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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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how do you see the way out of this crisis? i see this crisis much more broadly, it is not limited to ukraine and poland. in the war that putin directed to the detriment of the west, while carrying out a full-scale attack on ukraine, in my opinion, there were three main consequences: the first - the migration crisis, pushing the so-called migrants across the border with belarus, poland, lithuania and latvia. in order to destabilize the countries that were most ready and needed to help ukraine in its military efforts. the second is energy, which was solved most likely because the most affected party, the biggest player in the eu - germany, which has a long-standing relationship with russia and suffered due to its dependence on russia. it was a global crisis that needed to be resolved in solidarity. the third is the destabilization of world markets for agricultural products. the scope and scale of this problem.
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exceed the eu's ability to solve it, it is bigger, it is global, it is huge. we decided to open the markets because of the war and the desire to help ukraine. but i think we did not understand the scale of this problem. area average polish farmer 40 ha. the largest area in ukraine, as far as i know, is 1 million hectares. polish peasants supported poland during partitions, occupation, atrocities, and now they face a real chance to be just completely. these are family farms. solving this problem requires a real, global will. what is needed is an agricultural ramstein, as it is called. what would it look like? it is a coalition of countries willing to participate in this, probably the same or similar in scope to the ramstein coalition, which is larger than nato. ukraine was pushed out of traditional markets by russia. one of those
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markets was china, the other, as i recall, was india, which became brics, therefore more connected to russia. this is a political wave. president zelensky talks about 5% of ukrainian grain, but that is a lot. what can ukraine do now to put an end to this crisis. ukraine has done a lot by opening the way through the black sea. and this is extremely important. we have to strengthen the ability to keep it functioning so that this... route remains open. i know there are many efforts from turkey, bulgaria, romania. the ukrainians themselves have done a tremendous job on this, but perhaps it should be supported by the delivery of weapons. what is your main message in washington, where a very difficult situation has developed with aid to ukraine? adequate, timely supply of advanced weapons and ammunition is urgently needed. my messages are clear: russia must suffer.
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defeat in ukraine. i will not discuss what victory should be, what we can count as victory, whether a partial victory is enough or not? russia must be defeated in ukraine, otherwise no one can be sure of safety. one of the main arguments against supporting ukraine is that these are the problems of europeans, they say here. we can start something in the pacific ocean. for this we will need our weapons. they are trying to push europe to increase defense spending, this is reasonable, in fact, countries in another region, neighboring ukraine, countries began to increase them long before the large-scale invasion. poland is the de facto leader after the usa and all of nato. and yes, other countries should do the same. but i wouldn't advised all of us, ukraine in particular, to think about the fact that europe will be able to take over from the usa the protection of this extremely important territory, because europe, even with the necessary costs...
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must be protected by the transatlantic route. europe is not geopolitical enough. the experts i spoke with say that part of the problem with the lack of full support for ukraine lies in the lack of a comprehensive russian policy, they say that they do not help ukraine to win quickly, because they are afraid of the collapse of the russian federation. should they be afraid of it? no, russia started it war not because they are in power. a criminal is a country that, under any regime, be it tsarist russia, the soviet union, or the russian federation, exhibits neo-colonial or neo-imperial sentiments. it destroys ukrainian culture, deports children, forcibly gives them to russian parents for adoption, they say that the ukrainian nation does not exist. they arrange what meets the criteria of genocide. yes, i am aware of the concept that eventually, post-putin, there may be some modernization. some leaders. the liberal
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position may prevail, but they remain there the nations are in captivity, they want freedom, perhaps they will want federation later, but the people should not fear freedom. freedom is the foundation of the united states, why should people stop others from feeling free and independent? i know what the state department will tell you, because they've heard it many times, with nuclear weapons being spread out of control, they're afraid of it. well, yes, me too, me too, but isn't it better when putin has nuclear weapons, they are better controlled that way. here the main argument against aid to ukraine, which in particular voiced in the congress, why give money, because ukraine will not win, it is simply a lost investment. i do not agree, when ukraine had enough defense equipment, enough
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weapons, ammunition, there were signs of its victory. the longer the interruption in supplies, the harder it is to mobilize people. it is obvious. i believe in the possibility of victory. ukrainians don't have any. elections, they must win, they must win, and we don't have elections either, we need ukraine to win, we need to help ukraine win, otherwise we can disaster befall showing weakness is the worst attitude, the absolute worst attitude. watch the full version of the interview with the former minister of foreign affairs of poland on our youtube channel and the voice of america website in ukrainian. meanwhile , american intelligence believes that the war between russia and ukraine is at a crossroads, if the united states does not provide military aid to kyiv, the situation will change in favor of moscow. such intelligence assessments were announced at the hearing on march 11. more about possible scenarios and caveats
