wait for the customer as well as a potential customer. i thought anyone called leaving sex workers place faces a heavy fines based on their income. repeat, offenders can end up in prison. the full support from the so we're price on location, while his colleagues bring the suspected customer to police headquarters,
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the woman is questioned as a witness. this time the woman is not from abroad. the 50 year old swede was selling sex out of desperation. she is trying to pay off a tax debt for ex husband left behind i go to, i tried to earn a bit of cash this way now. and then during the day i work at a call center. and then a social worker who has been called to the scene offers the woman help to get out of prostitution. that's also part of the swedish model, but even the buyers can get help in sweden, like from social worker, money, your hands. and she said people aged 18 to 90 approach or to help them stop buying sex and some ask for help because they don't want to start in the 1st place are so defensive on. so doing it, there are men who call us and say, apply,
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think i'm on the way to buying sex and i need help so much. do i pull that up and the fact that they're seeking help to stop it before it happens? stop by my. so that's a very positive development, and yet the positive since she stop selling sex, finally, dane has been combating the idea that prostitution should be normalized. for former boyfriend forced her into it with violence between the age of 17 to 23. are so 645 times a week, a 3 to 8 man every day. she believes the swedish law is an important 1st step, but says stronger enforcement is needed. all the politicians are doing is increasing the punishment from getting a fine to getting like a small prison sentence am. but i don't
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the thing the men are afraid of getting cold back and sunk. probably in hamburg, we meet sex, work or on dean. do be the, at a photo exhibition about the sex works. some of her good friends have let themselves be photographed and angers her that in germany, more and more people want to band buying sex. the scene to start with the not far before the demand is prohibited, the customer structure changes highest. that means those who don't want to break the law might try to make do with buying less exercise or go elsewhere. then you go 6 up with an unable to name or to on this bill and only those who are okay with breaking the law will remain for the diesel. keeps weekends, but she's thankful for germany's liberal laws. then when he gets mentioned, can when people get to know me, they see that i like my job and really have fun doing it. on the 6 we got a few spots on hobble, but then have it. then they always say, yes,
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but you're the exception on what about the poor other people who have been traffic to a 100 and so by to and i always find it really hard to get across how broad the spectrum of realities is. i. the spectrum is on the the tv while in germany, even prostitutes disagree over legislation in suite and the majority support the ban on buying 6. but she is look, is back at housing board police headquarters. the ledge clients who has been arrested is still awaiting the questioning. i don't have any feelings that's about the what a working. but for them that wants to buy sex, i don't feel very much actually available for the girls who is a put in a place where maybe she doesn't want to be as the suspect continues to deny the accusations. but the dna sample would likely be enough to convict him. i believe tonight when me and my team will go to bed and we'll look us else in the mirror. we think of it, we have done
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a different difference for someone today. then mathias live us. here's the suspected customer out. whether that was his last visit to a sex worker isn't certain, even in sweden. do you know the secret to long lasting happiness? ask the fins if you don't fit and rang, says the happiest country in the world, according to the world, happiness report for the 7th time, and there will people's close connection to nature contributions to the reading. se researchers this 5 long cold winter's with little daylights and defense actually learn to be happy. the 7th graders are just coming back from their lunch break. their next lesson isn't math or history, but emotional competence. teacher anika li cleaning says the people's will be working in groups. they'll be learning how to express their feelings using the
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right words. that a s o in an old single source alcoholic pop area you off the cooperate go poster and divide into like read the flow at the same mistake, positive emotions on one side and negative ones on the other make off the cell phone and very the same of negative ones are things that make you unhappy or sad. feel are there are many words for feeling or you all finish schools, teach, teamwork and communication skills. social and emotional skills are part of the curriculum which facial expression matches watching motion. the lessons are helpful encourages us to speak up when someone is being bullied or something to that, that can't just be ignored. not associated with the sentence, how to correctly react, sadly or emotionally happy said angry. you need to learn
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that. and then the 45 minute lesson is up, the posters are ready and the teacher wants to know who finds the exercise easy. what made it on both without avail, we're teaching young people that it is okay to have different feelings. at the same time, they're learning that we must treat everyone with respect, even if we have negative feelings. um, let me somewhat better place to learn this than at school. and what i mean by that would i called the way people treat each other as one explanation for that seemed finished happiness. the world happiness report finds that fins treat each other more kindly than other nations do the if the, if we have a sense of community, it is great that we take care of each other with was nearly midnight that without finished democracy works. is it about a 100 things here were cause yet the only man who make time to help the poor and
