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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2023 3:30pm-3:59pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] but but it offended very good russians so much that he even asked not to mention that he once had any relations with russia , he was just an independent researcher . beets, when he was working, he was called rusty tolik, the redhead, you can’t talk, he is brown tolik , p. mykhailovych, the last, the last, you correctly said that this is such a symptom, which is very painful, and that for the so-called good russians, because even the closest environment putin is trying to distance himself so much, that is, they do not break relations with russia to the end, but just in case, taking into account that he is in glasgow, and in order not to be extradited to another country tomorrow, it is better to be an independent researcher, last joke we
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promise to be in russia today, by the way already in russia , by the way, they already knew how to replace these brain drains of these scientists by mass import replacement the taliban asked russia to issue visas for their members of the taliban , this meeting actually took place today because it is expected that they will be without a visa to lebanon. so i think it will greatly strengthen intellectual and other abilities. thank you now again. it was such a sunday column, not a prank . i 'll see you after sunday, i think. thank you. where and what in russia is exploding, catching fire, we can trace it, maybe there is some trend, let's talk about it, it will
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phone calls, the device works on a battery, a convenient volume control will allow you to adjust the device just for you , make calls while the video is being broadcast and order a mega sound amplifier at a special reduced price of only uah 399, a compact, inconspicuous and such a powerful mega sound amplifier, let's talk about loved ones, they will appreciate it and hear you, call with you vitaly portnikov and we will talk about the main events of this week vitaly portnikov and top experts about the most striking events of the last seven days in the first guest will be the generator of satellite forces, the former national security adviser of the president of the united states, donald trump, herbert, master
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of construction, current topics, pressing questions authoritative comments and forecasts in the project informational marathon with vitaly portnikov every sunday at 20:10 on espresso hello this is freedom morning informational project of radio svoboda guests are here every day this is the shipping district of kherson live inclusion we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 what well, let's go back to ethene and now we'll talk about how something explodes and catches fire in russia . to be honest, sometimes there are news about how a factory caught fire in russia. or in general, something exploded there in russia and already these news are as if they are sour
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because this is how it should be. these are oxidation processes. there are two oxidation processes when something rots or when something burns and that is its oxidation. this is how in russia, in principle, it oxidizes. on the one hand it is not there and on the other hand it is on uhh hm in a word but but uhh the frequency of why why it seems so familiar to us because it happens quite often eh lately how often where what how are these journalists m- m e-e from the intelligence agency molfar was found out, and now we are in touch with maxim zrazhevsky, the head of analytics of the molfar intelligence agency, and he will tell us what they managed to find out
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. how many days in a month in two in a year and a half, this is what a full-scale invasion is going on. we began to investigate from january 22nd, that is, we have information for each month on how many fires there were on the territory of russia, and we looked at the dynamics and what objects e-e more often than everything is burning, we saw that the last two months are uh so far. so far, the record is the peak for fires at such objects, moreover, the curve has been increasing almost all the time for a year and a half, and now, compared to those, it is already more than five and a half
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times more than it was in similar periods, it is difficult to explain it simply by the fact that i don't know that russians began to smoke, drink more and have some kind of fire safety problem. activity of our intelligence, and the second is the increase of the resistance movement on the territory of russia and, most likely, recently, this resistance movement has started to work even more. warehouses, factories and shopping centers, somehow, yes, if the scale of the fires is that these are warehouses, warehouses, wood, i don’t know, goods , anything, anything, everything that can be called a warehouse where something is stored, and you didn’t investigate how the russian media react to all these
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fires that have become more frequent recently, well then this is our method of how we collect information. we look at their e-e media and look at their channels there and or there are some groups and e-e try to catch some news about the fires and we we began to notice that some major media they started to hide information there are about fires without talking about it, if you look at some local media there, they somehow write very, very dryly about some large-scale fire and uh, it’s clear that they don’t like it. cases e-e we highlighted there from such of the largest fires, it was burning eh garbage dump, there was a 55,000 square meter fire
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ah and paint factories and eh warehouses with wood were also on fire, this is one of the largest there was eh more than 10,000 m² in fire well well, i also ask, if we talk about the russian region, then where it happens most often is the moscow region, and there are the most fires there. if there, the second or third place is the 5 mlngrad and sverdlovsk regions, that is, more than the capital , let's say yes, the capital and er, and the whole region there is at least some evidence in favor of that hypotheses for what, there may be some kind of conditional russian movement of resistance to putin, uh, well, we saw it there and when we filmed a video, when they set fire to the conscription area and there they picked up
