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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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therefore, if there are concerns about providing some kind of technical support there, it can be solved by training, training , firstly, secondly, sorry, again, there were several arguments, then something will fly around moscow, then they said that let the americans atakams will be provided, the americans have provided atakams, well, i hope they will think now and make another package where there will be longer-range atakamsya, then, well, simple. what questions do you have, are you afraid of russia, are you afraid, well, they will come to you, if you are still dragging, then it will be rockets, daggers, that's all, no, not the kind of nuclear weapons that frighten the mosks, no, but all these drones will fly to you, and these missiles that are now hitting sumy, kharkiv, in odesa, in zaporizhzhia, in kherson, that is, you want to avoid it, you will not avoid it, you have a unique opportunity to concentrate your efforts now. for
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ukraine on its territory, this is a tragedy for us, but we have every right to do this and, at least, no one forbade us, not even that on our territory, we can respond to attacks from outside, well, we don't, we they didn't say anywhere, and they know it very well, that ukraine is not trying to capture moscow, will not try to advance there to leningrad, no, but i'm sorry, but if you don't support us now, that's a shame. a very cynical position, and i do not agree with the minister of defense of germany here, that maybe the missiles alone will not change, but if there are several hundred atakams, a hundred taurus, there will be f16, there will be all the means and there will be motivation for the ukrainians to stand on defense not only ukraine, and europe, and if not, then i'm sorry, you will have them, i don't want to publicly say what they will face then... that is
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, they understand it perfectly, that's why politicians lag behind their development, very seriously, they lag behind with a certain lag, and germany already needs this fear, which is completely phantom leave in the past. mr. valery, against the background of how europe is trying to concentrate, now to group together and give answers to the questions that obviously very soon may appear before them. china's expert on eurasian issues lihui, he came and made a tour in europe as well, he was, stopped by kyiv, spoke with ukrainian officials, and he also spoke about the future of ukraine and russia, they have this peace plan, with which they always, always articulate, but on the eve of this visit to kyiv, the chinese foreign ministry announced the strengthening
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of russia's friendship with china and said about it the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of china , wang yi, and he said that we are ready to work to create new driving forces for cooperation. let's hear what he said. as key leading countries of the world and permanent members of the un security council. china and russia developed a new paradigm of relations between major countries, which differs from the outdated approach of the cold war. based on non-blocking, non-confrontational and non-targeting of any third party. china and russia strive for long-term good neighborliness and friendship, deepening comprehensive strategic cooperation. china is ready to cooperate with russia for further development by creating new driving forces for
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cooperation and steadily strengthen the foundation of friendship between the two peoples. does the statement mean, mr. valery, that china is still ready to support russia, which is waging an aggressive war against ukraine. there were several statements, the position is clear. i just don't know how it is possible to act as a mediator there with such a position. it is difficult to understand here, because after all , there is an obvious imbalance in the attitude towards russia and ukraine, even from the same reports in kyiv, when the representative for eurasia, china and precisely who is involved now, as you said, in all these trips, met lihuevast that is , the ukrainian crisis is heard in official reports, well, that is, well, let's start at least with a phrase of recognition. then that
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what is happening, and then we can talk about something further, because if china will say that it is the ukrainian crisis and ignore the dead children, ukrainian women from... russians, then i'm sorry, but what can we talk about then? i think that our participants in this conversation hardly succeeded in changing china's position, maybe china just asked something else entirely, is ukraine ready to give up its position, in the interests of china, and it is very difficult now, because china, unfortunately, does not change of this line, although it is constructive to prevent this... scanning nuclear weapons on the part of russia and threats, i don't know why the issue cannot be discussed in this way, well, it was discussed, but still to achieve a result on the zaperizhsky station, this is an absolute seizure of a nuclear facility, this is something that china does not tolerate at all , and it would be a huge step
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forward if russia were to be forced by joint efforts not to use the nuclear plant that had just been captured in europe. military purposes, therefore, in principle, i do not expect a change in china's position yet, but in the measure of a change in the situation at the front and an increase in opportunities of ukraine and the reduction of russian ones, i am sure that china will also be forced to adjust its position. you mentioned another statement by wang. you probably meant the peace talks, now we will also listen to what the minister said. of china's foreign affairs regarding possible peace talks, as he says, between ukraine and russia. in the ukrainian issue , china has always maintained an objective and fair position and has repeatedly sent special envoys to
