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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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uro helps to restore control over urination both day and night minost uro - urination under control, ask in pharmacies, try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are 20% discounts on mikrolax in the psyllanyk bam and oskadno pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. it is putin and kirill, the fsb and the russian orthodox church at the epicenter of the great spy scandal in germany. why is the ukrainian government stretching the russian orthodox church? thank god,
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there are a lot of hackers today who are not satisfied with the russian regime both inside russia and in ukraine. how many members of the bundestag are suspected of treason. bydlo ragulske surrounds you, and in principle, they are only afraid of power, you show it, and they are afraid. what unites them with the alleged vice president of the united states of america and putin's favorite propagandist takar karlson. well, it's probably such a, you know, sectarian environment. he arrived in kyiv, the united states, on a secret visit. special agent ruska vemir. kremlin's global special operation in order to maintain its subversive and intelligence network, the upcmp is approaching its climax. in april 23, russian propaganda exploded with enthusiasm. allegedly , the european union saw how the moscow patriarchate was mocked in ukraine. and who said that? this was said by bundestag deputy harald wael. where on a solid stand in paris.
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the ukrainian state is now taking measures against the orthodox church, the russian patriarchate, demolition of churches, damage to churches, disruption of church services, insult or humiliation and obstruction of believers who go to church. the orthodox church of the russian patriarchate declares that the violence against their objects must be stopped. and although harold weil read the text on the rostrum, in fact it was only a formality, because this text was written. in the fifth service of the federal security service of russia in the fsb. journalists of the german spiegel conducted an investigation and proved it. journalists published a hacked correspondence between the curator of the german deputy in berlin and his manager in moscow, who was sent a video of the pair's performance as confirmation of the work done. accepted, excellent - answered alexey and immediately clarified: what will happen on the polish topic? among the authors of this material. the famous
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investigator hristo groziv. i know hristo groziv very well, we all remember his investigation into the poisoning of navalny. he investigated the scandalous story of the wagnerites, who were not arrested in ukraine, although they could have been. and i spoke with him not so long ago, just before the full-scale invasion, when we discussed the topic of blowing up warehouses with weapons in the czech republic. and now hristo groziv is investigating how the fsb saves russia church in ukraine. the story began with an investigation. to the influence of the fifth service of the fsb on the entire post-soviet region, and just when we learned that it was the fifth service that engaged in the recruitment of ukrainian citizens before the start of the war. of course, this became a very important investigation for us. we have been doing this for two years, there will be more investigations, but one of these lines of investigation led us to this former citizen of ukraine. can it be called that? i will tell how the fsb
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recruits famous politicians in germany, i will tell you how and how much they are paid, for what, who are given tasks, but first let's understand the actors of this drama. alexey, who is mentioned in the hacked correspondence , is a pseudo-curator of a german network of fsb agents. his real name is ilya vichtomov, a colonel of the fsb of the russian federation. ilya vichtomov from moscow communicates with volodymyr sergienko in berlin. here, for example, they are discussing the transfer scheme. money alexey asks a german non-governmental organization: can we transfer money? details are required. sergiyenko answers: yes, we can transfer to ndo germany. now i will find out from the auditor. volodymyr sergienko is 53 years old, he is a former resident of lviv, but he has been living in germany since 1991, he received german citizenship in 2000. everyone calls himself a political scientist, but in reality he is a typical kremlin propagandist and spreads russian narratives. in order to bring together
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the yalta conference two, the third world war is needed. there is a need for a complete redistribution of the world. my thesis is that... yalta 2 will happen, and it will be like after the second world war, in this case, like after the third world, the complete division of all spheres of influence on this planet, they learned to defend their nazi or nationalist rights in a modern european way, bastards, falcons, these are the ones who could stop you and simply ask, why don't you speak ukrainian with us, and what are you toy-wo, in general , this lviv pronunciation is such a toy-wo, when this cattle surrounds you and... in principle, they are afraid, you are only showing strength and they are afraid, this city must be hidden. but this same volodymyr sergienko in 2014, under the walls of the russian embassy, ​​participates in the ukrainian rally against the annexation of crimea and aggression in donbas. the russian ambassador does not have the courage
