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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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[000:00:00;00] services, if there was a discussion between lawyers, that is why we supported this bill, but i have a big request for the profile committee to carefully analyze this terminology and make sure that the laws we passed were worked out and not, i'm sorry, passed for the sake of the fact that they could not be apply because you can't pass laws go to data i know where to go, you don't know what everything is thank you for your attention thank you artem volodymyrovych thank you for your such terminological attention , the only thing artur volodymyrovych artur volodymyr volodymyrovych, i thank you for your terminological attention and i think that before the second reading, of course, this issue should be eliminated, but the law is called in the provision of cloud services, it is somehow strange to hear that in the provision of cloud services there can be some other type of communication besides electronic, well, on
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paper, it is exactly there they won't be lucky, but maybe they will be lucky. artur volodymyrovych has a lot . i propose to adopt as a basis the draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the improvement of public administration and regulation in the provision of cloud services, registration number 9293. dear colleagues, i ask you to vote for 249. the decision has been made. dear colleagues, next
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we have the next draft law. 94-12 is a draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine in the field of electronic communications regarding the determination of the period of validity of norms and provisions related to the legal regime of martial law i propose to include this issue in the agenda of the session of ordinary people's deputies to vote for 259 decisions have been adopted . state registration number 94-12, i ask the people's deputies to vote for the 264-year-old
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hello, i put the proposal to be accepted as a whole , taking into account the proposal of the committee and with the necessary technical and legal amendments in the case of passing a law to change some laws of ukraine in the field of electronic communications due to the determination of the period of validity of norms and provisions related to the legal regime of martial law, registration number 94-12, i ask the people 's deputies to vote for 262, the decision has been made. thank you, colleagues, let's move on. amending the law of ukraine on postal communication, i propose to include this issue in the agenda of the session on international deputies , vote for
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262 decisions adopted, i propose to consider this issue according to the abbreviated procedure of violation of people's deputies vote for 229 decisions have been made dear colleagues, have we agreed with a discussion or let's go without discussion dear colleagues, i propose to adopt as a basis the draft law on amendments to the law of ukraine on postal communications, registration number 8423, people's request of deputies to vote for 261 decisions were adopted pump draft law 01.92 is a draft law on the termination of the agreement between the cabinet of ministers of ukraine and
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the government of the russian federation on cooperation during the joint control of persons, vehicles and goods at the ukrainian-russian state border, i propose to consider this issue under a shortened procedure about international deputies, vote for 249 decisions have been made dear colleagues , someone will discuss what can we do, two minutes , european solidarity, and then, please, who is iryna volodymyrivna herashchenko, after that we will vote, please dear colleagues , we definitely have a denunciation of the entire block of issues concerning and still continuing cooperation with
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the aggressor country, but it is an absolute shame that experts on relations with the russian federation are still sitting in this hall. the russian federation killed 58 ukrainian journalists in this war and ukrainian journalists are still in captivity of the russian federation. and where is the voice of the committee on freedom of speech? excuse me , perhaps this committee its chairman should also speak every day with the names of the journalists who are being held captive today , including the parliamentary correspondents of the unian agency, the murdered journalists, our photographers, whom we saw here every day were killed for anything or they were mobilized and killed by the russian federation. please tell me when we heard about it. we have those people who, you know, hung from the chandelier for months with er antoni, today they head the committee on freedom of speech and everything is fine and today our
