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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] equality of citizens depending on their racial, national, regional affiliation, religious beliefs and on other grounds, all these far-from-holy clerics, instead of serving god, began to serve the kremlin, using the temple as a headquarters for the spread of putin's ideology, but the truth is with us, the god of the advisor is with us, the collaborators will be brought to justice they will not be able to cleanse themselves and forgive their sins. this was a program of a collaborator. and i am olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail
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the address or simply on facebook together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship see you in a week on the espresso air 380 days of full-scale war between russia and ukraine continues veteri news on espresso anzhelika sezonenko works in the studio the russians shelled kherson they hit the tauriysk microdistrict with artillery from the injuries received a 35-year-old man died on the spot , the regional military administration reported that the premises caught fire due to the impact of an enemy projectile, the fire has already been extinguished, two men were killed, three were injured as follows the consequences of the artillery shelling of the red grigory community in nikopol region was reported by the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration serhiy lysak, he noted that enemy shells damaged a three-story transport company and seven private houses, in addition, in germany
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, commercial buildings, cars and power lines, the final consequences are being clarified , eight people were injured in donetsk region from russian shelling reported to the prosecutor general's office, the occupiers struck kostyantynivka again, it was damaged and destroyed about 14 private houses, gas pipelines, cars, farm buildings, civil infrastructure objects, according to preliminary information, this time the russians used the hurricane rocket salvo system and the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. the authorities continue to call on local residents to evacuate to safer regions. by investigative groups of the occupiers near kherson, the head of the united press center of the force defense of the south, nataliya humenyuk, informed about it
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. according to her, the enemy drg intended to land on one of the islands on the dnipro river, trying to find a position for himself at least on those islands in order to gain a foothold there and observe our activities and possibly place some weapons, in addition , there is a very common narrative among the enemy that the defense forces will start moving through the dnipro, that is why they are trying to present such avant-garde observations , the occupiers continue to advance. repulsed numerous attacks near the city and settlement of ivanivske in zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast, the enemy is defending itself, ukrainian aviation made five strikes on the market, concentrated personnel and military
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equipment of the occupiers, and one strike on the position of the enemy's anti-aircraft missile complex , rocket launchers and gunners hit three areas of concentration of personnel the enemy, great britain and france will jointly train ukrainian marines , the prime minister of russia and president emmanuel macron of paris agreed on this declared that their countries' relations need to be reset after brexit, and this was facilitated by the joint support of ukraine in its war with russia. also, britain will compensate france for measures to combat illegal migration to the islands. the countries will jointly develop a new naval and ballistic missile. russia cannot and should not win this war and with on the first day , we helped ukraine and the ukrainian people to resist at the humanitarian level, at the economic level, at the military level, and we
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are doing everything possible to prevent this war from spreading and has acquired a global character, we agreed to train ukrainian marines to help ukraine gain a decisive advantage on the battlefield and win this war we want to increase the operational interoperability of our forces using the full potential of the combined joint expeditionary force to contribute to the security and stability of the pacific region by coordinating deployment our aircraft carriers and we will jointly develop complex weapons, such as air defense, combat aircraft and long-range weapons, we want ukraine joined nato as one of the allied states , the prime minister of finland stated the state of marin during a joint briefing with volodymyr zelenskyi. the ukrainian president noted that the key topic of today's negotiations was defense and security . zelenskyi also thanked finland for the provided defense support packages and active participation in
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our tank coalition, in addition, the ukrainian leader denied any involvement of our state in the explosions on the northern streams, according to him, such information can be spread to slow down aid ukraine we want ukraine to achieve peace on its own terms and when it is ready to establish this peace, we support the peace formula of president zelensky and we want this plan to start working, only long-term peace can give our family of european countries , the euro-atlantic family peace and well-being of a citizen of ukraine suffered as a result of the shooting in hamburg, she is receiving medical aid, there is no threat to her life, said the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, oleg nikolenko, the diplomat noted that at the moment, the general consulate of ukraine cooperates with german law enforcement officers, they also
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they help with the investigation and contact with the victim's relatives, in addition, the consul will visit the hospital in the near future in order to provide consular assistance to the victim. i would like to remind you that the day before , there was a shooting at a threshing house in the german city of hamburg , as a result of which eight people were killed , including the criminal himself, and another 8 people were injured . this shooting was committed by a 35-year-old the german citizen philip f has not yet appeared in the reports of the criminal police and he was also found dead in the church of jehovah's witnesses. apparently he turned the gun on himself when the police filippe f, a former member of this church who voluntarily left the community about 1.5 years ago due to conflicting relationships, was apparently lonely and lived and worked in hamburg since 2014. the energy coalition will help ukraine prepare for the next winter and is ready to invest in long-term energy modernization. of our country, the head of the russian foreign
