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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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in one go with the strong saw, just look at how quickly it can handle even thick branches, once it's done, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, it comes with a powerful battery, a wrench and a screwdriver, and charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call, attention, and be in time to buy comfort sneakers with a discount for only 399 uah a wide range of sizes from 36 to 46. four colors to choose from and incredible comfort. sneakers are perfect for both women and men. and basic colors will never go out of fashion. classic gray will complement modern images, white will suit bright and energetic, and blue or black will perfectly fit into any wardrobe. but hurry, they fly away incredibly quickly, because the diet. special sale price,
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will not be lower! comfort sneakers are made of ultra-durable material with a mesh structure. your legs will breathe freely even in hottest day the sneakers are elastic and sit on the leg with increased fullness. the sole perfectly absorbs when walking, and the innovative insole will provide additional comfort. feel the joy of movement in comfort sneakers. order at the sale price. only 399 hryvnias. call tired of yours. and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, more and reliable battery included, call now and order, free delivery is available, check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do it all in one go
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with a strong saw. just look how quickly she copes, even with thick branches. once and it's done. and unlike standard saws. it is so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499. with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants. a powerful strong saw is what you need. call premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger well what about ruslan osypenko diplomat expert internationalist now we will analyze the most important events of the last or last few days glory to ukraine mr. ros'.
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congratulations, glory to the heroes, congratulations, mr. antin, well, there are really a lot of events, but such a symptomatic event, this is a visit american senator, republican, lynsey graham to kyiv, his meeting with our president, and accordingly, certain messages received from lynsey graham. so, quoting the american senator now, the first 10 minutes. i spoke with the president of ukraine about the middle east, he looked at me a little confused, but marta and i already discussed this matter there, so to speak, well, nothing strange, that is, the war with the russian federation continues, difficult battles, lack of ammunition, we do not have enough american financial aid, and here lynsey graham, you know, a republican, one of the leaders, begins to tell us in ukraine about the situation in the middle east, well , i'm not surprised that the president looked at him a little puzzled. well, am i surprised that
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i watched a little, but there is a diplomatic protocol , and so linsey graham began to tell us that ukraine is a very blessed nation and has intelligent, energetic and creative people, we also do not deny this, but here too the interesting and important, noted that ukraine also has minerals, quoting graham, you have a lot of critical mineral resources, you have gas, you have one of the largest gas fields. in europe, the russians have occupied some of your gas fields, my goal is not only to free your country from the russians, but also to make sure that you can use the resources that god has given you. linsigram also mentioned the 380 billion bucks of frozen russian funds and spoke, so to speak, about a new formula. so, 60 billion american macrofins was not, should not have been given to us according to linzigram’s version, even if say free of charge. but it should be in the form
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of a loan, albeit an interest-free one, and here i am quoting now, i think it will be a new way of doing business, i think it will receive greater public support. support at home in the united states and so on, well, mr. ruslan , we would like to ask you to comment on this trend now, whether this is such a personal vision of lynsey graham, or after all he conveyed certain messages from the american visible and invisible political and economic establishment . well, i want to ask one question, it is sometimes not the linzigram that blocked the decision-making about aid to ukraine. it seems that he was there in the cohort of republicans who blocked aid to ukraine recently. i think that after that he simply lost the moral right to give out some recommendations and suggestions. we certainly thank the american people for the enormous
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help they gave to ukraine at a critical time, but the fact that the republicans , including one of them, linzi graham, turn this ship around and start talking about... loans, when we are protecting values , which america proclaimed and in general, this world is pax american, so that authoritarian regimes do not dictate the will of such as linzigram and and and in europe and in the united states, well, in general, where the free world exists, ukraine is now paying for it in blood and does not need any explanations , give us an explanation of what is happening there, help us materially, materially and with the army and... with military weapons, but i think that it should all come down to this, and not to recommendations, what we have there, what we have , which minerals are useful, we will find out, we know what there is, we know what we lack for for us to endure and survive as a ukrainian nation, i think that
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we need to concentrate on this, and to put it briefly, he came to reassure, i think, the political establishment of ukraine that everything will be fine, although there will be no help, or there will be loans , but everything will be fine. the loans will be, well, interest-free and at the proper level, is that not a fact too? and also not a fact, because, as i said before in my interviews, the republicans realized that this is a sensitive issue for the democrats, and they will delay as much as possible in any form of acceptance, making this decision about aid to ukraine, to reduce it and replace it with loans, but everything will be delayed, the deadline will be delayed, so it is better for ukraine not to... count on aid in the 24th year of the united states of america. oh, take it easy. sypenko, taking it for granted, so it would be , but you know, on the one hand, it is better to know how it will be and perceive things realistically than, we were already fascinated, thank you, there is no need