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mediate. the president of the people's republic of china xijin ping personally held in-depth communication with the leaders different countries, including russia and ukraine. everything we've done is targeted. for one purpose: to pave the way and build bridges for the cessation of hostilities and the holding of peace negotiations. well, tlangiy says that official beijing began to say with the beginning of the great war that there are two sides, they should sit down at the table for negotiations, but there was no statement from the chinese side that, well , russia should leave the territory of ukraine, and that here is the mediation they offer. what is it connected with, why they don't want, they don't want to quarrel with russia, they want to russia is exhausted in the war with ukraine with, well , our western partners who are helping us, that is, why is china so passively
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reacting to this, well, look, this is a very deep topic, i will not answer for china, i will only say one thing if.. . if someone thinks in china, and where, where else, that they will pressure ukraine so that ukraine is forced to give up part of the territories to russia, which russia has declared as theirs, well, they are currently occupied there, and to make peace on this, as they say , then it frees the hands, in many respects, not only of china, to resolve conflicts, which... china also has, including, not military yet, but they are a force method. if it is assumed that in this way it will be recognized that it is possible to force a sovereign country, with various forceful efforts, military, precisely such
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a violation of all the rules, the un charter, well, in essence, annexation, and it can be recognized under such conditions, well then... the same actions will unfold in other parts of the world, so i do not think that they want to fix the right of force in this way, well, i hope that they simply have a position of advantage for china now, they have russia, they use russia as they want, and you know, this is an advantageous position, a weak russia, which is weakening, which gives them everything economically, gives them a passage to the arctic and everything that is currently being given to china. as a vassal , as a suzerain, it is beneficial to them, so why, i think so, on their part, why are they in a hurry, let's wait a little longer, that is, we will have our economic results, but, well, for ukrainians , this is, for me, a rather cynical position , although
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i want to say that when something happened in other parts of the world, and we looked at it like that, what it is far from us, and how is it in our interest ... answers, here it can be recognized that each country has its own national interests, its own vision, but in this matter, i will remind you that after all china is... if not was a direct guarantor of the budapest memorandum, then he made his statement then, but the same wangyi, the head of china's foreign policy, he said in munich, replied that these obligations do not refer to china's attack on ukraine with a nuclear attack. it seems to me that such statements are very much changing the truth of what is now, because from the point of view of of course you can give a legal one. my assessment, but it is so cynical and dry to talk about
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a hot war in europe, which can move to south asia and with a high probability could start in south asia, if putin had not climbed right into the heart of europe geographically from here with his completely unworthy delusions. therefore, i really, really hope, but i would like to hope that this is just a question. time for china to adopt a more balanced policy. today, according to my subjective, personal conclusions, despite the huge role china could play in establishing peace, a just peace, without violating the un charter, and china is calling for it, it might just be a more balanced position for china. to begin with, i say , an indicator for me would be, for example, at least the phrase that this is not a ukrainian crisis, a ukrainian crisis, but... russian war against ukraine. mr. valery, yesterday the board of governors of the magat
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supported by a majority of votes the ukrainian resolution demanding that russia urgently withdraw from the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant all unauthorized personnel, including the military, and immediately return her, well, her nuclear power plant to the control of ukraine. today , the general director of magat, raphael grossi , held a meeting with the president of the russian federation, volodymyr, in sochi. i followed the propaganda media, well , i didn’t see anything so special there, that is , according to the report i went to the capital of sochi, this resolution, which was adopted by the magathe, that according to this resolution , there may be further in relation to russia’s behavior, in relation to sanctions, in relation to russia, perhaps in relation to dewy, is it possible at all, or this resolution is solely as an expression of concern, nothing more? let's be brief, i believe that we will lose now in the mgt, and there are purely technical
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points here: ukraine, which is currently in the governing council, still, despite the fact that there is a delegation there, should now work on getting russia to throw out your board of directors, there during the rotation in june this year, this can only be done in an active position, diplomat. work, not purely specialized expert work, as can be done by representatives of the energy atom or the ministry of energy, but diplomatic work, because such practice is only in in a few countries, including ours, that our delegation is headed by energy experts, not diplomats, in other countries there are 35 countries, there are diplomats, and we have to talk with them, there are different countries, and our embassy at international organizations in vienna, it is now in such a state of transit in terms of management. the new one is scheduled for the postret, but as far