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uh, threw cocktails to burn these buildings uh, most likely uh the same thing can happen at other objects, there were also comments in various public places, they are also compared to the growth of resistance in the territory of russia, it is still burning and we will monitor it . they have those fires there better for us thank you mr. maksym and you will count the frequency and inform us about it and analyze how often it happens er maksym zrazhevsky, the head of analytics of the intelligence agency molfar, was with us and told us about
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the most frequent fires in russia and where exactly in the meantime, there were also explosions today in the occupied territory of luhansk region, they looked beautiful and sounded beautiful, this video, although without sound. pillar smoke, and another one, so to speak, another such an explosive, so to speak, explosive speech from onufriy, who decided to support vladyka pavlo pasha mercedes, who became pasha, uh, uh, tesla, due to the fact that his electronic bracelet was caught that is, he wants the family of the inventor tesla to sue him, or he thinks that maybe he can tesla tesla
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, it means insulting the bright memory of the inventor and scientist and nikolay tesla, here 's to take and also call him so kulibinty e patlaty wrote an appeal of words of support for the great paul, let's listen close this zone 30 million are thirsty but i know that you are a good monk good day good pecherska and there's just some misunderstanding here do you understand
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all that and you still need to be worthy of this when i told us that you want and everything ends and you will be the lord us, and we will be again during the competition ukraine, the man had tears in his eyes, onufria, what is it? he feels sorry for bishop pavlo and says that god will help him, dear friends. well, in the meantime, while we are here, we are joking in the studio, telling you some novelties that appear in the information space of ukraine in the south of donetsk region, there are fierce battles for the return of ukrainian land, and our film crew of the espresso tv channel got a unique opportunity to see the progress of the counterattack . then see in more detail about what was caught in
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the lens of our film crew of our artem lutsenko, the de-occupation of the donetsk region begins here. now the military will take us and will show how the counteroffensive soldiers of the 35th brigade met us in velyka novosilka and took us to the south in the direction of safety here everything is strewn with mines in a few hours the grandfather of the thief took down how many local he is all interesting the first stop from lesya land not a whole building not a single person village it is not boring where it is occupied by the armed forces of ukraine in the course of the counter-attack, it is dead
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. i hate them, i hate me, here lies my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. hey, 85 years old for me. it was just that i didn't know what it was. to be honest, everyone is angry at what they saw. the smile appears only when they mention the animals of the russian corpses . it is impossible to bring them out, because the enemy mines the bodies of the dead, so they they literally stand as fertilizer for our ukrainian brother, they didn’t even cover him, our soldiers covered him in the liberated territories, you can’t stop for a long time here , active hostilities continue, the russians
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are constantly shooting at the turnstiles, that’s all it will be fine, the boys are nervous because they are taking us to a place where there has never been a single journalist . this is the first line of defense of the russians, which was broken through and occupied by the armed forces with you, so we will clearly demonstrate to you that this position once belonged to the russians. that when they retreated, they remained fully equipped , but we took them one by one , equipped them, like, well, a new type, a fresh one, and everything in principle. sealed, probably a russian, that is, the dark ones have already reached the first line, but they wouldn’t have penetrated it, we are on it
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now, well, there was a zero here once, yes, the first is already further on, it is a wedge , the next line of defense of the occupiers is 3 km from here, our soldiers on the front line are incredibly motivated 5 in the leg in the beveled part of my pigtail was knocked out, i was put plastic wrap on top of the armor, 20 centimeters on the shoulders, the spine there and somewhere serfdom, when they just cut it off , volodymyr is 28 years old, he has the second group of disabilities, the crimes of the russians motivate him to go to war i just see what the russians are doing i don't want them to go somewhere to ukraine and do that to us dasha what are they doing terrible things here they are, well, they have to be stopped somehow during the months of occupation, the russians managed to build several lines of defense and replace everything to what has been achieved so every conquered meter is
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, ukrainians don't think about anything, no matter what they talk about , war, war, and our victory is always on the first place , only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity sports health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most current events through the prism of war in author's projects on espresso with you vitaly portnikov and we will discuss the main events of this week vitaly portnikov and top experts on the most vivid events of the last seven days, our guest will be the general class of major troops, the medical adviser of the national security of the president of the united states, donald trump herbert mcmaster yuriemsya current topics hot questions authoritative comments and forecasts in the project information marathon with vitaly portnikov every sunday at 20:10 on
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espresso join the community with a ukrainian view of the world become a sponsor of the youtube channel espresso and this is access to exclusive content personal thanks pinned comments special icons and the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team, click to sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian point of view, the war continues and not only for territories, it is also a war for the minds of russia throws millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into a state of small russia ukraine beautiful analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists concrete facts and methods by which hostile propaganda turns people into obedient zombies we counter the information attacks of the russians in
