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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EET

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[000:00:00;00] volunteering has been going on for all these years, the locals are confident, only helping means winning, we had breakfast, we walked, i sat down, we had lunch, i sat down and i can sew funds to us, you do something, our weapon is the truth. congratulations , the inter information service joins the marathon and is not the front line of the information front , our people will not be able to win the only news , together we are the force, the only news in the center of events
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, brigades, girls, ukraine , oh
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god , strengthen the borders of ukraine for drones , join the gathering of the border guard, our weapon is the truth, one plus one picks up the marathon the only news on the front line of the information front each of us is approaching victory, we are winning glory to ukraine the only news in the center of events march 17, 387 the morning since the full-scale russian attack , the 1+1 team sells it with you in the united marathon
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and immediately before the release of news from tsn, one civilian a woman died and seven civilians were injured due to shelling by the russians of kostiantynivka and turetsk in donetsk region, the day before yesterday, the occupiers hit residential buildings of both market towns twice with a rocket salvo fire system and the railway station of kostyantynivka, in recent days it was in the turkish city of kostyantynivka that the occupiers often began to talk about death and hurricanes, despite the fact that , in particular, kostyantynivka , a settlement located quite far from the front line, during yesterday 's shelling, it was reported to the donetsk regional prosecutor's office that he was wounded along with civilians 44 -year-old volunteers from poland, fragments of russian shells damaged three dozen private houses, cars and gas pipes, and the occupiers fired mortars and grenade launchers at border communities
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on the eve of sumy oblast, more than a hundred air raids were carried out in bilopol and shaleniv communities. russians destroyed three dozen private houses in kharkiv oblast, in the kupyan district, massive shelling hit the village of hryhorivka. at least 60 air raids were recorded by law enforcement officers . in the region, during the day, the russians shelled 15 settlements, according to the data of the regional military administration , the enemy in kherson was not injured by a drone attacked the medical facility, there were no victims previously, russian artillery shelled the kherson and boryslav districts, there are injured, damaged private and apartment buildings in the village of a wide beam, a local resident ran into an explosive device during work in the field and blew himself up, he is now in the hospital survive after an air raid in the small village of yakovlivka in the kharkiv region
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last year in march, a russian plane carried out at least three airstrikes on houses, four people died then, 11 were injured, 30 houses were completely destroyed, another 120 were broken part of how people live today was learned by tsn correspondent viktoriya streltsova, the traces of a russian air raid are still everywhere here, piles of bricks, houses without roofs in the middle of the road, scattered clothes, and in one of the yards there is a christmas tree since the 21st year, here the hallway was here, and the bedroom is right here we had three rooms and a gallery as long as this lady vera is standing on the spot where her house used to be they live in a small barn there, the price is here, the whole eye was blue, although bukovyna was blue, everyone wonders how they survived . after all, they were 300 m from the epicenter of the explosion, and this already shows mrs.
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galina's new roof from the explosion in her house. we say that the whole roof has blown off, we don't have a roof, the bowls are here , the parents remained parents, but strelai was shot, on the second day he had a heart attack , all the relatives collected money for the reconstruction of the house . we also had to take out a loan, but the main thing they say that they survived, because four of their fellow villagers died, and 11 more were wounded. aunt katya killed her. well, our neighbor pulled her out and saved her. she was all wounded . grandpa ivan’s wax was used. she also fought herself later. she dragged her grandchildren out. locals say, but at that time people were already spending the night in basements after the air raid, the village seemed to have died out, most of them left, food was brought by volunteers, the pharmacy, shop and
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medical center did not work, people managed on their own, who as i could 120 by 80 i said at first nizhina when it was twice a month family doctors come that i am already 65 hours old i am already an old woman i myself was still single so it would be better if every day was like this i don't want to die pressure heart disease pain in the legs the main complaints of local people and we bring medicines and take away that we distribute free of charge, these are medicines for the main diseases of the cardiovascular system , diabetes , bronchial asthma, and we have the opportunity to do a cardiogram. it also bombed the russians last year, it finally started working here, people can even place an order from the owner, we brought them well, it’s mostly vegetables there, because few people
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planted gardens, now people have started to return to the village, people are repairing their houses, preparing gardens and hoping that they will never experience the horror of their yakovlivka again will repeat viktoriya streltsova oleksandr lagutin kharkiv tsn 1+1 marathon single news first fighters for our army from partners neighbors poles transfer four mig-29 aircraft to ukraine this is how they became the first nato country that dared to take this step, the transfer should take place in the near future. this was announced at a joint briefing with the czech president petr pavel manje duda, adding that this is only the beginning of the poles have dozens of combat aircraft from soviet times that they could give to kyiv instead of them for service the polish army will appear fa 50 and from south korea and f-35 is considering the possibility of transferring a dozen mig-29 to ukraine and slovakia decommissioned them last year
