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tv   Not a Man Not a Woman - Agender  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST

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the thoughts they were crazy. the a spin kind of how i'm not a woman, but i'm not a man either. i'm not a 3rd option or anything else. i just don't have a gender for my not to for my transition with hormones in surgery, and i always use completely as female advices. that hurt me a lot of the time this i'm just, i'm not physically, but psychologically i've had this. amc shares is new and i take the hormones because i enjoy feeling more masculine masculinity. but that doesn't make me a man of this month to month. yeah,
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the one who sits in speaker and i look at myself in the mirror. now. that means i can finally see me because the person i've always been by them, i guess you could say that now i finally exist. yeah. existent for fine. the my name is up and it's been some fun. so my name is robin diaz. i'm 25 hobbits. i'm starting to become a social worker on foot. i live near frankfort and i'm trans split to it. that means the gender i was assigned at birth is wrong, but it doesn't fit this time. i don't have agenda. this is how can use list of the it's nice, there's nothing there. this is okay. i know that now, and it's okay that there's nothing like that because the past, the term that fits best as a gender as a non buying, they're usually tools. i don't know if it's in my gene this week. i definitely
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didn't choose anything else cuz the the higher the set scans and then this one then have a still not so much lindsey but it's possible for me to go to and i walk across the street and people look at me and want to categorize me as a man and i promise, and whenever i'm out in public and i noticed that i'm seeing is a man that people address me is that something young man? it's money. if i live in, i'm about a distance. that's what people think. when they look at my body type of cup a bit, it's, that's what i want it and want to achieve advice. video to it's been the full mismatch
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. all glazing savannah, i'm very happy not to be seen as a woman anymore. how about being seen as a man isn't quite right either to this thing you've got the most people don't see that there's another option in housing, but there are more than just to generalize the the mist mentioned. i know that most people aren't being mean i found it, they just don't understand about what happens over and over and over again in the past. i find it exhausting to endure all the time. oh, so how does this my, how long is this is my hormone, jones? mean i didn't talk of, i've been putting it on my arms every day for a year now. and it's me, my voice deeper must as long as stand i can grow beer, they'll just move optics. the
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uh hello. my name is kelvin, something to i mean the websites. yeah. basically just gets files. yep. to try it. tasha. yeah, thank you. susan says, it's been hard to hear via the kind of hard today because i'm due for a mistake. let me check up. i have everything removed in the doctor's checking to make sure everything is one of the houses. must be a mice and i'm, i'm crap. i just stood up because i bothered the most about my body, apart from my voice, with the breasts fisting simply because i couldn't either because it was too much. and the people says that, oh my god, you must be a woman because there are presence there. uh, when i go to move center calls,
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i'm going to buy a house on this not i'll access them give. it was just an area that i never considered my body cup that never belonged to me, but that was never a part of i need. i'm tired from you and the surface was remembered to me said, i always wanted to go and cook. i believe my own body should make me feel comfortable and secure. she lives under business at the bottom. feler is as soon as i found out that there was something i could do about that the thing was very liberating. pacific some let us be once i knew it was possible that i could do it. i don't like, it was clear to me that i wanted to go through with kind of this my home on the inside of my milk thoughts build us all the photos of the really don't like seeing photos of me with the breasts are still clearly visible along the name, i don't like nastiness because i just see a completely different person under because of a stranger theme you sent us on this, we don't want to present myself that way either who's present to you in the state.