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to be enchanted again, but on the other hand, there was austin's statement on ramshtana today, he said that the united states and the coalition do not will allow ukraine to lose, the rhetoric is not too... dark, because earlier we heard a little more positive rhetoric, now it is about not allowing ukraine to lose, i don't know if it is right, i understand it for myself, but i have this feeling the feeling that the world is ready to give us exactly as much as it will allow us to hold out until, i don’t know, putin physically dies, let’s say, and some next head of the russian state comes, who may be more loyal and with whom it is possible to come to an agreement, or? it's still worth it think that the situation is developing is developing somewhere in this direction? i will tell you my vision of how the situation may develop, look at what i see and analyze from open sources what is happening: the united states did not just enter into an internal
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debate, they, i think, warned warned the europeans that the resources of the united states on all the conflicts that moscow is currently igniting. together with tehran, it will not have enough resources, i think the experts have already calculated this, and they are focused on containing china and not allowing a takeover taiwan, because it is the geopolitical underbelly of the united states, look what efforts even the current democratic administration of the united states of america has made, they have formed an alliance, japan, south korea, they have strengthened relations with australia, they are hosting, hosting. military production of its missiles in japan and australia , that is, the attention of the united states of america went there , at the same time we see how europe is taking responsibility for security in europe, and we also saw positive decisions regarding ukraine, several in a row, and 50 billion euros
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of financial aid and 5 billion for the peace fund of the european union, and the czech initiative, help with breakfasts, this means that the distribution of answers took place. alities in areas in the world: europeans for european security, americans for the asia-pacific region, containment, containment of china, plus what i said before. before that, no, you should not expect help from the united states, why? because option b is being considered with frozen assets of russia, and somewhere a year ago it was said that if there is not enough potential, then we have option b, which is the frozen assets of russia, then we will actively consider something and make a decision on this issue, although it is unpopular, because it actually undermines the foundations of capitalism. of the leafy order, about private property, if you take away someone's private property, you
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are undermining the foundations on which the construction of your capitalism, the free world, is based in general, and then they were reluctant to talk about this plan b, but now in connection with this redistribution, with due to the fact that resources are limited, there is a recession in europe, and there are no resources in the states either enough, they say that we can only give credit, and you see how it resonates in society, society supports it, it means that there is not enough. resources on several problem points, that's why linzi graham , by the way, started talking about the middle east, that now our attention is also focused there, and we have china, we have a lot of problems, we understand that you have your own war , and we have more problems around the world, because we look strategically at the development of the situation around the world, and therefore it was not clear to us, because for us the most important thing is our war, not that the united states lacks resources for some other war. that's why this redistribution of responsibility took place, and europe
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will do more for us, and the united states will step aside, that's why i said that we shouldn't count on help, that's why yes, that's what i said and did so loudly, they calmed down, that's why reassured once again, today you just like, i don’t know, how a pint of a liter coughed, you know what, that’s not a comment, it’s so calming, what do you understand, the hair starts to move on the head, by the way about linsigram. whatever you do, linsigram declared, you have to fight, no matter what we do, what we do, you fight for yourself, that is , you see how he clearly, so to speak, begins to moor a little bit, their interests are our interests and so on and so forth, but if you touched on a very important story, the help from the european community, france, which is more likely to try on certain flagship, i don't know, call it a flagship tunic. well, not sure, well, but president macron gave very interesting
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signals, it is not a question of whether they will send, they will not send, under what conditions they will send auxiliary contingents, well, but france seems to have indicated very clearly, on the other hand, you know, as in that anecdote, that is, france is a strong country, but a little light when we talk about its real readiness to oppose and drag other states along with it in a confrontation with russia, possibly an armed confrontation. as for france? speaking of france, i think france was just ahead of its time and said about those things that were discussed behind closed doors among the europeans, while not consulting with the same germany there, when they always consulted there on strategic issues, and now we saw that we saw a geopolitical configuration like this, when the division took place, redistribution. responsibility for the spheres of influence in the world between the united states and europe, and the europeans
