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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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[000:00:00;00] for a very long time, when russia invaded our country, kasperra was 10 years old, he was still a child, he understood that it was war, he sent drawings of fields, camouflage nets to the front, and after coming of age he himself became a defender, there are constant explosions and artillery. you are watching. that is, there is no such thing as you having a peaceful dream. the other day, the national guardsmen went on an assault and took two prisoners, they broke free and rushed into the air . they were blown up on their own mines.
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together with their comrades, they handed over the wounded man to the medics and returned to their positions, where they were covered by a mortar, they had a small contusion, and the boys had a shrapnel in the neck. in the future offensive, what is happening on the front line, the fighters can see thanks to the drones , the eyes of this war direct the artillery to the manpower, ammunition and weapons of the enemy, the fighters need drones and a car to help can everyone who wants the details on the screen, instead, the soldiers promise to replenish the statistics of enemy losses in the daily summaries - the general staff of tetyana nakonechna and the secretaries ictv facts - the only news ukrainian defenders need western f-16 aircraft , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine
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, valery zaluzhny, appealed to the allies to provide the military with the specified fighter jets, the relevant institution was published on its facebook page in the video, our pilots tell us what kind of machines fighters have to fly today they are convinced that having the latest fighters in service, the efficiency of their work would be many times higher than the mig-29 aircraft , let's tell the truth, the f-16 is morally outdated, it can use the entire range of western weapons that are in service with nato countries, we are now using some western weapons such as harm this is an anti-location missile , but its effectiveness will be much higher. if we use it with the f-16, well, 300 powerful mavic 3t drones have already gone
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to the front. all of them were purchased as part of the project the army of drones launched a month ago on the united 24 platform, according to the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov, these drones will allow our defenders to conduct reconnaissance, guide artillery and destroy millions of dollars worth of russian equipment, drones have thermal imagers and zoom cameras. this will help to perform highly effective operations even at night, monitor everyone movement of the enemy, it is known that 160 drones are received by the army in the eastern direction, 140 in the southern direction. a year ago, sumy region did not allow the russians to go further to kharkiv and kyiv. the truth stood out at the cost of dozens of civilian lives and even more military casualties. today, a year later, in okhtyrka, the victims of russian airdrops are remembered. the russians dropped 30
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air bombs on the city in 20 days, despite everything and is actively rebuilding, see maria malevska's report, your organization told me it's called a grandfather on a bicycle, who is that grandfather, who is that grandfather, how did it all begin? it all began on february 25, after a hurricane covered the kindergarten, well, the kindergarten district the garden of the military unit, i began to think. to do such a thing, to prevent all this from happening. oleksandr gutsal, retired military man, 27 years in the anti-aircraft missile forces in the first days of the offensive. he created a partisan organization in okhtyrka, which later received the name grandfather on a bicycle, so they were nicknamed by the artillerymen of 93- of the brigade to which the partisans gave the coordinates of the enemy columns of skeletons of 15 people, including five women, the youngest 24 of the oldest partisans - 69 mostly residents of the surrounding villages, one of
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the partisans, 54-year-old oleksii, suffering from cancer, became the prototype of the name throat, because there was not much of it. those who saw it only heard the noise and knew that he was riding a bicycle. thanks to the information of the partisans, the soldiers managed to destroy a lot of russian equipment even on the approaches to okhtyrka. of the armored complex, well, there are 12-15 tanks, e.e. bmp - also up to 5, that is, up to 20 refuelers somewhere , yes, you are now engaged in your organization. bicycles, the kingdom of heaven, he died in the summer of last year. well, he had the last stage of cancer. the first three thermobaric
