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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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let's say the parts of our community life on the surface of this research is now on the have you ever taken a ride in a driverless car? is your computer ever written a text on its own? or have you ever used facial recognition to unlock your cell phone? so you've used artificial intelligence on seen an unheard like a ghost in the machine. the military is using it more and more often. but will things do the same strategically except carried out by intelligent robots? not quite. i is revolutionizing everything the also coming up in the show. pilots in training, the long journey to the cockpit. luxury watch as a safe investment and trending super food water. lily pops from india.
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robots can be friendly, they can entertain, and some can even act as caregiver. and then there are the others, so called killer robots. the kind we've only seen in hollywood movies that destroy and kill without human emotion. killer robots sound like something out to the science fiction movie. the problem is that the attending is reality of them, but not the terminator right, but they're not sophisticated robots that the sorts of drives that we're starting to see turning up on the back of food and you're trying and increasing the a. it's not a human. so they're controlling those drives, but it's computers. it's right, it's a simple technical matter to remove any humans from the controller and replace them by a residence tanks, soldiers, and trenches. that's how it looked in rushes,
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invasion of ukraine until artificial intelligence began to be used on both sides. such as with the viaduct are drones, a single one costs over 11000000 euros mustang this year to above the support of then the legacy weapon systems of both the ukrainians and the russian. those of what you decide is those systems previously, not equipped with a i guess we're equipped with it as a c, and the systems change the war. of course, to show thoughts on the russian side. for example, there were glide bonds that are equipped to say i am giving off. yeah, i'm on the ukranian side, we see the equipment with a i just such as drones, some from born. yeah, and this is key to saw that switch to the fact that ukraine was able to be so effective and successful in the 1st few months before has to do with the fact that they have very good situational awareness. military conflicts are all about data
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and evaluating processing speed is critical a i can achieve this and make technical decisions such as i can always be leading by a whole lot of money with highly automated systems. we have to think carefully about how we organize the division of labor between human and machine for, for the people have intentions. loading machines do not have intentions and we use these machines, these automated systems as tools team as back. so canada drone become a humanoid killer. robot, a terminator terminates a 9 to terminate or no, that's not possible. we haven't reached that level of technology yet yet. so we do see fascinating youtube videos from boston dynamics, for example. we can see that these are machines that have a high level of performance in the area of motion control that when they do a somersault or things like that to like,
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oh my god doesn't make them dangerous killer robots? no, because gabby can give that one more time, less here, military spending worldwide rose to more than to truly in euro's a new record. the width is in 1st place with almost 750000000000 euros. but china is also catching up. russia increased its military budget by around 9 percent and 2022 things. you know, i mean, if you have an army that works with a i, you have different tactics than one that works without it too. so that is, it's not about putting artificial intelligence into a weapon system because it's, it's about changing the whole system, training tactics, organization. i think it could be that smaller countries that are more edge island terms, that the composition of their military cooperation between civil, military and industry. that they suddenly have a head start and bringing data together for him, have him to them to and from the companies that develop robots for peaceful
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purposes are also working on autonomous weapon systems and receive money from governments to do so. around 60 countries are working on such systems the technology is going to exist, they're going to be part of our lives. we're going to have a thought of as god is we're going to have a ton of his truck. so that was buses is going to be lots of die in our lives. and that technology could be re purpose turned into the autonomous weapons that we got stopped that happening. and we, because we wanted as posted use as a band outlined spot. we can at least stop this company is open to the developing and setting such weapons and making them like the classic officer to the one possible solution. stricter regulations. ok, this is controversial. a few you nations led by friends, are calling for extensive exemptions for some uses and the military smoking tanks, burning battlefields fighter jets of plays. do you know how much pollution and c,
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o 2, such a military equipment a met? no, no wonder. hardly any data is collected. the military practically flies under the radar of climate protection measures. but why does it have to be this way? why is nobody talking about the minute treat and c o 2? we're only supposed to avoid imaging c o 2 by flying less on vacation 18 this meet and not using gas, but he takes industry is also supposed to become climate neutral. but why doesn't anyone actually ask how helpful the military is to the climate? the military has been excluded from all climate protection agreements from rio, 1992 to paris 2016. 1 reason the special task of protecting society makes the minute treat and exception. another states how the provide any data because they want to keep the strength of moments and tech
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take steps that are armed forces, secrets even so unloved and based think tank has now published an estimates based on limited data. it says that the minute she causes around 5.5 percent of old greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. by way of comparison, international and traffic account suggestive a 3 percent. so around $28000000.00. so just worldwide, they have a huge c o 2. the print. this is mainly due to the heavy equipment. well, environmental lists are upset about an s u. v. that consumes 15 leeches of diesel power, 100 kilometers in the city. a russian tank needs 240 latest for the same distance. the american counterparts even consumes 465 leaches it's no one did the military equipment used in full homes climates in the 1st year alone. the war
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in ukraine is said to have caused more emissions than portugal, and greece combined more also increases emissions. 3 more forest fires, the destruction of oil refineries and gas pipelines, damage to homes and reconstruction. the loss of life in war is most serious, but the climate also suffers. emissions could be reduced, such is through hydrogen powered tanks and fight to planes, as well as on the vehicles within electric drives. the e u now wants to include the military and the plan to become climate neutral by 2050. the best way of course, would be to end old was the did you ever dream about flying as a kid about unlimited freedom above the cloud?