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, however, the decision has not been made yet i remind ukraine is working on the creation of an aviation coalition, primarily seeks to get soviet-style and western-style aircraft, such as the f 16, to be mastered by our pilot . it may take several months before the end of the day. in the coming days, we will hand over to ukraine, as far as i remember, four planes in full working order. the rest are being prepared and serviced . and we will consistently transfer them support for the ukrainian offensive sweden transfers eight archer self-propelled artillery installations to our army , the decision was made at the government level and the relevant authorities were instructed to take care of them correspondence, the minister of defense of sweden and epoljonsen says that the archer self-propelled guns are unique in that they are able to hit enemy artillery systems deep in the rear, so this will help the ukrainians defeat the russian army. the first installations should arrive in a few months . in addition to them, in the amendments to the budget, the swedish government
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asks to send ukraine 10 leopard tanks 2 at the time, the minister of defense of france announced that the first mx10 rc wheeled tanks have already arrived in ukraine, and some of them have even gone to the frontline. paris is already working on sending the second batch in total, four dozen such tanks were promised, but germany handed ukraine 5,000 artillery shells of 15 5 mm caliber and ammunition for the mers 2 volley fire systems. invasion, they conducted more than half a thousand interviews, studied satellite images and places of torture burials. and based on their results , they published a report in which they expressed certainty
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that the actions of the aggressor country can be qualified as war crimes, these include attacks on the civilian population, shelling of energy infrastructure facilities, intentional killings, illegal deprivation of liberty, torture, rape and other sexual violence , as well as the illegal transfer and deportation of children, in its conclusion, the un commission recommends bringing the perpetrators to justice at the national or international level the tragedy in mariupol last year, on march 16, the russians dropped a 500 kg aerial bomb on the building of the local drama theater, at that time there were more than a thousand civilians, in particular, and children, then hundreds of people died under the rubble, a certain number, an unknown experience , to honor the memory of the dead and support the people of mariupol. in many ukrainian cities , commemorative actions with the name where are you in the capital were held near the national opera and ballet theater, who came and what the eyewitnesses of those events mentioned, tsn correspondent ivan
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vorobyov will now tell oleksiy near the national opera and ballet theater , the organizers must use duct tape to put a huge inscription on the granite, where are you? you are exactly the words that the authors of the tribute said when they managed to call their relatives. after this terrible bomb attack on the drama theater, the drama theater is full of people. also, if you read this inscription in russian, it means the word children . this very inscription was written in huge letters on the square near the theater in nadia. what is this? will stop the russian killers on the plane and drop a half-ton bomb on the theater crossed out all illusions and forever left the definition of terrorists to the russians today on the anniversary of this tragedy we wanted to uh this crime a-ah it sounded like this the crime was not forgotten, this crime was enshrined in history and everything that is there in
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the russian federation , like how they cynically killed a large number of people. flowers and lighted lamps, most of them were those who managed to leave mariupol who saw with their own eyes how the russians dropped a bomb on the theater among them and oleksandr's family, they and their father-in-law went to the theater to drink water , sashko says, until suddenly they heard flying a plane and then a loud explosion, what happened next - says oleksandr. it is still difficult for her to remember. loud sounds and screams began to be heard from the drama theater . someone was looking for a child, someone for parents . people came out covered in blood. people came out without limbs . on march 16, 2022, the russians purposefully dropped on the donetsk academic regional theater in mariupoli detonated a fap-500 aerial bomb in a building where more than a thousand peaceful mariupol residents were hiding at that moment. there
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were no military personnel in the theater before, as a result of the airstrike, more than 300 people were killed, including the children are final. the number of victims is still unknown. in an attempt to hide a war crime, the russians later demolished the remains of the building. the rocket was directly in the center of the drama theater. people are trying to evacuate. among the participants of the actions, the mayor of mariupol, vadym boychenko, is certain that the russians will definitely be held accountable for this crime in the hague. we feel what happened. has only one sign. this is a war crime that was inflicted on us by the russian federation directly , its head, mr. qaki, personally gave the order to destroy us as a nation, they will be for it to answer the commemoration of those who died as a result of the airstrike on the mariupol drama theater took place in several cities of ukraine, in particular, ivano-frankivsk, where the largest number of forced migrants from the city of mary are currently staying, about the world the mariupol drama theater, one voice speaks it was
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the heart of the city under its walls, they arranged meetings, went on dates for me, the mariupol theater is the place where we always met. this is our ataka place, the strength of it. when we saw that the drama theater was destroyed on march 16, it became like this you know, the loss of one's inner self is definitely one moment, it became a definite final loss of home , i remember everyone, you know, they don't let go, it doesn't let go, the city doesn't let so many people die there, despite the sad anniversary and painful memories , the people of mariupol are happy to see each other alive and well, and each of them does not even doubt that after the victory they will walk the streets of their native ukrainian city and will definitely attend a performance in the rebuilt drama theater ivan vorobyov alla paz pavlo borysko and roman dudchaktese 1+1
