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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2023 12:30am-1:00am EET

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[000:00:00;00] that there are conquered peoples, there is a huge number of people captured, well destroyed, they are physically genocidal . whom do they send to fight in ukraine from moscow? they take people from these peoples. they take tuvans, chuvash, buryats, tatars , dagestanis, well, all of them. they take all these peoples , they continue them. exterminate and sooner or later this prison of peoples must fall for the first time in ukraine, the concept of the fall of the prison of peoples was voiced as early as during the second world war, even then, as ukrainians, we were fighting for independence from moscow, against being part of the soviet empire, even then our ideologists and politicians and fighters and partisans announced that the prison of the peoples should fall. at that time, in a broad sense, the prison of the peoples included the baltics, it included us ukrainians, well, now all of the peoples have been freed, this is the same process has not ended and the question remains. then, to what limit? well, this prison must be reduced, and we have
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precisely moscow, the moscow region. mr. andriy , how do you think it is practical to do this in a practical sense? is it i need to have a big question about the expediency, because speaking of muscovy, or rather muscovy, because muscovy is rather a latinized name for the ukrainian language , it would be more appropriate muscovy , slovakia, turkey, germany. attention to moscow, and the same tuvan buryats and others who are citizens of the russian federation can at any moment say that we have not committed any crimes here in this way they can avoid punishment for war crimes and after victory refuse to pay reparations, for example, it is necessary to think very carefully about the further
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consequences of such a renaming. well, i want to add that putin said in his last year's speech there, he said it there say but together we are all russians, yes, all russians are guilty and all russians must bear the same punishment, the same responsibility, absolutely true, because otherwise we are the same russians again, they will say that we are aviation guys the buryats or muscovites who fought were to blame for everything, who are to blame for everything therefore, on the one hand, we can historically justify that traditionally for our lands and territories the name muscovite was characteristic , which, let's say, was also used in europe , in western europe, in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the same way, on the other hand, it is more important to me not so much
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historical discussions as far as today and the expediency of tomorrow. as far as i understand, we wanted to ask you, we discussed this topic with you in the dressing room before the broadcast and came to to the point that we spend a lot of time on this confrontation and constantly look at ukraine through the lens of russia , the formulation ukraine is not russia or ukraine, or from this formulation we will move on to the next ukraine is another russia that ukraine is trying to impose on us is an independent sovereign a self-sufficient state with its own deep and interesting history, which is not known to us , we need to popularize it and bring it to the masses, and in this way, this confrontation and that gap of distancing from
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that russian imperial history will take place, when you know maria zakharova, a well-known representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, says that vlas's initiative to consider renaming russia to muscovy is in fact confirmation that ukraine positions itself as anti-russia. in fact , this is the russian view of things, but on the other hand, perhaps you should not pay attention to what maria zakharova thinks well, of course, we should not pay attention to what maria zakharova thinks - this is absolutely and 100%, but we also need to remember that ukraine is an independent sovereign state and we should not move in the discourse that russia imposes on us the only thing i stand for is that we must always remember that ukraine is ukraine and act and proceed from the point of view that is profitable for us today and therefore in renaming for internal use it is still on the international arena, russia will remain russia whether we want it or not. unfortunately or fortunately, i don't know, but
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we need to think carefully about how appropriate it will be for today and tomorrow from the point of view. for example, the same responsibility, but precisely the level of reaction of russian politicians to this petition that we began to consider it there, and it shows that the russians care about it. then , oleksandr, zakharov reacted, and medvedev reacted , and we see in them that what the majority of ukrainians perceived as a joke, yes, and a joke from the russians, they really react they were affected by it well, in fact, look at this in this joke of ours about renaming russia to muscovy, one more question needs to be dug up there, legal and legal. in general , such options are possible that the state calls itself one thing, but it is called another in the world remember macedonia and north macedonia, why did they have to change their names because greece declared that it is a greek name, macedonia , and this country, which we now call macedonia or montenegro, is in fact
