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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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well, we will know this, even without a satellite, and we also have scouts, there is counter-intelligence that works quite well, and we will, we will know where the offensive days will be prepared, remember that how the russians are going to attack , well , for example, kyiv region 2402/22, american intelligence already knew about it a few months ago, and we were also informed about it, that it would be an attack on gostomil, that it would be a kabul variant. they will want to deploy a landing force there, and so on and so forth. now we are not informed, not because they are stopped, they don't want to help us, because again, it's not 100%, not 99, i 'm sure the russians don't have such a plan yet, they're preparing, they, it depends on how they manage to mobilize, they do gradually, look, on the 27th, there was a meeting of the russian orthodox church’s superiors there, i don’t know exactly what your name is, and they were already proclaiming this holy war, it’s not theirs anymore, it’s already a war, it’s... and they
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it was written there that ukraine should be completely under the influence of the russian federation, what is that at all its western, as they say, regional russia, that there cannot be any ukrainians there and so on, that is, that this is a holy war, and that the country has become huge. and this is very serious, this is a very serious signal from their side, that is , they are getting involved and they have been using the last six months or a year to train their population for larger-scale mobilization processes, they were filling the so-called military... operation with meaning war, what can you expect? very serious offensive actions can be expected in the coming months, and are we ready for them or not , well, you know, here you can refer to the president of ukraine, who said that we are not ready yet, i don't remember if the word was there yet, or it was just not ready, i wish it was there, i don't remember, i don't remember the quote by heart, well, it seems that there was still such a word, it was an appeal including, i... believe in this for
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our partners, so that they understand that it may not be dangerous for our country, it may be very dangerous for the whole of europe, because the russians are not going to stop, although they say that they do not have any plans for further movement, of course, but what should they say that they will be ready there, i don’t know, to storm the premyslsh, cover and so on, it is clear that not , well, but they have drawn in, they are drawing in reserves, they are preparing their mobilization resources further. as far as we understand, with artillery and with armored vehicles , they somehow have plus or minus, and the latest missile attacks have shown that they have accumulated, but the key story is the use of zircons, that is, zircons we we understand that these are potential carriers of tactical nuclear weapons, yes, as if our anti-aircraft defense would work with zircons, yes, but we understand that there are many areas where they can also use them, but there it will be a little worse with air defense. well, as for serkons, this is
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a very unpleasant weapon, but you don’t need to worry so much, and the fact that they can be nuclear carriers, so they can all be carriers, and iskander, and dagger, and caliber, and x101 and x555, that’s it all the missiles that could be, in which they were developed for a nuclear charge, and not a high-explosive one, but well, now nuclear-free, non-nuclear high-explosives are used, but they are all ready, there you can do it there, there are no questions, you just put a nuclear charge there, there... you don’t need to process anything, everything is ready there, you can take it, put it, it all flew away, that’s why what about cerkon, what can he carry, well, maybe he can carry hast 1, and what, he can also carry hapyx 50, so there is no need to focus on it like this , that it is something extremely dangerous, it is a dangerous missile, but if the dagger in hypersonic missiles, they have a little more than 20, 23 or 24, and they can make one or two, a maximum of three rockets per month, and that’s not a fact, it’s church circuses... which one
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was put into service in january of the 23rd year, that is , a little more than a year ago, then i think there are a dozen, if any , then it will be good, there is not a large number of those, well, it cannot be, and according to iskander, as far as we understand, they have deployed quite a lot of launchers on the perimeter, yes, and this is an extremely serious revival, in particular complex attacks, yes , which we generally expected in winter, well, when there was an overload, for example, of the energy system, they did not do conserved resources, accumulated them, the president says that there will be a powerful offensive operation, preparations for this operation are underway, there are missile attacks on the territory, artillery shelling of the border territory is underway, this is preparation for offensive actions, can it be considered that they now they will shoot, and then they will say, well, we shot a little, messed up a little, you are still repairing it, but somewhere in may we will continue, i am not so sure, it would be, well, why do it...