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american spies, let's talk with kateryna lisunova. hello katya. greetings maria. katya, what threats did the heads of the us intelligence agencies talk about in this annual report? the first threat was generally voiced as a confrontation with china, and the second threat was already voiced and described as russian aggression, so, according to the director of national intelligence of the united states of america, avril gaines, putin now believes that time is playing in his favor, and that in ukraine's defense armament is ending, and the west is getting tired of war. against this background russia is now investing more in its own military and nuclear capabilities and increasing cooperation with iran. i suggest you listen. putin is increasing defense spending, allocating a large percentage of gdp to military needs as he tries to rebuild them. this is due, among other things, to the fact that russia paid
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a huge price for the war in ukraine. russia suffered the largest military losses since world war ii, approximately 300,000 killed and wounded, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles. it. sets russia's power back years. according to putin, the accelerated entry of finland and sweden into nato requires the expansion of russia's ground forces. putin continues to believe that time is on his side and almost certainly assumes that a larger, better -equipped army will be the signal to go. this is important for him, because putin's strategic goals have not changed. katsua, this threat assessment from american intelligence comes at a time when congress cannot approve a package of... additional funding for national security needs, which, in particular, includes aid to ukraine. what could be the consequences if the legislators continue to delay? according to the words cia director william burns, there are now two developments. if ukraine does not receive additional aid, then this year we can see the loss of new territories from
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kyiv. at the same time, if ukraine will receive aid from the united states of america and partners, both this year and next year, then already at the end of 202024 and at the beginning. in 2025, we should expect the restoration of the territory, the return of the territory, and perhaps even negotiations with russia, but already in a position of strength on the part of kyiv. yes, also, according to the words director of the cia, the united states is fully prepared to continue helping ukraine while confronting other threats such as china, iran, and north korea. according to him, in general, assistance to kyiv will, on the contrary , be a positive signal for others. autocracies that, they say, the united states of america has enough power to oppose them. if ukraine falls, the consequences will be felt not only by ukrainians and european security, but also by the indo-pacific region.
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if we are perceived as a country withdrawing from support for ukraine, it is not only that will fuel doubts among our allies and partners in the indo-pacific region. it will fuel ambition. leadership that will lead to contingencies from taiwan to the south china sea. this is what i saw during my last visit to ukraine, this is what i think is at stake. for all of us. the truth is that ukrainians are not running out of courage and resilience, they are running out of ammunition, and we are running out of time to help them. katya, you already mentioned the possibility of negotiations with russia, and how does american intelligence consider the effectiveness of such possible negotiations. now there is a lot of talk about it and the question is being raised, in particular in congress, and according to the words of the head of the cia, william burns, russia at least... according to the results of the analyzes of american intelligence, it does not take the negotiations seriously, that is, it does not
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take the negotiations seriously, russia profitable negotiations only in the format of delaying time to their advantage, but not in the format of reaching some kind of compromise, the head of the cia stated this directly during the hearing. according to him, in order to force russia to true negotiations, it is necessary to provide assistance to ukraine so that ukraine can show certain victories, certain achievements. in particular at sea , in particular directly in crimea , according to him, and then it is worth expecting that it is possible to start negotiations with russia, but already from a position of strength and already from a position to which moscow itself will react seriously, i suggest listening to his statement from yesterday . according to our assessment, russia has no serious intentions to negotiate today, maybe they are interested in... negotiations, but not negotiations in the sense of a compromise. so if you
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look at the prospect of serious negotiations in the future, it is first of all important for ukraine, with our support, to dispel the illusions of the russian leadership, in other words, to undermine putin's confidence that time is on his side, to demonstrate that this war also has long-term consequences and for russia, they have already suffered great losses, their losses in... times more than the losses of the soviet union during the ten-year war in afghanistan. about 2/3 of the tanks they had before the war were destroyed. also long-term economic consequences that quickly turn russia into an economic vassal of china. today, russia is dealing with a much stronger and expanded nato. so, the challenge of 2024 is to help the ukrainians not just hold back, but also to continue inflicting losses so that the ukrainians are in a stronger position. and had more leverage for negotiations. thank you, katya, i