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realized that it is necessary to strengthen their strategic autonomy, because they cannot rely on the united states anymore, they do not they can wait for the 25th year, who will come there , occupy the presidential chair and then announce, for example, an isolationist foreign policy, well then they will simply be faced with the fact that they need to urgently find resources and do something , time is running out. and they lost the 24th year, hoping that there would be help from the united states, that they would also protect the europeans in solidarity there. therefore, we see the revival of the weimar triangle, which did not work since the 90s, because poland oriented also in europe, as a european country in the united states, and now they also understood, after the trip of duda and tusk to the united states of america, look, a meeting of the weimar triangle immediately took place, what statements were made there, to strengthen... the stability of ukraine, and what this means? this means that by strengthening the stability of ukraine, they
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are helping, gaining time for themselves, for europe, so that europe gets out of the price, launches the military industry, launches its own armies, rebuilds, because they are no longer sure whether the fifth article of nato will work , and the united states, or will be ready to help them, so you will see in all statements that security, responsibility for security in europe, we take upon ourselves. we have, that is, the europeans have taken responsibility for security upon themselves, and this means that the role of ukraine has also changed, and that is why there is this positive, after the negative or realistic data that i said... that europe will now provide ukraine with everything possible and impossible, everything will speed up and increase, that is , both military and financial aid, because not because they love ukraine very much, but because ukraine lives its soldiers and the armed forces give the europeans time to deploy their capacities, the military industry, armies, to carry out and finish the reforms that they did not carry out in
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various sectors, and therefore help will go here with shells, and there with military equipment, aircraft. you see, in the month of july, we will have such a cumulative effect, look, before july we still have may, so to speak, and there is also an extremely important swiss peace conference, and the chinese have agreed to participate as observers there, i don't know if this is a plus or not in the minus, well, that is, the chinese too now they have completed one preparatory tour, when we talk about their lihui, yes, but we understand that the preparations for xijin ping's visit to the european continent are underway, you have my word, this is a maneuver regarding china's participation in the peace conference, they understand that this is an important issue for us, and they make their participation conditional on the fact that they will come to this conference when we give the opportunity to sit down at the transition table for russia, and if we give the opportunity for russia to sit down at the first conference, we
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will be dragged into negotiations when we are in a weak position position, this is exactly what putin was striving for. starting from july there or from june 23 , he was conducting an operation to strengthen his position and weaken ours, and for him the window of opportunity runs from march to june somewhere to may, and it is precisely on these dates that this peace conference falls , and that's why we will be under pressure from all angles to sit at the transition table, that's why we saw a whole constellation of mediators there who jumped out at the same time, you know, somewhere around the corner there is a chinese representative and... and turkey offers a platform, and switzerland offers a peace summit, and the pope speaks, i have not yet heard from the president of brazil, and the president of the republic of south africa, and that would be a full set of second round, you know, mediators who want to sit at the negotiating table, this a window of opportunity that is closing for moscow, because the result of the operation carried out both on the front and in the information sphere, they stopped helping
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us, they defeated informationally in terms of what they sowed, let's say, erosion, did, of this euro-atlantic solidarity, that is, they weakened the front, which stands behind ukraine, in terms of financial assistance, political support there, they demonstrated that they seized the initiative on the battlefield, they held elections, that is, they are in a strong position and now from a strong position they are forcing us there under any what angles to sit down at the transition table. when we retreated, when we are uncertain about our further assistance and many other issues, for them this is a window of opportunity of two or three months, if they do not take advantage, in july we will have a strong position on the contrary, and they will lose their strong position, thank you, thank you, very clear and extremely important analysis. ruslan osypenko, diplomat, international expert, was in touch with us, so now we're going to take a short
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break, after which we'll talk about an extremely important story, about the faces of the war. so wait, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 hryvnias, also reliable battery included. call now and order, free delivery is available, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all in one go, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes, even with thick branches, once and done , and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, it comes with a powerful
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battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants. a powerful strong saw is what you need, call. attention, promotion. be in time to buy comfort sneakers at a discount, for only uah 399. a wide range of sizes from 36 to 46, four colors to choose from and incredible comfort. sneakers are perfect for both women and men. and basic colors will never go out of fashion. classic gray will complement. modern images: white will suit bright and energetic, and blue or black will fit perfectly into any wardrobe, but hurry, they fly out incredibly fast, because there is a special sale price, lower b... will not be made comfort sneakers made of super durable material, mesh structure, your feet will breathe freely even on the hottest day. the sneakers are elastic and
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sit on the leg with increased fullness. the sole perfectly absorbs when walking, and the innovative insole will provide additional comfort. feel the joy of movement in comfort sneakers. order at the sale price, only uah 399. call there are discounts on lactacyt 25%. 10% in the pharmacies psarynyk, vam and oskad, there are discounts on karsil 15% in the pharmacies psarynyk, ban and oskad. see this week in the collaborators program. how a doctor from mariupol treated wounded ukrainian soldiers. during hostilities, many
