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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] this annoys them and makes them nervous, especially those who need to pass and they usually share this with others and it becomes known. you know, how do you monitor the mood, we uh, we communicate, we ask. and what about people who have arrived and are not people, uh, what route do they use now, they are in pan, and uh, what can they do, their first task is to leave the territory of crimea, this is the most important thing for us
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, because this way er through chongar er ours citizens don't use and that's why the only way is through the ministry of health of the devil, who gave some opportunities to leave crimea, now there is also no road that would solve something for them yes, and that's why we are waiting for what well, we are in conversations frankly, for example, i say that uh, look for opportunities, uh, make some reserves, because uh, it won't be better, there will be more in this aspect, uh, many of our actions, and here we have to continue this, our this is not annoying. on the contrary , i emphasize once again our our it gives confidence
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that finally this bathing will end, i suppose that our people don't use the kerch bridge either. the kerch bridge is called a bridge of dialogue, so i want to ask you about this bridge, so we see that now there are uh, barricades, such anti-sabotage occupiers are laying around near this bridge, in fact, in the vicinity, in order to secure it, because already scared by these sea drones of ours, and i saw it now , i will ask our directors to show the picture in russia, they issued an order, yes, instructions on how to behave, how to act if you find yourself on the crimean bridge and hear alarm signals, yes i.e. here they recommend getting into a car, e.e., don’t leave your car, if you are moving, then keep moving and of course
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follow the recommendations provided by the relevant services that work or on the crimean bridge, you actually need to move until you leave this bridge. please tell me how the occupation authorities react in general now it seems that they are alarmed and that they are expecting repeated strikes on the kerch bridge. and the fact that they are taking some preventive measures there, it is clear that they will do it, but uh, i don't think that it is like the others will affect our plans along this route in some way. we are also finding some other approaches. yes, and we will continue to find the actions of the occupiers on
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the territory of the crimea. they are so chaotic and panicky that, uh, ours frankly tell us from the crimea that there is no confidence that was there nine years that they will be able to protect the crimea . this one is sure that it did not happen. i think our military when they talk about the situation in the crimea . volume analytics that no one knows crimea better than us. well, here's the main thing that broke in them. it's the belief that russia and putin, especially putin. it's always been the case
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that putin and then russia are no longer capable . - here are these intentions to rob, as it was there 100 years ago and more, to seize clean territories and then to fatten up, to be rude , and to live on the looted land, this guarantee is no longer in her, no one believes in her for example , when aksyonov says there or konstantinov that we are doing all the measures yes, there are some there er these er buoys are placed either with an acopier or something eh but eh once you are so sure why are you taking your family out why did you transfer all the looted assets to the territory of moscow
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peter you mentioned that of course it is also about the sevastopol bay and not only we understand that the enemy is seriously worried that this or that underwater drone of unknown origin may, so to speak, sail into the sevastopol bay or somewhere else and meet with russian pirate ships, at the same time there is also information that they are trying to somehow strengthen by the sea, setting up buoys around the crimean or kerch bridge, we would like to ask you in general what the situation is with the bridge and how difficult it would be, so to speak, to help it return nature to its original state after the first detonation, in general, logistics were very
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destroyed from from our side, and you know, here i am saying why i emphasize more on the psychological state, because every such and such an action has a great effect on these invaders, they are not used to living in conditions when they need something there er-e sacrifice their own well-being yes that’s how the population is brought up there yes that someone will always be responsible for them who someone for them will always bear these difficulties on themselves and they their task is only to vote yes there to support yes that is the way out of that's why oil rules their ass in general because they don't know, they're not ready to risk going there in any way to hmm, but they
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first of all think about safety, do you remember how the first cottons were in yevpatoria , how did these memes go there yes, when there they are crying and sobbing in panic that it is so imbila soulful, this is this mood, it is already so common in crimea, and this is all hmm connected with these occupiers, collaborators, uh, what do they see in them, they got all their families out, uh , now they are lining up a niche at night in crimea, they are in the cities of dislocation, they they are no longer on the seashore, they are warming up there, but they are in their houses, in these administrative