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to come out here today and say: "no, guys, we will not go to war against you. i don't want my child in 10 years to know that there live enemies who yesterday were my brothers." this is one of the tricks of the kremlin's special services: they integrate their agents into ukrainian movements in order to sabotage and spread ideas beneficial to moscow. at that time , sergiyenko was very worried that the west would not start helping ukraine with weapons. the ukrainian people can handle it themselves hold a referendum thank you. we don't need help in the form of rockets, body armor, or large-caliber machine guns. mobilization was announced today. it is quite likely that he was recruited a long time ago, and was used precisely to introduce and create such a patriot who really works against the interests
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of ukraine. this may be so, we also recently received internal plans of the fsb regarding the destabilization of western europe, it specifically says: a cover-up in order to carry out russia's policy under the leadership of the federal security service. volodymyr sergienko is an assistant to bundestag deputy eugen schmidt. eugen schmidt - aka yevgeny schmidt - a cossack of german origin. member of the bundestag from the pro-russian alternative for
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germany party. harold weil, who voiced an anti-ukrainian statement in defense of the moscow patriarchate, is also from the adn faction. another member of their party, markus frohnmayer, before the invasion often visited the annexed crimea and occupied donbas, flew to moscow, spoke at pro-kremlin conferences, and even married a journalist from izvestia. at first, it may seem that the influence on three deputies supposedly does not solve anything, but in fact, a whole faction is working for russia, an alternative for germany, a completely pro-russian faction in the german parliament. yes, now they have no influence, only the fifth, but all the ratings show that they have a chance to overtake scholz's social democrats in the next election. and become the second largest faction in the german parliament. the german government was frightened by the growing popularity of the alternative for germany today. and, apparently, someone has the thought was born: "let's tie an alternative for germany to the kremlin." another representative of the alternative for germany, urich
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olme, even wrote a letter to the pope of rome with a request to stop the abuse of christians in ukraine. in fact, deputy eugen did not write any letter. wrote fsb agent sergienko on april 12, 2023, he submitted it to his curator in moscow for approval, it was published already on april 14 under eugene's signature. but pay attention to the extent of the activity of the russian church in ukraine, it is important for the kremlin how they take care of it, how they raise this issue in virtually all platforms. and interestingly, those deputies who most protect the russian church, at least in germany, are the biggest supporters of the ban on delivery. tanks of ukraine. in the spring of 2023, volodymyr sergienko proposed to his supervisors a scheme to disrupt the supply of tanks to ukraine. to do this, deputies from the alternative filed a lawsuit to the federal constitutional court. formal reason: the government did not agree its decision with the parliament, although it did not
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necessary. sergienko wrote to moscow: in any case, the tanks will be delivered much later, or a court injunction will be adopted. for this case, the fsb agent requested 25 thousand euros every month. to pay for the services of lawyers for two to three months and another 10,000 for representative expenses, totaling about 100,000 euros. after a journalistic investigation of statements about the oppression of the moscow patriarchate. among german politicians actually stopped, volodymyr sergienko even had his pass to the bundestag taken away and an internal investigation started. you can to say that it is a happy ending, but it is not. only one tumor was excised, but there are many tumors, and there are metastases. takar carlson, whom we remember from the interview with putin, although later he himself called some fragments of this interview the dumbest thing he had heard in his life, here he is, who is one of the candidates for the position of vice president united states of america. also suddenly became a defender of the moscow church in ukraine. these photos of poor
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quality seem to be from spy movies, they were taken in kyiv at the end of february. why so? because the visit is secret, and this man is the key a person of russian and pso in the united states of america. robert amsterdam, one of the most expensive american lawyers and internationalists. lobbyist william burkwhite also works for him. these are the key people behind the spread of misinformation. about the persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church in the usa. this is all official information. scam activity in the united states is regulated by law. and william berkuwhite, in the declaration on the registration of a foreign agent submitted to the us department of justice, indicated that he represents the interests of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. for that year, he received $700. but why are uoc lobbyists in the united states of america and who finances robert amsterdam. in fact, this person in ukraine is very. productive for russia,
