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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] started two long-term, multi-year, actually ten-year-old companies in cancer and afghanistan, and therefore again send their boys and girls to die somewhere thousands of kilometers away, well, this is a suicidal political decision, and that is why, in fact , such rhetoric is a very important moment, it is popular not only among republicans, it is also popular among democrats it is even popular among socialists who are now reappearing in america, it is popular even among trembists, that is, it is precisely the topic that summarizes the entire american the political spectrum and therefore the desantes repeaters repeating this but at the same time emphasizing the help of ukraine again, as i said at the beginning, he shows his political pragmatism, he knows how to attract an audience and our happiness is that american national interests coincide almost 90% with ukrainian national interests interests and therefore landing forces for us, the candidate is safe for now well, it seems to me that already ukraine has even invited him to visit ukrainian
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representatives of the authorities, but so far he does not dare but maybe maybe he will come but he didn't refuse, it's important, many people immediately refuse to land, realizing that this could be a very important step for his popularity, he put it on hold for the time being. that's how ukraine is, i feel that way , it will sound very loudly in the light of the american election campaign. american foreign policy council ukrainian prisma was on radio freedom thank you very much well and traditionally i urge you to support our work and like this broadcast questions comments comments are welcome in chat under the broadcast, if you are, the algorithm in youtube works in this way
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. on social networks and by tomorrow mobile universal high-passability and can perform extremely difficult tasks in the combat zone national network of gas stations upg sends 20 pickup trucks to the front support of ukrainian business is very important for all the military who defend our country because a large number of lost vehicles are broken and damaged and without them it is difficult to fully perform combat tasks. therefore, this support is very important. we thank you for it. these machines are very convenient, mobile and universal, they provide additional opportunities both for the movement of small groups with special tasks, as well as for the transportation of cargo and
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auxiliary auxiliary property , the upg national network turns 20 years old however, war is not the time to celebrate anniversaries, they say in over the past year, the company has managed to rebuild the business from scratch, save jobs, completely reorient to new fuel suppliers and establish its own logistics , persevere and this is the most important thing. we are very grateful to our military for the fact that every day you bring our victory closer and enable us to make your own small contribution. also on this day, like every ukrainian, from the first day of the full-scale invasion, we helped the army, helped the armed forces of ukraine, and a lot of help has already been given. and today we are giving our to the military and our defenders another batch of 20 l 200 cars during the year, the national network of ozk provided assistance to the armed forces in the total amount of over uah 150 million
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, 75 off-road vehicles with over 650,000 liters of fuel were sent to the front, and our defenders also received quadcopters, radio stations, thermal imagers , generators, solar batteries winter clothes computer equipment and other equipment things become unreal heavy bags are not for my sick back from back pain dolgit cream, whatever you want, i will lift
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dolgit, the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, cinema, television, sports, music, education, free people have a choice, choose what you want on megogo fm , galicia has prepared its answer. you will hear and even see the formation of the informational spring counterattack, life goes on, the war is going on, galicia is not up to the russians, it is difficult for ukrainians to talk about what you feel when you have urinary incontinence , an unpleasant situation can arise at any time time even from a minor effort, fortunately - it's behind me feminost uro helped me thanks to natural ingredients feminost uro helps to restore control over urination in the melon at night now i feel confident feminost uro
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urination under control join the community with a ukrainian view of the world become a sponsor of the youtube channel espresso a this is access to exclusive content personal thanks pinned comments special icons there the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team click sponsor and become a part of the community with a ukrainian point of view, what are china's interests in the war in ukraine, the battle of bakhmut, at what cost are russian troops advancing, another fake from the kremlin , what new did russian propagandists come up with this week, you are watching spotlight ukraine, trends , world politics and in-depth analysis from
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ukrainian journalists for the whole world my name is volodymyr ostapchuk is more simple now . it seems that the west is actually going to fight with russia to the last ukrainians with words and deeds. i would like to emphasize that under time to settle the situation in ukraine. we are constantly guided by the un charter and adhere to an objective and impartial position, please. of course, there are signals that china may start giving russia large batches of weapons, otherwise this is very alarming and i think the western community
