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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] about them, e.e. communities are exempted but obliged to pay, and businesses that work are obliged to pay but may not pay, therefore changes to the tax legislation should be made, and we from the association of cities are ready to participate in their preparation . head of the association of cities of ukraine , nazarii berbeka, public figure, deputy of the lviv city council, thank you for this analysis , an extremely important topic, but the
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broadcast of the espresso tv channel, of course, continues. together glory to ukraine is a program verdict my name is serhiy rudenko good day and good health to all today, march 23, 393 days of heroic resistance of the ukrainian people to the russian invaders said the commander of the ground forces from the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi , the russians continue to shell ukrainian positions in the east and south, as well as villages and
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cities. and now there are 15 enemy ships in the black sea of ships, three ships are carriers of 20 volley-caliber missiles , meanwhile, the russian occupiers continue to lose manpower and equipment in ukraine, as of the morning of march 23 , russia has already lost 168,500 people in ukraine in the last day alone, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 50 orks of the initially large war, the russians have already lost in ukraine 3,570 tanks , 6,898 armored fighting vehicles , 2,608 artillery systems, 511 multiple-launch rocket systems, 273 anti-aircraft defense systems, 305 aircraft, 290 helicopters, 5,452 units of automotive equipment and 18 ships
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boats, 907 cruise missiles, 2,203 drones, 273 units of special equipment, white fever in the kremlin, medvedev threatens the whole world with nukes, and china is absorbing russia. well, of course , we will talk about the situation on the eastern and southern fronts of ukraine . this is the director of the center for military and legal research oleksandr musiyenko, mr. oleksandr. good day and good health to you . thank you for joining our conversation. i congratulate you. so, oleksandr, let's go let's start with china with xi jinping's visit, because the russians talk about the historicity of this visit and talk about what beijing said in this difficult time for the russian federation, which seems to be at war with the whole world, supported putin, how do you evaluate
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the results of xi jinping's visit and what did putin gain and what did putin lose in this dialogue, which i conducted for almost two and a half days , and most importantly, what does the world gain from this or what does the world lose from this dialogue between the leaders of the two states? well, the fact is that we saw a deepening of dependence of russia from it is obvious to china. you can see it in everything and by the way putin was received and by the way he spoke and the toasts he announced for the health of all of the dvinkini for the strengthening of friendship, etc. and by the format of those agreements at the level of memoranda, the statement it is obvious that they will be a reality, because, well, where can russia sell its gas and oil except in china with a big discount and a big discount, it is obvious that siedenpinia
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arranged such a reception. that is, it was noticeable that i got the impression from all this that the emperor who is being welcomed has arrived, does it mean that it is lazy and commonwealths, which, in principle, are traditionally and well-known, well trained to do it there in russia, and actually speaking, it means that there is a dialogue going on, which is painful, because russia is in information and international isolation, and apart from china, today they have no other major partners, i emphasize precisely large because i do not take into account the smaller countries there, with which they have a much smaller turnover, the level of relations, and so on, which are still there, obviously , some countries of latin america, africa or asia support this first, second, it is obvious that russia's dependence on china is deepening and china is satisfied with the current state of affairs, they are interested in the future , and it was necessary for kupchin to make even more mistakes, for putin
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to wage war aggressively, which led russia to international isolation, and china will receive dividends points and profit from this situation as it can the next moment, uh, from this point of view, of course, we can get moral satisfaction from the fact that we see the humiliations putin is forced to undergo, how to swim in front of these bells and whistles, this is understandable. and actually speaking, it breaks russian narratives and propagandistic myths about a multipolar world, it is nothing, it is not very polar because russia is being pointed to its place . and what about ukraine. actually, apart from this moral satisfaction, as i said , seeing the humiliation of putin, in the end, so far , nothing good. that is, i do not see any positive results and trends that affected our situation , namely, russian aggression against ukraine, they are not visible , that is, it is obvious that china is interested in the continuation of such a situation and in
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russia being in this war, this does not mean that china wants russia to win, win and win ball on the international stage, but this means that china is not interested in russia losing in ukraine like an austrian . therefore, so far i do not see any positive trends in this sense, just for us, so far putin has nothing official didn't comment but dmitry medvedev was released yesterday in front of journalists, who again started talking about the fact that the world is unfair to the leader of russia, insulted the minister of justice of germany by commenting on the issuance of an arrest warrant for the russian dictator vladimir putin and then again began to threaten the world with nuclear