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marathon the only news and with that i say goodbye to seven o'clock in the morning when is the next issue of tsn and now the word is the host 1+1 from the night watch project they continue the broadcast unite the marathon be with us and easy and safe for everyone on friday if we will fight our children protect our russia attacked ukraine martial law missile strikes began, the enemy began intense shelling of our units , this is where it all started, we put on a bulletproof vest with the inscription "press" and ran our marathon, the enemy's landing in gostomel, the horrors of buchi, a destroyed dream every day, 365
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days a year, we are your eyes, where they go, fierce gods, where day after day ukrainian soldiers liberate our land from the invaders, where are our indomitable cities that stand and flourish despite thousands of shells and rockets during the insidious arteror against civilians, we were there in the most difficult days and deliberately stayed to work in the occupation, did not hide our faces, recording the crimes of the rashists and frantic resistance to the onslaught of the enemy because they knew that the ukrainian flag will once again fly over every captured city, our soldiers hold the indomitable fortress of bakhmut, we are close to imprint their heroic faces and their exploits, and they feel
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our support, your support and faith are the only ones because unbreakable tsn week with alla mazur on sunday and now we are together again and you are impressive with a story about our strength and our pain about victories and moments of despair, we work so that fakes do not influence your decisions, everyone can see the meaning of things and actions alone in this broadcast why even after losing limbs veterans have to go through another war for information or is there a threat of famine crop failure and how our counterintelligence outsmarted the russian agents and disrupted the surrender of the ukrainian city main events to wait for and could count on the truth of 25 years of trust and experience from now on in the marathon the only news tsn week with alla mazur on
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sunday at 8:00 p.m. congratulations friends on 1+1 continues the national telethon at this time we work in the format of the discussion platform night watch and the topic we have chosen for today's discussion is an attempt to rename russia to moscow a-a why is this necessary, how did it infuriate the russians, is it real, and in general, how should we properly talk about historical heritage, we will talk about this on the air of the night watch in our guest house andrew rukas, historian, and oleksandr solontay, political scientist, director of practical policy programs at the institute of political education. well, today's host is maria vasylivna and i and vampinskyi . thank you, friends, for visiting the studio. it's a good
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time for everyone. let's start with why names are important and why they are important. names because there is such a version that in fact russia stole its name from kyivan rus and since then claims to be called by the right, so to speak, and not claims the right to a coup a-a so actually, i just want to give a little context to explain what was the point of such a petition that concerned citizens organized to president zelenskyi about renaming russia to moscow. and actually president zelenskyi suddenly, instead of just somehow smiling and forgetting about it, he replied to it that yes okay, we need to think and we need to give the scientists time to analyze whether it is really possible, we need to do it
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. in general, it is worth returning to these questions because, well, why can ukraine be called little russia, but we cannot call russia muscovy, returning to it the name that was before peter the first , it seems well, let's start with the possibility of names, remember, old man soviet cartoon by the way, it will be filmed at the kyiv film studio. what do you call it? that's how it will float. that's why the name really has a huge meaning and there can be trouble, so there is a lot embedded in the name, well, let's say it's programmed with a lot of important things, and about renaming, well, this is not the first attempt to use this name muscovy in domestic use, and in relation to russia, the russian federation, let’s remember that in 2015, lyashko presented a similar initiative, it did not pass
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. well, most likely, zelensky didn’t just smile, he was forced to react , he reacted as diplomatically as possible. about the name well, perhaps to some extent there is truth in your words, because the current russian federation, well, we can say yes, it appropriated the use of the name rus in a slightly different way in such a latinized or eliminated form of russia and having taken away this opportunity from the state of ukraine, which has much more , let's say that's right, i want you to clarify for those who may not understand why this is being done. that is why it is important for russia and why there were constant attempts to steal some artifacts from kyiv from ukraine regarding prove that they were older, that they were the first. that's why it's so fundamentally good for them
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. look at it, it's the time of the moscow ruler ivan iii , it's the end of the 15th, the beginning of the 16th century, he was married to the byzantine princess sofia paleologist and, accordingly, along with sofia the polyaologist, many byzantine greek scientists came who formulated the idea that moscow would be the third rome and it was under their influence that this formula appeared in the titling of the sovereign of all russia or in greek the name master of all russia and a-and in this use of this name a great ideological program of er -er collection of the so-called zaguk lands, which were left as an inheritance from the former ancient russian state that died as a result of the mongol invasion, was laid. and er-er since then this one
