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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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what do they think about the mobilization, how much do they lack the military, what can you say? well, for the whole, for the entire mobilization process in the country, of course, i cannot say, but if we take our brigade in particular, then we are currently running such a large-scale recruiting program, we have organized and made a website where you can independently choose your military special' which is close to your civilian, that is , we rationally use the experience of people so that they help as much as possible within our brigade, you can also apply for phone number of this recruiting center, but you can also come to this center live in the city of dni. you can find all this on
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the internet, our website, that is, this program is ongoing, and we call on all specialists to join, now all specialties, all specialists are needed, that is, we invite everyone, whether you hope for mobilization or not , do you hope for mobilization or not, for the mobilization law? are you following this story as it develops? well, look, the law on mobilization is a law on mobilization, now we are trying to somehow go an alternative way until this law does not work, and we are now doing everything possible and impossible, so that before the adoption of this law, or when it is already adopted, that is, to attract as many people as possible to our brigade, this is a very frequent story when
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a recruiting center is created at the base... of each separate brigade, so we have already raised this topic several times, thank you very much, serhiy okishev, senior soldier and representative of the public relations service of the 25th brigade, which is located in the bdiiv region. thank you. sap and naboo reported on the exposure of an organized group that seized the money of ukrzaliznytsia for the purchase of transformers at... prices, it is about almost uah 95 million. according to the investigation, this arrangement took place already during a full-scale war, the group was headed by a former adviser to the president's office, according to the investigators. law enforcement agencies do not name the suspects, and however, according to a number of ukrainian media, in particular economic truth, our money both, artem shilo is among the detainees, he is the former head of the main counterintelligence department protection interests of the state in the sphere
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of economic security of the sbu. let us listen to the statements of sap and naboo, and then proceed. from june to december 2022 , the leader of the group, through controlled officials of jsc ukrzaliznytsia, secured the election of a predetermined company as a supplier of power transformers at an inflated cost. in particular, he organized the preparation and sending of a letter to uze regarding threats to state security. special, which became the basis for rejecting the offers of other procurement participants with significantly more favorable prices conditions it was established that the transformers themselves were purchased through the gasket company from the manufacturer, which was partially owned by legal entities from the russian federation and were resold at double the inflated price. so far, the leader, co-organizer and two members of the organized group have been detained. head of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office. oleksandr
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klymenko, in a comment to the mirror of the week , confirmed the information that it was mr. shill, artem shill, who was detained. and what is officially known about him? well, since 2012, he worked in the sbu, he resigned in 2021, well, or his released as part of another, so to speak, cleaning of the service. and in the summer of the 22nd, when vasyl malyuk became the head of the service instead of ivan bakanov, shilo returned to the sbu again as the head of the main department of counterintelligence protection of objects. of critical infrastructure and combating the financing of terrorism, such a serious position, and what is interesting between his first and second event in the sbu, shillo was, it would not be funny here, if it were not sad, but shillo was an adviser to the president's office. my colleagues, journalists of bigusinfo publication, a year ago, when they investigated schill's wealth and his family's wealth, which by no means corresponded to his official income, asked him how he became an adviser to the office of the president, and listen to this answer. who invited you to
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the president's office? this is closed information. so who did you advise there? i am not a personal adviser of andrii borysovich, i am not a personal adviser of oleg yuriyovych. the question of reforming bodies. security service of ukraine, regarding this issue, i provided certain consultations to those persons who asked me these questions, exclusively in private communication, if it is private communication, then why the status of an adviser to the president's office, and in order for it to be possible to get a pass, you can get a pass without being anything, if it is a one-time thing, then yes, you are familiar with oleg tatarov, have seen each other, discussed something, consulted. he advised him about what to do about changes in the criminal procedural legislation and how to hurry and not argue, he advised what to do with the security service of ukraine, and then he himself headed something in it. shilo himself, of course, dismisses the gossip that he got the position as a man
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tatarova even assures that he did not plan to return to the sb at all. but somehow it happened that the head of the service urgently offered him, he simply could not say. no, who offered you this position? vasyl vasiliovych malyuk, personally? so. so, he called and said: "artem, come, come." i came and was offered. why you? i don't know, this question is not for me. did you and the baby know each other before, how closely did you know each other or did you work in some way? yes, we used to know each other, we met in 2021 . something tells us that we should meet they could do everything on the same birthday of tatarov. after all, in addition to shila, there was also malyuk among the guests. by the way, in this investigation, the fragment of which we just showed you, the journalists found out that during the 10 years of artem shil's work in the civil service of the sbu, his family acquired property worth 4 million dollars, including expensive cars. apartments,
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commercial real estate, what exactly did artem shilo do in the sbu, how could he get into the president's office, and in the end, what connection could he have with ukrzaliznytsia, because i go back to... the beginning of sapi nabu now announced that they are investigating the possible embezzlement of money on purchases specifically for ukrzaliznytsia and artem shilo, one of the detainees. lesya ivanova, journalist of the bigusinfo project, joins our broadcast. lesya, good evening. greeting. we called you to remind, so to speak, who artem shilo is, what he did. let's start with sbu. he worked there for 10 years. he had two events under different management. what is he famous for? service, ugh, you correctly noticed that almost all of his career was sewn built precisely in the sbu, that is , he practically devoted 10 years to work precisely in the state law enforcement agency, and with the only pause for literally a year, and while he worked in