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ministry, dmytro kuleba, said these statements were made by his foreign colleagues during an online meeting of the group , which was held under the chairmanship of us secretary of state anthony blington. discussed the energy needs of ukraine after the last massive missile attack of the russian federation. as a reminder, the day before the russian occupiers fired more than 80 missiles into ukraine and damaged energy infrastructure facilities in the capital and several regions in kyiv , they took the legendary warrior , commander of the da vinci wolf battalion and hero of ukraine dmytro kotsyubail , on his last journey dmytro was an active participant in the revolution of dignity and later joined the right sector and began to defend ukraine from the russian occupiers back in 2014. then he he was 18 years old and received the nickname da vinci because in his youth he dreamed of becoming an artist. on march 7, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, announced
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the death of a defender. he was killed in battle under bakhmut. the head of state visited the memorial service held in st. michael's cathedral. ordinary people also came to the top military leadership of the state, in particular the head of intelligence kyrylo budanov, the minister of defense oleksiy reznikov and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny. in addition to being very honest, decent, brave, a brave patriotic person, he is the flower of the nation, thanks to which we could get new ukrainians, this is a huge loss . i don't even know how to describe my pain, sadness, despair from the fact that dmytro is gone, i think that this is the beginning of a great thing for all his brothers and sisters and lost
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big for the state today in mariupol at 4:00 p.m. about 10 explosions rang out, then four more in 5 minutes and six in the next 15 immediately after the explosions in the kalmyu district , the mobile connection disappeared in one of the districts of the ilyich medical complex at the same time rotorcraft and small-arms shooting began, the adviser to the mayor, petro andryushchenko, said. metalurgiv and nikopolske avenues were immediately flooded by russian military from the location above . the anti-corruption court postponed the consideration of the petition to change the preventive measure of ex-head of naftogaz andrii kobolev. in custody with an alternative bail of uah 365 million, i will remind you that on march 1, the appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court chose kobolev a preventive measure in the form of arrest with the possibility of a bail of uah 229 million, but the funds
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did not arrive in the treasury account within the specified period of five days , only half of the amount arrived before the prosecutors turned again to the development court, the issue will be resumed on march 13, our centenary short essays about the long war in the capital presented the book of the historian and people's deputy volodymyr vyatrovych, the work on the book lasted almost a year, and the publication itself has 45 chapters and tells about russia's attempts to suffocate with hunger mariupol about the crimes of the occupiers in bucha, the killing of civilians in the west of ukraine in 1941 and other events in the history of ukraine, russian relations that were never peaceful , the illustrations for the book were drawn by the artist nikita titov, the biggest impetus that prompted me to write this book. this was a phrase that i constantly heard from
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after february 24, we didn't think that this war would start, we didn't expect it. for us, this war was unexpected , for me it was unfortunate and painful, because in fact, it seems to me that the entire history of ukraine has been about the fact that this war was inevitable, and unfortunately , it became unexpected for many ukrainians. everything shows how little ukrainians have realized and understood the history of ukraine, the radio of the last 100 years. that 's the end of it for today. everything is starting to annoy me , there is no convenient moment for pain, but there is a yellow dolgit cream. dolgit
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cream helps to eliminate pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. anticonvulsants to relax muscles and threads fm galicia must have tried to break into the airwaves and also reflected well that february will hit your cyber attack radio fm galicia has prepared its answer and we heard our armed forces
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promised a spring counter-offensive of the occupier, so radio fm galicia will be in the formation of an informational spring counterattacks, you will hear and even see life goes on, the war is going on, galicia is too much for the russians, for the ukrainians good evening we are from ukraine greetings dear tv viewers my name is vasyl zima, this is great ter on the tv channel espresso slava ukraine, i am glad to see and hear you, i hope you will also talk about what happened , we will also promptly report what will happen during our broadcast today is the 380th day of the great war of the ukrainian people against the russian invaders and despite the fact that the day is already 380 we must not reduce our support for the armed forces of ukraine , because only by supporting the armed forces can we count on victory over a really powerful
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and resourceful enemy. therefore, espresso tv channel jointly with the auto angel foundation and the charitable foundation of european civilization conducts a jeep assembly for the third separate assault brigade that performs tasks in the bakhmut direction. these guys work with firewood. their work from a height is so annoying to the enemy and is so educational for the enemy. the video pleases us with you. when enemy equipment is getting hit, well, let's help the defenders buy a car , our goal is uah 300,000, and we have already collected uah 127,669 for us, well, a little more than half. let 's do it. we believe that together we will join forces and we will win together because these hryvnias are 2 10 20 30 100 eyes, all
