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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news, live it from the berlin, severe turbulence on a flight from london to single 4. 1 passenger has died. the plane was a boeing triple southern, and dozens of others were injured. we'll have the latest, also coming up. russia begins tactical nuclear weapons drills near the border with ukraine. la scale, saying it's in response to what he calls per bucket of statements from the west. the i bring golf, it's good to have you with this, at least one person has died after
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a passenger jet hit, severe turbulence, flying from london to singapore. dozens of others were injured. flight data suggest that the plane a boeing triple 7 dropped some 6000 feet in just 5 minutes. we need to say that those not wearing seat belts were launched to the ceiling. the jet was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok. images, passengers are carried off the single pool line, slight by medical stuff, and bind cold, uproot where they receive immediate treatment and some taken to hospital passengers have spoken. now to about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged. it was a long way so sudden there's no warning, it's all. and i ended up picking my head on the ceiling. my wife,
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there's some poor people walking around and up doing somersaults. it was obviously terrible. this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to sing a pool before it hits about to severe turbulence and dropped to move in 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then rerouted to land buying cocks main airport. that cops well started to use a still piecing together. what exactly happened on board. the preliminary investigations indicate that the deceased suffered from a hot condition. he was a 73 year old, but these national, however, they stood in the next stage of the old toxic process. as the investigation continues,
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several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue the journey, forwarded, another plane bound for a single pool. julia bray is an agent expert from cambridge in the u. k. i spoke with him earlier. yes. first of all come down says to the family and all those are being injured. this is a very unusual a car because the buying triple 7 is the state of the art buying, it spills of carbon fiber and use the turbulence that only affects the mainframe of the plane, and also all the other perils that we've seen today. but it does on the line, the fact that if you do fly on aircraft today because of the changing climate, weather conditions, everything else, here's your diet, you keep your seat belt on just lying around the lap, but just make sure it is actually buckled. so you call be thrown out of your chair and a hit the saving,
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which apparently you have to call the number of people. they additional just saving panels. and some of the infrastructure came down, exposing pipes and everything else. so there was a message and another message should be that in future it should be hand baggage of the in cabins or an old cases have to go them. so the whole because that is the placeholder. yeah. because you know, mr. brade today, there are more people that ever fly, and people are trying to fly by carrying on as much luggage as possible. do you think that this incident and others hopefully that we don't have that are blanket but this engine is going to force airlines to change their policy about carry on as i think is going to have to because the, the fed as you say, more people sign so there's more luggage in cases, i know the cases face on you'll see for the for just say uh, movable objects at all. so tied down. and so the best plays folded easy in the
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holes. and people say yes, but we want to get off quickly. but if there is a really emergency and then you have shoots to slide down, then people waiting to get the cases will delay the real rescue procedure. when these things do happen. so we're lucky that the plane managed to make an emergency landing. and everybody, everybody else goes off, apart from the injured and the ambulances were waiting. do we know mister bray, what the pilots, what they were encountering when, when this happened to me that they were, they were flying a boeing triple? subbing and we know the, the route that they were following. but can you maybe give us a birds i do if you will, of what maybe the pilots would have encountered and had to do the slow. yeah, so the cool, so they have all the latest navigational lights and also radio,
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which is very important because on mobile name for ads, doppler radar, you can actually pick up the traces of turbulent. so you all for a while and in some cases. but apparently i may close, it's going to be a mass of investigation. now to find out what did happen. but they, they would always know that the type is it says so they might have seen clear as a clear incident. i know there was nothing showing they went straight into it normally. yeah. across fly over cloud and around storms and the way from bad weather areas. but unfortunately it does happen. you get to get these sub and pockets, and you have to admit there's been some very strange weather events around the world like they for example, do by slot things i haven't said nobody's ever seen have before. and so i think we have to take account of changing climate conditions, changing rather patterns, and we had to be ready for it. so i think we kind of help ourselves if we keep
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those seat belt buckles buckled up where we slide. and that was a vision expert julie embrace. speaking with me earlier, russia says that it has begun tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine. versus defense ministry says the drills will test its readiness to deploy the weapons. and the exercises are taking place in rushes of southern military district, and that includes parts of ukraine under russian occupation. the kremlin says that they come in response to what is calling threats by certain western officials. russian officials pointed to reset comments by frances president, who said that nato should not rule out deploying troops to ukraine. use eastern europe editor, roman gunshot, and co told us how ukraine and it's western allies are viewing the threat posed by these drills as well. um, both are taking those flat seriously bucks. um i do think that in ukraine and in