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kharkiv, he was not famous, then when he moved to kyiv and worked in the so-called cyberer, yes, that is, the head of the sbu, also not... especially his last name was a rumor, in fact, the first time we heard about him was when he first resigned from the sbu at all, he left the sb in the summer of 21, if i am not mistaken, and in general, well, in principle, how did the law enforcement officer disappear from the radar, but at the same time, information appeared that instead of a law enforcement position, he received, let's say, a position in the president's office, becoming an adviser to the president's office as a whole and... and you took a very interesting piece from our investigation , i myself love him very much, because i spent about 2.5 hours trying to pry out with pincers an explanation to the question of what exactly he did in the president's office, who exactly he advised, what exactly he advised and how it
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ended, and a clear answer normal we did not wait for the answers to these questions, but you understood for yourself what he was doing there, well, as he says, he consulted on the law... security activities of changes in the criminal procedural legislation, but at the same time answer specifically to the question of exactly what changes he helped bring to our criminal codes there, he could not, but, that is, he positioned himself as such an experienced lawyer, maybe even a scientist, a person who can directly advise and propose changes to the criminal code, just like that, but he could not, or rather did not want to, specify exactly what changes, in which article, in which field. at the same time, at the same time, somewhere in the fall of the 21st year , various sources began to talk about shila not only as an adviser to the president's office, but also as a so-called watcher of the railroad. we are watching from the office, i
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apologize, from the office of the president, uh, just watching. our sources called him watching from the office behind ukrzaliznytsia. options differed, either from tatarov or from yarmak. whether from the office as a whole, different people said different things, but the fact was that, as they call it, a gossip was going around the village, that he was allegedly a kind of watcher, even behind the railway, the problem is that... a watcher is not the position that you can check there in some registers, databases, confirm there, a direct question, of course, no one will ever answer you, yes, i am an observer, therefore there was no factual evidence of this for a long time, that is, it was purely at the level of some rumors, and we these direct evidence also during his investigation on we didn't find that moment, we understood and we talked about it in the investigation that... artem shill has close people connected to him in
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top positions in ukrzaliznytsia, that is, it was about, first of all, that in the same period itself, and somewhere in the fall of the 21st, data began to appear for the first time that eduard kritsyn became the chief security officer, as they say, and the chief economic security officer in ukrzaliznytsia, and this person is very closely related to shil, i.e. ... this, first of all, is his colleague in the sbu from kharkiv times, then in the kyiv period as well, and in the end, their wives had a business together back in kharkiv, that is, this is a rather long and rather close history of relations, and accordingly, even this one appointment, it already spoke in favor of these gossips, which is possible as some kind of influence of some of their people, well, that is, in different variations, but it spoke in favor of this idea, let's say. that shilo may have some influence in the sbu, but again, there is no direct evidence of his
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personal participation in any schemes, any purchases, any appointments, and so on, well, that is, to grab a person by the hand, in the literal sense of the word, it was not possible, maybe, maybe, maybe nabu and sap have a sufficient amount of evidence and there will be some continuation of the story. and at the same time, for example, the co-founder of our money and investigative journalist oleksan-shashalaysky, he commented on this story, and he said, he says, for the first time in history, he gives some forecasts, but today the forecast is as follows: not only will the needle not fit, will not even be fined, and you, lesya, share such predictions? i don't like to predict when in i don't have the facts in my hands, and we don't have the facts yet, because a very lame person described this plot. busab in his release, yes, that is, that we know that he is assigned some role
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as the leader of the group, well, that is, i suspect that the legal qualification of the organizer is meant, but i cannot say, because i have not seen the plot of this criminal proceeding, and it would be interesting to see him, well, the meat in this case, why, because as it is formulated in the press release, it is about the fact that the leader of this group organized... some letter based on which it was possible to clear competitors there from the purchase and sell the purchase through a specific controlled firm that doubled the price, but nowhere does it say that he personally signed this letter, i.e. there is such a wording that he organized the creation of sending the letter, i.e. somehow so, i.e. it is not about a personal signature on the document, i.e. practice will have to show, as practice shows in such cases to... management becomes very complicated and maybe not twice as much as the price of these purchases, and maybe even more,
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than twice, because it is very difficult to prove personal actions or inactions of a person without his specific participation, there is a signature and the like, it is very difficult, so i hope that nabu has some data, i have one last question, we just have very little time, just to summarize, as of this time, when shill was detained, he no longer worked in the sbu, he was recently fired, this... we also did not understand the story, and he is no longer an adviser to the president's office, we do not know in relation to the adviser, because, as we well know, one can officially be one, unofficially, full-time and freelance, but he was recently dismissed from the post of head of the main counter-defense department, critical infrastructure, and there are many options as to why exactly this happened, it is still not fully understood, we were told such versions as law enforcement agencies, it could also be complaints from the business, which was under pressure
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for some and personal reasons, now already after he was detained, they are starting to think in the direction that perhaps the office knew about the implementation of the case, and it is said that a we fired this boy a week ago, we have no relationship with him, but this situation remains unclear, thank you, thank you very much lesya, lesya ivanova, journalist of the bigusinfo project. well, that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page until tomorrow. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on the new hbo satirical series on mekogo mode. can her tyranny lead to freedom? watch in ukrainian in mego's subscription. there are discounts on zipelor of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on glycyset and glycyset max
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15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. resonance in our society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help
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to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be for the world. a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, we are asking for your help in searching for three children from the kherson region, they are diana kobzar, vitya azarov and angelina fadeeva. and now in a little more detail. so, 15-year-old diana disappeared in the village of lazurne in skadovsky district of kherson region.
