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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, the news live from berlin, potential for a ceasefire in god's up. you're a secretary of state. anthony blinked and bit down to the middle east for another round of thoughts with adam leaders. for the 1st time in weeks, he's around and come us signal momentum, photo tools, including the values of hostages. posts are coming up retreats on the eastern front . you brainstorming. c'mon, diseases outnumbered the troops at pulling back to new positions and they've done yet screeching as russian forces of guns and another devastating tornado stripe sand from us, leaving full dead. and once in one small town in oklahoma,
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in ruins, the i've been expanded. you're welcome us secretary of state anthony banking has arrived in saudi arabia as part of new ports to broadcast east fire data between israel and hum moss he's set to meet with. and he does have gulf out of states who being mediating a plan for the tools and that a ton of hostages held and gaza since the homos led to the attack on the 7th of october. at the same time, a mazda negation is expected to meet egyptian officials in title, for adults also aimed at securing an agreement. then it goes to issues that taking place as a fanciful ground. amazing continues to move a rough uh way over half of guys us population is sheltering of the.
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the city of rasa has been the last refuge. the families fleeing the financing and got the previously deemed a safe zone by israel. meaning he is still struggling to get by. now you're also looking for we have 10 people living in the same tent and we suffer from the sheet and mosquitoes. we do everything inside the tent cooking cleaning basing. the children have sick children who cannot tolerate the sheets, and we have prompt inside the tent rarely going outside the classroom while america young, me know, israel says rafa is a strong home for home, us militants and plans to launch a ground invasion. rewan totally speaking and saudi arabia with palestinian president and judged against a touch of the palestinian people. we emilia, why we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the restful authoration. because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from
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committing this crime. he does, yeah. the math us has previously said it could not support a russell authoration without a credible humanitarian plan. israel sees it is scaling up a deliveries into gaza with plans for a new ocean delivery car door together with the united states central command. we're working on a temporary, married time, peer known as j lots, which stands for joint logistics over the shore. a deliveries via yeah, continues to bring some desperately needed supplies. she minutes area in groups one, it's not enough with hunger wide spread and looming risk of famine for many in gaza to the law. i'm not doing the correspondence. rebecca of it as always in jerusalem. rebecca, good morning. you're a secretary of state anthony blinking is inside of the rubia today. what time are
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you expecting from them? well this is anthony blinking 7th visit to the middle east and his 5th to saudi arabia barrow since october 7th, since the will began. he'll be bringing with him a very similar message as he has done in previous visits. of course, the sci fi talks and his potential hostage deal definitely to helping the agenda are and coming at a very key time when we're seeing is crucial phase of the hostage negotiations. but you'll also be there to talk to other gulf in our latest from todd you, a egypt and at uncle saudi arabia to discuss a post world. cause that's something that is very much in the minds of us officials . and of course, every time he visits saudi arabia, he'll also be bringing with him on the agenda, a willingness, or a potential to talk about the ongoing conversation about is ready saudi normalization. now that is something that the usa as a potential way all the way forward in this post cause
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a year. and it's something that's a high on the agenda for the us administration for the president biden's us administration since he took office before october 7, i was told we're already making some headway and they are still in the pipeline. but the sticking point being israel's refusal to talk about any future palestinian states has a very, very big agenda that and some people in ken brings with him as always from saudi arabia. then he'll be following on to jordan and he had to israel as well. so lots on the, on the plate funds to the blinking, the mean balance he's 5 talks are happening in egypt as well, with the most delegation present. yeah, and we're getting to a point where we're seeing some very positive moves in the so hostage negotiation. certainly the closest we've come in, certainly several weeks if not months since. and we've seen these negotiations have been ongoing and logically stalling, since the last negotiation was successful back in november. now, last week,
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addiction officials were in israel to discuss with negotiate. it's key about what they would potentially agree to. they have sent back with them to agents with those officials, accounts, and proposal that hamas has reported. they've been mulling over now. it needs to be reported that her mazda officials are heading to cairo today, and could be even giving a their, their answer to whether or not they will accept the steel. there have been some reports that have mazda officials sitting in the pilot bureau has been saying that they say no major issues with this car a deal on the table. so that is a cool something very positive, but it is always a bit of a split between them as is paula bureau and the minute tree wing. and of course, yeah, yes. and while the head of how much you guys are. and so whether or not that will be able to agree on what's stipulated in this particular deal closer mind to be saved is never done until it's done there action. we've certainly been state, we've seen it come close many times before. so we'll certainly have more details
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for you today. as this is happening, pressure is going from within the within yeah. who's own governments to invade? rough uh, come bought me. is that reflective of us flipped in the government? and if so, what bedding could it have? and what happens next of a sudden and the difference of opinion we have in the government as to whether or not they should take a deal and take this rough or offensive of the table. we saw remarks from the finance minister, but to those smart traits. one of the most far right members of benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, he came out to say that if raffle was canceled, then this government would have no legitimacy. he's calling for that operation to take place despite any further tools, whether there's a hosted deal or not. now we heard from most tend to right member, it wasn't initially part of the governments that the coalition, but he came in after work. so i'll type a 7 into the wall cabinet. that's pretty guns. he's a, you know, a very senior figure in this little cabinet. and he's,