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bombs arrived in the district of the military unit from the okhtyr city hall building. the office is in this building, uh, an aerial bomb flew here, the second floor was my office , it was destroyed immediately, the second aerial bomb fell directly into the city hall from the sign, the city, the hero, who now has a head, will be hung in the library. tell me how you survived the winter with the destroyed chp plant today can already be said to be an okhtyrka managed to start one of the six boilers at its own expense, they survived the winter, 42,000 of the population of 48 in okhtyrka have already returned to the city, russian shelling damaged at least half a thousand houses, but all this year they are actively rebuilding here, for example, kyivska street here, several were damaged by airstrikes. here
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in this five-story building, two entrances have already been repaired. namely, this is the wall of grandma vali’s, the deceased, it was knocked out, you can see all the rubble. oleksandr strelets has an apartment on the third floor of this restored building . good guys also put up the door. he also served in the military for a quarter of a century . it was next to the house on the day of the bombing , when he died there. 70 people were also at work because she was knocked out of the furniture and appliances, there was nothing left, the condition of the new building , she lives until her daughter is not afraid to return again closer to something, she does not really want her time some kind of fear i don't know what they say to me well, i'm more of a military
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man, i'm telling you, there were barracks there too, i went on sunday to see if she was sick when he threw the bomb, well, it was like that now, a year later, okhtyrka is coming back to life near the coffee shops summer playgrounds are open, shops and transport are on the buildings, one by one murals appear , igor painted them for half a century, this mural will be images of military personnel against the background of the flag of ukraine, and it is dedicated to military personnel who died during the war, that is, as a tribute to them in memory of another mural of igor's work in the center near the river under cellulitisers president zelensky presents the award okhtyrka the city is a hero to the local mayors for sumshchy ukrainians fought for protection for other cities and villages and for kharkiv and for kyiv and for kyiv oblast the father of
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five-year-old anya among those who receives awards from the hands of the president oleksandr zarytsky national guardsman when on the 26th they bombed a part of it the man was there and he was there for almost a day well, for almost a day he did not get in touch and we got it of course, a very happy event for our whole family, this plus meant a lot and even civilians helped in this, too, that is, they coincided and helped you investigate, so rescuers, policemen , army special forces, social workers, state awards, as oleksandr holds in his hands , not all of them were able to receive the award posthumously, but now a year later, remembering the heavy
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battles and all the fallen , the residents of okhtyrka stopped the enemy, then they will never miss it again. the anniversary of its liberation from russian barbarians and savages will be celebrated by another city of heroes, the hero city of bucha, during the month of occupation at the beginning of the great war, 700 people died there , these are the official data of the prosecutor's office of the kyiv region, the names of innovators are being investigated, suspicions have been announced so far , the seventeenth russian military process of investigation of crimes in bucha was interested our olga chitaylo, she met with the relatives of the two victims, ruslan nechypurenko, who was shot in front of his son, and roman shadlovsky, who was kidnapped from his home and killed in in the forest, see her special report from buchi, here they are all buried on the same day, yes, that is, yes, 15 people in the cemetery in buchi, rows of nameless graves, here are 450
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, roman shadlovsky, who was killed by the russians, was buried here to install a name plate, father valentin is waiting for the results of genetic examinations, although even without them, he is certain it is his son after the exhumation recognized his clothes, his personal belongings already at home, he will show the icon that was found with the body when the russians took roman away, he took it with him as a charm caught up with him, but nechyporenko leads us to the backyard of his a year ago, the grave of her husband ruslan was here. they reburied him already after the city was liberated. people came and said that the body needed to be exhumed. the nechypurenki family and roman shadlovskyi with his father almost neighbors on their streets . the occupiers came on march 4. kiyvomorotsky at 11:43 enemies were on the street at the time recorded by a surveillance camera in a store nearby, in a few minutes they shoot the local volunteers and then
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go to break down the doors in the apartments of the building where roman lived with his father, the father was certain that the russians knew exactly where his son was going, the former soviet enemy found his uniform, so here are all four roma, ihor, and sashko roman , together with their neighbors, the russians took them away, then later they left, their neighbor saw them tied by the hands and lead them down the street how is it? there was a car on the road that was occupied by yuriy .