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weapons . he seems to understand what this means , let's imagine that it is clear that this situation , which is never realized, but nevertheless, let's imagine that it has come true, the current head of the nuclear state has arrived on the territory let's say germany and let's rise up to the aristocracy that this is a declaration of war by the russian federation and already in this case all of our other rocket means will fly to the bundestag to the chancellor's office and so on. well , dmitry medvedev and oleksandr made such and such a statement, the only
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thing that medvedev did not explain how that's why putin will come and go at that time, when the missiles of the russian federation will fly in defense of putin on the head of the germans, well, that is, if he is in germany, then of course they will finish off putin, how do you perceive this zhirinovsky act in execution medvedev because zhirynovsky died and his case is alive, you know the point. if we talk about zhirynovsky, his case, i want to remind you that his case is really alive because zhirynovsky, who was called a marginal and wrote from the mid-90s and later books about how russia should carry out territorial expansion, about it, russia's imperial course on crimea, and so on , he was already then actually carrying out this ideological pumping and brainwashing, that is
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, he worked against this background, and quite so actively evaluating medvedev well, you understand in why is the situation, i look at it, it’s all pathetic, what’s happening, what has medvedev come to, and i can say you know what, even uh, ukrainian presidents, even that traitor, i mean the fugitive criminal yanukovych, even he looks an order of magnitude higher than medvedov in the territory of this in his statements, as he commented even on the events of the maidan, because the level to which medvedev has sunk is absolutely marginal , and you know, the tone of the conversation is absolutely unacceptable for any political figure, even one who is at war there and so more well, this shows his degradation as a final degradation as a politician. that's how he is perceived in the world in the end, and the more he gives an interview to the bears, the more
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confidence seems to me in the west of europe and the world in general that russia simply needs to be stopped because what is produced there and the narratives that are discussed and medvedev also gives an interview on the central television channel . they then discuss it, enjoy these episodes , promote them, and so on, and there is a propaganda pump with all of this, so i think that this is only additional, the more often medvedev gives an interview i think there are more reasons and more arguments are appearing for our partners to provide ukraine with more support and more weapons to win this war and to overcome this criminal russian totalitarian regime meanwhile russian propagandists state that there were no specific proposals in the agreements signed during the visit by all xi jinping to moscow on military technical cooperation with china, and who is now an aggressive
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beggar, let's see, does not want to break relations, not with the united states, not even with europe, you are not you will see the official statements of the comradeship, so there are concrete words , the military-technical cooperation between the russian federation and the chinese agreement was reached , but to go, he said that it would not be the last moment , at the last moment, why are they calling zelensky , he already has one aggressive beggar , he has a second aggressive beggar, no you need p oleksandr, why didn't si call zelensky after his visit to moscow? what do you think, you know, i don't see any tragedy in this , i'll tell you frankly. on the contrary, i see that well let's talk frankly, now you understand the subject, first of all, i'll start with the fact that sometimes the context, the moment and the place of the conversation are even more important than the content, even if the content is
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the best, what is the context around this conversation now? putin, they are all calls, by the way, made a statement that he wants to be on the right side of history, and from his point of view it can be interpreted as being in moscow, making such a statement, this is putin’s side that they are now on the right side of history together. the statement he made is the second, look at what the united states is actually preparing to declassify the side, well, this was announced by president biden, the following was in kyiv , the prime minister of japan was in general, the situation around the focus of the union of australia, britain , the united states and the fact that china is dissatisfied with the strengthening of cooperation with japan, there is the building of relations with india, with the rest of our western partners, who are now quite wary of china, plus statements from
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the west that china is considering the possibility of transferring lethal weapons to russia and plus the initiative of the chinese woman about what they are saying, i call it a declaration of intentions for everything good against everything bad, but without specifics, a plan for the settlement of the ukrainian crisis, as they call it, not the russian-ukrainian war, that is, it seems to me that the context and time for this conversation are not quite right successful and obviously it would be better to do it at the moment when we finally have an ambassador of ukraine in china , what kind of connections will be built, a political economic platform, and then organize this conversation. that is, i am not speaking categorically against the conversation. it seems to me that now is not the best, not the right time for this. let's go back to medvedev again, because this is the thesis about the nuclear apocalypse, which