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should be clear about this tell the leadership of the heavenly and, technically, administratively , why did siedenpin come to russia, what did putin want to hear and receive from his visit, and did moscow and beijing really agree to be friends forever, this will be discussed further in our story of ours peace plan without peace the leader of china discussed all the calls with the president of russia vladimir putin his vision of a possible end to the russian war in ukraine this happened during the visit of the heavenly leader to moscow, the plan consists of 12 points, although some experts have already called it a position of beijing rather than a real plan despite this, several important points for ukraine, such as respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries of the world, there are also those
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who play into the hands of moscow, and even before the visit, the kremlin spoke positively about this plan and but already after the meeting with sidneypin, the president of russia, vladimir putin, once again accused the ukrainian leadership and almost sang the praises of the heavenly leader . the blessed ones are guilty of allowing china to adopt a moderate plan that is convenient for the russian approach, and they can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they will be in the west and in kyiv, however такую подход, er, until такой readiness from their side , we do not observe the chinese leader was more restrained according to the results of his meeting with vladimir putin, he emphasized that his government will continue to make maximum efforts for settlement of the ukrainian crisis. that is how he called the russian war and added in general terms that beijing is always on the side
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of good and peace. but in the world, the rapprochement of china with russia in general and the peace plan proposed by beijing in particular were strongly criticized , for example, nato secretary general yenstonberg emphasized that that if the celestial empire really wants to go down in history as a peacemaker, its leadership should first of all force putin to stop hostilities and withdraw all his troops from ukraine, but the state united states secretary of america anthony was not so reticent russia's annexation of sovereign ukrainian territory and its continued brutal attacks on civilians clearly indicate one thing president putin is currently not interested in peace in the ding ping river to russia days after the international criminal court issued putin's arrest warrant shows that china does not feel responsible for holding the kremlin accountable for the atrocities committed in ukraine, and instead of condemning them
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, beijing is giving russia diplomatic cover for so that she continued to commit them, it is obvious that in beijing they immediately reacted to this statement in the ministry of foreign affairs of the country, they even reprimanded the us secretary of state, and more in their usual style , they offered to look for the log in one's own eye before looking for the mote in someone else's question, do not provoke a crisis in ukraine and does not belong to the parties involved in it. we have also never supplied weapons to any of the parties involved in the conflict . the united states has no competence to criticize china and even less the right to place responsibility for the situation in ukraine on china, in the end, so that beijing and moscow do not speak, the facts remain the fact that the meeting of two old friends did not take place in the kremlin, but rather, the suzerain came to his vassal, and not in order to somehow help him solve problems, but in order to himself
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fullness to take advantage of its weakness. this is what the head of the munich security conference, christoph heusgen, said about it. it is quite obvious that in these relations russia is china's junior partner, and this can be seen from the photos meetings at which putin does not look as confident as usual, it is clear that he is completely dependent on osinping and the chinese leader uses this dependence on him . it is important that putin remains on his side and not that he supports him. here it is quite obvious who is the cook and who is the waiter, all calls to and also buys cheap crude oil russia now cannot get rid of elsewhere, at the same time the war supplies russia with practically everything that the west in its turn has imposed sanctions on, however, the most important thing for us is whether china could at least try to help to end the russian war in ukraine, while this question, unfortunately, remains unanswered, at least until the leadership of the celestial empire really demonstrates a desire to talk less and
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act more and tea online you - the president of ukraine based in chinatown, the next guest - spotlight ukraine greetings in the evenings, yes, for us here, the evening can come today , china in its relations with russia, er, strange money, sometimes because the relationship for ksezelpin and putin they have a special place in his heart, of course it would be better for china should beware of russia if we are talking about the fact that russia and china have signed agreements on partnership without restrictions
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, which actually serves as a reinforcement of the fact that china is ready to provide this possible support to china to the extent that it can do it and therefore we want to understand that china and russia are allies who and their partnership continues even despite the aggression in ukraine. so we talked about global news about the ukrainian issue , what is the role of china as a mediator, and here we also initially talked about what a chinese should be like mediator or peacemaker regarding the russian-ukrainian war, if we look at the peace formula offered by china, we still say that war is the continuation of politics only by other means and from the point