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would like to remind you that kateryna lisunova told us about the us intelligence assessments regarding russia's war against ukraine. and to other news. ukrainians are outraged that the organizers of the oscars cut the nomination from the international television version the best full-length documentary, in which the ukrainian film 20 days in mariupol won. at the request of voice of america, representatives of real entertainment explained that they are separate. categories and parts of the show could not be included in the 90-minute version due to time constraints. at the same time , they also noted that the selection of the nomination for the abbreviated version was determined in advance. and about how the participants of the ceremony reacted to the performance of director mstislav chernov, and how he prepared his speech, which moved many people so much. chernov told my colleague khrystyna shevchenko. "i felt the room was so quiet
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i could hear a pin hit the floor, it was the most quiet i've heard in that room during the whole ceremony so i feel like yes i was heard and a few people told me after ceremony that they cried and i was so happy to know that my words reached their hearts, i think the problem of modern society all over the world is indifference and overcoming this indifference is what filmmakers try to do, regardless of they work with documentary or fiction, this is what we are trying to do to overcome indifference, to reach a moment when people want to act on the problems of the world in which they live, and ukraine is one of the biggest challenges for the whole world. ukraine is a story, a tragic story that has affected the whole world, and we must continue. talk about it and everyone with whom i spoke,
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directors, actors, they expressed support for ukraine, they expressed concern about what is happening now, and this support for ukraine fails, that's what's in people's heads. before the ceremony, i received so many messages from ukrainians on my social networks, e-mails, they wrote: "we hope that you will make it to the stage." it wasn't about the oscar, it wasn't about the win or the statuette, they were saying we hope you'll be on this stage, we hope you can say this or that, so i had: so many offers, so many ideas from people from all over the country, about what to say, and it was actually quite difficult to decide what to say, there is so much things, and you have to put them in those 45 seconds that you have for the scene, until the last moment, i wasn't sure what i was going to say, i didn't want to plan because when people see that you're waiting, they know that it is staged to a certain extent, it is better when
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the moment of the performance inspires the words, ukrainians know how to fight for their freedom for thousands of years, so the oscar is a recognition of this strength, that courage and this fight for freedom, it is his symbol, like mariupol, and now we can see , that mariupol will never remain just a combination of letters or a word in news headlines. mariupol matters, there are real people behind it, and it will never be forgotten. photojournalist yevhen maloletka also arrived in mariupol within hours. before russia started bombing the city. he talks about how the international recognition of his work will help mariupol. you felt that it was an important story and you had to be there, well you made a decision to be there, then you had to follow that goal, and no, i don't know, at that
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moment i wasn't thinking about running away and so on, so i understood that something important will happen. what do you have to document, and if no one takes it down, then it's all me and it will be forgotten and no one will see it. for all of us, once again a reminder of the war, and this is a separate detail in the world, because we see that no one wants to hear what is happening in ukraine anymore, and this gives such a boost. and that, in principle, not everything is still ahead, and ukraine must win this war, and because the film is about the fact that there is always hope, people always approach, ask questions there, worry about ukraine there and say support, and we feel it, and indeed, well, such a recognition,
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it gives an understanding that there is support from the world. and that people will continue to support ukraine, and this is very important. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, russia has been recruiting mercenaries from asia and africa to participate in the war against ukraine. usually these are not professional soldiers, but wage-earners who are promised a high salary, russian citizenship and work in the rear for their service, but instead are sent to meat assaults. his family told the voice of america about how such a mercenary was recruited from nepal. from this village in the foothills of the himalayas to the trenches in the ukrainian donbass. gangad ggakalt siddharth says: her son went to russia in the summer of last year, he was supposed to enter the university. however, according to her, as soon as the boy arrived in russia, the broker who helped him stole all the money and disappeared. a 23-year-old man was left in the open thousands of kilometers from home. the woman says
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that when she last spoke with her son, he said that he was hungry, had nowhere to stay and did not know what... several months passed and already in december, a video of her son captured by ukrainian soldiers appeared on the internet, as it turned out the boy fought on the side of russia in ukraine. mom, dad, i'm here, i'm fine, i don't know what will happen to me in the future, there are many nepalese people in ukraine, i hope the government of nepal will hear this news, help will come as soon as possible. ganga does not know how to save her son. four or five months have already passed. i don't know what happened to my son, i don't know anything. please save me as soon as possible, ask everyone you know for help, mom. that's what i heard from him in the video. nepalese government officials say hundreds of their citizens have been recruited by russia as mercenaries and sent