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i don't say anymore. well, why do you think that, where did you get it? i say, dad died immediately, when they started shooting at him, he fell down, he just looked out and said, oh, he fell with his eyes open, and a large pool of blood immediately formed near him. she took the body. the next day, she buried it and 19 in march, she evacuated with her children . roman shadlovskyi’s father was in the occupation until the end , risking his life. he went to the russians to find out where his son was and saw shot cars on the road. 700 people died
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, 500 have signs of violent death and these data are not final, the russians hid them in pits, they dug in, burying the bodies and hiding the traces of their crimes against humanity, then everything was covered in blood. one of those who collected bodies on the streets and carried out exhumations behind houses, hid them, we even found shells here, mines, and the russian military called them bricks, that's how they carried out shells. so we brought deminers, and there were a lot of them, that's all area of ​​yablnevska street burial time in the forest near the city for this exhumation also goes to games then they found seven dead people one of them turned out to be roman shadlovsky as reported by the fact in the main intelligence office pskov paratroopers were stationed at this place they kidnapped the boy the father hopes for punishment he remembers their callsigns boar and bison complains since the summer that he cannot get the results of the examination after it , hopes to rebury his son in the cemetery next to the military 72 brigade alla
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nechypurenko knows the killers of her husband his during the investigation, his son yuriy nelyud, a soldier of the national guard of the russian federation in the yaroslavl region, oleksandr kashin, was declared suspicious in absentia. alla herself filed a lawsuit in the european court of human rights and, together with other victims of terror, went to the hague to tell about the tragedy of her family, our tragedy is a story very tragic, but what i heard is of course goosebumps. at the moment , the suspicions have been announced to 17 russians guilty of crimes in buch. they are being tried in absentia. but the woman believes that there will be a punishment. constant fear of shooting at a peaceful unarmed people when in front of your eyes is a child who is in the head here a person can be called a person olga jedilo volodymyr kovalenko and dmytro matvienko facts ictv - the only news in mykolaiv honored the memory of those who died during
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the russian missile attack on the building of the regional military administration from yesterday to the scene of the tragedy, mykolaiv citizens are carrying flowers , the administrative building has already been recognized as emergency and they plan to completely dismantle it last year at around 9:00 a.m. a russian cruise missile kissed in almost 40 people died under the rubble of the administration building, the same number were injured, among the dead there were also ordinary military personnel and soldiers of the national guard, who were then guarding the government quarter, our sir vladislav vladyslav oleksandrovych died here while on combat duty, he took over at 7 o'clock , i tell my wife that's all with the second one to convey the words , it was just one second and then everything was dust , the links started, there wasn’t even any sound , i just heard a guy in the walls and the beams
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further on, the spiritual front, kyiv-pechersk lavra began the process of cleansing from the moscow spirit, the process is not easy, probably long, but definitely inevitable. on march 29, the representatives of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate were to finally leave the territories of the national reserve . it was this date that the reserve indicated when it warned about the termination of the agreement according to which the men's monastery could use the temples and other state facilities there free of charge. property, however, the representatives of the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine not only did not leave the lower lavra the day before, but also held a divine service, they filed a lawsuit lawsuit and they do not plan to leave the national reserve further, the priests began to interfere with the work of the commission that describes the property, attacked journalists and even cursed the state leadership, so the ministry of culture today complained to the police of the hope of churchmen, and minister oleksandr tkachenko emphasized the brutal behavior of representatives in the uoc mp regarding
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the representatives of the commission, deeply discusses with their appeals to god, despite everything, the commission will continue its work, and in the evening it became known that the kyiv economic court dismissed the lawsuit of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate against the kiev-pechersk lavra reserve . this was reported by the minister of culture of the moscow patriarchate's gradual exit from the lavra, vasyl safinnyuk, in the second half of march. caring kyivans who support the eviction of representatives of the moscow patriarchate from here also help. i do not see any religious persecution here at all on time culture is always on time ago if i didn't understand why they didn't do it earlier and just now spoke rudely uoc fsb is being kicked out of kyiv
