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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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from the journalists of this british publication, that it is possible. well, let's start with the fact that there are a lot of questions for this publication, if only to recall frankly fake information about the ability of the russian military-industrial complex to modernize, russian tanks that are stored at long-term storage bases, the figure was called up to 115 per month. it is worth noting that the new york times, until now, noted that 200 tanks per year. that is, here is the question, and bil, in turn, gave information about the capacity of the russian military-industrial complex at the level of 600 tanks, yes, i i named you the three most popular western editions, one of which you quoted, and all three editions do not correspond, the information of these three is true. the last russian tank came from scratch from the assembly line in 2011, for which you spread frankly stupid and provocative information, including in ukrainian. segment
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in order to create the appropriate mood among the ukrainian people regarding the capabilities of the russian side, answering your question, no, russia has not won and will not win, moreover, despite all the hysteria of the western media that there are no results of the ukrainian counteroffensive, it is worth saying that ukraine has already created a historical precedent in world history when, not having a fleet , it forced a catastrophic defeat on the russian federation, which had the second largest fleet in the black sea basin. this is an unprecedented case in world history, it is the first. second, the ukrainian side relieved nervous tension in western countries regarding the possibility of russian weapons, namely cruise missiles such as caliber and
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eskander and, accordingly, kinjal, with which they scared nato countries. it is the ukrainian air defense system that proved that it is not that there are no analogues there, but that they are just as successfully disposed of by the ukrainian air defense system as the iranian drones themselves, and accordingly, the key moment of the military and political pressure of the russian federation, namely this missile potential on nato countries . was removed from the agenda, and the third, dear society, the night terror of the nato countries, the first tank army, which was considered one of the most combat-ready, actually ceased to exist on the ground of ukraine, and western analysts admit this with a sigh of relief, so what defeats are you, excuse me, hanging noodles on the ears of ukrainian society, well, you are asking british journalists, not the tv channel.
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we ask you as an expert how you evaluate this, well look, it is negative , mr. sergey, exclusively negative, because this is, i emphasize once again, the information does not correspond to reality, and most of it is intended to create a certain informational background , let 's be frank, this is an element of military-political pressure on the military and leadership of ukraine with the aim of making territorial concessions, we finally need to call a spade a spade, stop playing zopp language, look, mr. dmytro, when we talk about someone pushing ukraine to make territorial concessions, when we talk about the fact that some the countries of the west are careful to ensure that russia does not suffer a defeat, do you think there is some common
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vision of the west in the western countries, i would say so, because collective action is a very bad concept in western countries, about , which should be the defeat of russia, what should be the end of this war for russia, and what is the victory of ukraine, because the victory in ukraine is seen one way, in the west the victory over russia is seen differently, absolutely with you later. and why is it worth talking about the fact that there is no clear understanding of what really is the victory of ukraine in their interpretation and in what way they actually consider the final stage of this war. in the west, there is an opinion that the military defeat of the russian federation cannot be allowed, because it will lead to decentralization processes inside the empire itself, the collapse of the empire and the creation of a number of countries on its ruins, which will, well, possess them as weapons, this scares them
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more than anything, therefore, accordingly, to talk about the fact that in the west they sleep and see how ukrainian soldiers will step, respectively, red ... areas, no, this is not true, that is why such a restrained nature of the transfer of the latest technologies, high-precision weapons of ukraine, on the one hand, seems to help, but on the other hand, it is a weapon of deterring an attack, not of deoccupying the territory, accordingly inflicting military defeat of the russian federation, the white house strategic communications coordinator, john kirby, during a briefing, once again called on american lawmakers from both chambers of the highest legislative body of the united states of america not to delay the allocation of funds for ukraine. let's hear what he said. we
