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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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ward now the document has been given to the president of the united states of america, joe biden, for signature. let me remind you that this was one of the national priorities, at least according to the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson. another was the strengthening of security on the southern korto border. well, because of this first priority, johnson refused to vote on the bill on unblocking financial aid to ukraine, israel and the countries of southeast asia. that is, now it remains to wait and see if speaker johnson will delay with this attitude bill for voting. and it is also interesting from the united states of america that president joe biden wants the group of seven to develop a strategy for the use of frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine before the next summit in the summer of this year. this was reported by the agency. bloomberg, with reference
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to his own sources, and according to theirs, according to the information obtained by american journalists, joe biden is demanding that the frozen assets be directed to the financing of the budget needs of ukraine, as well as to the further recovery of ukraine. well, or will convince, it is not known, there are still a few months to wait. more about the united states of america and president joe biden. he thanked the congressman. for the adoption of this important, in his opinion and conviction , bill, this is stated in the message of his press service, which was published on the white house page on the internet. at the same time , the current owner of the white house said that this decision made it possible to avoid a shutdown in the short term, only until march 22, and congressmen will still need to work. in addition, president biden once again reminded the american lawmakers about ukraine and called. members of the house
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of representatives to unblock our financial aid as soon as possible, joe biden called it a priority issue, and now the national security focus. well, everyone understands this, because this law works not only for the benefit of ukraine, but also for the benefit of the united states of america. vasyl and i have repeatedly said in this studio that the money from the allocated aid will mostly... stay in the united states and work for the american economy, the military economy, and you know that, right just like these so-called advisers, well , they are called red necks, it’s not an insult, it ’s just the way it is in america, maybe no one explained this, just as they didn’t explain to polish farmers that you are currently importing more russian grain to ukraine than ukrainian, and ukrainian in general, i.e. to poland, and ukrainian in general passes through transit, but people were told that the ukrainian oligarchs are taking advantage of us, shame on the border, this is the same story here 100%, by the way. joe biden visited
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the southern american border the day before mexico, and there in an open text he asked for help from trump, who, by coincidence or not by coincidence, or it happened on purpose, that on this very day, practically at this very time and in this very same place, donald trump was also donald trump, donald trump, and yet joe biden asked for it not without irony, but what exactly ... asked and said the current owner of the white house, let's listen to him in his direct language. here is what i will say to mr. trump. instead of playing politics, instead of trying to convince congressmen to block bills, join me and i will join you in proving to congress the need to pass border security regulations, we can do it together. although trump, well, 100%, in my deep conviction, is not going to bother with this proposal. and continues to play his game,
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there on the southern border, he accused the current american leader of having the blood of many victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants on his hands, that is, joe biden, the 45th owner of the white house, said that stories about this a lot more known, and even stated in his trademark ala-trump style, that in the united states ... there is a new type of crime, which he called, quote, the crime of immigrants named after biden. well, to talk and invent something, to accuse someone with some interesting words, colleague lyashko, i'm angry, i'm angry at yulka, and so is this one, i'm angry at biden, well, at joe, at joe, i'm angry at joe, yes , well , one way or another, prime minister of hungary viktor horban not only wants to meet with the 45th president. of the united
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states of america, by donald trump, such the meeting is even being prepared, the press service of the head of the hungarian government informed about it, where and when exactly it will take place, they did not specify, but they added that it will happen in the near future, and at the same time, what issues orbán plans to discuss with trump's press service did not specify trump. it is also not known whether during his visit to the united states of america, viktor orbán plans to meet with the current american president, joe biden, or whether he will just come to meet with trump and leave. it will be interesting to see, especially since they say it will be in the near future, we'll see what will happen there. to develop like this, and in conclusion, i promised about navalny, hold on to navalny, putin's regime is afraid of navalny even dead, but his supporters are still even more afraid of the kremlin's repressive machine. opposition leader
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oleksiy navalny was buried today in moscow. the southeastern suburbs of the russian capital were crowded with thousands of security forces, the internet worked very poorly, in some places even at all. did not work, eyewitnesses say that sometimes a telegram message was sent for several hours minutes metal barriers were installed at the entrance to the church where navalny was said goodbye and at the borys hlibsky cemetery where he was buried. several thousand people came to say goodbye to the politician, but everything ended with only a few dozen people detained not only in moscow, but also throughout russia. well, this is an answer to all those russians who... wrote on facebook from abroad the day before, by the way, well, let's see how many russians will turn out, and a few thousand turned out and that's it, and by the way, another quote from a woman, who came to say goodbye to navalnym, quote, for us it was hope for a bright future, not for north korea, this is