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of view of china, and china wants peace, wants the end of the war, but they do not call for an immediate cease-fire and before the withdrawal of russian visas in order to achieve it, they propose a gradual cease-fire, that is, what is the position of china? yes, it is very interesting. but ukraine itself proposed its own formula for peace, and at that time china still continues to remain on the right side of history where is this right side and what does it mean and china looks at history in a diachronic aspect who is in power and who is strong and wants to join such allies the first thing china looks at is russia's relationship with
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china, this is the first priority for them, for them, they want the end of peace in accordance with the conditions put forward by russia, not ukraine; secondly, everyone understands that russia really does not manage to win the war as quickly as they thought, and of course many countries condemned russia for its actions, they russia is accused of the fact that russia is the aggressor from this point of view, the stronger you are, the more correct you are . exactly. exactly. there is certainly some competition between china and the usa and china wants
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to be dominant in the indo - pacific countries and in the eastern hemisphere. powerful support for this, china needs russia, they cannot allow the weakening of russia and of course when we talk about the weakening of russia in the war with ukraine it is a very important point our economic relations, especially in the energy system, again, we
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know about the siberian project, again, in order to distance ourselves from the european market . to implement such proposals, a lot of money must be invested in such projects, and china now and of course russia cannot finance so much now, and china cannot also invest in it without really understanding what will be the benefit if this project is successful , what will be the benefit for china, china is thinking about its own interests. we also know what the advantages are for china, in particular, regarding cheap oil and gas. china is waiting for russia to invest its money in such projects and then
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join them if they are successful. of course, we can also talk about what if china will also use these energy carriers, then it will agree to this proposal and will help in their implementation, but sometimes they sometimes the chinese also miscalculate what is necessary in order to implement such projects e-e with the help of investments in infrastructure and in fact china now wants to extract as much investment as possible from russia, will china succeed in the ukrainian war, yes or no, i think that china is already supporting russia in some way in the war against ukraine, there was already
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enough evidence of indirect supplies and aid- aid manifestation of russia's aid in the russian ukrainian war so also a lot of what was found out about the supply of weapons, they were actually of chinese origin and china said that this did not happen with the involvement of the government but we cannot pay less attention to this and therefore it should not be there should be appropriate sanctions, appropriate evidence of china's involvement in this conflict, and that is why i think that the chinese government supports such supplies and such support for russia in order for russia to continue its aggression against ukraine. thank you very much for your the opinion of kitcher life, the president of the analytical center prospect faudeyshyn what is based in china was on our air mother
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, another special hot spot appeared near the donetsk region, the city of avdiyivka, experts are already comparing it to bachmuth in terms of the tactics used by the occupiers and the intensity of attacks, and even though the russians are advancing on both areas of the front are much slower than they expected . they said in the white house that the kremlin is preparing for a new offensive on ukraine . the counter-offensive in our review continues: rocket rocket on a stick, a fresh fragment of our woman is collected as physical evidence of the enemy attack on the british intelligence called the second bahamut, the russians use similar tactics , they do not spare manpower, they pour in artillery and aviation, and meter by meter they destroy the city
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of aviation and completely destroy private houses residential areas are subjected to rocket airstrikes, it's hard when you've lived in this city since birth and now i'm leaving and i don't know where to go where no one needs me, i don't know where to start , but i'm sorry for the child, i finished the ninth grade there is no certificate, i want a normal life for him, squeeze the pincers around the car, the enemies are attacking from the north, the village of berdychi, in the south, north to pervemaiske and novomykhailivka , the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports that although the advance is very slow, it potentially poses a threat to the supply lines of the city's defense, assesses the situation, british intelligence assesses the situation, the russians could transfer to the avdiyiv part some experts believe that the forces from sub-bakhmut, however , it seems that the military does not observe a decrease in the activity of the enemy in the direction of bakhmut. we
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note a decrease there, their attributes a contact at the american volney institute currently considers it unlikely that russia will be able to force the armed forces to withdraw from avdiyivka, as well as from bakhmut, in the conclusions of analysts it is said that the general russian spring offensive is probably approaching its climax russian offensive operations along the svatov line crimes around bakhmut and on the avdiyivka front line donetsk and ugledar in the first few months of 2023 did not bring more than minor tactical gains, it is highly unlikely that the involvement of additional forces during future waves of mobilization will lead to a radically different result than before cnn, citing the us national security council's strategic communications coordinator john kirby, reports that the coming weeks will be critical in the war with the us, they expect that russia will try