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he said in the statement that entering my for easy, important, bought the campaign against some of the campaign against massachusetts. a is very important, but the return of hostages is even more so he said of a deal is reached with the backing of to the defense establishment, but without ending the war. and then the, the ministers who led this late this government on october 7th wouldn't be legitimate if they didn't agree to that. so you do see a difference of opinion that does that mean? what i think we're saying is that most of the government is committed to going into rough. uh, there's some members would like party, a hostage deal made in the interim. and leave it there for the time being the deb, it's rebecca. that doesn't journals. number thanks. so much i for the war and ukraine now, ukraine's top general say is his forces have suffered several setbacks on the battlefield. and russian troops advancing in the eastern done yet screeching. the forces lead to all legs on the cities. cases. moscow is not attacking ukraine along the entire front line. and as a chief,
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tactical success is by concentrating its efforts. russian strikes near or to d today. a village in ukraine's east in the next region west fighting has been raging for days. must go claims that luxury now controls the area. russian forces have advanced through at least half a dozen villages on the east in front since capturing the town of of d if caught in february, the taking advantage of the superior troop numbers and munitions stokes. well, t waits for fresh supplies. ukraine's army leaders have conceded that moscow has had quote tactical successes in post tomato and social media. the armed forces come on during chief on exam. does the escape said ukrainian troops had retreated to new positions for the west, as russian forces rapidly approach cordova and poker off. elsewhere in the country, you claim you unofficial se russian drug and struck the black sea city of nikolai
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eve, setting a hotel ablaze, and damaging energy infrastructure. russian media claims the spike target to the shipyard web. drones are assembled. president, below to me is the landscape science, the us congress for the billions of dollars worth of new weapons. that's all finally on their way to ukraine, while also issuing a fresh key for more defenses. actually could even you, same with we are interacting with pot, does the tool levels socrates, the level of efficiency and the systems that is needed. not telling me to hold on sufficient oscar, but also to disrupt the russians. work samuels, very moderate. eas could blindly be me, it's great. i emphasize the need for patriot systems fail, needed as soon as possible. switch, strong demands for a desperate situation with ukraine in full states vastly outnumbered and keep struggling to recruit to move sound just the landscape is counting on fresh us supplies. to turn the tide of the will. a quick look now at some of the stories
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making headlines around the world of policies in russia, i have the change to russian. john listened charges of extremism, accusing them of working for a bind, a group funded by lead opposition, leader. like say, nevada, a sort of a katelyn and the constant in gulf were previously worked for the job to deny the charges they face years in prison. if convicted, thousands of professors in georgia have a gain. radi begins to controversial foreign influence bill. if it costs is organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad would have to reduce the as part of agents for the accept compared to, to a russian nor used to crush dissent. looking at houses, minifee who has blocked access to several international news media outlets including dw, it's often they reported on a human rights watch report that accused the ministry of cutting out most cleanings, the whole which to pod in 2022 has claimed has cooled. the claims and sorry,
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baseless french and use paypal among those when it's finished publication, the guardian are also among those blocked for an indefinite time and it ok spot a month as boston law criminalizing same sex conditions. it includes prison sentences of 10 to 15 years. it also punishes anyone who undergoes or performs gender transition surgery with up to 3 years. almost sexuality was not explicitly criminalized in the talk onto low. a tornado is ripped, 2 or 3 states in the united states, midwest over the weekend, killing at least 5 people more than a dozen pressed as destroyed buildings and less thousands of households without the town of sulphur in oklahoma was especially haunted state alternatives. the fear of the depths door might rise further. as recovery efforts get underway
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this used to be a busy downtown area. but now the streets of self are you really silent. with businesses destroyed. vehicles damaged and buildings flattened, the deadly tornadoes and least have it on the community of 5000 people, sweeping away livelihoods in just one night. we will arrive to rebuild and that will move forward will be here every step of the way with the soul for and the other communities across the state. so we
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move forward to seek restoration. but before us duration, there is another moment the task to complete clearing up imagines to cruise us to assessing the damage, trying to resolve power to affect, to the parts of sofa and ensuring the small town gets back on its feet. so the, or the lympics thoughts has been making its way to friends from its ancestor home in greece. the 19th century saving ship, cutting the flame, has carefully made its way through the gardens canal, in greece, is heading to the full to do of mazda in france. upon arrival, 10000 torch barrows would carry the flame in a really, across the country to paris. it'd be the centerpiece of
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a new opening set of many of that to see teams sitting down the sand river. and that's it for the moment coming up after the break, how to protect yourself from spyware, on your smartphone. that's next. do not take serious shift. i'm british bandaging put in the people in trucks in judge west trying to feed the city center. the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people of.


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