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the money is in a heap , they are little by little, but they are bringing our victory closer. well, we will start the conversation by finding out what the situation is now in georgia. of europe in collecting funds for this equipment and all those who are interested who can participate in these meetings victory is ours glory to ukraine the hero sla these are brave warriors protests in tbilisi against the initiative speeches of 35 deputies one spoke in favor at the same time on the session was attended by more than 100 people's elected representatives, the only deputy who supported the controversial document, and in the first and second readings, david himself turned out to be a harat for one of the leaders of the ruling party, the georgian dream , after the vote on the draft law, the opposition came to the rostrum of the parliament with the flags of georgia and the european union, the participants of the protests also congratulated such a decision, they gathered near the parliament building in the center of tbilisi, but now the protesters have put forward new demands, this is the resignation of the government and early
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elections, the georgian people want one thing they they want georgia not to deviate from the european path and for them to clearly understand that georgia is moving towards the european union and nato , and not some such . you know, tricksters to russia. listen u-e you understand ukrainian well speak ukrainian so let 's talk here i am i how i speak ukrainian it 's asking i understand ukrainian well yes i think so in russian in russian then i we ask a question in ukrainian, you will answer in russian, many people said that these protests will stop when the parliament rejects and the law is not passed , it will be removed and that's all, and there will be no reason to continue protesting, as we see the law was rejected, but people are now demanding
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the resignation of the government and early elections . please explain such a change. is this not a change, but a logical continuation of those protests that were directed against the laws regarding innocent people ? что после этого казать того что что палями а-а nullified this draft law е-е еще ограмы так казать что новна е онновой солой е-е second law can е-е as they say put to a vote exists and therefore as they say rallying people ее very slowly as they say, they don't want to be free, because if there is still a threat that there will be a new wave, eh again, this is a trick, because as the party of reconciliation and the political party that prepared this bill, they just want to get out into the people's field. say everything i heard that the krasnoe explained to the people the essence of this bill, and then maybe a few months later, again , they will try to bring this bill
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to the parliament for consideration, because there is also a second one - this is an option, because there were two drafts of this law, the first was the ato it's called the truth. yes, it's the second american so-called. well, it's the same american as you and i, the same as alice or uh obkassy and so on, but in this context it should be said that just in this there is a point that they left uh little to say a cuckoo so that the second draft law is somehow better or less to see because the second draft law is not canceled by anyone yes, the legislative body will not consider this, that's what it is, what is it here, it's such a small straw of this question, and i think that
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now the people who are already protesting, who are now in a better place, are taking the floor of the georgian gays, and the positions they came up with demands for dissolution of this parliament and for the treatment of a new parliamentary election. and what is the most important thing for the current government to resign? here are two specific political requirements, but how will they be fulfilled ? soteli this is the so-called son of the people, they retreated, but tactically they retreated, and in general they are now gathering together , too, so to speak i would say , uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
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, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh , uh, uh , uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, the representatives of uh, uh, those who support uh, eh, these political parties. attack so that the situation is still very much a political tooth that is still unstable and until a full victory says , uh, ukraine is still wounded, well, that is , in any case, the resignation of the government, if it took place, it would predict that there should be new elections and then a new coalition there would be a high-quality, high-quality new filling of the parliament and then a high-quality new government . is there such a guarantee, or is it too early to talk about it at all? and the main thing is that it is now as impossible as possible to have russian influence on the leadership of georgia. is it possible at all ? even more or less, this is what he is trying to say, it means to heat up the situation, and even more or less, so it is said, he interferes in
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the business of loading. so uh, you imagine who, to say it now, is simonyan, so if he is to say it directly to all of them, he has already started threatening georgia that there will be no ceremony with the georgian people and georgia, and mass bombardments will go directly, that is , it is already a direct threat from the kremlin. what is the most interesting thing that how once eh and the speakers of the state i think eh it means bologen even started to comment that eh the georgian people will lose because this law was not adopted imagine that already russian politicians want directly how it is said to interfere with the internal bodies of georgian politics well, this is understandable because their forces have lost so far and now they are just supporting their allies , there is georgia, and they also somehow want to play a role in our situation so that there is another small problem because in fact, in an hour, yes once eh gregut new ones by design will come
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new ones by elections parliamentary elections of georgia are recognized as a parliamentary republic as you know but there are still some moments and you can use the factor of presidents of georgia later what, what, what can i say, all the terms also end and end in the future year , that is, and actually today, the president of georgia appears and the fact is, where the church is still a duck, and the so-called etipa of the american polytechnic will see it slowly. on this, on this process, but still, the president of the chest has some influences or some tools by which, uh, she can race, uh, the parliament of georgia is also underprivileged, according to our, according to our new constitution, and if more to continue i would say big protests and protests