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the only thing we can do now, give his memory, keep it, a person lives as long as we remember him, we must remember , for what he got there, for us. for all of us and of course continue not to give up as he asked. vasyl, they still continue to believe in the captivating star, believe me, my friend, that captivating star will come someday , tamosiya must come, pull them, not lead them, because because they can’t, well, they they don't want to go themselves, they are afraid, but you know, in the rodian times, this poem by pushkin was very well processed, where it was said that believe. luckily , russia will stand up, the autocracy will write our names on the wreckage, yes, but there it will be said that, well, the state security committee will remember our names, this is true, this is what is happening today, the state security committee will remember their names, they were like, they, as i already said, they
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said there, sorry navalny, sorry ukrainians, by the way, there were such calls, sorry ukrainians, putin will withdraw the troops and left it didn't work out, here's something, here's everything, and i have everything, not only for... today, but also this week, i will prepare for next week, but don't switch, because there is still a lot of interesting stuff on our air. and what will you see, the poems that unite the nation through generations will be heard in a special way, sisters telniuk in lviv with the program of our shevchenko, a musical interpretation
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together stronger, we continue, and now is the time to sum up the economic results of this week, and oleksandr morchivka is next to me. oleksandr, good evening, please. greetings viewers, thank you vasyl, in the coming minutes you will learn about the most important thing from the current economic week about electricity tariffs, what is wrong with them, and also how we wintered with gas, which was ours? or a stranger, everything in detail in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, with i start with the winning information, ukraine spent the winter on gas of its own production. this was reported by the chairman of the board of the naftogaz company, oleksiy chernyshov. according to him, 10 years ago, no one would have believed in this, but industry workers did it. in future plans. support the trend of energy independence of our country. last year , the company reported on the launch of three
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highly productive wells, at the beginning of winter on the accumulation of 16 billion cubic meters of gas in underground storages. indeed , ukrgazvydobuvannya is now actively working, they are looking for new deposits, installing wells, drilling rigs where deposits of blue fuel have already been explored, and this... only makes me happy, but it does not make me happy that moscow bots are actually dispersing information about the increase in electricity in ukraine, so here is this information about the increase of kilowatts for the population of clean water is fake. the ministry of energy emphasized that no one is conducting any preparation, discussion, calculations, potential increase, they also noted that ukrainians passed this winter without large-scale blackouts, with light, heat, the day before in... the main intelligence agency reported that, in order to destabilize the situation in our country, muscovy is massively
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buying up telegram channels and will create bath farms that will spread such false information. and this week, president volodymyr zelenskyi announced the launch of a new economic platform made in ukraine, it is about such a platform for constant direct dialogue between the government and our entrepreneurs. according to the leader. of the state of ukraine will help businesses maintain and scale their work. the cabinet of ministers has already received instructions regarding specific steps. the electronic version of this platform will start working next week. there is not much time, it is interesting to see what will happen there. let's listen to the direct speech. the ukrainian cashback program is being developed. i buy ukrainian. when purchasing certain types of goods and services made in ukraine, citizens of ukraine will be able to receive a refund of part of
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the funds on a special card. our task is to ensure that ukrainian money stays in ukraine and works in ukraine. well, such and such a motivation for consumers to buy ukrainian, and in particular, this money that will be returned, part of these funds for the electronic card, will also be used only for the purchase of exactly... ukrainian goods, and not some foreign, in particular, polish goods. well, you really need to buy ukrainian, because by buying our goods, we support the armed forces. up to 40% of funds are returned to the budget. they come in the form of taxes when you buy our products. this was reported by the first vice prime minister, minister of economy, yuliya sveridenko. she thanked the international partners, in particular, for 74 billion dollars in... aid over these two years, but believes that you and i should develop our own business,
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now all macro support abroad goes to finance social expenses, but here are our revenues, which we with you, consumers spend in stores, this is the return of taxes that support our, our boys, our armed forces. ukraine has started its third sowing in great conditions. war thanks to the warm weather, sowing has already started in four regions in the south of our country - the leader noted of the government, denys shmyhal. to support agricultural producers, the government normalizes and expands. the state agrarian register is a platform where you can find out about assistance programs for farmers and owners, even apply for them online, currently there are 115,000 users in the register, work on demining the land is also ongoing, partners are helping, let's listen to the direct language. slovenia will provide a grant in the amount
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of more than 50 million hryvnias, the equivalent of 1.5 million euros, to help us go through the process of such humanitarian demining faster. we pay special attention to the issue of humanitarian demining we devote to the survey of agricultural lands. thanks to this, farmers are returning to work in all regions, in particular in de-occupied communities. and by the way, australian businessman and philanthropist andrew forest allocated more than 3 million dollars for ukraine this week. the money will just go to help demining agricultural areas, this... funding will just help farmers start planting on their land andy forest australian iron ore billionaire and production of green energy. well, it reports, in particular, the government for the month of february, which