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well, some grown ups try to realize that streams withheld made aircraft flying isn't quite so easy. it's much better to get proper training aboard real airplanes. according to to young aviation enthusiasts. lucas time had to fight for this moment for a long time. the student pilot is currently completing his training as a commercial pilots. today he's flying from goodyear and arizona, towards the grand canyon. at the european flight academy in the us, the 26 year old as learning to fly small aircraft together with around $100.00 other students. later he wants to fly passenger jets for germany's largest airline looked concepts and take passengers to all confidence
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. isn't it seem of the for i'm on i will be here for another month or so flying by sight the whole time with a flight instructor to prepare ourselves to fly so low without an instructor which is an incredible experience. and then we'll go into the simulator here to learn to fly after instruments like nothing's torment. and so i'm just getting some of them . about 3 years ago things were different. lucas had to move out of his apartment and brandon on the spur of the moment. during the pandemic, lufthansa had stopped training. it's new pilots. aviation had come to a virtual standstill worldwide. when and whether pilots would be needed again, was completely up in the year. low cost is lifelong dream of becoming a pilot. seem to be over a sort of a hopeless cloud disability, but it's not at all clear that will be hired after we've been trained and have been that's not a good prospect for those and push them out. and in the end, our tests wouldn't be recognized in the future. they couldn't guarantee it finished
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. that's how i understand what that means. you worked for a year and a half towards this goal and you have nothing at all to take with you miss. that's my nickname. con, a couple named those now also didn't know what would happen the leipzig native wasn't flight school in the us when she heard that her training was being put on hold. she took a job at amazon to survive. her goal was to somehow complete her pilot training on her own if necessary. she needs life for kaufman purposes. it's not easy to coat, wait for someone who really wants to do it, destroys dreams is open carpet. at some point, i really want to sit on the co pays for them, but in the meantime, i think you should make the best of the results as you have available on what parts are open to you. and so for, for those stamps today, 3 years later, she has made it column named has been applying for the logistics giant, the h l for 4 months as
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a co pilot. she flies tons of freight from leipzig to african or other european destinations the statements. but all i sometimes get up and go to work and think to myself on the way. cool. you're really doing this now, and i'm super grateful that my family has helped me so much and supported me. i would sometimes do a kind of double shift. i come in for the late shift to flight preparation until 2 am i'd sleep but get up again at 6 am to try to balance. to shewn hawkins to take a flying lesson day. and then drive back home and get to m as in an hour late for a late shift by almost just after midnight, the logistics home outside at leipzig, holla, airport comes to life rows and rows of da channels, yellow and red plains are waiting tens of thousands of parcels and packages are
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sorted and packed into containers for dispatch right next to the tournament. at about 2 am they arrive minute 5 minutes. it's a waiting airplanes. nice. this week isn't not stuff most likely to take place at night. you have to like that you have to be able to cope with it, then v as we fly out of here at night life. so she will come and talk to me about that. we reach on the destinations during the day, or anywhere in europe, africa, all the middle east, or at least with the plane. i'm flying. we sleep bed during the day and usually fly back via like see in the evening or in like say briefly. and then we're off somewhere else again, like come on in business is heading to athens today. her airbus is still empty. but just like the plane next door, almost 40 tons of freight will soon feel to hold the fact that she is only flying parcels. and packages doesn't founder the pilot at home.