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and too, with great force , it is not far at the time when we have nothing. it's not a regular thing to say that if the elections have started, then they will be held only two days from the day of the dissolution of the parliament, this is according to our legislation, and so the consul, too, eh , so the situation so far is, eh, this is how the russians say it is you know here russia's aggression against georgia did not begin when they began to act in crimea, er, pushing the laws of territorial integrity of ukraine, and on the maidan on february 18, these terrible actions on february 18-20. that is, there were already russian disguised er militants there, they are not militants and their military there, who are they special forces or paratroopers, in a word, russia
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has actually already started aggression against ukraine there , and here a logical question arises whether russia will not try to influence in the same way in georgia, having, of course, the unsuccessful experience of the maidan, because in fact the maidan won yanukovych, russia lost then well, but they started to move on, preparing a big war against ukraine, are there any suspicions or grounds to say that russia can do something similar here, because there are already detainees, there is the use of firearms, in fact, blood has already been shed, what what would you really like, but what happened, please? yes, you are already sure that in russia , except for the leaves, they have a backup option , tragically. yes, somehow, when the political power is being eroded, it is not the conservatives who have very powerful political power. it is said that the movement is still on tv, they can catch the speed of big fighters because they have shown their strength, even on the fifth day of june, it means under yours since
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the previous year, that is, you, uh, in 2021 they held a large protest . такое массовых таказать массовый narod well massovy vyvelytel zakatza to the street that is, they too, now, just now i was watching their television, they are also, takzat , ready to go out on the street, but to go out in order not to support, takzat, the georgian dream, so that i think they were waiting for a signal from the kremlin, that is, in the kremlin, there is such an option, such a moscow or kremlin maidan, they, as they say, most likely also prepared, and the bet is made on such, so to speak
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, marginal political groups, and he is, for example, altimo or, for example, the georgian political movement, neoconservatives can also say so, too, it means that they will also help the local separatist movement, so to speak get some help so how was it in 1993 when the abkhaz separatists broke into the territory of georgia and also participated in the overthrow of the government shovarnadtsa and so on. so that's the outcome of the events, uh, that's not excluded , that's krym, too, they're preparing theirs . as they say, it's soft or a pillow . well, that 's hard. expert, doctor of political sciences, we wish the georgian people victory in life according to their laws and according to their aspirations for the movement to the european union
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and nato, which gave the country the opportunity to develop in cooperation with the richest the most powerful democracies in europe and be under the umbrella of nato, protecting itself from russia, let me remind you that russia has a corridor. well, it has a land border with georgia, and at one time it already violated this border in 2008, starting a war , well, a friend, in fact, a war against georgia . bohdan tkachuk will be with us on a deputy of the kharkiv district council in kharkiv by the way, as a result of all the enemy strikes, there are also significant problems with the electricity supply , as well as with the water supply and heat supply , there is repair work going on there, but guarantees that there will be light in all of kharkiv in the near future, so far no one is giving and there is still one problem with water well, but i still have time if mr. bohdan appears and immediately then in the ear, but i want to tell you all the information that has appeared literally an hour ago and i will announce it reserves in pechersk lavra terminates the contract with the monastery of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate national
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reserve kyiv-chersk lavra from march 29 terminates the contract with the men's monastery of the ukrainian orthodox church of moscow of the patriarchate from 2013 on the free use of religious buildings and other property, this is really important . that the russians, i hope they will leave because they actually used the state property, the property that belongs to all of us . therefore, the documentary evidence is a big thank you to the russian scientists who documented it, it is predicted on the territory of the russian federation that it was to the russian federation that a lot of window crosses were taken from the kiev-pechersk lavra some relics of saints were there, it was all supposedly small, it was ancient, it was consecrated, it was not, well, it is actually our heritage , it is our culture, the fact that in russia there is such a huge amount of stolen from ukraine, starting with the cap of monomakh, and that is what we call their vladimir icons of the mother of god,
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they stole some vyshgorod andriy bogolyubskyi took out his scroll under the cover of it. well, starting from this and ending with the things that they are taking away now. by the way, a lot of things were stolen. again, it seems that there are small crosses here and there, but this cross the 17th century or the 16th century or the gospel. is it some kind of service, a service book, or a church book, too, in the 17th, 18th, and 16th centuries? it was all exported to russia little by little. they actually took control of the monastery, the state property, no one came there, did not check anything. well, you could come . of course, visitors to the lower caves, in the upper caves, look at iryam ilya murom's hand there. by the way, ilya muromets, he is not russian either. i think that's all great to understand he is not from moscow at all, because he is not ilya muromets, but ilya murovets from the city of murové - this is chernihiv region, because i will remind you that it is said in the annals that ilya went to kyiv for three days on the way to kyiv, well, in any


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