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, i apologize, macedonia, in fact, it cannot use this name, they forced it, they were forced under the pressure of the european union to be renamed when they were renamed, but we have more or less consonant names . and i mean examples when a country calls itself one thing and it even sounds different. you hear this name, you can't understand what it is the country is explained to you about the fact that this is the name and they call the name by which you are used to calling it. yes, of course , and these are not examples like the netherlands and holland . in other languages ​​of the world, it is known in a completely different way, and these are sometimes completely different examples, different names , for example, i come from transcarpathia , i have uzhhorod registration, i will give a simple example: hungary, we call it hungary. you know this country as hungary, well, in different
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countries, in different connotations, it comes from hungary and they call themselves modi rorsak, i.e. magyars, magyars. we even know this name among the people in other countries, for sure, i wanted to say another example that is even more famous in the world, this is an example of the nugrafin peoples, this is typical, by the way, and another example is the baltic baltic sea and around the names of those countries what names do we call them, they are very often different names , that's why in fact russia, which has enslaved the largest number of countess peoples, is nervous from a legal and legal point of view, because they understand that it can end there such a game of banter can go into the legal realm ukraine will start calling russia moscow it will go it will go as a trend and they will call themselves russians and the world will start calling them well in various interpretations of the european mass media it will begin to appear instead of russia-moscow it will already be 0.1%, why are they nervous, but what makes them nervous the most is the question that you touched on when we used to live in what was my
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hometown, if i was born in the soviet union, i heard this phrase only in a different context, we are all soviet people, we are all different uzbeks, ukrainians, moldovans and tatars, but we but we are all soviet people, and then after the collapse of the soviet empire, it turns out that there is no such thing as a soviet person, and russia fought with the declaration on the state sovereignty of the russian federation, which was even faster than the act of independence. balances if russia is the russians - it is a people it is a separate people it is all the grounds and all the possibilities in principle to formulate in contrast to and in this the big difference with the concept of a soviet man and an internal debate arises if they generalize this name. that is, it is such a consolidating name that we are all russians and muscovites and tuvans and dagestanis and so on. then the second problem arises, while tomorrow in the case of a collapse
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, who will be the russians tomorrow? even in moscow, everyone was either of ukrainian origin or belarusian origin and everyone avoids responsibility, this is a very interesting question that you raised, this is a very interesting question, how to divide it, i know what you mentioned in the story i think you can give examples such as when a war ends with the victory of one side , it is very important what kind of battles those who were on the opposite side come out with. a very skillful , successful, let's say so policy, czechoslovakia in the camp of the victorious countries and dictated consider your conditions to the same austria and hungary, that is, the huge austro-hungary fought 50 million austrian-hungarians were responsible, that is, for us, for us, well, now this is completely a hypothetical story, because as of today
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, unfortunately, there are no prerequisites, but if we are already talking about, we have dreams. yes, if our fortune-tellers died in the sun at our level , we have many dreams and many of these dreams have become reality in the last 50 years of ukrainian dreams, but it turns out that from the point of view of overthrowing the prison of the peoples, it is very important that not only the blood of ukrainian soldiers, not only the blood of ukrainian soldiers of the armed forces, but the boys and girls of all those who fight, but also these the enslaved peoples also rose up against moscow, and let us together force the moscow kremlin to capitulate, and then of course the question will become this question about which one we just touched on, because it is one thing when they are waiting for ukraine to beat moscow and they will be able to wobble more in russia over there in independence and so on, and it is a completely different matter when they return their weapons against the one who enslaved them, such as tataria and chechnya again , dagestan and in the wider siberia, democratic peter
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and karelia. that is, all peoples are enslaved, from the kuban cossacks to the remnants of the buryats the mordvins, the bashkirs, the chuvash, and so on, they returned some kind of weapons. so now russia is arming against moscow. of course, you can ask the question in a different way, because then they can wash away all the crimes they commit in ukraine now, fighting for freedom, as of now, i share your opinion, because if there is a question that we ourselves, together with the civilized world, finish off moscow , then of course we should pay reparations for this, we should bear the responsibility for this, and the people who came from tyumen, including from ukraine , should run away because we will say, guys, where are you all going? let's run, let's be somehow, while no one shows such a desire to run away, that's why the biggest event that took place in this area was actually a discussion in the european parliament, a whole debate was on the topic of how russia can collapse and so on, there are studies, including ukrainian public organizations in including