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but i think that this topic is so much that i think that definitely russia plays a role in this story, we know that they actively promoted this topic in the un security council. vadym novinskyi, a russian, was born in the novgorod region, received ukrainian citizenship during the reign of viktor yanukovych, was twice elected as a people's deputy, anti-deacon of the russian orthodox church in ukraine since 2020, involved in criminal proceedings by the sbu for the fact of aiding the aggressor state, novinsky is the owner of one of the most powerful advocacy groups in ukraine, smart holding, engaged in gas and oil, metallurgy and mineral extraction. built a huge temple in the moscow architectural
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style near the olimpiyskiy sports complex in kyiv. together with renat akhmetov, he runs agricultural projects, the owner of the veres trademark. after the invasion, the head offices of smart holding and reigal petroleum were searched. novinsky's lawyer in these cases is the same robert amsterdam. the oligarch left ukraine for 10 days before the beginning of the great war. currently , he serves in the churches of the russian orthodox church. what i do is a separate conversation altogether. in 2022, the entire leadership of the moscow church in ukraine flew to germany to meet with its main sponsor, to discuss how exactly the russian orthodox church is allegedly being persecuted in ukraine. the famous theologian kyrylo govorun. he claims that there is a huge disinformation campaign in the united states of america for the purpose of support. of the russian church in ukraine in order to tell about the alleged repression against this church, this church is shown as a church
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a martyr, almost like jesus christ, who finances all this? a famous ukrainian of russian origin. amsterdam's goal is very simple to make money, he's a lawyer, he, it's his business. novinsky's goal, of course, is to protect and preserve the status quo for the uoc in ukraine. this is his goal. he pays money to amsterdam for it. all this is done by absolutely dirty methods. here is metropolitan longin of the russian orthodox church, see what big bruises he has under his eyes. at first, the russian church said that these bruises were caused by the fact that he simply fell. who said that? many of theirs hierarchs, and the odesa diocese, and the metropolitan of the russian orthodox church from sumy-evlogii. but suddenly the victim after the fall claims that he was beaten. everyone knows that i'm in the hospital, that i'm sick. the pills made me dizzy, i fell twice , i was hit in the same place, don't believe, brothers and
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sisters, that i fainted and fell, i fell after the impact, for two years you beat us, old women, take away our temples , you are dividing the ukrainian people, and we have become second-class people, and you promised to remove me. why did the shows change so quickly? first there was a fall, it turned out to be a beating. russian curators and fsb officers decided to take advantage of an ordinary household incident in order to use. for this in anti-ukrainian propaganda. but thank god that the doctors, when they saw them, said: master, you have a completely different head structure. if it were like all people, you would no longer be alive. after the beating of longen, the police opened criminal proceedings for the beating. and everyone has already forgotten that in fact he is a figure in a completely different criminal case
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proceedings in which he is accused of religious enmity. and there are many such examples of manipulation. we remember the situation in the village of zadubrivtsi, where the russian church refused to mourn the fallen soldier, a domestic fight broke out, the victim of the fight turns out to be the victim of the persecution of the russian church, and russian propaganda uses this massively and widely. the ukrainian government has now banned an entire christian denomination, and virtually no one in the united states has said anything about it, except for amsterdam. is an attorney representing this denomination. 5 years ago the ukrainian authorities created the so-called autocephalous church, an independent church. this church, called the ocu, is waging an absolutely brutal, unlimited campaign of property theft, persecution, intimidation and imprisonment of clergy. it is surprising that in the 21st
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century, a country that wants to join the eu prohibits re'. this completely false interview was watched by 50 million viewers and most of them in the united states of america. well, it would seem that it is not much, because the interview with putin by takar carlson was viewed by 250 million. this conversation with carlson, it took place in quite an important moment for ukraine, when this epic was just beginning in congress with a vote on whether or not to allocate aid to ukraine, and unfortunately, it played its part in making those who sought. an excuse to delay aid for ukraine, they found this excuse in the arguments of amsterdam, they want these arguments, as i said, they are very crude, they are often manipulative, but the damage from this interview is enormous, and vadym novinsky is paying for this damage, what is the point , they claim that religious people are allegedly being persecuted in ukraine organization, it is not so, because the russian orthodox church is not
