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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET

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please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. activities of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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we are starting the information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porobiy is working in the studio. a resident of kherson died as a result of the evening shelling of the city. the 44-year-old man was at work at the time of the russian attack. he received non-life-threatening injuries, the city's military administration said. our defenders of the sky shot down a russian kh-59 missile in the evening kryvyi rih district dnipropetrovsk. and at night , ukrainian cities were again attacked by enemy drones. details will be announced in the next issues. an employee of a utility company died in pavlohrad, dnipropetrovsk region. it was covered with soil during earthworks. they could not save the 53-year-old man. the body was found at a depth of 3 m, the state emergency service reported .
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ukraine will receive another package of military aid from the united states in december, but it may be the last if congress does not allocate additional funds, said the coordinator of of strategic communications of the national security council at the white house, john kirpy. he noted that until a decision on new funding is made, joe biden's administration will no longer have the authority to replenish stocks. let me remind you that earlier the us president asked the congress for more than 106 billion dollars for the needs of national security, among which are: and aid for ukraine. however, the senate blocked the start of debate on the issue. it will not be possible to unblock the polish-ukrainian border quickly, the government of donald tusk said. to the inactivity of the previous prime minister's team led to the maximum aggravation of the situation, believes the newly appointed minister of infrastructure of poland, dariusz klimczak. he noted that he will have a meeting with his ukrainian colleague every day. oleksandr kobrakov
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conducts daily negotiations with the protesters, while klimchuk emphasized that now it will be quite difficult to find a way out of the situation. let me remind you that polish transporters on 18 grodno again blocked traffic for ukrainian trucks at the only unblocked checkpoint in yagodin drugutska the european union has started work on the 13th package of sanctions against russia, and ukraine has already submitted its proposals, he said. deputy head of the president's office ihor zhovkman, he noted that kyiv asks not to forget about sectoral restrictions, and also expects more personal sanctions against propagandists and cultural figures of the russian federation, who still travel freely in the european union. at the same time , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , thanked european partners for the 12th package of restrictions for moscow, which was adopted the day before. it is important that it appears for the first time ban on russian diamonds and diamonds.
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new measures against the circumvention of sanctions and against the supply of dual purpose goods and technologies to russia. there are new restrictions on imports from russia. all this will really help reduce the economic basis of the war and we will continue to work with partners to make the sanctions applied by europe work globally. a solemn award ceremony was held for independence of thought and elegance of style. prize named after yuriy shevelyov. who became the best ukrainian essayist this year and whose works were awarded special honors, we learn about talya in the plot. for 10 years in a row, on the birthday of the linguist, historian of ukrainian literature, essayist yury shevelyov, ukrainian essayists have been honored with a special award named after him. the best of the best are chosen by the chapter, which includes writers and critics. and scientists, this year
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they had a particularly difficult time, because they chose 14 authors from among a record number of applicants, the chapter's decision also shows what ... we are talking about a foreign audience that wants to know about ukraine, and these circumstances in which we live, in which we fight for our independence, also determine which books win in ukrainian awards today, the bronze angel, the traditional statuette was awarded to a writer and a cultural expert oleksandr mykhed, his work is the call sign for job, the chronicles of the invasion were recognized. the best ukrainian book of essays in 2023, it is a wonderful representative of modern ukrainian literature, those books that were on the long list, in short, i admire works of colleagues, and this is an extraordinary honor,
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because in previous years, in fact, the works i learned to write, they were laureates, and the figure of yury shevelyov is extremely important for me and for ukrainian history in general. the author started working on the book on the first day of the full-scale invasion, the work lasted 13 months, in it he talked about what he had experienced, as well as about his parents, who were forced to stay in the bush under the occupation. many people in this country recognize themselves in this book, and for us it was very important to choose a book not only for its aesthetic, aesthetic qualities, there were many such books. this year , several special honors were awarded: andriy gudym, who died on july 4 near bakhmut, and his
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work 69 spices for the heart, were posthumously honored for his zest for life and words of deep gratitude to the hero of the initiative. for the virtuosic continuation of the tradition of ukrainian neoclassicists in essay writing, andrii sodomora and his book were awarded under... andrii humenyuk was awarded for mastery and innovation in the book africa. goal a special award for the essay genre radio culture of each special award - to emphasize the importance of the essay genre, to emphasize the contribution that a certain person makes to the development and growth of this genre in ukraine. yuriy shevelyov became the founder of modern ukrainian essay writing. therefore, the prize named in his honor...