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expect russia to return to these brutal tactics in the winter and attempt a campaign of destruction again. critical energy infrastructure of ukraine. in just the past few days, we've witnessed a few air attacks it seems that they were aimed at the defense systems that the ukrainians have installed to protect their energy infrastructure. and over the weekend, the russians carried out a large-scale attack using drones against kyiv and other cities. president putin intends to continue this conflict and bring it directly to the ukrainian people in the coldest month of the year. mr. dmitry, when you listen to kirby and other high-ranking officials, including the north atlantic alliance, in principle, everything of course, they understand how it threatens ukraine, they understand how it threatens europe, they understand how it threatens
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the world. what is missing, or what arguments are still missing in order for them to give the ukrainians the weapons that will allow them to defeat russia. an interesting question is what arguments, well, first of all, let's talk about the fact that the main argument, not in favor of ukraine, is the presence of corruption schemes in the system of the ministry of defense of ukraine, let's call a spade a spade, if after the so -called voluntary resignation of reznikov the president of lithuania, one of the most loyal friends of ukraine, comes out and says that material and technical procurement is a corrupt component. for the systems of the ministry of defense became an obstacle to the accelerated nature of military and technical assistance to ukraine, then here is the answer, until the phenomena of corruption schemes are eradicated, not only in the defense system, but also, accordingly, the entire
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structure, defense forces of ukraine, and this law enforcement agencies, sbu and others, which are responsible for a number of, say, directions, then calculate on the expanded nature of military-technical assistance, we are unlikely to be able to, well, the countries of the european union so often talk about sanctions, about the fact that everything must be done so that russia experiences economic, well, if not collapse, then some kind of economic troubles, and with there was information from skynews that some countries of the european union increased the import of russian core. fuel, despite the desire to completely abandon it. bulgaria, the czech republic, finland, hungary and slovakia will exceed the level of nuclear fuel imports from by the russian federation compared to 21 years ago by 30%. although such imports are not subject to eu sanctions, the bloc seeks to reduce its
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dependence on moscow, the article says. do you believe that economic sanctions can simply suffocate the hydra of racism, because it needs money, a lot of money that russia receives from exporting its products to foreign markets, i don't believe it, mr. sergey, thank you for your question, i will explain why, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian federation has sold ransom minerals for a fantastic amount of 550 billion dollars, and 180 of them belong to eu countries. explain this to me. standards, about which the extended nature of the military-technical, excuse me, economic sanctions against the russian federation, we are talking about, another example, already after the so-called and strengthened nature of economic sanctions, information appears that the russian federation was able to arrange
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the supply of microelements for the needs of the military industry , microchips necessary for the production of high-precision weapons in the amount of... 3.2 billion dollars, and the lion's share are companies, respectively, of the united states, ukraine, and the eu. ot you and the answer to your question from one. on the one hand, they talk about the ineffectiveness of economic sanctions, on the other hand, they actually trade with the russian occupiers themselves, giving them the opportunity to resume production, primarily of weapons, and most importantly, mr. sergey, what is worth talking about, despite the economic sanctions, strange thus the russian federation increased its gdp by 4.6%. likewise, over the past year, the volumes of import and export operations of the russian federation have increased and it is no coincidence that the last decree
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signed by the russian dictators is the allocation of 11 trillion rubles for the needs of the defense sector. this amount exceeds all previous ones by several times. therefore, explain to me, well, what is the effectiveness of sanctions where, about the effectiveness of sanctions , western countries tell us, as the only possible option. containment of russian aggression in ukraine. thank you, mr. dmytro, it was dmytro snigov, a military expert. friends, we are working live on telekanaluso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you about this, does the west seek the defeat of russia? yes, no, and you can also vote by phone, if you are sitting in front of the tv, please pick up your phone and vote. if you think the west wants to defeat russia, then
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call 0800 211-381, no, 0800-21-382, calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will tally up the results of this vote. ihor will be in touch later lapin, officer of the armed forces of ukraine, major, special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. major, i salute you. and thank you for joining our broadcast. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. major, we are asking our tv viewers what they think, whether the west wants to defeat russia or not, how would you answer this question , so that you can say, that is, do you have the feeling that the west simply wants to do away with russia, and how he wants to do away with russia, if he wants to. well, let's be honest, i have already repeatedly said that.