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do it , start destroying energy, to start destroying the border territories, near-front territories and after that to take offensive actions, or to do it for a relatively long time, to shoot constantly throughout the mission. constantly shelling the territory for two months, so that later it would be easier to go overland and try to capture the territory, aren’t these such complicated things that not everyone understands it, that is, they shot when it was warm, just to make sure that there was nothing to do, and then they would rest , to form new armies to prepare there, but they will not shoot yet, because what's the point, well, listen, who said they couldn't just do it. no one cares what the french and germans said that fortifications should be built on the right bank of the dnieper, nothing, no one gives any thought to whether we will continue to be somewhere in dreams, that they are stupid, they could not understand that
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winter is over, they started shelling heating objects in winter, summer, well, in the warm season, nothing, here is the right and left bank of the dnipro, it does not lead anyone to think, why our friends from the country are so... that it is necessary to build and help just think about it, dear, not to those viewers who don't understand it, but to those who are still in some, these are not even rose-colored glasses, these are glasses completely plastered with dirt, these are not glasses, these are kind of glasses, and through them a person does not see in a pink field and sees nothing at all, this is annoying, and , unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such people who have fallen asleep so much with these positive news, a story that can be an attempt the enemy to break through on... the ground on the ground, approximately as much as they needed b section, 10, 20, 30, 50 km, could they try to break through the two of them in three places, no, well, in two or three cities, that’s for sure, because this is a classic of offensive actions, and how wide can the offensive line be, well i don't think it's hundreds of kilometers, it's tens of kilometers, where
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exactly, well, again, we come back to the fact that let's try to guess, guessed, well done, didn't guess, you don't understand anything, stupid, what about resourcefulness and promotion after besides... god forbid, somewhere , somewhere they broke the front line, i don't know where have started a brigade, two, three and so on, and they can build up, or they will be forced to somehow try to hold on, if they advance somewhere where we were defending, we will simply withdraw to other positions, we will hold the defense there, understanding the breakthrough of the front line - this is in the narratives of the second or maybe even the first world war, nothing will happen, well, we have built lines, they broke through these lines, what's next, what's next, everyone, everyone there on the left about... the front will align where they broke through, they will roll over there additional reserves to stop and, of course , the front line will be equalized, there is no such thing as a crossbar was torn and there were holes in the hole or something like that, well, there is no need for this,
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this is scaremongering, what we say is that we need to prepare, because this is serious, these are not scarecrows, well, let’s get ready, we are trying to tell how, but the fact that they broke the front line, they all went there to... it’s a joke, well, nothing like that happened and will never happen, this is a scarecrow, no need, how we should be with those kharkiv scarecrows, what are they preparing and so on, getting started, here the question is simply resourcefulness, according to resourcefulness, and if they also add there, well, if they use all the forces and the main forces of the two armies in the kharkiv direction, they, well , they will not beat the kharkivs, they perfectly understand that they will be bogged down, they are on active duty for almost six months more than shevdiivka, they will try, well, that is also obvious, they will try to surround him, take him into a trap, this is what they can try, they will succeed or not, we will see, we are
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also great we understand, we are building fortifications in such a way that they are not able to do it, we are also preparing for it, well, we are not stupid either, well, unfortunately i have to end our conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that retired major of the national guard oleksii was currently working on espresso hetman, military expert, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. thank you. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in collaborators program. pseudo-ministers of the kherson region. how did the fake head of the ministry of culture rob museums? we tried to remove everything valuable. but which of the crimean officials became a traitor twice? we chose to be with russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is
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a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's issue , i continue to tell. about the fake ministries that the rashists are creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. i will defame the ministers, their assistants, heads of departments and clerks. the collaborators themselves must. to know, there will be no quiet treason, it will not be possible to sit in the chair of a traitorous official and not be suspected. this is a fake ministry of culture of the kherson region, it was created on june 16, 2023, and is managed by oleksandr viktorovych kuzmenko, a long-time supporter of the tricolor. the ministry of culture voted. with a flag in his hands. in tolstovka with the coat of arms of razka and at the polling station. apparently, this is what all traitors looked like when they came to vote for... the unchanging president of russia, maybe it just an official scratch for everyone who is fed