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ophthalmologists left mariupol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, march 19 at 5:45 p.m. on tv vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters , which for many have become like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united
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football together stronger. meanwhile , a ukrainian exhibition opened in mexico poster female face of war. an exhibition of nine opened in a french house in mexico city. ukrainian poster artists the woman, the face of war. yes, we will talk about this and other things with olesya drashkaba, artist and curator, co-founder of sunsyt art. glory, glory to ukraine, mrs. olesya, congratulations. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. well, let's be glad that our, so to speak, tireless painters and artists have reached mexico, right? and this, i say without any irony, we understand that mexico is a powerful country, it is a big a country that has an influence on... the american election campaign, no less than russian aggression against ukraine and so on and so forth, and accordingly we would immediately ask you to describe, so, what this exhibition is,
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how difficult it was to organize and in general, what goes on in the minds of average mexicans, we realize that we know about mexico about as much as mexico knows about us, yes, yes, thank you for the invitation, in fact, it was really important for us. er, to exhibit this exhibition in mexico city, and we are very grateful to the ukrainian to the embassy of mexico and the french cultural center, and our partners here, the ukrainian institute, the revival fund, resilience ukraine, for the fact that we got there and the works got there, and they were exhibited in the center of mexico city, really in such a prominent place, ah , a popular city. and we had big student tours, there were journalist tours, there were curator tours, and in fact it was really very powerful and very
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important, because we had the opportunity to talk to ordinary mexicans and tell them how we live here, and from such angle, which was important for us, not a news one, but to make an angle through art, because mexico is a very... artistic country, very authentic, and precisely because of a woman, the main activities there took place on the eighth of march, it is a very powerful day in mexico city, a huge women's march is taking place, and women of all ages, all of all wealth come in this lilac color and pass through the center of the city, and we talked with them about... in ukraine, it's women's posters, mestkin, poster artists, and the curatorial exhibition divided into parts such as that is, we are talking about both a military woman and
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a woman. a mother and a pregnant woman, and a volunteer, and a woman who is expecting, and the first thing i can say is that we understood a lot of empathy and understanding, because a woman in mexico also has a very difficult life, and they are very clear our questions about refugees and children in dangerous areas where children are abducted, mexico city is very bad... children are kidnapped and generally throughout mexico, they understood this, well, if only this pain of a ukrainian woman, and this faith in victory and in general hope for the future, and we had such very powerful panels with mexican female artists, who, for example , are interested in our events, that is, what can i say, they know about our war, we need
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to talk about... from our perspective, of course, because russian propaganda is very powerful in mexico , tell me a little more , it’s an extremely interesting story, but they have such sentiments towards the soviet union, and of course, because of this, russia, which is now appropriating this brand of the soviet union, enters into ... ganda and latina through it america, and to africa and generally to the global south. the exhibition, by the way, the womanly face of war was also in south africa, and we also encountered it there, and on the one hand, we encountered it in such a way that people hear us, understand us, but it is just good that we tell them this not in the language of news, but in the language of history and art, because they
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are ready to have us... because if you go into the field of politics with them, they start there, as if their fantasies, and if we talk about stories, talk about real facts, talk about how people live, tell stories, give examples, then they actually hear, and it was such a very important moment for us, in fact, and again, we are very grateful. to our embassy, ​​who work a lot, and they have connections with the media, with such mexican opinion leaders and work with the base mexican audience, not only if from the diaspora. thank you, mrs. olesya, it was very interesting to learn about how ukrainian women try to convey information, the truth about the war in ukraine, even so far from the border.
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of our country olesya drashkaba, artist, curator, co-founder of sunset art was in to our airwaves, well, we will actually soon pass the floor to the news, but before that i would like to say that boris pistorius, the minister of defense of germany, announced that their country will provide ukraine with aid worth 500 billion euros, and belgium too, within the framework of ramshtein, she said that she would allocate for ukraine additional 412 melnyk, who is already ready to share the most relevant and important information with us, please tell us what this issue will actually be about. thank you, colleagues, this is an issue of the initial situation in the kherson region, there are
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muscovites. threw explosives directly at people. they dropped explosives from a drone just on a car with people. the russians attacked civilians at the entrance. to the village of osokorivka in the kherson region , the regional military administration informed, doctors are providing assistance to a man and a woman. in bilopilla, kherson oblast the russians hit a critical infrastructure facility. there were problems with water supply in the city - said the head yuriy zarko. in a public comment. residential buildings were also damaged, information about ...


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