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to carry out another offensive we must make sure that we do everything possible to have confidence that ukraine is ready for this in the coming weeks and months, despite the huge loss at the front, the russians still have greater human reserves now than at the beginning of a full-scale invasion due to mobilization, says military expert oleksiy hetman". do they have equipment, we often say that they lack equipment and it does not end there, they do not have enough equipment for again for the newly formed units to which these newly mobilized ones joined but what equipment do they have so far there is quite a lot of it, no. this arc from kupinsk to ugledar, bakhmut maryinka, avdiyivka is about 500 km, and there are at least 100,000 e-e russians and about 2,000 heavy equipment in the south of ugledar and further e- and
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about 125,000 more are concentrated there russian military personnel and so on, approximately the same amount of heavy equipment and artillery, in addition to the strategic plan to seize donetsk region and luhansk region, the russians may be planning to go to kherson again, at least with such promises the so-called governor of the occupied kherson region, volodymyr saldo , meanwhile, the publication politico, citing an unnamed american official, writes that the liberation of kherson oblast may be one of the directions of the frenzied counteroffensive, the ukrainian army calls the attempt to cut off the counteroffensive policy another possible option the land route to the crimea in the berdyansk region, you are watching the ukrainian version of the patlati chain, the latest news from the front, we will discuss with a military expert, the president of the american university in kyiv, den
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raison, what was invited. yes, the analysts of the institute for the study of war assess the situation as successfully as possible. the counteroffensive, then the name of the team of the institute , they research the topic phenomenally. i do not agree with this assessment. i think that we have there is always something that is not enough. more is always needed. i think that now the ukrainian army has really undergone excellent training compared to previous years. we also understand that with the military potential and resources that ukraine currently has, considering the counteroffensives that we already saw in the fall , in particular in kharkiv directly , we can understand that ukraine has everything in order to strategically repeat this success and eventually push back the russian army regarding the uz of your last interviews, you said that the ukrainian
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army is looking for the right time to to start a successful counteroffensive or how long should we wait until spring until autumn or maybe until next year, and in fact i actually understand that the command of ukraine, with which, in principle, i do not have direct relations now. but i understand that the university in kyiv, to which i am related, we are based based on intelligence data and in general, i understand that my colleagues from western countries, from germany, from america, we believe that putin made a huge mistake back in february of last year by launching a full-scale invasion of ukraine and, in fact, now we
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we see that now the russians are taking the wrong steps, they have already expanded the position of their heavy weapons, now we also understand that ukrainian weapons are also ukrainian heavy equipment and that is why i am sure that ukraine has every chance of success and where this counteroffensive will be , unfortunately, i do not know, but i can do it some references, but in fact i think that it will not be very smart because the question is whether it will be enough to win. this year, i think that the armed forces and nato are preparing for a long war. and i really hope that there will be a powerful counteroffensive, which will drive out and destroy the russian army. so, you have already compared it with the counteroffensive that took place in the fall of last year. the ukrainians showed themselves so well, they managed to organize. and now i think that the ukrainian military is even better trained and even more prepared. they have
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more resources thanks to their partners. the military was prepared in france, poland and other countries , i.e. now we see that ukrainians are truly military, they have now arrived and they have all the potential, they are actually the most practically trained army in europe and i am convinced it is true that the military potential of ukraine is at the level that can knock out the russians from the territory of ukraine, as was the case in the kharkiv direction. and maybe even stronger. that is, we understand how much russia loses every month , that is 25,000 people and approximately more than 60,000 wounded. that is, it is something extraordinary and that is why we hope that it will be successful counteroffensive how weak is the russian army compared to last year's estimates germany what was the army like last year when
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the whole world, including military experts, everyone was talking about the fact that kyiv would fall in a matter of days and we see what happened and they really lost 165,000 soldiers, that is, it is an extremely large number , not to mention the wounded, that is, in fact, all the young officers died on the territory of ukraine , so now they lack leadership, they lack a leader of leaders, and therefore the advantage in this aspect is really on the side i will not make any predictions about ukraine, but the ukrainian military really has every chance to destroy the russian occupiers, and with regard to the russian operation, they have little chance of success. therefore , us officials say that russia is preparing for the next ones. and it is possible that they
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will need a week or months, how


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