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by the dictator's hand, i think it is an honor for kuzmenko to wear a coat of arms with a chicken on his heart, because before becoming an official traitor, he was quietly licking putin's portrait all the time and waiting. now i will tell you how the director of the music school went to the fake minister of a non-existent institution. kuzmenko is 55, once he was the head of children's music school number 4 in kherson, but not for long. because he wanted to go into politics. he was a deputy of the suvoriv district council from the volodymyr saldo bloc, and since 2010 he was in ranks of the already banned communist party of ukraine. as a deputy of one of the village councils, he supported the party of regions in every possible way. when the kherson region was occupied, kuzmenko finally stopped hiding his true ideological views. we started promoting all-russian. during the occupation of kherson, kuzmenko managed to serve himself well in front of the invaders. it became known that he not only carried out propaganda activities in the city, but also handed over to the occupiers ukrainian teachers who did not
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want to cooperate with the rashists. in one of among the notebooks found in kuzmenko's house was an entry dated april 22nd, to hand in the lists of teachers who left and russian phone numbers by the 22nd. when it became clear that the armed forces were close, the minister gave drapak, taking with him exhibits from ukrainian museums. according to the media, it is approximately 10 thousand. objects of art, in an interview with the washed-up russian media, he modestly called it salvation. when the evacuation took place, we tried to remove everything valuable, evacuate from the city of kherson, and when we return, we will return it to kherson. when kherson was liberated, some of the illegitimate ministries were moved by the invaders to occupied genichisk. it is there that kuzmenko is currently reviving russian theater, filling libraries with russian classics, organizing pro-russian competitions for children and not forgetting. must kiss the leader's portrait before going to sleep, before that he makes plans for the development of russian
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culture in the captured territories for the coming years. i think that in five years we will do a lot, we will try to open all our institutions that are not working yet. oleksandr, i have an alternative for you a plan for 5 years, how about spending them culturally in a ukrainian prison, reading ukrainian classics. a year ago, the prosecutor general's office notified kuzmenko of suspicion of state crimes. born in skadovska usenko serhiy petrovych, born in 1965. we carry out explanatory work, convey our information to them, not only through telegram channels, telephone conversations, but we also go out for direct communication. before
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becoming a collaborator and receiving suspicion, he tried several times to realize himself in politics. in 2020, usenko ran for of the kherson regional council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, but was not elected. usenko was able to satisfy his unfulfilled political ambitions when the kherson region was occupied and he sold his position to the russians. now he is already the deputy pseudo-minister of agriculture. complex and food policy of the kherson region. now shchaslyvy usenko gives interviews, appears in propaganda stories and works for the invaders. the federal budget - 1,251 million and the regional budget 1,300. this year, we plan to master our planned budget for federal and regional budget. in april of last year , a suspicion of. in collaborative activities. during this time, the case has already been sent for consideration to the malinovsky
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district court of the city of odesa. a traitor faces from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. the so-called minister of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, mykola yuriyovych bystryantsev, also received his suspicion. he was born in the city of kherson at the age of 42. our president stated that the regions that returned to russia will flourish and develop. he emphasized that the borders of new regions. another perfect creature of the russian propaganda machine, relatively little is known about him, according to zmi bostrians , he received a russian passport in crimea at the age of 2 in 2017 and has lived on the occupied peninsula ever since. there he held the position of head of the land use control department in the fake ministry of property and land relations of the republic of crimea. when his native city came under russian occupation, the former kherson resident decided to return home and to try to build a career under the abhorrence of