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the west, nobody believes that there is an imminent threat of russia actually using those technical nuclear weapons because i'm looking at the situation on the battlefield. there is no reason for russia to do that against your grand russian. i was sorry. ok by new territories of ukraine. so your brain in armies, weekends by not having enough ammunition, most enough soldiers. so um and no, no, nothing speak, sofa, russian rush. i using them against different thing, but it's like just like before in the past. yes, it looks like it's an attempt to prevent the west from helping ukraine more and then before then giving maybe certain types of weapons, smoke probable weapons for as you've said. now those mentioned the mentioning of a possibility that's a nato troops to some country. nato countries would send troops to ukraine to help
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ukrainian army, for example, in less than positive or can so not involved in a competent direction. so no immediate contact between a nasal troops and russia. and also of course, russia is worried by ukrainian wish to strike with west and by it's on the russian territory. this could be a serious threat for our ship. so russia is signalling don't do that. that was the only country wrinkled there. speaking with me earlier, germany is defense administer boys. the story is it has ensured nato's baltic members of the german military support. story is visited a wi fi, an air base where germany's currently leading a mission to protect your p, an air space. the baltic states of lafayette lithuania and sonia all border russia . they joined nato after the breakup of the soviet union, and the military alliance fears that they could be the target of a future russian attack. a dw corresponded yeah, gosh, somebody else ski has more now from last week. in the past week fighter jets of the
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soviet air force we're deployed here in the live i to the air base. and central lafayette today is our nato, just like this. jim on you are pfizer behind me that are taking go from here to intercept the russian aircraft over the bolt exceed the german depends. mister boyce, the stories have kicked off his visit to rockdale between the here, the 2 countries directly on the 8th, those eastern border board during russia and afraid of his meetings with velocity and between them covered counterparts. or is this, those will be reinforcing them about the german commitments to the security of the baltic region. this visit is also a sign of the global defense cooperation. just end of last year, last year, both of the middle range, our air defense system iris fee, which is produced in germany. and later today or is the store, you will travel to just when you were germany started permanency this way, one of its brigades, and by 2027 from 5000,
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the german soldiers are expected to be stationed. that in between. yeah. so this is a big logistical effort and there will be many more business like this one necessary to make it happen. and that was a goes to human ski their reporting. cause a quick look at some of the other headlines this our, germany's, for administer and them into bed box says that the world needs to do quote, way more to support you crate. and it's fight against russia. during a meeting with ukraine's president and chief bear block and said, a global initiative has already nearly raised about 1000000000 bureau to supply ukraine with air defense systems. but she added even more is needed or i'll throw you in. new zealand are repaid, creating hundreds of their citizens from new caledonia. evacuations come a week after y interrupted in the french overseas territory, killing 6 people. as president emanuel mac, ron will meet with elected officials on the island this week to discuss the voting reforms which sparked the protest. the iran has begun holding funeral events for
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the late president april. he raised, he was killed along with the foreign minister and several other government officials and a helicopter crash on sunday. randy and state media said the say that the crash was the result of a technical failure. the army says that it has watched an investigation farewell ceremonies for the late president are being held across iran. the caskets were greeted at the airport in to run by an honor guard who carried the bodies of abraham, raised the runs foreign minister on the other. officials passed a throng of military, political and religious leaders lining the tarmac among them. visibly weeping. mohammed must bear the mind typed by a run supreme leader to lead the country until the new president is elected. right, you see set to be buried on thursday following 5 days of the morning,
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which began in the north west city of to breeze. near the site where he and his entourage died after their helicopter went down in heavy thought. his death this blow to these amik republics leadership at a time of rising regional tensions. diabetes and external threats have never brought the people to their knees. the people of always being united against external threats. i'm you should get a tardy sharlack here. shortly. the souls rest in peace and love to turn on. the nation will deal with this issue and everything will return to normal. thanks to golf yamaha. right, you see a 63 year old conservative clerk was seen as a potential successor to current supreme leader. i told her, i mean need according to a runs constitution, presidential elections must be held within 50 days. posing a tricky question for
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a runs rulers to the open, the race to moderate rivals, or stick to hard liners and risk, the embarrassment of another low voter turnout. political distrust and an ailing economy has helped fuel voter apathy. turned out during the most recent elections was the lowest recorded since the 1979 is low make revolution real madrid and germany midfielder tony cruz has announced that he will retire from professional football after the euro championships this summer and marks the end of an illustrious a 10 year stand at the spanish club during which time he helped them with $22.00 titles. cruise previously played for by an unix and was on the german national team that took on the world cup. in 2014 read on the grid announced its gratitude to cruise following his announcement, calling him one of our club and international footballs. greatest legend
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as of next global us looking at the cutting edge machine, is giving plastics a 2nd chance in taiwan. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day. i hope to see you that the thing and see you the same way you expect and more different things to life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is not. i wonder if my son to read i'm a doctor to in the canal. it's time to, to get your generation with
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a sleep. asked and then when generation.