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what i fly doesn't match in the end. the flying itself is the same. i do the same approach the same take off and manufacture. it just means that i don't have any passengers to look after. coggan who doesn't complain. cargo doesn't grumble that the food isn't all right. it doesn't get angry. i don't have to call the police because of congress, including your arizona lucas time has just returned from a 2 hour training flight. before landing. he has to concentrate fully once again, correctly assessing speed, wind, distance, and altitude. the flight instructor only intervenes if something threatens to go wrong, but everything works out low cost lands without any problems. still, they discuss the entire flight afterwards. antique practices, especially tricky situations. once again in the simulator, there's
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a lot to him. the simulator is less helpful with flight training itself, but it's great for training for emergencies. what can i really do in an emergency? there are things that you might not want to practice or demonstrate in flight, but you can do it here. let me see if it's a big advantage on your mind, us as simple as a full time. then the next mission awaits the next like task. because checks if the rudder landing gear and lights are working properly, or if anything is damaged. sometimes he has to take to the air 3 times a day. as this one that's explained was on, it's very special. you think about it every day. i know now that we're getting used to flying, we know that it's out of the ordinary. you notice it in the people and then what we do here name was wondering if all goes to plan. lucas time could complete his training site early 2025, and fly passengers all over the world. from the cockpit of
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a judge. nothing has changed our lives as profoundly as the invention of the clock, whether the seasons or even by a logical rhythms have been replaced with a non stop march of seconds, minutes and hours. the dictatorship of the clocks for the industrial revolution time is money, became a motto for speed and growth. but time piece of themselves have become ever more valuable, even as speculative investments. 840100000, up to a 1000000 euros for use watches. luxury watches blooming even during a crisis, and they have become an investment. unique market hasn't moved for people who like to show off what they have. people that kind of port alexia bought, that couldn't easily cost $10000.00 euro or more,
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probably less infected by high energy prices or inflation. why do people buy luxury watches, and how does this market was based in southern germany. photo $24.00 is one of the largest online retailers for luxury watches. on its website, nearly $500.00 employees advised private and commercial buyers and sellers on how to price and classify watches correctly. $143000.00 euros for a pedicure sleep not less. for example, the retailer receives 6.5 percent of the sale. in most cases, these are pre owned watches. they're usually cheaper than new ones. for a lot of people, it's also that the price is sometimes better than, than the retail price. so it's availability, it's price, and of course there's so many to choose from even models that are not in the regular catalog anymore. hadn't paid watches have up to $1500.00 individual pods.
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they are one of a kind technical masterpieces which makes them objects of speculation. criminal 24 has an annual trading volume of 2000000000 euros. and 25230000 watches are traded on the website every month to the luxury group. as the major also has a stake in the company. for years, prices for pre owned luxury watches kept rising. this was because the demand among, with the buyers for investment opportunities was high, but then the bubble burst. and what happens when prices go up to attracts even more people interested in the category, even more buyers. and that creates a vicious circle that drove prices really high, especially with the availability of low cheap money. and when that turned and money became more expensive, a lot of people were reconsidering their decisions. as a result,
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prices have now fallen somewhat, but it is still worthwhile for many customers to buy luxury watches. we ask people on the street. ready around different yes, around 5 i think by now used to be 5000 deutsche barks and then a bit more. most of them are for keeping and a say so because nowadays you getting mugged for a gold rolex. that's why we are cheap watches. i used to just be able to afford them. now i collect them interesting. i as an investment. yeah. and. and does it work as an investment? yeah, it works. you don't lose anything. isn't more likely to increase. have you sold any of the site? it tend to go up. some of them are rare models and then that works best with the online retailer pro 24 has its own workshop with 35 employees. this is where customers watches are overhauled in quality checks that carried out the small cost. 40000 euro or the next day toner. this is a rolex, daytona,
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and it's so expensive because it's made of white gold, completely on it's out of movement over whole. and the case has been refurbished and disclose all copies of the watches are polished if it has been one for more than 5 years. a watch is quality is check before it is sold, the seller pays the several $100.00 fee. finally, a beauty shop. so the website luxury watches as an investment with an increase in value like gold or securities, 10 work for somebody has the can you or is this the sweet siren call of a bag of potato chips? you should have given to often as highly process food, such as soft drink, chip, or ice cream, often contain large amounts of sugar,