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that the western world is ready for our victory, it is even ready for the defeat of russia, but it is not ready for a quick defeat of russia, because there are still a lot of geopolitical issues that the western world would like to solve for itself, like dealing with china in the context of the energy carriers of russian siberia, or is it possible, now we see that the american military... industrial complex has reached a level that it has not reached in the last 10 years, and we also need to speak frankly about this, because there are state orders, even for aid to ukraine, but all the same, very colossal funds are allocated for this, so the question is whether they are ready for a quick defeat of russia, no, they are not ready, they are absolutely not ready, and i see the two rivers at such a pace, they are too abrams tanks will not be ready, let's be honest, in march-april. 22nd year and f-16 planes are tentatively there in the summer of 22nd year, that would probably be
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a different story, right? today we see that the russians are restoring their military, military potential, they are taking further steps forward in the context of receiving additional aid from a certain north korea under sanctions, which has been under sanctions for dozens of years, and today it is already sending, well, they say, about 2,000 containers to russia. this is approximately 2 projectile mines, at the same time the whole of western europe, which promised to give us a million projectiles in the 23rd year, said that, sorry, we cannot, we will give the rest for next year, that is, you understand the difference between the military potential of ukraine together with these chapels, as i say, sprinkles of help, military help, so it looks like an interspersion, because well, conventionally, the western partners have more than 5 f-16 aircraft, the russians have 400 aircraft, so for
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the western partners, 10% of such aircraft would not change the weather, and we, on the contrary, for these 10%, would destroy the second the army of the world, which is above all a threat, including them, let 's speak frankly, that's why we need to talk about all these things now and make it clear to our western partners that we need to help ukraine today and now. because after the last ukrainian soldier falls, they will start to fall nato soldiers. first of all, the baltic countries understand this, the poles understand this, although in principle they calmly look at it as ukrainian... the economy is controlled by a bunch of 10-15 marginal pro-russian alleged protesters, in fact these rallies have nothing to do with european values, and they perform the function of blocking the blockade of ukraine. russia is doing it from the sea, and polish carriers are doing it on land, slovakia has joined them today, and the impotence of our authorities in solving these
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problems has led. two have already died today our carriers arranged. they started a hunger strike, yes, of course, they came to them there, they solved some issues there, well, they allegedly stopped it now, but this does not solve the issue in the essence of the problem, these are point-like things in the actions of our government in the foreign policy arena, so we can only blame the western the world is that they do something slowly or do not complete it, it is necessary after dealing with their rascals and scoundrels who actually sabotage any good initiatives, by the way, i want to congratulate everyone in quotes, i apologize volunteers, but i would like to point out to all my comrades on the front line that the volunteer movement today faced a cancer in front of the customs officials of ukraine, because the resolution of shmyhal and our government has already started to actually physically block volunteer aid for the armed forces
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of ukraine, so what do we want from the western world. mr. major, president. stated today in an ap interview that the war with russia is at a new stage, let's hear what zelsky said. we have a new phase of war, and it is a fact, er, war is difficult, winter in general, this is a new phase of war, or war, winter, it it happens not only on the front line and in the middle cities, due to the large number of applications to the enemies, drones, due to the large number of missiles, including ballistics, etc., and therefore the winter war, it is difficult. mr. major, why, having entered a new phase of the war, did the office of the president enter into a war with the industrious? well, let's be
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frank, you said it right, it is the office of the president, not the president, that is open, namely yermak's office. entered into an open confrontation with the industrious, in the interests of which country this is being done, he should find out about it of course our sbu counter-intelligence, because the efforts of representatives of the presidential faction, politicians, and i would say politicians , to gain access to documents that are reported to the supreme commander-in-chief, this can only be done in the interests of some foreign country, in particular the aggressor country, well or na. .. for example, to sow, so to speak, mistrust among the soldiers in the top military leadership in the country, this can be done only thanks to active measures of informational and psychological operations in favor of the aggressor country, but, but the office the president, who in fact today is headed by the green cardinal, yermak was named