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the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga laziness tuesday thursday friday the execution house at 17:10 on the espresso tv channel i congratulate you, this is freedom life on the radio freedom we have already come to the change itself in the following frames you may be shocked by the news from the scene of the events live drone attacks kamikaze political analytics objectively and meaningfully there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the front freedom frankly and impartially draw conclusions yourself the war in ukraine the main topic for ukrainians victory and losses analysis and forecasts politics and geopolitics
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serhiy rudenko will talk about all this and the guests of his program people who have information and shape public opinion people who defend ukraine and create the future right now the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict of serhiy rudenko from monday through friday at 8:00 p.m. repeat at 12:10 p.m. we go to our daily package checking program, truth or fake , i was joined in the franz 24 studio by vedika bahal, i am glad to congratulate lady, since the beginning of the russian invasion of ukraine, there has been a lot of anti-ukrainian and anti-western propaganda, which of course spread on social networks, a new billboard dedicated to zelenskiy appeared on fifth avenue in new york, which shows the following
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video from fifth avenue in new york over the past few days has gone viral on various social platforms, as we can see by it shared a lot of pro-russian accounts in english and russian, some of them have a huge number of shares, this post alone has received almost half a million views , here, let's look at the video to get an idea of ​​what exactly is happening, it is short, only 8 seconds. so we see how people cross the road at the intersection of fifth avenue in new york, then we will go up to the tiffany brand store and see a huge billboard on which it is written in capital letters neither zelensky nor the war. what exactly was meant is unknown to those who posted it was also not analyzed too much in social networks. and this could mean that if there was no zelensky, there would be no war, or to directly point to the ukrainian president as the culprit of military actions, or to be
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a message to him, this video was distributed not only by pro-russian accounts in english and there were other examples in russian and in european languages, for example this post in french, the video went viral and went to one user with a huge number of subscribers, this video received 3 million views, it was popular and in the russian social network vkontakte, we see 39,000 views on this page alone, so this zelenskyi no war billboard attracted the attention of users on the internet on all social platforms. it is important that you managed to find confirmation that this new new york billboard is actually the result of a digital manipulation how do you do it? if we compare the screenshots with the zelenskyi billboard , we will see that these are almost identical images
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, so they really worked on the video, the only difference is sambir, which was replaced in photoshop or in any other program, as in the cases of many other false advertisements aimed at discrediting the ukrainian government, as always, everything starts with the video itself, and here the internet becomes more useful than ever , i suggest watching the video again to take a closer look, the first person to note is the blonde a woman in a black dress who comes to this busy street with a small dog behind several more people with beige and red backpacks . note the black traffic light in the background, since this store is a very well-known place on 5th avenue in new york, it was quite easy to find information about it on the internet, in particular, on the official website
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of tiffany's goat at 727 fifth avenue, new york , using google street view i managed to find this address, by moving the camera back and forth a little, i was able to catch the exact angle that coincided with the angle in our video, the address on this rosa 737 is the fifth avenue of new york, and this image was recorded on google in june 2022, that is, just a few months after russia's invasion of ukraine in february 2022, however, it is important that in this photo taken in june 22 , the traffic light in the background is actually not black, but yellow in the public domain, you can view images of locations for other years in the photo taken in august 21 from the same angle, the traffic light is also yellow; in fact , the last traffic light was recorded as black , as we saw in the video with the zelensky billboard
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. and that in 2019, a few years before the russian invasion of ukraine, all this indicates that old materials were used i also tried to find some more evidence of this digital manipulation i searched youtube using the keywords fifth avenue and new york and found this video published on the 21st by this internet user and at a timelapse of 0.6 minutes i was able find the same angle that we saw the same blonde woman in a black dress with a dog and also people with red and beige backpacks vadiko you not only check the torches you are also a detective who does not miss
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a single clue thank you sincerely for debunking for we are this myth. thank you to the entire team of the true or fake column, dear friends, we are returning to the air and continuing our marathon, i want to tell you that we still have a little bit left before we reach the mark of 100,000 hryvnias for today, the mark of 93,000 with pennies, which was yesterday we have already exceeded in fact exceeded so join our collection let's do it less er less than three 3000 with a tail left so that we already have 100 thousand in the account before that before that collection for our defenders we remind you we collect on quadcopters which
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