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unemployed at the how about us, we really have to go through that on a viet about how i go to finish date helps and supports people in need the housing 1st scheme, for example, ensures nobody has to live on the streets or, or the homeless or given apartments like these. with all the central household items provided. they are in the line. they gave us the name we social worker, merriest in men. beyond takes great care getting the apartment ready, then it's very important that we just don't leave the stuff like this. so they have a paid, as i said, it's made already. and they don't have to like to use just to just to give the keys. but you know, it's home one farmer homeless man shows us this apartment. unfortunately, flats like these are often messy because some tenants have never had a home with their own before. they've got to learn everything from scratch, including cleaning routines like that. if we cannot reach you,
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send is fairly bad. so that's the point. that's our main goal to make a connection with a new tenants to keep the connection with the old tenants. if we don't do that, we will not succeed. hey corey, local tenant county in marietta gets along well, but it took 3 years for her to gain counties trust about the ocean. some the now i sense there are new horizons, new dimensions. my depression was bad. i didn't even perceive colors anymore. now that slowly coming back to the quote i receiving an apartment, but no strings attached and getting support to overcome setbacks saved him, says county. but of course, finland isn't without problems since russia's war in ukraine began. many here have
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become concerned because finland shares a 1300 kilometer border with russia. and the government's plan to stare 2 measures of sparked use to beat even so, finland was named the world's happiest country for the 7 successive year. home on shots is from germany, a move to finland 40 years ago. he says another key ingredient for happiness, just guessing outdoors. no matter the weather. this is my day, he finished winter last 6 months to meet. you can't stay at home all that time. you can't, that's great if you have to get out my most on clothes roman exercises 5 times a week. do not competitively. that's another key to happiness. according to the world, happiness report in finland, there's less competition and people are not so competitively minded. like and other countries like it's kind of get the hanging in the mind unless it's less up if
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someone else possesses something that i don't know i just as i don't have to be jealous because i don't lack of the i mean it wasn't taken from me i think that's one of the most profound finish wisdoms can be so we can all learn to be happy, just like defense. even for modern art lovers in major cities, it's kind of difficult to find the time to visit an exhibition in a secluded small town even more so. but what if they came to you? that's where the level of museum falls in. it's a truck with a load of contemporary art criss crossing mobile phones. and mickey are accessible to those in remote communities like such as could be nothing much ever happens here in santa is gonna be a village in the french countryside. there is no shop, no cafe,
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and certainly no museum. that's why this truck is here with its precious cargo. the move for mobile museum travels the country side with works from the company to museum in paris to introduce children 1st and foremost, to our ones that was in the museum the dinosaurs skeletons are. that heavy. i saw a truck like that ones with virtual reality. it was really cool, this is the 1st visit to a museum with real art for half the children here. for many, cautiously exploring and describing art works is completely new for you know, maybe that is anger. ringback for others, it might be love. everyone sees different emotions in it. second, being alive is the theme of the exhibition. with the 25 works in the small space,
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children can playfully discover the world of art. the mobile museum welcomes around $20000.00 children and adults a year free of charge and you did to when i was little, i lived in very rural environments where there were no museums or music. they actually, if i was 18 when i visited my 1st museum in paris, okay. access to museums is not a given. there are social, psychological, and geographic barriers to it. you got to go see. the mobile museum stays in each place for 2 days. then it packs up again and rolls off to another village in the middle of the country side, the so that brings to this week's edition of focus on europe to an end. i hope you enjoyed the show. thanks for watching bye for the
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into the conflict zone with tim sebastian. as the board and ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states which are anxiously from the ring side, see, pressing the west to increase a sink here and make sure russia dozens wait. my guess this week is last is 5 minutes to pc on his current. and he's clear nature as to optics can conflict things. 30 minutes on the w. i had never ever conceded that i would be homeless. women in the fifty's is the fast as cohort of
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people experiencing homelessness in australia and will sleep out the public on women. one, even tell the families what they are experiencing, falling from middle class into poverty. they shouldn't homeless in 75 minutes. on d w the someone else to the cd highlighted selected for you, you every week and a new a box subscribe. now my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay like good.
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from board the . this is dw, in using these around the top stories from says president has called on thing a you to impose most sanctions on iran following last weekends attack on israel and manuel. my crohn said sanctions to a target the production of drawings which tyrone used extensively. his comments came in in a you need as meeting in brussels, focusing on tensions in the middle east and the war and ukraine. german foreign minister, analynn available, cause cold on israel to show restraint off to you. ron's unprecedented aerial attack of the weekend she made we prime minister benjamin nathan.


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