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the ukrainian pen kyivogyl business school, the yury shevelyov prize was founded by the spirit and letter publishing house, the judaica center and the ukrainian research institute of harvard university. it has been received since 2013 the best ukrainian essayists, artists whose words touch the soul. kateryna galko, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. propaganda textbooks are brought to occupied mariupol - the city council reports. they note that st. petersburg sent 9 tons of literature to schools. she is all russian. now the children of the city will be taught, in particular, the propaganda history of the aggressor country. the occupiers are importing their
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books because they have recognized ukrainian books as extremist. according to preliminary estimates, the invaders have already destroyed 180,000 people in mariupol of books and four libraries. ukrainians are advised by the cyber police and experts to give up telegram, a dangerous messenger . if you install the application on your phone, you will be given permission to access your contact book, microphone and photo gallery, - emphasized yehor aushev, an expert at the cyber ​​warfare research institute. earlier , the head of the main department of radio-electronic warfare and cyber security of the general staff called for the removal of this messenger. zsu, ivan pavlenko. in russian phones are seized from the military. they always have two main applications for communication installed, these are telegram and vkontakte. and the same, the same is confirmed by their correspondence, when there are many
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merged correspondence of the russian military on the internet now, and they say that it is of an imperative nature, they point out that they were used for communication. about 90% of ukrainians have telegram and probably these planes intersect and you and i are leading the same people. on the possibility of some exclusive, and he drags us into the funnel of russian propaganda this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, welcome my colleague roman chaika later on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning everyone on the espresso tv channel , we are fighting the eternal enemy, another day and night of war, my partner is fighting with a broken car, transporters are fighting with... brothers, the border is blocked again, the 12th package of sanctions is in effect, and the germans are ready to place their troops to to restrain the moscow fascist occupier right on the territory of lithuania, such is the morning, but let's start with good deeds, because even a small donation is important, as a community , we will be able to help and protect ourselves and our defenders. tv channel espresso and the charitable fund man and the right advertisement. a new collection, we, together with our viewers, are collecting funds for such powerful
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portable, battery stations and solar panels, this is for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine, well, it's more effective to destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged, well, there is a solar battery here, stations can replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in the field conditions of winter, our goal... 1,220,000 in the account is already almost 370,00 . we are getting to a third. get involved, donate to the victory of ukraine, here is the qr code, if you go through a smartphone, or just here is the card number on the screen right away, any donation is the right investment in our defense and our future, there are no small ones. let's help our defenders together, and we help them sometimes we will help for with our guests to collect information from all corners and borders of ukraine
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and we will start from the south, we are in touch with the deputy of the odesa district council, volunteer valentina shults. mrs. valentina, good morning, glory to ukraine. good morning, glory to the heroes. how was your night, we know that there was also a south-facing attack today, with those mopeds, but as in odesa, they sat down, quietly, did the anti-aircraft defense work? well, so far, so far nothing is being written, so far it is quiet, but odesa is under constant attacks by the shahed, despite the fact that our guys, most of the shaheds are destroyed, and these new shaheds, which are dark, which are very difficult to see, but they are recognized by a characteristic sound, are still falling. these debris are very dangerous, and just two days ago,
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due to the fall of such debris, a fire broke out in a residential area and, unfortunately, a person died, but actually now, how does it look, did they manage to recover a little, clean up, repair from the extreme attack? yes, of course, the relevant services work very well, all the time, well, to such places... the ministry of emergency situations usually goes, the guys put out the fire very quickly fires, utility workers dismantle rubble, everything happens very quickly, unfortunately, the war continues, and for the second year in a row , all cities of ukraine have been hit by such rocket attacks, and we see that our services are adequate, and rescuers work 24x7 and... everything happens very quickly, because this is our common problem, and people get involved, not only the rescuers