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buildings, yes , day and night, that is, all this says that we are going, we have to use it in the crimea . -he is the difference from eh the situation there, let's say on land, where there is a land border, a border with russia , here they are like on an island, and they also suppressed it . i also wanted to ask, we all understand that when the situation is tense, so when a threat appears , two moments are very clearly manifested. the first moment is what you said. this is how they save their families and their souls
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. places begins screwing the nuts, some sort of terror and intimidation of the local population, please tell me how the situation has changed in this regard . is some kind of propaganda information campaign becoming perhaps more aggressive ? to somehow brainwash them but because we know that the russians know how to do this very well and constantly use this from the first day of bathing, there was no loyalty on the part of our citizens, the crimean tatars, not with, and this in turn they applied measures
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terror and 9 years ago, when you live in such conditions uh, of course uh, you uh, you know, you know what you're going for and uh, gradually, you already accept it as a reality uh, and you hope that it won't continue on their children and grandchildren, and so this is the resistance, this is the usual struggle on the part of the terrorist, they are nervous, and they are spreading these nerves to the main enemy. our citizens and well, but i'm here and we're talking , they already say this on the second question
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the first question they have is, that is, their mood is such that they think more about what would have been sooner, what would have been more . such actions on the part of our state and army are special. yes, that's why we need here that we we deal with this at meetings, especially in turkish ones, we say that now the situation will worsen even more because there is such a revenge of these letters and when they announced this majorization of more than 10,000 our boys have moved abroad and are now located there in different states and kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and turkey, and did i understand that they are very concerned about the fate
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of their parents and children and their wives because they left their country more than men alone, yes, and we talk about it all uh, we are working on making sure that, when we know for sure, there is no need to have any hope, and i am afraid that when they will come out, they will definitely come out with blood from a lot of blood, and now we have to look very seriously ways that would guarantee the right to life thank you maksym from the people's deputy the deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people of ukraine was working now live on the espresso tv channel, a short pause after
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without pain, call and order a knee brace move easily for only uah 199 call the so-called russian commissioner for human rights maria lvova bilova, whose warrant was finally issued by the international court of justice in the hague, it was reported that at the beginning of the invasion of ukraine , the occupiers took more than 700,000 ukrainian children to russia, according to the document , they also deported them to the territory of russia about one and a half thousand inmates of institutions for orphaned children. but because the parents who were left without a conspiracy, children from the so-called lpr and dpr returned to their institutions later, 92 children from the same so-called luhansk republic were given to russian families from april to october 22nd in a russian family, the occupiers gave 380 ukrainian children from donbas to our conversation, we are now adding to our conversation valery ryabeh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting
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company defense express. glory to ukraine p valery good day studio good afternoon, dear tv viewers, the events are not fresh , not this second, not even today, but they are worth discussing with you . they are talking about drones in moscow. so, russian propagandists report that there was an explosion in a 50-story building, so where is the center of moscow city located? and in moscow city , as it turned out, important institutions are located there, and i have a question. so now we will show you a map of the air defense matrix of moscow's defense. this is how it looks like a powerful defense in your opinion, how much should it be or a well-planned action, an operation or not so good this defense as this
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uterus shows, how was it possible? the aggressor, e.e., the peasant of the fleet, and this it can also be such a signal from the good-doers who also congratulated all the russians on this holiday, and first of all the russian fleet regarding the map that you showed and the seemingly continuous overlap of the air of space in the moscow region well, here the world must state that despite all the laudable things that propagandists are currently saying on the air of their tv channels, such an effective
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system is going on, it turns out that the basis of this system is the supposedly modern s400 systems, which, as russian propagandists claim, are capable of to intercept and intercept ballistic missiles , as well as a part of that system will be installed by the same shells that already directly cover objects on the territory of moscow, but let's just say that in the last few weeks this is already the fourth attack er, on the territory of moscow itself, this shows that there are er possibilities to overcome this system, well, in addition , it should not be ruled out that these drones could not fly from afar, because, for example, according to the latest pictures that also appear on the