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that's why i'm covering my face a little bit 1st off because it just doesn't feel good. the brothers, i had to scroll down through the middle of it to button the fittest needs for us to wear like having a 3rd arm or something finished, something completely wrong. in my body, i couldn't touch the lesson that's consistent when i looked down at myself when i just thought it was terrible. i really couldn't cope with it it on there was something i heard from everyone kind of stomach throwing himself there along a dung. suspect in albany, robin, would you come with me? hello. hello. hello. thank you my, i'm right here. okay, this way, right in here. so i, if you go under via phone and take a seat here on the left. perfect. how are you know, he's doing great. so far, yeah, yes. i assume your quality of life as improvement on the mission. yeah. yes. very much cover. my body feels completely different to me and i can touch it all and it feels good and feels like me if you're close to probably. yeah. yeah, totally haven't the shirt wouldn't have worked before because my shoulders are
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brought her down and the ones who need different sized clothes last night in class, i'll have to figure out where to find something that fits managed by spending time with me sitting in front while it looks good on you, you wear it. well. actually i'd like to see how things are looking right now for that. i would ask you to take off your chair and 5. so let's let's estimate assessment for the categories. the 1st time i saw my flight up, her body was at the hospital for hours after surgery. i'm still p, shawn. i didn't have a mirror, but just had a can speak is i could look down the front. when i noticed that these mountains were gone, and i'm a kind of the academic and then i could see my belly button. i'm just going to be involved in out of the yes. why it felt like so i'm coming home. actually concession is the opposite. the scars have faded quite a bit. i notice there's a bit of stretching here. right. so yeah, probably because i'm right handed. assigned to that, so it looks like you massage to this. well, in the meantime, as i recommended to think, i think the scars will get better with time association fee can continue massaging
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them. overall, i think your upper body looks more masculine. edit suits you very well. thank you. the safety fiscal always pretty tough and i think for those with this issue, the most important thing is simply to be accepted, but they don't want to take away anybody else has freedom and i, they just want to be appreciated and accepted in their own freedom of this isn't some kind of frivolous process. it involves getting many expert opinions, changing your legal status, and who knows what else of each other. it's just not something you decide to do on a whim try. that's kansas will be well if you need anything come back any time to eat outside. thank you. thank you. and if i'm not a new person, my personality is still the same. but this shadow self is finally gone. as i skipped the color to design, there are those who say i just want attention and sometimes is specifically about being a non binary person identity and gauge about. so when you look at how long the journey
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i am parked on, really use them on this, on what it takes to get where i am now, then is that it's just so much was only didn't choose this come voice, been this is sophia. and no, i don't want a 10 or 9 semester kind of make some kind of just name list. i didn't even go through with all these operations just to get some attention off. my son cut the human side. so applies in young time when i was between 13 and 23 was the worst of my life even. that's, that's my not additional news. my old school advice and images i was in the middle and high school here for 5 or 6 years from 6 out along a die off their loan bank. they're on the blue bench and that's where our costs would hang out at lunch time. but it was always an outside or in the loan, a bunch of other images up. so that brings back old emotions as a new field. i'll just
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have to kind of find that. and i only have any friends because they all thought it was weird to lucian. and my classmates would often just make up words to tease me. yeah, i think i forgot to find one word, for example, was farming because i didn't shave my legs, sign well and was considered on high genex some end of the a tough on its own conflict guide me about few people made fun of me. that would be invited to a party that wasn't given to have access to them and for this one. so in the patio and so for an option that will be taught to me if you listen to you can 5 and you know, started when i was young, i realized i didn't fit in with the girls and i didn't fit in with the boys. the girls just did girls stuff and i found it strange mass. linda's fun,
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but i wasn't at home with the boys either. i'm already used by the office. i didn't know where i belong to him. as if i were to tell me, i still haven't processed that yet. it's deep within me. so it's no teeth. and it's been like i used to put into it and they couldn't talk to me, peter and the family or friends is a kind of want because i didn't know how to put it into words. that was, this is mr. news was what i'm going to, i didn't fit in anywhere. he was sort of stuck in limbo and then i couldn't stand out. so i started trying to fit in with the girls because that's where i supposedly belong. i had a job, i'm trying to find me a little food was unclear, could and me look at old photos. it's always very strange mac. i think that's the
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best word for it. the best of what the fear via because i know that to me, and that's part of my past, but i've lost my connection to the savannah forgotten i had good about it, have to defend them. so follow on. i don't talk about myself as a girl either each and because i never was one and i never was i never will be. it's bonnie ions that only i'd sign and that's why i don't use my old name anymore important because it's just not relevant anymore. now, but of this i saw so much time as events of everyone else could soon understand some point in 2018. i left home and i thought to myself, hey, i don't know any people's work. we're in the mentioned degree and i came across costs 41 in frankfort, and specialist and fun. first, the 1st 3 of us you can sense for career youth center, a safe place for people who work a bi, sexual, a sexual trans or non veneer and tongue. so who's been as ins gonna for me all started here, 2 and a half years ago, the youngest on the phone. yeah,
