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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the dw news line from berlin tonight, outside the new york courthouse were donald trump is on trial a disturbing moment called on live television. a man set himself on fire is taken away. and a stretcher. witnesses say that the dallas himself, with liquid before igniting himself in the flames. we don't know why, we'll have the latest on that. also coming up tonight, the hostilities between one it is real with explosions reported in the skies over central air on local media saying that air defense systems kicked in at
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a nuclear facility. the board job is good to have you with us on this friday. a man has set himself on fire outside the court in new york. we're for you as president, donald trump is on trial emergency. cruise took the man away on the stretcher as police trying to extinguish the slaves. no, it's not clear why the man set himself on fire. there's tight security on the side of the court where donald trump is now standing trial. in a hush money trial, you allegedly paid money to the adult film star stormy daniels before. i might want to go down to our correspondence, chef on assignments. he's following the story for us from washington. so definitely,
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i mean, what do we know? first of all about about the man who set himself on fire outside of this courthouse? the details of the america, so we really don't know anything about the man. we know that's a good start. that it was a man who set himself and file it himself up. and that happens across from the court house where mr. trump is facing trial in his criminal trial in his testimony in trial, and in a park the so apparently, and this is reporting from a cable, lucy in the united states. so the one cable whose network cnn we actually was live on the here when this happened, which made for some grizzly tv for just a few seconds before the camera could pan away from this person who's setting this up in fire. but, and they are reporting and there's others now reporting that this man entered the pod with a backpack, pick something out of the backpack after the spread of few flyers and to fly as
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into the air. and then pulled something else out of the backpack and set themselves blake's apparently, and i'm quoting here, a cnn report. not on those flyers where the words printed n y u is a month front. and apparently the, to this reporting. also, there were various allegations of wrongdoing against the a and why you against the university in new york. now that also reported that a m t uh somebody who works in an ambulance of course rushed to the scene and help this man or tried to help this man. somebody used to fire extinguisher. and as you reported that, and you said on the gurney and transported off to a hospital, we don't knowing what condition this individual is but or that that this happens in the 1st place is astonishing because security is absolutely tight around the courthouse and that is due to the trump drive, of course. yeah, it because you know,
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you wonder how i was able to even get to the place where he was standing when he set himself on fire. and i do, we know, i mean, can we rule out that this act was related to the trial? donald trump hush money trial, that's taking place inside as good question. uh no, we can't rule it out, but i have to say and pardon me for using those were about to got feeling is that this was not really directly related to the trump trial. and i'm just, you know, talking to a few colleagues and making a few phone calls. it's hard to imagine that somebody puts themselves on fire and protest or in favor of what's going on there. so i think it is fair to assume to assume that that had other costs as they will, the police roofing within the hour we were told by the n y p d, right, dw and stuff. i'm fine with the latest on. yeah, disturbing. and bizarre developments outside of that courthouse in new york stuff.
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i'm thank you. thousands at protested in the rainy and a capital t. ron the voice, their anger over. i suspect it is really air strike raining. officials say the strength of a military base near the central rainy and city of is for hot us officials say that is real fired at least one missile in retaliation for it. extensive rainy and rocket and drone attack carried out last weekend. thousands of people on the streets of to ron, making the message to israel, clear they held signs enchanted debt to israel was often the legit. it's really me style strike money raining and soil of the i've been doing this. these pictures posted on social media showing on damaged military base and it's for hong after the attack,
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which cover the novel. the area is a major sense of military production with the country is most important. nuclear enrichment facilitate located nearby. what does that used to be rainy and state media said there was no damage following the strikes, which is basically an iran life is based on whatever happens normally there is nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary speaking at the g 7. so meeting, it's really on friday, us secretary of state on to me blinking made america's position clear. united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. what we're focused on, what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement. and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. german for administer on elena bab, bulk called for cool heads. so how do we as the as the g 7 we
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have the site adhere to the clean post part. there's sanctions and measures on the rainy and redeem in somebody's life. at the same time, everything must be done to prevent that escalation. we don't foreseeable consequences for an entire region. so and again, so the united states is rails ball cabinets has been debating. it's responds to a large scale, the rating and a tac last weekend. that's came of to israel presumed strike of any rainy and diplomatic compound. but it's hope friday morning's maneuvers could be the last of to, to run indicated. it has no plans for retaliation. dw is telling you kramer has reaction now from these real as well. we haven't heard any common officially, at least from the is where the government or the military of, of reached out to them early in the morning to the military. and basically what we know is mainly from a wrong in state media, but also from reports in the us media,