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russian politicians and the self-proclaimed president of belarus continue to pump all the time. it still aims to issue another ultimatum of the russian federation , because we only remember the first ultimatum was at the end of december 2021, when putin said that the united states of america , nato members, should take into account the geopolitical realities and wishes of moscow, and then they promoted the signing of the agreement and washington refused, as did the nato countries. by the way, in this synchronicity that we will now see, medvedev mentions this. so, medvedev mentions the approaching nuclear apocalypse
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. has the threat of a nuclear conflict passed ? of foreign weapons to ukraine will eventually bring this very nuclear apocalypse closer to me . to do what we did and they calculated the consequences is much more complicated than they could have been if they had signed a document with us in december, more precisely, obviously the west did not see that nuclear weapons are in the hands of well-meaning idiots who are in russia and not only in russia and in belarus, because in parallel with medvedev yesterday, the topic of nuclear
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weapons was also discussed by lukashenko , who said that belarus will also have weapons with real uranium. munitions with special uranium tell me, please, russia will supply us with munitions with real uranium, i am crazy today, they will give this process a boost , this is the most terrible and most dangerous thing, so we need to leave the insanity a little aside, and then how will these munitions explode on the positions of the russian troops you will see the answer will be terrible for the whole planet , the lesson will be, that is, there are at least three people who publicly threaten this world with a nuclear war , oleksandr, considering the fact that
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lukashenko, medved, and putin, they are in principle fall under the category of nuclear terrorists, well, that is, it is a terror not only of ukraine but also of the whole world, the reaction of which , according to you, can be most effective from the side of western countries . was not ready and did not see what we were going to do, that determination would be enough, or rather stupidity to do so, i want to remind you that the leading western media warned about what russia wants to do, well, starting somewhere from november 2022 and even later some the publication did not depict the plans of a possible invasion of russian troops, according to which they eventually invaded ukraine, that is, it is not that they did not know about the determination, but they definitely knew the plans, which indicate that there is a rather powerful agency of the western intelligence community in russia, with
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from the russian side , there is an outpouring of powerful information. this is the first point. the factor of nuclear blackmail is included look and trace the chronology of events starting from the end of february since last year since putin gave the order to bring the nuclear deterrent force into a strategic state of high alert since then there was the first signal and after that we heard a series then during the announcement of the so-called partial mobilization and then under the time of his speech during the message to the federation council, all this coincides in one way or another with the failure to achieve the military goals that were set. what is the current failure to achieve the military
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goals? i want to remind you that it is approaching the end of march, one month to the end, what was supposed to happen, what was supposed to happen, according to the plan of putin's russia and his entourage, it was supposed to happen, the complete capture of the donetsk region , it is obvious that this will not happen in the time left, in general, i think and hope that this will not happen at all and our forces will repulse the next attack. look, we see that on the other side, russia may have perceived its , let's say, snarky statements and plagiarism in front of this zimpinium, what we said that the west would suddenly want some dialogue with putin in order to come to an agreement with putin. let's get together. let's join a coalition against the chinese . it's not happening. russia ignores putin . they ignore it, and the united states secretary of state blinken says that when putin is on the territory of the states that signed the rome statute, he should be arrested from behind. with the corresponding warrant and it begins well, what remains for russia to include nuclear blackmail
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, what do they continue to do, how to react to it , in part, we see the way of reaction. i want to remind you that not so long ago i was about the forest of the strategic bomber b-50 america near the borders of russia, which flew to estonia to the baltic countries and was present there . russia's messages about the possible devastating consequences that russia will suffer as a result of the use of nuclear weapons or the continuation of this blackmail, that is, with the tools they are used, of course, but it is obvious that the country that is blackmailing the whole world with nuclear weapons
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with the war that threatens against it, the maximum possible level of pressure and sanctions should be applied with the rest, when now some people are ashamed to talk about what they say about the fact that it is impossible in the future to discuss the status of russia if it is a nuclear state, then i apologize, but what is the alternative if we do not pull out the poison or cliques and the teeth of this cobra, which is now crawling out and threatens everyone well, it seems to me that there is simply no other way for the future when putin announced the conduct of a so-called special military operation, simply put, he made a decision about the start of a big of russia's war against ukraine, he said that his goal is to identify the demilitarization of ukraine a year after the start of this great war, the whole world is now talking about the danger of the russian state, the military state, or the nazi or russian state. well , of course, you already mentioned that russia has