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by the western partners in the polls, and headed by the green cardinal actually has all the power, zelenskyi... removed himself from the management of the state directly in personnel policy and in many other things , which he instructed the green cardinal yermak to do, well, like, according to which authority yermak goes to the media and says: i gave an order to the prime minister, igor didn't say that , but irma said that, and therefore president zelenskyi removed himself from fulfillment of their such powers, because the prime minister, the secretary... cannot give instructions, but nevertheless, glorifying yermak, we understand that after the uman meetings, yermak probably has a very serious slander against president zelenskyi, since he still pir is giving yermak more and more powers, despite the decisions of the national security and defense council and the statements of the secretary of the security council of our security and defense council danilov, the state of ukraine should
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not be represented by some tourist in a striped swimsuit, but can be represented by... the president zelenskyi, the prime minister, perhaps the minister of foreign affairs, nevertheless , mr. yermak also took over the representation in our country, and all these things speak of only one thing: zaluzhnyi is not a staff member, a candidate who was appointed according to yermak's view, that is, it is not his person who is hard-working, but today we see how all yermak's people behave, that is why politicians are tangential... to yermak's office and are engaged in discrediting the high command of the armed forces of ukraine and, first of all, it affects the reputation zelenskyi, to be honest, he is not at all orients what is happening, i will say that on the one hand the president talks about the principle of unity of command during the war, this is great,
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it is a military principle, well , please tell me, as a battalion commander, if someone in the neighboring unit has a claim against my soldier, then this should punish my soldier, is there a company commander of a neighboring battalion, or should he turn to his direct supervisor on command so that i deal with my subordinates, at the same time, the representatives of the presidential party begin to blink at the hard worker, not understanding even, or rather, no, those who wink understand, but zelensky does not understand that it is him who is winking, because this is his subordinate at the rank of supreme commander during the war, that is , through the head of the president, they allow themselves attacks on... chief, well, that’s the story, and there are criminal cases here, well, as i already saw for myself, it’s about attempts to get hold of secret information to which there is no access,
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then another crazy torpedo tried, or rather tried, and published the mobilization peace initiatives of the state of ukraine in in the context of disclosing the secret of the number of mobilized soldiers of 20,000 there, as she said per month, what she wrote, and therefore... these are signs of treason and i believe that the sbu counterintelligence should do this, but let's remember who is responsible for personnel policy in the state, if earlier zelenskyi appointed his friends, today everyone is appointed by order of yermak, because in order for any person, even theoretically , to be nominated for zelenskyi, he must pass an interview, in that including from president, tell me, please, how many people can get to the presidency past yermak , i don’t know such people, for example, zelenskyi has removed himself, the state of ukraine is ruled by the green cardinal yermak, all those who
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today are starting to discredit the industrious one, they are harming the principle of unity and directly to the supreme commander-in-chief, president zelski. well, if we look at today 's polls and previous ratings, we can already see where zelensky's rating today is 30% , or how much trust he has in him. well, that's all, i think it will be even worse in the future, and this is during the war, a very funny story, i am critical of zelsky, but during the war, the rating of the supreme commander-in-chief is lowered precisely for the sake of the interests of the russian federation, well, here is another story that one way or another will affect the rating of the president, this is the story of poroshenko, which was once again not released abroad today. poroshenko planned... to meet with politicians in poland and the united states, and these meetings were about the blockade of ukrainian carriers and provision of american military
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aid, let's see how the fifth president of ukraine tried to cross the border, why was he not allowed? to date , he is making an illegal attempt, not allowing me to advance. i have in my hands, and he can see it, the order of the head of the verkhovna rada for a business trip. on the basis of this order , i have planned the implementation of state measures in the form of bilateral and multilateral meetings. now, because of this , the questions about ukraine will be solved indiscriminately, because i am the only speaker on... this the international democratic forum, it is the most authoritative international institution in the world, where the republican party of the united states is represented, where