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brain centers and the forgiveness of the future of ukraine after the victory and the forgiveness of the world after a potential ukrainian victory, what is happening now in ukraine, it has a very strong impact on those things and the world. by the way, in support isn't there support between ukraine and russia very often, and this question is raised very often by the voice. and are there historical examples in these territories that are now called russia of the formation of these independent states there , dagestanis, buryats, bashkirs, do they have this seed of independence that they can use for to rise up and say friends finally we definitely well, not so long ago the verkhovna rada of ukraine recognized the chechen republic of ichkeria, the best example is this the chechen republic of ichkeria - it is absolutely
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, let's say, a sufficiently formed state with with their own armed forces, which for a long time gave very strong resistance to the federal army of the russian federation, as well as the peoples of the northern caucasus , the peoples of dagestan, under the leadership of shamil's mother , successfully fought against the russians for several decades , created their own, let's say, a kind of theocratic state and the memory of shamil's mother, she this is despite the fact that he fought against tsarist russia. he is a national hero, he is glorified in songs and official russian propaganda must put up with it as well. there were attempts, well, at least the formation of autonomous governments in the same buryatia, in the kalmyk itself and among the peoples of the volga region, among the karelians, therefore there are foundations on which they can rely even on it, there were even examples of regional separatism among russians, the same siberian movement after the last years
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of the first world war and after the first world war or the far eastern republic , which also existed in the 20s, that is, there are even examples of successful or less successful regional separatism among the russians themselves, and during the years of the so -called civil war, how many are there various short-term state proto-state formations, the vodkin republic, for example, existed in the urals or some others, that is, if you find such a good historical foundation, then you can build these modern political state projects for non -russian peoples or even for remote russian regions far from the center. there are several other topics wanted to discuss with you, and in particular this again regarding naming, regarding names , the russians stubbornly call it bahamud, for which they
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have probably been trying to fight for six months, but all without any meaning and so far, thank god for special success, they call it artemivsk. but this name, as i remind the audience of the name that was before decommunization, which city was renamed, it was given back its historical name. what do you think they are doing for? why are they renaming streets in mariupol for what do they call bakhmut artemivsk, so what do they want to return, in the absence of better ideas, they sell this already somewhat rotten soviet soviet idea or something else, because the current russian federation is not russian the empire is the soviet union, version 2.0 is, first of all, in the form of a farce with some elements that were characteristic of empires . well, there is the attitude towards the orthodox church , for example, there is no such atheistic company that took place in the soviet union , but basically it is a copy of the ussr starting
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from the uniform of the officers and ending there , with honorary titles, copies of ulags with merch and everything else, they are not the third administrative department, not the third department there , the gendarmes are some kind of copies of the tsarist times. they are playing a great national great victory and the late stalin, while continuing to talk about artemis when, in this way, they do not recognize decommunization, they stubbornly cling to the soviet name, although on the other hand, it would be logical for them, if they talk about the reconstruction of the empire, they should talk about the name bakhmut, because it was bakhmut until the 24th year and then renamed in honor of this artem sergev . by the way, the leader of this donetsk-kryvyi rih separatists, one of the leaders of the donetsk republic of kryvyi rih, maybe there is a secret hidden here, by the way, he would be such a proto-father, the father of the lpr, a kind of
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the historical father of the lpr dnr by the way, they are for in my opinion, this is simply the non-recognition of ukrainian realities, the non-recognition of decommunization processes and the stubborn adherence to this soviet rhetoric . i think that soon they will rename donetsk to stalin, mariupol will be their welcome and everything will return to the status quo somewhere 53- and year, well, again, this is for internal use. well, trying. in this way , i don’t know how to stimulate my audience. what do we mean? mr. oleksandr, what do you think? i think another key aspect is the denial of ukrainianness. i think they still adhere to this line. everything that somehow confirms the ukrainian identity should be deleted, and this is also evident in maly , because the name bahmut has a very good