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the faction could not get a break from any other faction with a change to the speech to express its protest against this , you who continue to cooperate with people who are the best, we are still representatives of the kremlin, we believe and we insist on that that a resolution should be issued immediately regarding the recall of the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech, nestor shufrych, from his position, they say that there are other reasons for this, a personal statement , yes, please write this statement yourself. a disgrace in this committee today three people work three people work maybe the committee will say that such a chairman has no right to head this committee we demand the recall of nestor shufrych from the post of chairman of the committee for freedom of speech that we have freedom of speech today, thank you dear
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colleagues, let's move on to making a decision, i propose to adopt the draft law on the termination of the agreement between the cabinet of ministers of ukraine and the government of the russian federation on cooperation in the implementation of joint control of persons of vehicles of goods on the ukrainian-russian state border e-e dear colleagues, registration number 0192, i ask people's deputies to vote for 263, the decision was made as follows without discussion 0208, therefore, i immediately put forward a proposal to adopt as a whole, with the necessary technical and legal amendments , the draft law on the ratification of the convention on the safety of the use of chemical substances in production, number 170, registration number of the draft law 002-08, i ask the people
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's deputies to vote for 259 decisions, the law on infinity was adopted as a whole dear colleagues next 74 42 we have agreed without discussion so therefore i immediately put the proposal to be accepted in the second reading and as a whole with the necessary techniques with legal amendments, the draft law on amendments to the code of ukraine on bankruptcy procedures regarding the application of bankruptcy procedures in the period of martial law, registration number 74-42, people 's deputies are asked to vote for 229 , the decision was made, show the following draft law by factions, 40-a andriy viktorovych , did you want to make a proposal, please
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motovylovyt now motovylovych friends we now see that the next law is on the agenda and 58-65 and 51 25 and they are marked in the traditional ones, we see that we need more time at the consultation, we ask you to consider the possibility of changing the order of consideration and remove these two laws, namely 58-65 51 25 remove from the agenda i will be grateful to the hall for its support, please remove from the agenda thank you dear colleagues there is a proposal to remove from today's agenda draft law 58-65 and 51 25 artur dear colleagues, i put this proposal, i ask you to support and
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vote for 249 the decision has been made. thank you, colleagues , next is the draft law of us 43 44 this is a draft law on amending some legislative acts regarding the stimulation of development of the oil and gas industry, i propose to consider this issue under a shortened procedure. i ask you to vote for 227. the decision was made. dear colleagues , with the discussion, then please record 22 against , please, while it is being recorded for the presentation
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of the district governor , please. dear colleagues. good afternoon. registered by us back in november 2020, now i will briefly tell you what the essence of this draft law is why it is important so , in 2021, this government of ukraine signed 12 agreements on the distribution of products what were designed to increase the volume of gas production in ukraine, as well as oil production, as a result of which the guaranteed revenues from the implementation of these agreements should have been set at approximately 500 million dollars . including myself, during the work of this commission, we saw a number of shortcomings , for example, the decisions of the commission are not published anywhere, and the broadcasts of
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the commission's meetings are not kept anywhere, documents that commissions are accepted and are not published anywhere. in addition, problems were also identified in the process of organizing these agreements on the distribution of products, for example , a notification that such an agreement is being concluded or that a person who is ready to conclude such an agreement is being sought was published a month before the competition, any foreign is the investor big or small? he cannot prepare and submit documents in time to participate in this competition. accordingly, we, together with a group of experts, which included representatives of the association of gas companies ukrainian representatives of the association of the mining industry of ukraine, as well as representatives of the usa project, did not work on the bill , which is bill number 43 44. two years have passed since we registered it. we will need to change it. i know, i heard from colleagues that there are certain comments on this bill. we are ready to listen, we are ready to work on amendments, we are ready to change the text in order to reflect the realities, including the fact that the agreements