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it's just as s my hear the 1st time i was here, there was an introductory meeting that was at that meeting that i met people who were unclear for the 1st time. i asked my yellow, tingling to confusing um once i more importantly people who are trained, some were like me isn't the, is my little world kind of explode and it is and it was like, wow, i think on trans too low, but i'm not a trans ma'am. i've just been kind of started a googling and research quite a bit on the internet to see what's out there against few intended to associate. so i quickly came across the term non binary series often because ms. bean. yeah. and that word on tied a huge, not within making, using snowden didn't have to lose perhaps as a, to answer those guns feel like still 1st it was a big relief. when done. com and i was afraid of the youngest. because the moment i knew this about myself, which this was, i also knew i couldn't go back because of
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a key that wouldn't work. i just meant to look in this deed of men's. i had to tell my boyfriend, delighted. i had to tell my family, well, i had to tell my friends who was this man of a medium. it was time to let the cat out of the bags london ends on most of this up club in cousins, they sent it said confound from chris and i have been together for 5 years now. i asked for, and i only came out to him about 2 and a half years ago. they even go out, it's just me, my partner was trans, wasn't stressful medicine. i showed him videos of people who are non binary of the because it was important to me that he'd get to know that as well. and, but this may be new super interested and super supportive as well inside. and we'll see, hey, all right, well figure it out somehow. what do you need of? how can i help you? but i cries because i hadn't expected that. it was just like of course it was incredible. yeah. what's
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the city moment? what was it like for you when i told you when i told you i was track, that's up to something really fast and that was settled for certainly a lot to absorb. we just had no idea of what that meant for us and how things would change by should i accept the challenge or the challenge, i'm gonna have to say this is anything change for you between us because of in the thing, you know, just a life of it but nothing drunk mix coffee and then not in my name's and then i see your name. but i don't consciously think about it anymore because it's more subconscious now because it's those you see thing and strange that i have a deep voice mails to me up the mattresses i'm looking at as well as your questions to be honest. i don't even notice the attorney language a few minutes ago and i don't remember what your voice was like before closing time . i just have it in my hand type stuff. in my little for the image, i have
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a view right now as also replace the one that my memory is up in the, on the sides. when i think back to the time before the changes, you still look the same as you do. now if you do it by myself, because i to a fish design because that's what my head thinks is, right? it's like, it's always been this way the leaves into mind fish, southern and you back over to tech. at 1st i was confused when robin came out to me on business of it because they had no experience with the whole thing and the incumbent file of a. but i learned all the terminology and all the things that go with it. and again, just as rather not to, i'm hanging up just as often down like a few less and then level and what are our feelings for each other and especially my feelings from robin were not affected, because for me the person is always in the for grant and it depends on who knows, looks like there is more to a person than just their gender. so of course after robin came out initially i didn't question or feature because it didn't matter to me what the others talked
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about as a couple 100 bucks. yeah. and then so it was very clear to me that we would stay together once decided by the technician, comes crossing the square to them line up this above seats in the income for a while. i wondered whether this could even work through outside or as we'd always been hetero. yeah. but social norm because that we knew that was going to change. and of course, that does affect the relationship to this office. but did you? so the question was, how do we do with the the, i think for most people, the whole trans issue is still very for this in my own should exist just lots of different mac symptoms. yes, there is more acceptance, active tons. but acceptance is not understanding, this is there's a different used escapes, strange people keep getting assault if it comes to the nif. let's just the other day in frankfort on the trans woman was attacked right on the street. awesome discipline, you only thing discrimination like that makes me so angry. must be so. uh, but also very, very sad. told by this man,
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i realize other people were denying me the right to have my own identity. my own life feed me and my lima. things aren't going well politically, either off the pretty take mazda has kind of quinta, look at hungry or poland gun at a point on goal and is currently setting up l g, b, t q, phrases. obviously it's on line where people who work. we are not welcome using this alpha induced and a yeah. so, so what is that going to do? do you think you're not welcome here in the world you think you're not allowed to exist on the success team? smells inside this time. absolutely been discriminated against by in many ways and i mean it's pretty simple. come on them. whenever i get letters, it's always a very strange feeling for me then because they always call me the wrong thing and i said you might have had so i'm going to post investments. and this sunday i'm going to think it would be best if that were simply a minute. it's not because it's not necessary. and when needed, i use meal pronoun, but not this new one on this. and there's a whole list of them just like sledge farther putting on. they get the link and i
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chose the pronoun and then they tell me a, the spelled n i and oscar o, as in, in the best deal. for example, instead of saying that he plays with his dog, and that would be in place with means don't suck a closet smack um on the phone. sure, that might seem complicated. it 1st of an, but with a little practice can you get used to it? so pushing it for me, one time i'm missing the conflicts on that also can, i think getting out of your comfort zone is the least you can do to except the 1st on tying this active tip. but sylvia, if send it out, it's just a little word means we can change so much. let's us know i'm kind of smart by sophie's and then con, ma'am we've incorporated so much english into the german language. language is always changing. i can't understand how you can be so ignorant and how you can have such a hard time with adding a few words to your vocabulary and human level. it's no common thing. even mama, you bet, dear mom, do dad, i'm writing this letter to you so that you can take,