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historical meaning . its ukrainian roots are connected with trading times and merchant times and the times of slobojan, it is generally slobojan ukraine, it was this was the extreme south, it was , well, it was the entrance to slobojan ukraine, and look how they have this name slobozhanshchyna or by any name in general the ukrainian state in other parts of the slobozhanshchyna commits so, russia consists not only of the lands of enslaved peoples, yes, we talked about the enslavement of peoples. and also stolen lands from other peoples than the huge amount of ukrainian lands that they took from us in within the framework of the soviet union and this is the slobojan ukraine, which is divided into two parts, the kharkiv luhansk region, and on the territory of russia, voronin, kurshchyna, belgorod region , from there down to taganrog. is being erased specifically, that is, they are trying to erase the ukrainian identity in order to impose their own identity, because otherwise , without these actions, as we have already found out, it may turn out that when you dismantle that russia
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well, russia, we are all russians and then and then and who is russia then and if you look for a russian, you won't find one. well, in the end, the remnants will go to berlin and tel aviv and migrate , you know, to beijing and warsaw, and it will turn out that well, who are not ukrainians or enslaved tatars, it will turn out that left for the caucasus or arrived at their own place if kateryna was brought somewhere from germany, or from france, they came to st. petersburg. that is, it will actually be found there later, if you poke around, poke around , that this is quite an artificial formation for them, for this support of identity, especially when they are fighting at this moment, when in we are exacerbated by ukrainian such well, in general, the wave of returning to one's roots to the entire historical war very strongly forced a large number of people to self-identify, a large number of ukrainians felt themselves directly ukrainians i
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i am observing these changes in the south of ukraine, we have very large examples of such problems when, well, i am not russian . yes, we are not. we are not from moscow. well, we are not ukrainians. we are from odessa. there are a lot of people, yes , and from odessa . how deep, from the point of view of the historical context, do we need to dive in search of our identification, where is the limit beyond which it already turns into some kind of well, i don't know, it's not a game, but it becomes a little redundant well , it seems to me that we just need to study our history and somehow we can return the names of cities
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of populated areas to infinity is an important question because, look , it's one thing to get recognition that moscow stole the name of russia. one thing, but another thing , the question will arise, whether we want it back , that's the border, the border is important, then we let's go back to aristovych's idea of ​​renaming the state, but ukraine-russia, russia, ukraine, well, i understand that as far as the church is concerned, it is a fairly conservative institution, what changes have been happening there for centuries, and then we will come to aristovych's idea of ​​renaming our state. it seems to me that there are some basic concepts that do not need renaming in such an example ukraine ukraine ukraine we again can talk about ukraine russia there in certain historical contexts we can
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even talk about today's ukraine as the historical heiress of that ancient russia. but it seems to me that there is no point in renaming the modern ukrainian state to ukraine russia. in the end, this will introduce a certain confusion even in some spheres of international relations . connected by the soviet authorities, which are preserved in the khmelnytskyi regional center, although it is the historical proskuriv and in my opinion, there is nothing wrong if proskuriv is given its historical name back, although it is renamed dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad regions constitution what khmelnytskyi pereyaslav-khmelnytskyi is already just pereyaslav and for russia by the way and for russia you can think of other names to remember times times of russia for kyiv and distant russia it was the rus of zaliska and talking about zalissia in general there is another limit it is such a cultural ideological
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ideological i already threw yes shevchenko into our conversation about taking back what was stolen by the muscovites , i.e. we have a historical and philological ukrainian folk yes muscovites but really, if from the point of view of renaming, if it comes to this about the fact that muscovites are muscovites yes then there is a question of the name of the people, the name of the state, we will call them muscovites, but then mrs. zakharova survived the muscovites , that is, then this is the cultural-philological border among the people , then this name will remain, well, one at a time, and legally this name will remain, and then we have the question of how to call moskovskaya language and supporters of the preservation of the russian language in ukraine will say that they do not speak the moscow language, they speak some kind of russian , a historical russian language, and this can also become a certain