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a religious organization, it is a unit of the fsb, a public organization that harms our national security, and there is a lot of evidence. this criminal activity was collected by the security service of ukraine. but for american viewers, for the american public, it appears as if christianity in general is being persecuted in ukraine. and when religious freedoms are restricted in ukraine, as anti-ukrainian lobbyists claim, why give such a country weapons and help financially? trump's son uses just that anti-ukrainian rhetoric. zelensky bans the ukrainian orthodox church, his government also raided ukrainian orthodox... churches and arrested priests, but this was only the beginning: are the visits of takar carlson to moscow and amsterdam connected to kyiv, especially since in the interview putin also told carlson about the alleged persecution of the church in ukraine. why, why is the ukrainian government stretching the russian orthodox church. because it
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unites not the territory, but the soul. and the soul. and no one will be able to share it, strange coincidence: amsterdam flew to kyiv , right after carlson's meeting with putin, he was immediately taken from the station to the head of the russian church in ukraine , unufria, and then he found time to talk with one of, so to speak, the most intellectual members of the ukrainian parliament artem dmytruk. i am being ironic, of course, because dmytruk is known for being one of the most ardent defenders of the russian church in ukraine. but it was still not possible to hide the lawyer's visit. i had to quickly come up with a reason for coming. said robert amsterdam collects evidence of mp prosecution for international court. exalted
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supporters of the russian church were very comforted and showered blessings on the american in social networks. some openly rejoiced that ukraine. now he will definitely not get a weapon, because robert is not just anyone, but an inspector who checks the observance of human rights. of course, no one will collect any evidence, propaganda does not need any evidence. amsterdam came to kyiv with a completely different purpose. he is a lawyer, maybe he wants to represent the russian church in international courts? no, because no international courts for the protection of the russian church in ukraine actually exist. the only purpose of his arrival was something else, it was the protection of the russian world, and the russian church in... so, as of now , we have a powerful octopus, in the center of which is vadym novinsky and the moscow patriarch onufriy, next to him is a high-class international lawyer. ot amsterdam and the star of trumpist propaganda takar carlson, as well as the influential lobbyist william burkwhite. they spread misinformation and try to influence senators and
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us congressmen, as well as ukrainian people's deputies. the ultimate goal is to preserve the structures of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. if my law had been passed a year ago, at a time when there was huge public support, at a time when the security service of ukraine was actively countering the enemies in cassocks, there would not have been a lot of trouble, there would not have been carlson's interview with putin about the russian church , there would be no speeches by pro-russian deputies in pairs, no visits to amsterdam, no shaking of public opinion in europe, in the united states, and in general everywhere in the world, with slandering ukraine, which allegedly restricts religious freedoms. when our majority did not want to vote for my bill, i and my colleagues from the opposition factions decided to support the government's. he is toothless, he is nothing at all, he does not protect anyone. but still, it is a declarative, but a step to ban the russian church, so we voted for it and decided to finalize it in the committee. i am trying to implement in this
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draft law, at least a significant part of the clauses of my draft that actually prohibit activities of the russian church, and will turn the government bill into an effective one. and so on march 5, the specialized committee of the parliament accepted some of my fundamental proposals, although not all, but the most principled deputies worked on this law. project in working groups, discussed each amendment persistently, sometimes agreed, sometimes not, but found a compromise in order for the draft law to be effective. first, the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine are prohibited. second, the activities of religious organizations affiliated with the russian orthodox church will cease if they do not sever ties with the church of patriarch kirill. such an algorithm would protect national security and at the same time would not encroach on freedom of religion. the procedure for establishing ties with... the oc is spelled out as transparently as possible, it will not be possible to cheat, and the main thing is that for the first time a legal definition of the term russian peace is given, and there will also be sanctions for its propaganda. colleagues, who