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it happened on january 1, 2023, and since then , unfortunately, nothing has been known about the girl... it is known that now lazurny is temporarily occupied, and therefore the search process is, of course, very complicated, but i am asking each of you, and especially the residents of lazurny , to look carefully into diana's face. if you recognize her or have any information about her, please contact us immediately on the hotline at 116 30. if you are unable to call, you can write to us on the website or at chatbots child tracing services in telegram and note that there is no secondary information for the search, any data, any little thing is important, and may even become decisive and ultimately help find the missing child. 17-year-old vitya azarov also disappeared in kherson oblast and during the occupation. contact with the boy was lost on january 19, 2023, and since then
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there is no news about him. he disappeared on... the left bank of the kherson region, namely in the kakhovsky district, in the village of gornostaivka, and this is angelina fadeeva, she is also from the kherson region region, namely from the city of kherson, she is 15 years old. nothing is known about the girl since february 24, 2024. the circumstances under which she disappeared are currently unknown. in particular, due to the fact that diana kobzar and vitya azarov and angelina fadeeva disappeared during the occupation, there is little information about them, and therefore, in fact, we have a very high hope for you, for your attentiveness and concern, we really hope, that the children are all right and you will help us find them, so if you know anything about these children, please contact the child tracing hotline immediately, our no. 11630, let's not be indifferent, and let's
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try together to find the missing diana, vitya and... angelino. in fact, finding children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process. but our experience shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult, or sometimes it seemed, hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find a boy, by the way, also from the then still occupied part of the kherson region, who was wanted by his relatives and could not get in touch with him. about igor from the 24th. february in 2022, nothing was known at all, we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we call on... the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet, if possible, let them know if 17-year-old igor still lives in sonyachny and if
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everything is okay with him, and it worked, we were sent this video with igor, let's see, my name is igor, today is october 31, 2022 , i live in serizochny, kherson region, with my husband and grandmother, everything is fine, in i have no ukrainian connection, as i... the guy confirmed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne with his grandmother and grandfather and that everything is fine with him. and all this time he could not report himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service in the occupation. i really hope that the stories of the search for diana kobzar, vita azarov and angelina fadeeva, which i told at the beginning, will end with the same happy ending. so... once again, please do not remain indifferent and join the search. i also encourage you to go to the website of the child tracing service. here is a photo of all the boys and
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the girls we are trying to find. take just a few minutes of your time, look at the photos of the children, look into their faces, maybe you will recognize one of them and help find them. suddenly you will have some information about one of these children. report to the hotline. child tracing services 116.30 calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. on the air from yours. to the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time, i'm maria prus, congratulations. ukraine is currently experiencing a critical moment in the war with russia and urgently needs it
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more support for the event. this was stated by us secretary of state anthony blinken during his visit to paris. together with the minister of defense of france, he visited the factory where caesar howitzers, which are used by the ukrainian defense forces, are produced. blinken welcomed france's leadership in many defense sectors. he will take it on wednesday. participation in the meeting of foreign ministers of nato countries in brussels, where the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine will also be present and where the meeting of the ukraine-nato council is scheduled. germany announced that it would give ukraine 180 thousands of shells within the framework of the czech initiative. the defense forces of ukraine have been short of ammunition for several months, in particular due to the suspension of us aid. the draft law on further support for ukraine has been blocked in the us for almost six months. congress. those republicans who oppose aid to kyiv say that america must first solve domestic problems. however, aid to ukraine
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stimulates the us economy, say their opponents. how exactly, yuriy mamon will explain. the ukrainian armed forces, although heroically, repel the attacks of the occupiers every day, nevertheless gradually suffer territorial losses. the reason for this is the lack of ammunition - the ukrainians explain. senior officials, the us house of representatives, which is controlled by republicans, does not bring to a vote the bill passed by the senate on additional financing for ukraine for 60 billion dollars. no one disagrees with what putin has done, but when we take our taxpayer money, send it 500 miles away, while our own border is wide open, and our american citizens are being killed in the streets, that's a problem. however, most funds which legislators approve for ukraine, remain. in sham, they are spent at factories like this one in pennsylvania to produce new weapons to replace the old ones that are sent to ukraine from american warehouses, this is one of dozens of