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has ended. so, at the end of winter, ukraine exported a record volume of cargo through the sea corridor, and it is approaching. to pre-war volumes. the cargo turnover of the ports of great odesa amounted to 8 million tons. more than 5 million are agricultural products, the ministry of infrastructure reported. currently, 113 balkars are waiting near the ports of odesa, chornomorsk and pivdenny. they have to deliver almost 3 million tons of goods to foreign customers. well, about the grain riot. there is no evidence that it is ukrainian corn. is returning from lithuania to poland, the lithuanian minister of agriculture said , so he is afraid, he considers the fears of the neighboring country's farmers unfounded. let me remind you, this is exactly what the poles are arguing for their protests on the border with ukraine, with ukraine, also, according to the official, the polish protesters did not even file any complaints that would indicate that
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ukrainian grain according to the documents becomes lithuanian and then migrates to the territory. well, it became known to vasyl that the polish protesters are already looking for u in the trucks ukrainian grain to lithuania, well, i don’t know how it’s possible for a little thing, if the documents are all in order, how can it be detected that it’s polish grain, whether it’s lithuanian or urasian grain of a different color, it should be , well, the way certain stamps are put on eggs , it’s just absurdity, it is strange that they did not look for anything, but roman kach said that the flows... between belarus and poland are in full swing, for some reason they are not looking for anything there, it is true, but the russian grain, which goes into the obviously and stolen ukrainian grain, which comes from the russians, nothing is needed there either to search, yes, for sure, but again, this is a responsibility, and history will judge him, unfortunately, because of this, the ukrainian economy and ukrainian soldiers suffer in the first place, but i think this issue will be raised today at 21:00 on youtube channel
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mykola knyazhytskyi, he will be our publicist colleague with vitaly portnikov. deal with the situation at the border, this topic will also be continued by our next story, and i will say goodbye to you, there will be a lot of interesting things on the big air, watch us, yes, today this is how we will conclude, we thank oleksandr very much, we wish him a good, good day, good evening, and now the plot for your attention, which sashko spoke about, the situation on the ukrainian-port... border from an economic and political point of view, and also the relations between the two countries, neighbors and partners, were in fact discussed by specialists in warsaw. diplomats, economists and representatives of large business associations from both countries took part in the event. how did the participants perceive the polish prime minister's statement regarding opportunities to completely stop trade in goods with ukraine, our correspondent maria chernyakhivska will tell.
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the polish-ukrainian border should remain open for goods in this. convinced experts from ukraine and poland, i hope that common sense will prevail, and the closure, the decision to close, or the complete embargo of the ukrainian-polish border will not be accepted by the polish government, that the polish government will find options to satisfy the demands of the peasants of polish farmers, not due to the closure of the ukrainian-polish border. first of all such a decision by poland will be a blow to ukraine, because currently , groups of goods from china, europe and others, which are vital for the functioning of the ukrainian economy, travel across the polish border by road transport. that is , the question of global grain that will go through
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poland does not exist at all now, but industrial goods go through poland for export, but the main thing that happens when the border is blocked is actually not export, it is import. polish entrepreneurs will also feel the consequences of blocking the border. polish company during the full-scale war, it did not leave the ukrainian market - says the president of the polish-ukrainian chamber of commerce jatsyk pihota. the expert does not understand such statements of the polish government and explains why, in particular by citing figures. this is a life-giving artery for ukraine. how is it possible to block the movement of goods, products for industry, for the ukrainian economy, across the polish-ukrainian border? everything from the east passes through this border and vice versa. what right do we have to block the border? for carriers that support ukrainian economy, which implement the orders of polish companies that manufacture something in ukraine. we earn from this cooperation with
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ukraine. we will close last year with 12 billion euros in exports to ukraine, 4 billion from ukraine to poland. problems in the field of agriculture in poland have existed for many years, explains mr. pihota, and it will not work to connect all of them with the war in ukraine. it was necessary to work on it. the last 10 years, in particular by creating a special group of government officials of both countries, but effective steps in this direction was not done, according to the expert. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel, from poland. from 21:00 on mykola knyazhytskyi's youtube channel, you will see a conversation between mykola knyazhytskyi, a people's deputy, and vitaly portnikov, a journalist, political scientist, specialist, and analyst on this topic: ukraine and poland, what's next? what is going on and the subscribers of the channel will also be able to ask questions to the participants mykola knyazhytskyi and vitaly portnikov, it will be interesting, but now about what the weather will be like in