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quoting us officials that indicate that isabel had indeed occurred out of this strike that was discussed here in israel. that is, if this appears to be and is rarely strike it needed to carry it out for its determines after the large counter attack by iran, which was in itself a reprisal to the alleged is rarely attack on the consulate compound in damascus. on april 1st. now it appears to be a limited in scope and there are more, more details, of course, coming out. we don't know, you know, more about the target. we don't know more about the school, but this is also seen to keep it vague at the moment, to de escalate and already escalated a situation. and we also hearing from it a wrong in sources that they might look the other way saying there's no need for an
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immediate retaliation and something like that could also be nursing and, and this from the is really side that was dw, so on you kramer reporting from is real, was we heard the blast in iran happened to while foreign ministers from the g. 7 nations wrapped up their talks in the italian island of coverage. the 7 leading industrial democracies warning of new sanctions against the ron ford's drone municipal attack on israel last weekend. they called on both sides to avoid an escalation of the conflict or international correspondent richard walker explains how the g 7 responded to the increasing tensions between israel and the wrong. just one of many conflicts causing concern. and if you want a measure of just how troubled the world is right now, the statements at the end of the g 7 for a minute, for a ministers meeting. and capri in italy gave a glimpse. they run to 3 separate communiques, one covering the middle east,
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one covering the war and ukraine, and then one longer document covering everything from this a hell to north korea, to a i, to haiti, and china. and if you look for the wood can sun in these documents, that's the diplomatic go to when things going wrong, you find it 42 times 8 times for china alone. but at this moment in time, it's the middle east and you crane that are creating the most acute concerns of all for the g 7. now, between between israel and the rhonda focus has been on hammering this message. holmes, that a spiral of escalation would be hugely dangerous for the region and for the world. and israel's apparently limited response to last week's battleship missiles. i'm trying to move, ron is raising hopes that the west may be avoided for now. but the changes are, of course, fall from over and there's no end in sight to the war in garza and all of the suffering associated with that. now, as for ukraine, there was
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a growing sense of urgency with the recent russian attacks on ukraine's power stations, highlighting potentially crippling gaps in a defense is a germany. this time is stepping up quickly to provide another patriot system with hopes that others will follow. and ukraine's 4 minutes to was there and caffrey pointing out that the west had helped israel to shoot down iranian myself while in ukraine. it hasn't gone that far with respect to russian missiles, so not uncomfortable message from ukraine's foreign minister to his counterparts in the g 7 implicitly asking why don't you do that for us to? so that was the w, as richard walker reporting with the war and gaza is overshadowing the start of the vin is being all the art festival. the art is representing history on his, refusing to open its national pavilion until a ceasefire and hostage deal are in place. the global south is in the spotlight of
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issues festival, which showcase has worked for marginalized groups, especially indigenous arts of a 700 square meter. mural of the amazon covers the entire facade of this central pavilion. it's the work of all to spend the when the queen indigenous people from brazil and peru and brings the spirit of the rain forest directly to the venice b. a know that despite the history of persecution and displacement, they preserve their traditions and spiritual identity. so the company that you think the whole community paints what he's thinking, and he's thinking how to clean out, which is the oldest language if the who need clean with. that's what it is. very important to us because it's the continuation of our on substance of this device to re, to adriano pedrosa is well acquainted with the indigenous alt if he's native, brazil for the past decade he's been the autistic director of the south polo museum
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of on this be another focuses on office from the global south and celebrates changing perspectives. up, comments, change the world, but it can change how we view the how we feel, the world, how we see the world, how we interpret the world, how we engage with the world. and that indeed can be something that changes his chosen title far and as everywhere is inspired by a series of neil and sculptures by thought. this collective class on chain pedrosa expands. the concept of following to, to include the clear out is the faces persecution at home, or the indigenous painter who feels marginalized. jeffrey gibson is defense gate and native american artist ever to represent the us with a solo exhibition. a while not to stalk an artist showcases his native greenland in new and authentic ways in the danish pavilion. their
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work is based on their frustrations and confusions of the greenland big modern life which has vain made quite complex because of a greenland you being used to be a colony of denmark. the republic of the name is making it single appearance at this being on it with works that separate the spiritual power of you are the women and the deep roots of duty. yes, i'm very proud to be a long detail, a good deal because i will quickly, it's very important. important yet still lounge leon noon on the international stage by giving prominence to artists who have often been excluded from the great exhibitions of the post. this being on it seems to add a new top to, to our history. you're watching the w news up next. the research director of the
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international monetary fund tells us what's next for the global economy. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more of old news, followed by the day. i hope to see that the why do having does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need per day? pond claim for help find the offices get smaller on dw science and i'll take talk channel. the thomas is going to think of him.


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