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however much time you need as you read, i guess my type name cont, as such as a few lines for the members. very afraid of coming out to my parents because i knew that they had no contact with your people at all. so you had mentioned how other the company didn't even know anyone who is guess was and somebody should be. that's why i didn't talk to them 1st, the assessment then i decided to write them a letter because i didn't want to experience the 1st reaction by this the estimate . so in this upcoming budget is being kind of how i'm not a woman. i've been ok, but i'm also not a man like i taught in yet i remain simply who i am, who i've always been to the flex been always so that i may change my appearance. and when i am still the same child, you have always loved the invoice tie, it may take your time and get in touch. when you want to know more about this is when shamia does the image and i wish that you will accept me for who i am is without having to justify myself to you. i love you if need boys robin hobbin to meet us in the attempt to my surprise, my parents responded very well, my mind and what type of shame 1st my mother wrote me on. what's that this thing is
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she told me she loves me very much. and thank me for the letter to dine toughening fees on mine. papa hadn't been my dad said he didn't care because nothing could change all of this. but emerson infinity it won't lose me. i said because i'm still his child and always like, yeah, i need to end up spinning as i can when that result a lot of great boost. my mom, i'm me gets i'm doing well when yours. when isn't that? from logarithm my parents didn't worry though that this might not be the right thing for me to do. mostly i found that they just didn't know me well. and now i can come and talk to them a lot and told them that, you know, this is right for me, like me is just trust me. you know, this, this felt like me down and how does that mean? and then they did trust me once and now they can see that i'm doing better despite its talk soon, bye, choose the
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machine, my inter chronologist today. can you check my blood work every 3 months route and gives me a new prescription for my hormones. that's up to somebody, the homeowner conduct the flow. yeah. something to me except all the video that are recorded, edited myself, where you can see and hear the changes the hormones are made on, especially in my voice is open at home and stimulate cream
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one bathroom kind of because name. there are no real side effects to harm on treatment will flush ice time. the only thing i'm worried about as being dependent assistance has opinions been there's been opinions here. i'm dependent on doctor is giving me a prescription so i can keep taking hormones. name come on, donald has been around as well are sometimes i'm worried, what would happen if that were to stop somehow? i couldn't get them anymore. assistance makes me give us time to come to the counter to come here and then let's mon, i remember last time you reported that you were still not quite satisfied with the effective this hormone therapy happening in your case testosterone. that's the whole disorder and severe evidence. yeah, the dosage was lower than that. it was indeed lower meetings and i wasn't doing so well. i had some mood swings in so to leave this place in order, let's talk about increasing the doses. that's possible. as long as we monitor
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things, this would contribute district images. for me, it's important to note that being trans is neither a disease nor a disorder. i see it as a normal bearing and experienced by some members of our society. it's just a way of being in the world, a lot of in science. thank of the 1st time climbing since going to stick to me and without the breast it's very different. mrs. douglas consent. i don't have to focus on how it looks or what's in the way. i can just call him without anything interfere and catch on one of the something that's good.
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yeah. this is from an investment funding the other top i felt very supportive when i came out to my best friend and, and things changed very quickly that soon enough and looking, she asked me directly what me and program she should be using. now the vision and how i define myself and nice mostly for me. yes sir. and i think it breaks the ice between us a little more. so sort of being one of the 1st people to find out about it was the ultimate proof that you trusted me. ok. so the promise was ups is i'm gonna didn't change anything in the friendship itself. and if anything has deepened it a bit this in so yeah, i think so to hold on victor fee and follow the reading. definitely seems to be a lot happier in that piece. with each passing day, you notice more and more just how well robin is doing now, scrubbing netscape to so miss from and crop. and i've definitely come into my own defeat and body and soul. yeah. but in society it's a different story. yes, i have reached my personal goal always most,
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but i still have to fight until this goal is valued by others. so i can be accepted just as i am. so i can simply be when these even been in the system signed the, the, the
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action i just felt i felt like i was ready to drag honeywood style director and act to m 9th shovel on in an exclusive interview. anecdotes from the center. as well as in yellow analysis and what really tried to see the box and val outcome in the minutes on d w. so that's the base and the middle one of the
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to some of the core is edition from the west african. our insurance team consist left with us and just the a 90 minute w. the tips for your package and the magic corner. feel free to you. check on some great cultural memorials to boot w, travel regarding code name project cassandra,
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re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug car. not somebody normally theaters organizations. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we had in las vegas to attack a terrace organization finance. the idea is the fall of the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i. i wasn't scared, but i mean, as well as another whole life, they wanted to go actually money. i wanted to take down their findings. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people invited the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was 1st our 3 pot documentary series on last day, hezbollah dots may 4th on dw the
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this is dw news lie from berlin renewed hope in ukraine after us lawmakers approved a new package of urgently needed military $8.00 to $61000000000.00 package promises fresh weapons and ammunition for keys as it finds to hold back. russian forces also coming up, pakistan ready to send hundreds of thousands of refugees back to afghanistan. the plan leads thousands of women fearing for their future under taliban will the
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