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the name is used in the title of the russian monarchs , and they thus claim a mostly unique first role, that is, in the possession of the territory of eastern europe, let's say so, that's why the name did not appear by chance, it did not appear in 721, when the empire was declared after the victory in the great northern war, this name has been around for a long time, it grew there with new titles there, after the pereyaslav agreement , the title e-e appeared there, all of them were great and the whites of russia, so this name is a little older than 721 years, but in this name embedded in this the expansionist program of seizing the conquest of the entire russian heritage that remained after the dissolution of the russian state. it is interesting that at first they used this name in order for moscow to justify how it would seize all russians from novgorod to suzdal, that is
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, to work first for its own, and then here is the story from pereyaslavska by the council and already by peter i, this is in order to justify the same name, only in order to already work for others, because at first it turns out that they finished off and destroyed, well, in fact, the entire historical heritage from the times of the free city of the new city, i.e., other traditions, they are actually the muscovite tsarat, attaching to the muscovite kingdom the name rus and everything associated with the connotation of the russian lands. they killed all the other germs of everything else as they could would be russia, they even physically killed people who lived on the territory of russia , they simply destroyed many different people who once inhabited these lands, but if in their own and in their own, the same, mr. oleksandr, do you know this expression of the orphan of kazan, i still do not know whether it is
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is it true? is it just a fable, but they say that it was after tsar ivan the terrible defeated kazan, so to speak, and physically exterminated the people who lived there, this expression of the orphans of kazan appeared because there were only a few children left there who were not killed after this conquest you know about the fact that there were very devastating captures of moscow when it expanded and built this muscovite state before you touched on the topic that it was renamed after the northern war in general to the russian empire, but before that, you call it kazan - this is tataria, yes this tatarstan is the tatars, it is the turks, they just physically destroyed zero , well, they threw the peoples into slavery, that is , different peoples from the countess group, but i emphasized the fact that in fact, we know that there is a solitary moscow and sometimes a democratic manifestation in st. petersburg, sometimes in st. petersburg, people come out to protest, historically, it was a little different, and historically, it was bogorod and there were
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other russian cities that did not immediately say that all of moscow is the moscow state and we are russia there, but now in the form or in the old form of the moscow state, they all also considered themselves the heirs of kievan rus, the heirs of the russian state , and moscow became a free city for them. so who was the first to throw his people into slavery and then began to join all the rest of the people, although the concept of people in those days was the same concept relative to here, i think they are correcting me now, because here it is necessary to understand that in those days the concept of nations in general was like this. well, tribes were very conditional. nations will not be formed, but for us, for ukrainians, this is the greatest story of this is when russia began to use the name of russia, white russia, little russia, great russia, destroying our nation, because already at that time, it was already far after the collapse of kievan rus, we had a cossack state here
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, wars of liberation took place here, it was formed here european relations, we had already formed relations with our neighbors, well, where to the south, west, and north, uh, and here it’s a completely different story, they already used this name not just to build their state there, they used this name to in order to destroy our state, the russians of the time, the muscovite kingdom, opposed other states, including those people who lived in ukraine at that time and who had the magdeburg right. to return to the word to the word-form, i once learned what a russian word like padaploka is, what is the basis. yes, such a hidden meaning, and it just appeared in the time of ivan the terrible due to the fact that it was easy for people to say
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with torture, with brutal animal torture, they got to say the truth, well, the lie, but actually what they wanted to hear from these unfortunate people, and this. if anyone knows what a stun is, it is a torture device that is used to hang people under their shoulders, actually twisting their joints, and in fact, that's how... this word arose that we still use in the russian language and we don’t think about it. how many such words arose precisely because of that. in this way, but simply returning to our conversation and the context, we wanted to ask you if we don't delve so far into the history and what does it have for the modern political and socio-political context in general, the history of this er, with this muscovy, how is it in modern times, let's imagine what happened how will it affect ukrainian society on russian society and relationships, it seems that you did the right thing. what you did right away was to delve into the historical context here without history you cannot understand it, you absolutely rightly started with history because the consequences are about how
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the empire came together and how it should understand it back that is exactly what the name is about, that is, this name began to live and began to move on from moscow, and as you correctly showed, it acquired a different context, and then we remembered that it became a subject of the empire, then the question arises. in my opinion, the destruction of the empire, if we speak there, we only speak to me i like the way you show it, you showed it well, you showed it on purpose, you made the background swamps , you can argue, you expanded the moscow region a little, so you touched on a little bit of something that can be argued about, but in general, the context is absolutely correct, that is the empire has survived to this day, it is called the russian federation, it is renamed the russian empire, also in two words only the russian federation, it emphasizes the fact that there are conquered peoples there, there is a huge number of captured peoples, well destroyed, they are physically genociding them. they are directing people from moscow. they


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