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salt and fat. and junk food won't just need to overweight. it can shorten your life . healthy alternative water, lily pops. they contain no added sweeteners. only natural ingredients. young entrepreneur has introduced for favorite snacks to europe high that the found i brings national have been ended influence. the i am a snack law and this is what drove me to bring snacks with a purpose. with the new addition to that he would have been knock it the i personally had a stomach issue many years ago when, when i was living in india. and this is the main reason that i launch a company with app to deal with free of allergens. so those can be enjoyed by
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anyone who has trouble finding a product or just anybody can enjoy it for not kind of it's a very, very popular snack in in now we call it knock high. now our fox knots are watching lily pups of 15 years ago. it was found in every household because your mother or your grandmother, prophetic for you on a ton, very simply and give it to you to eat. by now, as people have thought of becoming more health conscious, we find that at every supermarket the follows have as the seats once a year, they collect the seats from the bottom of the pond. after the fall was finished, popping the seats. um, they are then taken to a factory where the produces roast and caesar the, the snacks and mcmanus based and recipes and once they
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are, um, they are season that packed in these and these packets. and then the shipped in these boxes um to us, to germany via around about 100 people with, from us to production, working for as the and the season is not good or we have not got enough. what uh. then you also see that the cop this, that this year and 2023 the, the cop uh it wasn't heavy rains. and because of that the price of the product in the market is very high. i originally come from my india and i moved to germany in 2016 because i fell in love. i met my husband while we were studying since i come from an entrepreneurs family. i
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have seen my father having his own business. i was with, wanted to have my own company the, when i started the company in 2028th is in the midst of corvette and even the cost batch that came, came literally with the my parents trying the flavor as ad shifter telling me directly to me because that was part of the support of the communities in india, the formats of to do some. and it's a way for me to get back to my country, the winter does not make it so easy in germany. so we have the language and all of the seats are something that you have to get to. so when you're coming, yeah, mine has to be my i, as in india doc, but now i feel very comfortable here in jimmy kind of small in the salon.
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and also have kind of house of and when you have your own company, you often don't have a break come. so i use my free time to spend with my family. so talking to people in india, exercising, watching movies to my kid. sometimes doing nothing to do on much money because sometimes i just need to switch them out there. it's called the hub and impulse. uh huh. i bought by that that i bought and see that one as one message that i would just give them is that and live in continue working to a typical is be persistent and it's not the destination, but it's the journey. i'm just that would be a lot of titles on your way, but don't give up because you will see life at the end of the tunnel.
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and that's so for today, we hope you enjoyed your flight and watching what makes luxury times uses to. maybe we even inspired you to seek out healthy snacks. so next time by the,
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the, the, into the conflicts own, with tim sebastian. as the board and you, craig, and grind on the neighboring voltage states, what's anxiously from that ring, sightsee, pressing the west to increase a think, kia, and make sure russia dozens with my guess this week is last is 5 minutes to pc on his tongue. and he's clear nature as to optics can conflict in 30 minutes on the w. o we experience the way down is pure adrenalin, 100 percent. lo,
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my name is 10 and when me and 33 and i live in water main. federal shellfish harvester lives on the gateway to a world of planting the man of the eclipse in 75 minutes on d w the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. music can be destroyed.
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you can try. so it's impossible to see how nice, you know, sweets or the was the nazis conducted the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office, i assume about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the vital signs to music. fetch the chandler play. oh, well, the only one i'm super lucky music under the sauce stuff may 25th on dw, the
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this is dw use live from portland, so back is prime minister is shot multiple times in an assassination attempt. roberts feed, so was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery and is now reportedly in a stable condition. suspect has been arrested also coming up for us as president vladimir approved and arrives in beijing for adults with china's choosing thing. first foreign trip since his re election as russian president the .