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as i understand, it has not arrived there, and we also have a very technical work, there you have to constantly submit notes, constantly work, it slipped a little, and then i look like this, well there is no such emphasis on this issue of throwing russia out of this body, moreover , grosi meets with putin, grosi, when he is asked, it is now director mate, he is asked when... at the zaporozhye station, the russian military with automatic weapons are fully equipped, they say, we provides, we welcome you to our russian land, he nods and goes on, that is, you understand what is happening, yes, that is, it is not that there is no balance, here it is very far from a solution, i am very afraid that they will break our hands , to be simple this all came under the effective control of russia and as a result, explaining it with nuclear threats. as a result, russia is now not switching fuel to nuclear, we no longer monitor which blocks they connect and which disconnect, our
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employees there are simply there, as far as i know, the russians have not been able to rotate there or get their own there, no one wants to, then that only partially, and there are not so many specialists, and ours are already exhausted, there is a big, well, very threatening situation, and this threatening situation , it is, well, by no means, so far, i do not know... of russia's energy industry, they build a lot, rosatom builds a lot around the world , would it stop sanctions on russia, because it is a very large item of income of the russian budget, we can say anything hypothetically, but here are all the packages related to dew there, regarding this is hung, hung and not accepted , moreover, i will tell you, there are levers of influence, if
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they really put pressure on russia in a consolidated way, then china would be here with india, for example, would not be in favor of anything... would not offer anything, that is, this a joint solution could be the usa and countries europe, consolidated, started without sanctions , but for now, even i, let's be honest, and we have, well, in spite of such a resolution, all this, it's such a mandatory program, and such drastic efforts, i'm not saying, that i see all the solutions, no, i just see that internationally, as only in france. something about the zaporozhye station in germany or even in the usa, people's attention is focused on this, and we do not confirm this issue in any way now. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, he was a politician, a diplomat, an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in the united states of america in 2015-19, valery chaly, we, friends, work live on the tv channel, as well as on our
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youtube and facebook platforms. if you're there watching us live now, don't forget. please like this video so that you don't get ahead of youtube trends , and take part in our vote, because today we are asking you about the following: do you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to great britain, you see on the phone numbers, on their screens, those who watch telecast 0800 211 381 if you approve of this appointment no 0800 211 382 now we will look at the interim results of this poll 40. 7% yes, 53% no, well almost 50 to 50, who approves, who does not approve, on youtube also 50 on 50, this is a unique phenomenon, when our tv viewers, viewers on youtube and on tv are divided in half, some support this appointment of a dedicated ambassador to great britain, some do not, there are discounts on
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amixin ic tablets, 10% in pharmacies. plantain for you and save there are 15% discounts on anticataral in pharmacies plantain for you and save roseb roseb professional hair care at home rouseb buy plantain at pharmacies and save. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in
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ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. orbán dream of? can you imagine it? all that in the informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. on saturdays at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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greetings, friends, the second part
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of the verdict program is on the air of the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the issue. the rocket exploded 300-400 m away. zelenskyi shared the details of the strike on odesa. what is russia trying to achieve with assassination attempts on the ukrainian president? a special appointment, a meritorious person is sent as an ambassador to great britain, an honorary exile or a show of confidence from the president. political sociology. poroshenko and prytula were named leaders of the ukrainian opposition. why is zaluzhny also counted among the oppositionists. and while our broadcast continued, the press conference of the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, took place and the president of ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi, today the ukrainian leader is in istanbul and meets with his turkish counterpart. what erdogan said during
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the press conference with volodymyr zelensky, that turkey is ready to host a peace summit with the participation of russia - i will quote recep tayyip erdogan. from the very beginning, we contributed to a negotiated end to the war. we are ready to host a peace summit that will be involved. and russia - he said during the press conference. in addition, erdogan emphasized that we support territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of our strategic partner ukraine. unfortunately, the war is having an increasingly negative effect regionally and globally, primarily on ukraine. no diplomatic steps were taken regarding the use of the negotiating table that we built in istanbul in march 22 to establish peace, he said. recep tayyip erdogan. well, actually, what recep tayyip erdoğan says, we knew even without him that this transition table, which was in istanbul, was disadvantageous for the ukrainian side.