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help, and we see that when there are large shellings, people from neighboring houses, volunteers come out and help each other, to dismantle rubble, preserve these premises, fill plywood, yes, but i saw that in fact the city very quickly tries to conserve, restore. one way or another, but how about in the region, because basically, they try to attack the entire infrastructure, and we know that there quite often something falls on private buildings like that. how was it on december 17, but how do people manage to help people in the region, it's winter outside? yes, of course, they also help in the region, we also have a lot of missions, international organizations that help, also allocate materials and funds, they leave, they cooperate with communities, go to
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places, see what the damage is, and already there they make a decision whether to buy there or not. a film or chipboard to cover the windows, that’s why this work is also in the region, it was very interesting how two days ago, drones caught evaders crossing the border and we see that the odesa scheme, illegally crossing the border is more expensive than in other parts of ukraine , 800 dollars for the opportunity to cross the border. this is another scheme of illegal crossing, where they run to romania, to moldova, to transnistria, like everything looks like, maybe they heard something a little more , well, you know, if you take it in general, then in odessa, odessa borders both moldova and romania, so the border guards are constantly
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catching evaders, but it seems to me that now they are all the same.. . and it became less, in connection with all these corruption scandals and the infamous military commissar borisov , who is now behind bars, the security service works, the border guards work, but unfortunately, there are still such isolated groups that try to cross into that or another way border, some there change into children, some women, well, somehow. yes , it is interesting enough, which is the continuation of ostap bender for ilf and petrova, and by the way, if we have already mentioned the classics, also where literally on the last weekend it would be possible to be in odessa, and i went to deribasivska along pushkinsky and looked at this table, a famous african poet, i can't understand why terikhov resisted so much,
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maybe he is a relative of has african relatives that resists so much. renaming russian imperial toponyms in odessa, they say, the next attempt will be with renaming, there there is a chance that they will vote whether imperial wool has more votes, well, you know, this is enough everywhere, we are even looking at renaming, we have such a city in the south of the odesa region, but now the renaming of tarutino, er, smt, it seems, tarutina and berezyne, just so you understand, these names, these names were generally taken in honor of the location of the russian army, and these villages appeared somewhere in 1812-814, but they
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still have russian names, and just the other day there were public hearings, and people voted. that these names remain, but it's just not yet in the people, and in this question, the question is that in the south of ukraine , after all, such a policy was carried out, russian broadcasting channels, and people watched, in general, well , russian television mostly, no, the old atmosphere you, when ran the streets... various marauders, when the rodin party was sitting on odesa tv channels, we remember well, it's just that the story is very similar, it repeats itself, it is somewhere around the period of the formation of the ukrainian people's republic, and all these things that were played with big politics and imperial invasion in odessa have repetition, as far as the residents
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of odesa and odesa themselves are concerned, is not optional, as they say. but they are really experiencing this war, because on the streets of odessa there are many citylights by the armed forces of ukraine, but in order to feel some other atmosphere, you probably need to stay longer in the city, so you better know how and to what extent this history repeats itself, odesa during the onr period and odessa during the second russian-ukrainian war? yes, well, i can say that there are still pro-ukrainian people in odessa. more, the volunteer community, it's such a powerful community volunteer, he fund of kateryna nazhevnyk, corporation of monsters, known not only. only in odesa, but also throughout ukraine, is now gathering for mortars, it seems to me that soon the people of odesa will fall on the air defense forces, so such a
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powerful movement and pro-ukrainian sentiments still prevail, we can see this from these rallies that took place against various tenders announced by the odesa city council and the odesa regional council, which are now... not at the right time, these are the repairs of judges, paving stones and so on, a lot of people came to these rallies, and continues to go out, so i want to say that the ukrainians' patriotic mood prevails, and there are a lot of volunteers who help both in the south and in donetsk region, i know, and they weave nets and help forcibly displaced persons, because in odesa they there are also many volunteer workers. centers that have not ceased their activities, because we understand that now international donors still help less, but still there are many large funds in odessa that