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is in favor of recommending to the verkhovna rada to consider draft law number 8371 in the second reading and as a whole, taking into account the amendments approved by the committee in the comparative table. please vote. buturaev for. knyazhytsky for. zzulin for. kravchuk for. mashkov for, thank you, nalyotov for, thank you, thank you, yes, colleagues, who is against? who resisted? thank you, colleagues, the decision was adopted unanimously. i congratulate you on the passage of this very important legislation in committee. can we now say that robert amsterdam's mission failed? too early. the final decision will be taken by the parliament, possibly this month. and certainly the lobbyists of the russian world and its church. will use all their efforts to defeat the bill. our war is not only a matter of the armed forces of ukraine, although they are heroically defending our future, heroically reclaiming ukrainian
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territories and protecting each of us. our war and our victory is really everyone's business, first of all the authorities and society. society feels this, that is why it is at war with the russian church in ukraine. i feel enormous support in ukrainian society and much less support in politics, especially in the pro-government one. and this is extremely bad, because if we do not ban the russian church in ukraine, then it will be used by russia federation to destroy the country from the inside, will be used and is being used now. why is the government inactive? why do these amsterdams, william berkuvayts, other lobbyists of the russian church, official lobbyists go to ukraine and have not become personamgratas in ukraine. why isn't the government doing anything to stop it? i believe that... when we adopt the government bill with my amendments, i believe that we will adopt it, although the fight against it is raging, we will be able to take a very important step to
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ban the russian church as an enemy public organization that harms our national security. it is interesting that this church is activated precisely when the russian army is activated at the front. i talked about all this in the film church without christ, it is on this youtube channel, subscribe to it, on the youtube channel and watch my film. it will definitely be interesting and useful for you to watch. and what do you think about lacalut fix? does it fix reliably? did my dentist advise me? yes, and particles of food do not get under the prosthesis. and the price is good, the right choice for me pensions lacalot fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. so, your choice is lacout fix. there are discounts on spazmal tablets 15% in pharmacies , plantain is more economical for you and the joints are so piercing, it does not allow you to move, in the pharmacy i
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations to everyone, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel. together, beraber. we are talking
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about the currently occupied crimea, and khrystyna yatskiv and ayder mozhdabay welcome you. salam aleikum. salam aleikum. khrystyna mikhano. alaykum salaam. well, i would probably like to start with a reminder that the holy month of ramadan, sacred for all muslims in the world, is going on. and, it is extremely important that new joint ventures are being born in ukraine. are related with this tradition, on march 25, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, together with... ukrainian military personnel who practice islam, leaders of the mejalis of the crimean tatar people, and representatives of the muslim community and clergy, took part in an iftar, a dinner held during the holy month of ramadan for muslims, a dinner the breaking of fast, as i understand it , yes, yes, it is an evening when relatives and friends gather, and it was very warm, by the way, the commander of the 48th oshb, lina roslemevna, told me that they had a very fruitful
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conversation with the president already outside the cam. off-screen, and everything was very sincere , and the award was given, and probably someone has already seen the video award ceremony, where the president awarded 19 people there with his decree, which he awarded precisely on march 25, and among them, they are all heroes and i know some of them from 15 2018, from the blockade of crimea, and 13 of those awarded were from... the 48th , a separate assault battalion, and they were awarded orders, and 12 soldiers and one medal for military service in ukraine were awarded third-degree orders for courage , especially i want to note that for the first time in the history of ukraine , absolutely for the first time in the history of ukraine, a woman
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, a representative of the indigenous people of crimea, became an order bearer , so it is correct to say, yes , a military order bearer of ukraine, this is elizara vililyayeva, a junior sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, a person who is boundless brave, and whom we just really, really appreciate, respect, and i congratulate elsa khanim, with the award, here we see the frame of the awarding, it was very... it was solemn, and this person, i know, he is not from our current unit, on the other hand, there were blockades for a long time, these are our guys from the 48th, well, all our guys, there is nothing to say here, there were also chechen fighters of the armed forces of ukraine from different units, but here is mrs. elizara, who...


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