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and this, by the way, was written by the american newspaper wall street journal this week. they, the americans, claim that ukraine was ready to make concessions to the russians in april 22 , when, you remember, the delegation led by arahamia was there. in istanbul and where all these issues of the future of ukraine were discussed at the negotiating table, then the massacre happened, and this story gained international publicity, ukraine withdrew from the negotiation process, because they do not negotiate with terrorists and murderers. erdogan says again that it is a pity that this table negotiations did not take place in istanbul, as planned according to the scenario proposed by turkey. thank god that these negotiations did not end in anything. friends, we
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work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also take part in our vote, today we ask you this, do you approve of the appointment of a hard-working ambassador to the great? britain yes, no. on youtube everything is quite simple. if you have your opinion, please write it in the comments. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you approve of the appointment of a volunteer ambassador to the uk 0800 211 381, no - 0800 211 38020 calls to these numbers are free, call us at the end of the program we will here are the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guest of our studio, this is yanina sokolova, journalist, tv presenter, public figure. yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being you joined our conversation today. greetings,
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greetings to sergey, greetings to all viewers of espresso. thank you for the invitation. andrii yanitskyi, journalist, editor of tv channel uso. andrii, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations. yanina and andria, as we ask our viewers. about whether they approve the appointment of valery zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain, i will also ask you about this, what do you think in the format of a blitz poll, yanina, please, certainly for all ukrainians who know valery zaluzhny as a combat general, as a symbol of our fight for independence, for existence, and since the 22nd year, i think, not a single ukrainian in the country is sad. it seems that this is really the number one figure among combat generals and the number one commander in chief in the history of our independent country without a doubt, so it was
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wild at first, and then, if... without emotions with a cold head, i think our viewers also digested it all in their heads to evaluate this appointment, you understand that it did not happen without the approval, without considerations, own considerations, valery zaluzhnyi and a conversation with the minister of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, we can name several very positive things for valery zaluzhny, as a person with combat experience, a person who can clearly explain in a structured manner within the framework of both defense alliances and the supply of weapons, to britain, as one of the leaders of the aid of the european world, the war will be long, we must now attract support, establish the production of weapons, together with the europeans, it is not clear what will happen in the elections in the united states of america, so it seems appropriate to me now to pay attention to european countries, in particular france, germany and england,
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who are in the pile in... these country leaders, it is clear that they can cooperate with us perfectly, well, and the second point, this was written to me by subscribers, we analyzed it on the eve, and it is interesting that in the afternoon we analyzed the story with the sausage survey regarding the ratings of political , and valery zaluzhnyi appears in them, as a person with the unconditional support of the electorate, he did not say that he would be swamped somewhere, as well as somehow create a political force, but ukrainians are already ready to vote for him, which, in principle, we already discussed after his resignation, reasons this, i think, is already obvious to everyone , we talked about it a lot, so these rating numbers, why i linked my answer now with these numbers, indicate that you and i, perhaps, emphasize, perhaps after war, when elections become possible, we will see another candidate who will now have not only combat, but also
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diplomatic... experience, because for valery zaluzhny, a politician, now a diplomat, and a combat general is an invaluable experience, well , this is a plus for our country, i think you have no doubts about the effectiveness of his work, believe me, valery zaluzhny's soul is in ukraine, he is in the armed forces, so this is not exile, as someone says, maybe within the framework of the president's office, it looks like that, so that he is not a major somewhere, and people forgot about him, but believe me , today i spoke with experts, in particular from the field of social research, who told me, listen, well, at most there he will lose some 8%, and then it is clear that he will have them, because people remember their heroes, too those which have an unblemished reputation, so to sum it up, i rate it as positive, for our country today is positive, and for the future as well, listen,
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there is no one on the horizon. on whom do we focus at the moment, at the moment i know what will happen in 5 years, you and i do not know, in 10 years, how long the war will last, and when the next elections come, we do not currently have a person who would not have that background and power, people wanted it, that is why they voted for zelensky's negative background, but at the same time he has a positive background of fighting, which is for the country, which will always be a geographical neighbor of the russian federation, friends. we will be all the time, so that it does not happen, no matter how we win the war, they will breathe with their stinking mouth, all our conscious life of our children and grandchildren, so i positively assess, serhiy, this is my conclusion. thank you yanina, we will certainly talk about sociology, because sociology was before the appointment, before the announcement of the appointment of the diligent ambassador, and sociology appeared already after the very interesting appointment, what concerns the leaders
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of the opposition, but we are a little later. i'm just i will launch a spoiler for our tv viewers, andriy, how about you, do you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to britain, if we reject the fact that agreman is not yet approved in london, it was simply announced before that, and as diplomat valery chel says, who was literally 15 minutes ago on my air, says that this is not uncharacteristic of any diplomatic rules. that this is a violation of the vienna convention, and a lot of questions arise, and why was it announced so quickly? well, i don't know why it was announced so quickly, but if we talk about country, it is certainly better for the country to have an ambassador in britain than to live without an ambassador in such difficult times.


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