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basis, you know, many different interesting of personnel but will it be necessary to sing over beat the muscovite beat the muscovite no , i think it's better to just beat and not oversing , gentlemen. i'm sorry, we have one more topic that we simply owe about sausage and beer, which is again about why the names and symbols are important. but why sometimes you actually started this topic? why shouldn't we go too far , so to speak, because in our country, in a rush of patriotism, some manufacturers of some products began to produce, well, very strange things. they don't die there kombucha bucha radish azovstal or vodka bakhmut sausages bayraktar ot how do you feel about it mr. andrii, let's start with you if we talk about beer heroes don't die, i have a categorically negative attitude well, i think this is such
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blasphemy and again, returning to patriotism, let's combine patriotism with common sense and taste. well, if we combine it, i don't think they understand why it's actually trash. i personally think honestly that it's just complete trash and mom's marketers are better off after all each marko has a little bit of his own creativity. whose son or whose father died, the son who goes to the store and sees it, or even he wakes up the stores and will see there will be some idiots sitting on the bench near the store with bottles of this beer on which it is written the hero doesn't die, it's better if that's how to call a beer a hero beer that makes you a hero , come up with some kind of slogan and that's all there is to it . and here there is a clear connotation with current events and events where a lot of people died tragically due to tragic and terrible
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it seems to me that this is, well, a significant moment that should simply be told to a person , to suggest that this is not necessary, internal self-control . the wedding in malinovka changes the fathers, that's about trying to keep it in a cell, even though it's clear that the businessmen are marketing to sell, but in our country it 's in social relations, that's massive. yesterday you were the holder of a red park ticket, tomorrow you are the people of vyshyvan are the first candidate in the local and parliamentary elections. 90% of the deep know the perception of repentance is simply opportunism , simply an effort, it has come to the point that in ukraine there is a whole collection of monuments to the former lenin , which today are monuments to shevchenko and
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monuments to stepan bandera in them they repaint, they repaint the head, they edit somewhere the nose, somewhere the cap, but somewhere they finished off the mustache well, there are different things. everything happens differently, but i'm not talking about the pedestals , i'm talking about the monument itself, you understand, but i can continue. that's what i'm talking about. laughter and sin. well you are as if a ukrainian figure was installed in such and such a village or in such and such a place. by the way, the most i can give you is a list of communities. the most ridiculous ideas are very often put forward for public discussion by people who previously held the absolutely opposite position , that is, today, taking into account the conjuncture of the moment they are trying to be holier than the pope of rome and this effort to be holier they put forward the most ridiculous and , from their point of view, the most patriotic ideas, friends, we have to complete and here we are simply this
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let's go through our discussion, we came to the point that naming is actually important, regardless of when we are talking about renaming russia or whether we are talking about whether it is necessary to call the production of beer to the events on the front, this is an important topic and i think the broadcast was very interesting, thank you that oleksandr solontay, a political scientist, and andrii rukas, a historian, were in the night watch studio. thank you very much for an interesting conversation . see you on the air, friends. thank you. there are people who do not hide behind their backs, who listen to
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the call of the heart and are the first to go into battle. of great strength people of indomitable spirit people of good will glory to ukrainian volunteers march 14 ukrainian volunteer day we chose our country she chose us we destroy the enemy we are hardened in battles we value brotherhood we defend our own glory to the brave glory to the strong territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine documentary trilogy military intelligence of ukraine at sea in in the sky, on earth , the most remote piece of ukrainian land in the middle of the black sea, zmiiny island is
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a strategic point for special forces of the military intelligence officers disembarked and stormed the snake, they understood that it was a complex operation, you on intelligence took part in it, did a lot in order to return this island and in the end it was returned by the russian cruiser moscow, which was first sent by radio station to three letters and then by neptune missiles to the bottom of the sea in the black sea has nothing to do with such a ship battle for zmiiny island as a symbol of ukrainian victory over russian aggressors at sea movie second sea battle for zmiiny island watch tomorrow, march 15 at 9:15 p.m. march 15 at 12:15 p.m. on the live broadcast of a single television marathon, an all-ukrainian lesson on career guidance with the participation of leading employers of ukraine, organizers ministry of education and science of ukraine watch


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