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have not ceased to exist, but help working, working and bringing our victory closer. ms. valentina confirms that even on saturday odessa looked very dynamic and moving, that surprised me, we know about the relocated business. so that odessa is standing and will win, but in this case, tell me more, because they are hitting the ports of great odessa, yes , the danube, that is their goal, how does it generally look now, what is going on in the ports, is the traffic through our grain corridor without any international guarantees and russian participation, that is, something is floating, of course, it is constantly being exported. grain, agricultural products, the ports are functioning, but we see that the enemy was targeting the ports of odesa, and unfortunately,
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the infrastructure of the port was destroyed, and the minister of infrastructure said that it would take at least one year to restore the infrastructure of the ports of odesa. such renewable works, but the grain corridor is working, of course , our guys are cultivating this way, because because of the storms, it is still not completely safe, because it throws mines, we can see both off the coast of bulgaria and in romania, everywhere these mines, and this is how this grain route works in principle, and eh... the russian federation saw it, that it will work this way, according to statistics , even with 18 loaded ships, 11 bulk carriers
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are still on their way, so in principle, the ports of great odessa are alive and working, ms. valentina, may god grant that your community will break the backbone of the imperial hydra in such a beautiful ukrainian city , like odesa, hold on, thank you, valentina shults, deputy. a volunteer from the odesa district council was in touch with us, a short pause, and we will shift our attention to the northern borders and to the north to the chernihiv region, be with espresso. a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy third. tickets on the concert website. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia.
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good health to good people. live sound. wow, i went for a walk. water ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving myself. reo. you are ready, dear. finished. took reo. reo - water for special people. medical purposes, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is... bakhmut, let's talk about the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in
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a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the program collaborators, propaganda dealers in the occupied territories, we are being filmed by nazi prisoners, and how a former ukrainian photo artist became a fan wagner? huge thanks to dude wagner, to the forces of the russian federation. watch the collaborator program on tuesday, december 19. with
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olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. when i hear an air alarm, i want to go somewhere and go down somewhere, suddenly something will fly, because it happens that when rockets fly, it also flies over lviv. support me when i'm scared. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. contact ... 0800 210 106'.
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we'll be back, thanks for watching and good luck morning to everyone who joined espresso, the night went like this, a small portion of russian drones was destroyed by our defenders, chase and praise, even one kh-59 guided missile was also destroyed. the last age is the age of great
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battles. in several directions on bakhmutsky , for example, there were as many as 21 enemy attacks, in general , the enemy is pressing along the entire front line, 10 attacks on the lyman direction, five attacks were repulsed on the kupyansky direction, on mariyansky 13 combat clashes and enemy attacks, and 17 attacks on zaporozhye in the direction of novoprokopivka this is how it looks like at work where the summer-autumn advance of the armed forces of ukraine took place. the front, the front line, but there is also a hybrid front, for example, the border of ukraine with the moscow federation, this is, for example, chernihiv oblast, our colleague, journalist oleksii maslov reports, mr. oleksii, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, hero glory, i salute you as you have, they are shooting across the border, climbing now the last last, let's say, several days of winter, what is happening? they shoot and climb
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across the border practically, not practically, but on the contrary, the drgs come from time to time, of course, that not all such cases are reported by the military, but when it becomes absolutely, absolutely clear and visible, even to civilians, then it is already reported, or if, unfortunately, some things happen, for example. victims or losses of any kind for our ukrainian side, and so, in principle , the enemy is aggressive and uses not only drg raids, but also, of course, of course, unfortunately for us, it is days of shelling, if we take, for example, the last week, including yesterday, three on average per day shelling of border communities took place from the side of the enemy across the border, precisely by russia.


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