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to be deprived of nuclear weapons, is there enough education, is there enough power now, is it possible to carry out de-nazification, demilitarization, is the nuclearization of the russian federation underway, or do we still have to approach it somewhere after a certain time there in a year or two i think that does education form an understanding of what needs to be done? i think that this is how this understanding comes. of course, as a state, we should be at the forefront of this process , and we should also not wait, you know, for someone to propose it in the united states, in britain, in france, in berlin. should we propose these solutions ourselves on other platforms and try them in various ways through the media, through expert communities , through political circles, to report and lobby
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, that is, this idea should be generally us now when you see, even when we talk about some decisions, we say that russia needs to exclude zoom, but in addition to the fact that russia needs to exclude the un, it is important to work on the thesis that the world obviously needs a new atlantic charter or a new washington treaty on the united nations , which would consolidated the world around the threats that exist around those alliances that are now being formed of the so-called axis of evil and threaten the civilized world of the world, this is also important and in this sense these discussions , discussions, they can be, should be and will be and they, in the end, somewhere there is a question about when it can be done and achieved, it is obvious that it is now problematic to achieve it, but i want to tell you that russia is actually in many ways collapsing and this
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empire is collapsing much faster than anyone imagined or analyzed, even on the example of this one technical details related to weapons, when we see that only t-62 tanks were delivered by russia in august, in september of last year, and they talked about the fact that now they are already available, and the two are already finished, they are already removing the older models from storage of tanks and this was only six months ago, i am leading to the fact that russia is collapsing er-er even faster than some imagined and because there are still chances to destroy this monster, that is, to help its self-destruction they are there, but for this you need to really actively work that in the coming weeks and the coming months and the coming years, the wall street journal , after xi jinping went to moscow, predicts and warns american politicians that
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china's support for the russian federation in its conflict against ukraine should become a warning to the whole world, including american politicians who do not understand that russia's victory in ukraine will benefit china's geopolitical goals, you have already mentioned these poles, and putin very often speaks in his speeches. well, he talks about uh, many vector or multipolar the world, why do they say that the two poles have already gone away a long time ago, but it’s not entirely clear to you? you obviously don’t imagine that these poles are now not in moscow and washington, but in washington and beijing . how quickly can china influence you? on russia in the conflict in the war between russia and ukraine and what prospects await the russian
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federation in the event that the russian federation surrenders, the situation is as follows. at a certain stage. by the way, as far as we know now, there was a request from the american side. as far as i understand , president biden would like to talk to this pin, and by the way, this is also one point that , uh, we should also wait for their conversation let them talk and after that organize with the ukrainian president. i think that if we talk like this, it is quite simplified, but what could there be some kind of agreement for the future, and as for russia, i imagine it so that the united states could
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to propose conditions under which, after russia will be transformed or new ones will arise, there may be three or four more state entities on the territory of modern russia, and the entrance and europe will leave behind an influence just there on the european part of these state entities from there demilitarization and nuclearization with what we talked about and china can claim the far east. in this way , there could be a conversation around this, this is one stage, but this is in the event that the united states will have the desire to negotiate at all at this level. do you understand why? because, after all, all of my observations show that china has certain imperial ambitions on the example of russia, and this is noticeable, and again, how much the united states and the west in general are satisfied with the role of china as a state
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you understand such a person with imperial ambitions, after all, the chinese are much smarter, but , relatively speaking, in the east , no one wants a second putin, and that’s why the situation seems to me to be a bit difficult today, it will depend on what the policy is of the west in general and the western alliance in relation to china and russia will be formed in the future, because well, listen to the statements made by these callers at the meeting with putin that they are on the right side of history. i think that this causes some concern in of the western capitals, jordan has already stated that he expects to hold talks with putin in the next two days, but in this situation and in the development of events that we are watching, over the past few months, turkey has been busy with the consequences of the earthquake, it is clear that the cardigans were probably not up to the task, and we know that in


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