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on the distribution of products are now stopped mainly due to force majeure, precisely because of the war thank you to the economic committee for your support, please support and vote. thank you, dear colleagues, we just signed up. 22 against, please . grynchuk oksana anatolyivna faction of the political party is a servant of the people . please, please. maintaining such an increase
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in our country's oil and gas production is an element of our country's national security, we must strive for real energy independence through growth of its production, as well as by diversifying foreign suppliers, in particular, the project focuses on improving the mechanism of production sharing agreements , and this is indeed one of the ways that in the future can bring to our countries a real result of production sharing agreements, stimulate increased investment in the gas and oil sector of ukraine, this will have a positive impact on increased production and companies will have incentives to use new technologies, as well as increase overall efficiency, without a doubt what is important in the draft law a direct ban on being an investor associated with the aggressor states and to which financial sanctions are applied is an additional protection of the ukrainian subsoil the deputy group of the restoration of ukraine will
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vote for this initiative and we will support the economic capacity of our state thank you thank you thank you vlasenko homeland please thank you sir chairman, i agree with my colleague who spoke before me and said that the issue of the growth of gas and oil production is a matter of the security of our country, he is absolutely right in this and we should be aware of this, the only thing is that this law is aimed at the growth of gas and oil production by commercial structures under various agreements with the state, and i have a simple question. and where is the state, where is the naftogaz program to increase its own gas production? we heard about this program until the 19th year. they heard that after the 19th year, we had prominent modern leaders there who managed oil and gas , they told us what effective managers they were, and our oil and gas production is not increasing. i
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would say it is decreasing. the second story is related to ukrainian oil. i have a simple question. a why was ukrainian oil nationalized, probably in order to increase state oil production, so that the ukrainian armed forces could get gasoline at a normal price, not at the so-called market price with an unknown markup, but at a normal price, so that the citizens of ukraine could keep gas and oil at a normal price, so that the gas tariff we had a normal one, we probably need to talk more about the development of the state part of the oil and gas industry , of course there is also a commercial part, but it works today, this commercial part with this no there are no problems, and so far in ukrnafta we see salaries of several million hryvnias from the management, the sale
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of gasoline at the so-called market price to the armed forces of the ministry of defense and nothing else. ensuring the energy security of ourselves as a state and you and i as its citizens, and we should ask where are the programs for increasing and extracting gas and oil production, surely we need to talk more about this, thank you, please nestor ivanovich shufrich e-e group platform for life and peace thank you, dear mr. voice dear colleagues, i want to remind you today that, as they say, there is no one to talk about the soviet union, but it was in the soviet union that ukraine was the largest producer and supplier of gas for the entire ussr, and please tell me why this happened that
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when, accordingly, the plot is in state ownership and then transferred in various ways to private ownership, mining begins much more efficiently and more than with the state. and the answer is simple for state-owned unfortunately, they stole from enterprises, and let's hope they won't. and at private enterprises , it is difficult to steal from oneself. there are examples, but it is difficult, but there are unique cases. and at the time when a crime was committed against the latter and he lost the opportunity to manage this enterprise in the future, it mined 85 million cubic meters per month, that is, the production was
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increased almost 30 times in 10 years and this a talented person, this talented manager is among us today. we still do not know what is at a depth of 8 km where norway produces gas. but there are also large deposits of gas, of course we should stimulate and adopt this law, but we should also remember that that in the public sector , he ordered extraction, it is not allowed to beautify, to corrupt.