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to the front in ukraine. now they are asking the russian government to return them home together with'. killed nepalis to bury them. nepal is informally considered a global hotspot for human trafficking. poor nepalese, compared to their regional neighbors such as russia, china and india, are attracted by high wages and venture into illegal migration. most of them work in low-skilled jobs, but now with the war in ukraine , they are taking up arms for money. bikram mala recently returned from serving in the russian army in ukraine. he says he wants to to return, because he needs money. to support the family? no one jumps into the fire unless they are forced to, it's all because of money, there is nothing in nepal, there are many nepalese. unemployed, and it is better to die there than here from hunger. bikram says he paid a broker $4,000 to help him
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join the russian army, but the salary he was paid is in an account in a russian bank, which he does not have access to in nepal. this is another reason why he wants to go back. ganga also says, that her family is now in debt, because they took a loan, sending their son, as they thought, to study in... yurii mamon, voice of america. thanks for watching voice of america, see you tomorrow, see you soon. there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. discounts on maridoz - 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on otrivin spray - 15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in
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les por muy bien. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone. good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. fierce fighting on the territory of russia.
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the rebels took control of the border settlements. how will rebel raids affect putin's election? ring exchange. germany can give taurus missiles to britain, and in return will strengthen ukraine with a new one. a storm shadow batch, will the replacement be equivalent? accession to the eu is delayed. approval of the negotiating framework may be delayed for several months. who stands in the way of ukraine to the european union? about this and other things, over the course of the next hour we will talk with glen grant, a politician, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs, retired ukrainian of the british army. in an hour, literally in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine andriy osachuk, oleksandr mereshko and ivana klympush tsinsadze on our air. however, before starting ours
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today's big one. conversation, let's watch a video of a raid by russian insurgents from the russian volunteer corps of the legion of freedom of russia and the siberia battalion in the belgorod and kursk regions of the russian federation. let's see.
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tanks are here, friends, throughout our program we conduct polls, we ask you today whether raids are bringing us closer to victory . rebels to the territory of the russian federation. if you watch us on youtube, please write the appropriate button yes, no, or your comment below this video. if you watch us on tv pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you think raids like this are bringing us closer to victory then call 0800-211 381 not 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end
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we will match the program. of this vote, i want to invite our first guest to our broadcast, this is pavlo klimkin, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations , mr. serhiy, as always glad to be with yours listeners and of course with you. mr. pavle , let's start with this story, which began to unfold before our eyes on march 12, when... fighters of the russian volunteer battalion, corps, or rather, the legion of freedom of russia, together with the siberia battalion , entered the territory of the russian federation, later the volunteers reported that , which took full control of tyotkino, it is in the kursk region, next to the sumy region, the deputy commander of the legion of freedom of russia , maksimilian andronikov, known as caesar, in an address to the russians, announced that the rebels
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have to... prevent putin from usurping power in the country in the future, let's listen to a small fragment of caesar. we are going to free you from poverty, poverty and fear, to free you from the dictatorship of the terrorist organization that seized power. to give your children a normal, civilized future without sanctions, without repression, without elections, without choices and without talking about important things, but... mr. pavle, do such raids by russian, i emphasize, russian volunteers on the territory of the russian federation bring our victory closer? well, that's the story, unfortunately long-term, it works, of course, in terms of creating a sense of insecurity, but
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an even greater sense... that the war must be on the territory of the russian federation, and that the russian regime will not succeed in transferring it to our territory, and the further it goes, the greater the scale will be, the logic and in fact the depth of this answer, but at the same time i have to unfortunately disappoint those who hope that all these stories will affect ... putin's election, i don't know if this is a presidential election in the classical sense, probably not, but putin's election , of course, yes, there i think that almost everything has already been planned, and at the very least, everything is definitely under control there these days, so this story is unlikely to start a wave of instability.


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