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ukraine, we will be told this weekend natalka didenko, let's watch together. synoptic, march, spring greetings to everyone, finally we have waited for... spring, and i congratulate all of you and myself on the beginning, well, at least calendar spring, but of course, the air already smells very much of this most wonderful time of the year. we start our meeting today by continuing the cycle about kyiv meteorological stations, and this cycle is dedicated to the upcoming world meteorologist day, which is also celebrated in march, march 23. so, the baryshiv meteorological station, some facts and history, founded on december 1, 19958,
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at first it was opened as a drain, then renamed and reorganized into a bog station, the only one in ukraine, by the way , eight people work there, the head of the weather station, two agrometeorologists and five actual meteorologists, in the program , well, of course , meteorological observations of all types of meteorological elements are included. observations of atmospheric precipitation acidity, radiation background observations have been conducted here since 1968. in the 21st year, the weather station is equipped automatic remote devices, and the meteorological site of the weather station is located 360 m from the building of the actual station on the floodplain of the trubizh river, and this made it possible to conduct continuous observations in the first month of the war, which is very important. then the curfew lasted most of the day, and the russians were 8 km from baryshivka, and such brave and worthy workers
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of the weather station all the time made observations, which are actually very, very important, and it is sometimes difficult to even overestimate. we go ahead and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, minor colleagues will be observed tomorrow. which , i hope, will not affect our well-being or any navigational devices, so we are observing and moving on to the weather itself, to the highlight of our column, and i want to say right away that it will not change, especially the end of winter and the beginning of spring, we are in the territory of ukraine under the influence of an anticyclone, so tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine no precipitation is expected and it will be warm, the west remains the warmest region of ukraine so far +12 +16° on transcarpathia up to +18. in the northern part of ukraine, it will be fresher, cooler, but also
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quite warm, the maximum air temperature. +7 +12°, no precipitation, lots of sun. in the eastern part of ukraine , there will still be a slight frost at night, and during the day the air temperature will rise to 5.8°c. precipitation is not expected, but there may be a gusty, uncomfortable wind. in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region, dry weather is expected with sunny clearings with increased atmospheric pressure and maximum... air temperature during the day is 7-12° . +9 +14° is expected in the southern part of ukraine. in the crimea in places up to 15, without precipitation, a lot of sun. well, in kyiv, in the capital, the weather is also expected tomorrow without any particular changes, on march 2, there will be no precipitation in kyiv. the air temperature will fluctuate around +10°. this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective.
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and again and again i congratulate everyone. with spring. i join in the greetings, ms. natalka, happy spring. and now i want this spring to be better for our soldiers. on the battlefield. first for everything, let's help them, shall we? espresso calls to join the nabagi collection to evacuate the wounded and transport combat kits, as well as to car and trench reb, which is very. important for the 12th separate special forces unit. our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which our army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which it cuts him down. our goal is uah 480,000. we have already collected more than 80. let's do it. well, now i will invite olga len, my colleague, to the conversation, she will host
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the verdict program today and... we will find out what we will talk about, because it is important to sum up today and this week in general. olya, please, have a word, good evening. good evening, vasyl, today i'm in place of serhiy rudenko. today we will talk with our guests, well, we will discuss military events with serhiy kryvonos, we will also talk with oleg rybachuk and volodymyr tsebulko about political events, namely we will talks about the help of our allies, about exactly how the debate is happening around this. in the united states, in europe, and with my colleagues, journalists, these are oleksiy mustafin, larisa voloshina, serhii garmash, let's make such a short summary of the week, but the most important thing, in fact , there will be such high-profile events today, so - we are waiting for you, and actually, there is still time for one short question, well
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, literally a trailer, but which of the events plus with plus or minus with a sign affected you the most this week? oh you know i think that in general, what affected me the most was actually what is happening on our polish border, well, more precisely, not on our side, on the poles, because the further it goes, the more it resembles some absolutely absurd situation, when the lithuanian border is blocked, the ukrainian border is blocked, but for some reason , the russian border is not blocked in any way, and apparently everything is fine with it... not russian, actually belarusian, and somehow everything is fine with it, absolutely, i think that it is such, you know, but if it has a scale, such an example of a large-scale and successful psychological the kremlin's operation, that's her, and she, polish society, completely screwed her over and lives in this large-scale operation, thank you very much, well, we're not sorry, literally in a moment i'll hand you over to her reliable hands, and this evening
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continues. espresso, be with us, goodbye until monday. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, i am olga lenyut, today i will be in place of serhiy rudenko, temporarily, do not be afraid, and today we will talk about such things in the program. a powerful thrust of the occupiers. at the time of yar, is a breakthrough of the ukrainian defense possible, if allies will not increase the supply of weapons and ammunition? help bypassing congress. the pentagon found 4 billion for ukraine in the fund of presidential powers, which could be the consequences of delay. putin's personal crime, while in russia they are saying goodbye to the murdered oppositionist navalny, the kremlin will threaten.


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