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in the nizhny lavra commissions are working one is checking whether all the icons and valuables out of more than 8 hundred are in place another is inspecting its premises and temples the conclusions of the commission will be made public as early as next month. but there is already a lot of information in the mass media about the violation of this and the construction of new buildings and the placement of other legal entities and the so-called restoration without any approvals , which has been carried out for years in the reserve that is under the protection of unesco, it is protected not only by national legislation, but also by international law, that is why all our actions from the policy are aimed precisely at the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage during world war ii. this is the main line of the ministry of culture and information policy of ukraine. during march, the monks took their property out of the monastery, but its vicar and the leaders of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate declared that they were not going to leave the monastery and
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defiantly continued services on march 29. after conducting the divine service in the church of the ascension of christ, metropolitan pavlo said that they have already filed a lawsuit in court, we will remain in the lavra until the gardens pass and there is a court decision, he also confirmed this to journalists and traditionally rude to the media , pushing through cameras and microphones, accompanied by his faithful in the eyes , you won't leave like that yes , i understand. the situation is doing everything correctly and in accordance with the law, for violating the terms, she terminated the contract and warned in advance about the eviction from the national reserve, all these events in the legal, property and economic spheres are
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not a religious sphere, no matter how the leaders of the moscow patriarchate try to say , no persecution regarding the profession of faith and even persecution as for the fact that people want to stay with the moscow patriarchate together, it is not happening, he also adds an effort to translate the entire history around our lavra into a religiously beneficial russian orthodox one the church alone is considered responsible for the war against ukraine and the commission of crimes, the ecumenical patriarch bartholomew stated this the russian orthodox church shares responsibility with the russian authorities for the full-scale invasion of ukraine, the church and the state leadership in russia cooperated in the crime of aggression and shared responsibility for the following crimes , such as shocking kidnappings of ukrainian children , the russian authorities use the church as a tool to achieve their strategic goals, so the main questions are for the leaders
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the uoc mp and the monastery are emphasized by specialists in religious studies, because the opinions of the monks themselves and what their choice actually are have not yet been publicly voiced. the day before , the acting vicar of the lavra , archimandrite avraamiy, appointed by metropolitan epiphanius, announced his position . brothers, i urge you to stay in the lavra as part of the local orthodox church of ukraine, the forum of his beatitude metropolitan epiphany is known to be ready to communicate with you and i want to work together with you for renewal our abode as a real monastery and a place of spiritual renewal for monks and all the faithful, for such a step, the uoc avrahamia immediately deprived it of service, although for opening collaboration with the help of the enemy for the transition to the russian orthodox church, they did not punish any of their representatives, instead,
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god only cursed the president and the entire ukrainian government neither you nor your family. for this concession, the mountains to you are afraid. this morning , the representatives of the ministry of culture and the moscow patriarchate did not miss one of the churches to inspect one of the churches. lavra, look, and the former abbot of lavra again showed his love for journalists today, dear me , or what, give me a dear dig for everyone, your camera . and for ours, you are threatening us with short love wars, the ministry of culture announced that the commission will continue its work tomorrow, and the cabinet of ministers has already developed a project to cancel the order who in 2013 were given the laurel for indefinite use by the monastery of the ukrainian orthodox church of the russian orthodox church, despite the lawsuit, threats, insults and blackmail by representatives of the moscow patriarchate. the power of the steadfast
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church must abide by the laws of ukraine the russian world will no longer be in the ukrainian shrine vasyl stefanyuk fact ictv - the only news and it just became known that the cabinet of ministers canceled the decision of the yanukovych government on the free use of all property of the kyiv-pechersk lavra by the monks of the ukrainian orthodox church , that is, now all the property of the monastery belongs to the state, the processes are similar to those of kyiv to wait for supporters of the russian peace and in the pochaiv lavra to return it to the use of the state, many believers and activists demand from the authorities that it is unacceptable for them on the ninth year of the war with russia, to have an enemy cell in the center of western ukraine for decades, it has firmly established itself there and, worst of all, still has the support of local residents who stubbornly refuse to recognize the uoc of the moscow patriarchate as a russian church, the lavra is the property of the state, but in 2003 it was leased to