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internet of explosions, these the towers are city center in moscow may also be involved in unmanned komikaze devices that are very reminiscent of chess where 131 is the 136th that flies around moscow and that and cooperation across the border can also give us internal , let's say, contraband that can to use certain forces of moscow itself, however, it can be unequivocally stated that even the russian capital cannot be calm at the moment due to possible strikes and due to the fact that they are achieving their goal -first and
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secondly, it should be mentioned that the rest is this huge countries cannot be covered with such a dense layer of air defense as shown by propagandists in relation to moscow, and they definitely need to be questioned and clarified. and what does the so-called moscow air defense system entail, it is s400, maybe s300 , maybe a certain number of beechs, we don’t know how much, maybe more something so it or it exists as i don’t know as a single some kind of er according to the summer system is it still something like that er ragged into separate one or another anti-aircraft divisions there was always an aspiration to create a system of air defense to e-e combination - this is under a single command e-e principle and of course , those who were in charge of similar systems should
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be combined into a single control system that should receive ancient e-e from all possible sensors that should be processed in real time and accordingly, use certain elements of the system, however, the control system can be the sweetest chain in this system, because we saw that exactly the speed of signal transmission, decision-making, has always been a critical gap in the air defense system in the soviet union and it can be stated that in the russian federation as well, he should note that when they talk about the system of typical air defense that was created in ukraine and at least over kiev, at different times they reported on
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the use even in it, there is also artificial intelligence, and it is the automation of processes in this system that allows it to be effective against various threats, and its combination is not based on a central principle, when there is a central subordination, but a division into separate segments that have their own powers allows it to create such a system that can be scaled and will not be affected by the absence or damage of the central control system as far as the russian capital is concerned, it seems to me that there are still flaws with the general passage of the signal and the ability uh, control of the overall system is and although they say that, for example, the same s400 systems can repel ballistic missile strikes
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, no one has yet checked that, and uh , for now, this is only a theoretical statement, so what uh, i don't rule out that soon they can check, let's simulate such a situation , so you understand that they regularly have nightmares , not only our air defense, they have nightmares about our civilian objects, our cities . there are 30 to 50 drones of various types, starting from some weaker ones and ending with powerful strike drones . for example, the russian air defense system in the moscow region could recognize them like this. well, because we are people from oksana, civilians well, there is a drone, that drone thinks, we, ourselves. and how would it appear on the radar, for example, the target is also not very high and
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it is er... well, in order to recognize it, it takes effort because er, it is, let's say, a very weak reflection signature signals from such a drone and it should be distinguished from, say, these other flying objects , even from birds, because they can, say , emit a signal at the level of noise, so here you need experts from other approaches, not only detecting them with the help of radars, in addition for example, use the same acoustic sensors or, for example, the branched network structure that, for example, is used in ukraine, by involving the entire population with the help of special programs , everyone can become part of the air defense system, which at the moment in the approaches of the totalitarian state of the russian
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federation is simply not we think that's why there's a lot of vak there and just like that it will be very difficult to recognize it especially we are questioning moscow about that, because they claim that crimea, occupied crimea, was attacked by twenty-five drones, and they immediately say that they killed them there , but they say that three flew to moscow and there is damage, but something is strange to me here they do not defend their capital as powerfully as our peninsula literally for 40 seconds , please, i am asking for a short answer here , just in time, and it shows that the main strike force of air defense is now being diverted to ensure the action
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of the occupying forces and the cover of those objects which provide and a large number of such objects are concentrated in crimea, therefore it is not excluded that moscow and the rest of the cities may be simply naked in front of the possibility of such strikes, so muscovites should not relax and uh, god forbid that they find out that their air defense is not as effective as their propagandists paint them. moscow is naked like a king. thank you. with valery ryabyg, a military expert, the director of the development of the defeng express company, was with us, and then on the air of the espresso tv channel, news and not eva melnyk. already ready tell them to anna eva, please, colleagues , the news editor will tell you about the most important thing at the moment, in particular, i will tell you about why instructors from great


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