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defense industry facilities for which congress allocates funds to support ukraine's struggle. these are objects from private factories and state laboratories, munitions factories of the era of the first or second world wars, and they need modernization. voice of america received permission to visit the plant ammunition in scranton, pa., to see how taxpayer dollars are being spent . here, in scranton's red-hot furnaces , 155- caliber artillery shells are made. before being sent to be filled with explosives, the projectiles are cooled, inspected for quality, polished and painted to prevent tarnishing. with the beginning of the war in ukraine, the production of projectiles at this plant. increased from 14 to 28 thousand per month, however, representatives of general dynamics, the plant's contractor, say that in a few weeks this number will increase to 36 thousand.
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the month when the new production line will be launched. this is the only production line we have so far. rich hansen, who oversees the plant for the army, says $418 million in taxpayer dollars is going to fund 20 projects. the number of employees has definitely increased and will continue to increase to fill all the new production lines. only at this plant will be additionally created more. 200 new jobs, although general dynamic says that this will not happen without increased funding, but where is such a provincial a town like scranton, it's vital. scranton, pennsylvania is experiencing a major economic boom. jobs in the home state are important, but even more important, according to the congressman, is to make sure that the us does not turn its back on ukraine. not only is it un-american, it's un-pennsylvania.
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stood for democracy and freedom, i don't think we need to change that policy now. starting in 2025, the united states needs to reach the level of production of 155-caliber projectiles of 100,000 per month. so the us army will be able to restore its reserves in warehouses from which about 2 million munitions were sent to ukraine and will be able to continue to provide kyiv with a sufficient amount of munitions for self-defense, although without ... additional funding from congress, the us defense industry will not achieve this goal. yuri mamon, karlabab, voice of america. the us government does not abandon its position that the health problems of a number of american diplomats abroad are not the result of the use of certain weapons by an enemy country. the other day, the authors of an international journalistic investigation stated that yes the so-called havana syndrome could be caused by
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the secret weapon of russian agents. gru after the investigation was made public , the white house said that the intelligence had reached different conclusions, but that the authorities would continue a comprehensive investigation. my colleague oleksiy kovalenko followed the topic, who also spoke with one of the authors of the investigation. hello oleksiy, please tell us about the main provisions of this journalistic investigation, how did they come to such conclusions? congratulations, maria, as you correctly noted, journalistic investigation, v which... journalists from insider, cbs news, as well as the german publication spiegel took part, they established that it is possible that agents of the russian intelligence, the russian gru were involved in cases of the so-called havana syndrome, but all in turn, what is the havana syndrome called in general, it is a series of symptoms that can be migraines, headaches, loss of coordination, hearing problems, etc., and they are caused by something. these
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or electromagnetic waves, it was established for the first time in 2016 at the us embassy in havana, the capital of cuba, and precisely at the employees of the american cia, who worked undercover in the american embassy in cuba. subsequently, such cases were established in other cities and in other diplomatic missions of the united states and canada, in particular in london, moscow, guangzhou, as well as tbilisi, and it was precisely in this case that tbilisi became a century. georgia focused investigative journalists in this investigation, they note that the wife of an american diplomat was affected, accordingly, she suffered agavan syndrome, and she is in place, in the place of this attack recognized a person whom she later recognized as the son of the head of the gru department 2915, who is actually also connected by
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investigative journalists with many'. similar cases in different parts of the world. and how does the american government react, what do the experts say? yes, actually, as you mentioned earlier, the american authorities are insisting on the results of the 2023 investigation, this is the result of the investigation by the office of the director of us intelligence, which noted that most likely there is no third party involved in the havana syndrome, or it is also determined that there russia is not involved, but journalists are. investigators point to the fact that in the places where there were cases of this havana syndrome, agents of the russian gru were on business trips at that moment, and they also establish other circumstantial evidence of the possible involvement of gru agents, but exactly how does the state department react to this investigation, as well as what they say about the results of the investigation in 2023, i suggest you listen now. and


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