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it is impossible to build without increasing the domestic production of natural gas, which in turn cannot be achieved without attracting foreign investment and technology in the mining industry, the mechanism of concluding agreements between the state and the investor on the distribution of production can become an effective tool in attracting investments, at the same time, it really needs qualitative improvement, first of all, an increase the transparency of the procedure for conducting the tenders themselves and the subsequent conclusion of agreements and the removal of corruption risks e.e. this draft law has a number of important positive of the innovations that are established, clear criteria for determining the winners of tenders for the conclusion of urps are established, the ownership and openness of the work of the interdepartmental commission are increased, the deadlines for submitting applications for participation in the tender are increased, and, importantly , the possibility of concluding without a tender agreements on the distribution of products regarding land plots with insignificant reserves of minerals, at the same time , require an indisputable taking into account the comments, please stepan ivanovich kubiv and dear colleagues, after that we proceed to
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the vote, please invite the people's deputies take their seats, please stepan ivanovich dear mr. chairman dear colleagues, european solidarity will support this bill in four important positions. the first position is to ensure the openness and publicity of the activities of the interdepartmental commission. the deadline for submitting an application for participation in the competition is from one to three months for land and six months for the third shelf the position of prohibiting being an investor under the agreement on the distribution of products, a person associated with the aggressor state, and the latter, the transfer of mining mineral deposits for industrial development is canceled, we will vote for thank you, thank you dear colleagues
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, the discussion of this issue is finished , we proceed to decision-making, i put the proposal to be accepted as a basis draft law on making changes to some legislative acts on stimulating the development of naftogaz in the extractive industry, registration number 43 44 , i ask people's deputies to be ready to vote vote for 251 decision made thank you colleagues, let's move on to the next draft law 9387 is a draft law on amendments to the budget code of ukraine in connection with the adoption of the law of ukraine on the peculiarities of the termination of state-owned enterprises by decision of the state property fund of ukraine i propose to include this
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issue in the agenda session for 237 decisions to consider this issue under abbreviated procedure, please vote for 229 decisions adopted dear colleagues , let's go without discussion with discussion
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, then please register 22 against please volodymyr yuriyovych reshonkov parliamentary group of confidence dear mr. dear colleagues, the parliamentary group of confidence will vote for this draft law and we invite you to join it. thank you. thank you. this is a continuation of the reform that you and i implemented in april this year bill 8205
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the procedure for terminating state-owned enterprises by the state property fund this bill about that is to create a fund, a special fund of the state budget, which will receive funds from the sale of the assets of such enterprises that are being terminated, and then this fund will cover the future termination of such enterprises, and expenses for the termination. therefore, i ask for your support and vote, thank you, please. granted to the borrower andriy viktorovych faction of the political party all-ukrainian association fatherland ruslan oleksiiovych vlasenko please thank you, mr. chairman, actually, this is not as simple a question as colleagues say, because it is
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part of a more important and deeper question what do we do with state property, what should be the share of the state in the management of the influence on the economy, what forms should the influence of the state on the economy be, whether they should be or should not be , especially in such a difficult time which ukraine is experiencing now, namely during the armed aggression of the russian federation. of course, you can profess an ideology and give everything to someone who will come and do everything. and we will sit and smoke cannabis and watch what will happen in the country. but i think that this is a little this is not the picture that reflects reality, you understand, but before we talk about the fact that we will massively reduce state enterprises, this is exactly what the newly elected head of state property declared, we need to clearly understand in which industries the state should exercise control control, in particular, we in our homeland are convinced that e-e enterprises
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of the defense complex should be exclusively state-owned; in no country in the world does anyone allow commercial structures to perform basic contracts related to military security of the state in the united states, recently there was a case when the company was deprived or not deprived, negotiations were held with them and they said that either your founder, who has ukrainian roots, will be one of the founders of this campaign, or you will be deprived altogether of state contracts in the field of defense and ensuring state security. the position of the united states unfortunately, we are already being offered an unplanned, chaotic, chaotic approach to the liquidation of state-owned enterprises, yes, this
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law on procedures, but let's first let's talk about ideology, thank you. so, no, no, everything is already here , we have it there, please. fedina sofiya romanivna european faction solidarity. to say about two very important aspects to which it relates well, first of all, we all advocate the accuracy of the procedure, we all talk about the fact that the regulations must be strictly followed. and the chief scientific expert administration writes to us that for example, this draft law raises one of those issues with which we all fight so hard that when we talk about changes to the codes, it is necessary to introduce changes to the codes and not to the transitional provisions or to mention 25 other laws and make amendments
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there, especially by introducing new sub entities by prescribing new procedures and so on, in principle, if we are for the purity of the process, then this must be followed, otherwise it turns out that we did not try, and secondly, this does not directly apply to this draft law , but we have a lot of projects going with the right blue flag with stars, eh, how do these draft laws become a priority there and european integration, i think that the correct way would be to correlate them with the specific obligations that we have even before joining the eu and with regard to joining nato. that since after vilnius we do not have concrete things with which it would be possible to check, the parliament could work out these criteria by which we could make


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