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the moscow patriarchate for 49 years ago, however, the great war made adjustments, the russians began to kill ukrainians, and now to put up with the fact that the shrine is in the hands of the moscow patriarchate, surely no one will , says kateryna kobanova majestically the pochaiv lavra rises on a hill above the city , it is the largest orthodox shrine in the west of ukraine and a state memory of architecture since 2003 on a lease for 49 years. a lot of people and i have a lot of pilgrims coming. well, i know, i also visit that church in australia. all the services are there. well, as in the old slavic language , this is not a russian church. this is a ukrainian church . recognize the laurel belonging to the russian church. the local people stubbornly refuse to persuade for kirill here for a year now as they do not pray, they verbally condemn
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the war, and in fact these are denials claim activists who want or in pochaev there really was a ukrainian church very pro-ukrainian and the territory can be a center of the russian peace during such a fierce struggle and such a bloody war with russia, during the searches of the security forces last year in november , found a lot of propagandistic literature authored by russian figures in the pochaiv theological seminary, which denies the existence of the ukrainian people and their language. also the very right of ukraine to statehood for this rector of the seminars was punished, which is true. only with a fine do they believe those popes, they go on kissing hands, it turns out that the people who go to the moscow church downstairs are sponsors of the war against us against our state. therefore , now what else has to happen to close that church here
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in ukraine , how many more people must die and for how many years? everything is dragging on here, there should be no trace of russia in ukraine, neither a church nor a language. the territory of the shrine, no one like that came to us, they did not let us into one of the central cathedrals of the moscow patriarchate in nearby kremenets, and representatives of the authorities who arrived there with a commission in february , the lease agreement there expired and representatives of the mp refuse to leave there. the case is in court and the state does not plan to continue the lease and is one of the first steps towards the return of local shrines to the use of the state, says minister of culture oleksandr tkachenko, all ways to establish contact with the moscow patriarchate during the war were made on pity dialogue the highest 400-year expansion of the russian orthodox church in ukraine is gradually coming to a logical conclusion during the war i am carefully studying the question of how to legally sever all ties with representatives of the uoc, which
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uses this shrine, meanwhile , the orthodox church of ukraine has already announced the formation of its own parish in the pochaiv lavra the religious organization will operate as part of the ternopil diocese, but the representatives of the ukrainian greek catholic church also want to have access to the shrine, because at one time they made a significant contribution to the development of the spiritual center in pochaev, since our heritage is there. as his beatitude patriarch sviatoslav said, we would like to have access to these values, so that we would not be told there who should enter and who should not enter. this is ivan, my grandfather, my friend from aidarov, came to debaltsevo, this is andriy dryomin, the only son of the parents of azov, meanwhile, a few kilometers from pochaev in the village of lishne, the locals are building a pantheon temple for those killed in the war with russia . relatives come here every year. they lost their heroes, and no one knows what trouble and mountains the russian brought us.
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peace, our country is bleeding, and this church stays away. i hope that it will be so, that we will cleanse not only the lavra, but also ukraine in general, from this. people believe that the state has the spirit and a firm position to see the matter through to the end and follow the kyiv-pechersk lavra pochaivska the shrine will once again belong to the ukrainian people from ternopil region kateryna kurbanova pavlo lisivnenko ictv facts - the only news king charles iii of britain went on a foreign tour for the first time as the monarch went to germany speaking before the members of the german parliament said that russia's invasion of ukraine jeopardized the security of the whole of europe because russia unleashed a war, countless lives were destroyed, freedom and human dignity were destroyed , democratic values ​​were threatened, but the world did not stand aside and united to help ukraine , charles emphasized, he became the first monarch
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who addressed the members of the bundestag also in berlin together with the president of germany frank walter steinmeier, he visited the ukrainian refugee center located on the territory of the former tegel airport the war of aggression against ukraine brought incredible suffering to many innocent people, the security of europe and our democratic values ​​were under threat, but the world did not stand aside, we can draw courage from our unity condemned the deportation of ukrainian children to russia as a crime, the resolution was supported by all 90 senators from different political forces in the text of the document a call to international institutions to bring the guilty to criminal responsibility, polish parliamentarians emphasize that the russians do not only transport ukrainian children throughout the territory russia, and they constantly move them to different addresses. and this makes it difficult for parents and the ukrainian authorities to find them. also, kidnapped ukrainian


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