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the european people's party is represented, and mr. major deprives ukraine of the opportunity to participate there. mr. major, this is the story when the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine gives a business trip to people's deputy petro poroshenko, and his first deputy cancels it. this is a business trip at a time when the president, the fifth president , is coming to the border, well, it's some trash, to be honest, and in the conditions that the negotiators with on the part of ukraine are necessary in poland now and in the united states of america, it just looks like some kind of unhealthy political competition , what can you say, well, what can i say, today kornienko signed article 364 of the criminal code of ukraine, now i speak as a lawyer, because while performing organizational-administrative or administrative-executive functions, it was mr. kornienko who committed the crime, abuse of power,
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because well, let's start with that. according to his decision, kornienko canceled the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine based on the letter kornienko to kornienko, well, the absurdity is even implicit in the letter itself, that is, kornienko writes a letter to himself asking to cancel the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, being the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada, let's say, and based on his own letter makes a decision to cancel . a letter to the head of the verkhovna rada and so on, that is, you know, to be honest, i have to apologize to many viewers, i recently said that, thank god , zelsky managed to do so, that in principle there is no need to measure ratings now, poroshenko engages in patronage, poroshenko engages in personal conversations and negotiations in the interests of the state, well , there is no such problem, there is no threat to the rating of the most valiant leader with eggs, because
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there is actually no escape from modernity. it is shown that there is, they are still in i don't know which 25th round of the presidential race of the 19th year they are, so really, unfortunately, they are doing it, and they are making us together, please tell me, today we know , that there is a landing force of servants of the people, falling into the united states of america, v business trip to republican districts, at a time when republican congressmen will be in washington for two weeks now. sit, you know, that is, well, it's some, well, it's trash, that is, they go to their districts at the time when the owner of the district will be, well, i say the owner as they say, thickening paint, when, the representative from that district, the congressman will be simply to exercise his powers in washington, and at the same time, in the same washington , the action to which poroshenko was going should take place, so let's not allow poroshenko, this is one story, another story, please tell me, we have a law of ukraine on the status
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of a people's deputy, well, with all the issues, powers and so on, we have a constitution that no one has the right to restrict a deputy in his parliamentary activities, issues of inter-parliamentary connections - this also belongs to the category of deputy activities, so i think that in general this story with business trips, with business trips, it 's all, let's put it this way, artificially invented trash, because before business trips were also signed, but only if you go and have compensation for account of the state, then you must have a signed business trip, and if... you are going privately, again for the purpose of exercising your powers, then please tell me what the hell in a parliamentary, i emphasize in a parliamentary-presidential republic, where the parliament elects the government, there is some order of the prime minister and so on, regarding restrictions on the movement of people's deputies in general, no, that they are under the cover of martial law, now engaged in usurping power, the
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same kornienko told us, maybe someone forgot, but it was kornienko who said that we are testing a presidential republic, not even a presidential republic, a parliamentary one, which yanukovych wanted to make, but a purely presidential one. friends, i emphasize once again, this is a pure usurpation of power, kornienko, criminal proceedings should be initiated against him, i think that the lawyer is serious and they will deal with this, thank you, mr. igor, the time of our program is coming to an end, it was igor lapin , major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer and people's deputy of ukraine. the eighth convocation. in the course of our program, friends, we conduct poll, we ask you this, does the west want to defeat russia, now let's look at the interim results of our poll, because in the second part of the program, which will start after the news, bbc, we will continue our program, so 24% think that the west wants to defeat russia , 78, what not, after the news release , we will have journalists, olga len, bohdan
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butke. see you in 15 minutes. the situation at the front and the failed counterattack plan. what does a general with combat experience say about war? we analyze it together on the air of bbc ukraine. i am olga polomaryuk. i wouldn't said that the situation is at an impasse because it is him. former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine viktor muzhenko believes that it is necessary to go on the defensive and completely reform the front. he told about this in an exclusive interview with the bbc. he almost does not give interviews and very rarely communicates with journalists, especially now during the po


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