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the kremlin. at first, he modestly applied for the position of deputy minister of the occupation ministry of natural resources and ecology. kherson region. a year ago, we chose to be with russia, which means we chose a bright future for us and our children. on august 7, 2023 , the occupiers reorganized the department into the ministry of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, and bustryantsev himself was promoted to minister. bustryantsev already knows how to work out a new position, so he actively joined the campaign for common future with rashka. first during local elections last september, then during the presidential elections. compatriots, this day has finally come, the day when we can show our active citizenship . we urge you to come to the polling stations and cast your vote for the future. such a display of will by bystryantsev did not go unnoticed. he was already suspected of collaborative activity in absentia. the case is currently
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being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. this lucky holder of a passport from chicken will receive his sentence soon. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. hello, this is an espresso interview project. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and these are our conversations on the most important topics for ukrainians and not only. today we have an opportunity to talk about the preservation of national memory, about the debunking of many myths, and i would say about digging into real historical
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facts. a large number of people in our country are engaged in all this, it is painstaking work. and painstaking work, and one of these people is today's guest of my studio, andrii kogut, a ukrainian historian, publicist, public figure and director of the branch state archive of the security service of ukraine. i congratulate you. good day. well, we will probably start with a brief reminder to those who already know, and maybe someone who is not yet familiar, what the branch state archive of the security service of ukraine is, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. i i say holiday. because this is really a great achievement of 30 years of great work and the fruits of this work are already in the homes of ukrainians. yes, thank you, indeed, this year marks 30 years since the creation of the golotsevo state archive of the security service of ukraine, and in fact, our archival institution is known in ukraine and in the world for the fact that we store documents of the former
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kgb, those that were created directly by the kgbists themselves , their predecessors, predecessors, but also those documents that were accumulated by them during various repressive and other operations, and actually this is the an array of documents, which is generally known in the west and in ukraine also as the kgb archives. at the same time, they cover virtually the entire century of bolshevism, starting from its establishment in 1918-19 and ending with the restoration of ukraine's independence in 1991, when the former building itself and all property are former. okb was transferred to the new special service of the newly independent ukraine. in this way, these documents got to us and we now provide the opportunity for everyone to work with these documents and not only work, research, but we think about it let's talk more necessarily. and, you know, the question has always bothered me, and people often ask it. the disintegration of the soviet union seems to
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have caught nenatsk, even representatives of the soviet special services, and as i understand it, this is precisely the reason. the reason is that they simply did not have time to destroy or take away with them a huge number of documents, and we understand that representatives of the kgb very often later during independent ukraine were already representatives of the ukrainian special services, well , yes and no, that is, indeed, the collapse of the soviet union was unexpected for employees of the kgb, but at the same time, when we are actually talking about those archives that were accumulated and kept in ukraine, they were not planned to be taken away. year is the time of discussions about the renewal of the soviet union in the way it will look like in the future, and at that moment no one had any doubts that the baltic countries would restore their independence, and as for ukraine, there were no such doubts, everyone in moscow was convinced that that ukraine will continue
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to be a colony, a polite colony of the kremlin, and actually what ukraine managed to restore its independence, was really a surprise, and thanks to this, that it became a surprise, thanks to this, these archives in ukraine were preserved, and today we can actually work with, well, almost with... with the entire volume of the documentation that was created by the communist special services on the territory of ukraine. the archives of the kgb were widely publicized already with the start of decommunization in our country. in fact, one of the four documentation laws directly related to open access to the archives of repressive bodies. the archives of the kgb are their own they are, that is, this concept is broader here, but still, this basis of zeal is the archives of the kgb. and... tell me, please, which of the most common historical lies of russia and the soviet union have already been scientifically
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disproved by gaining access to the kgb archives and making them public? oh, it's actually so very, it's an extremely broad topic, from the very moment of the collapse of the soviet union, that one of these myths is about the so-called ukrainian independence. it somehow happened by itself, fell to us straight from the sky, no one from this, no one from it was not fought for, no one expected it, and in fact, if you look even at the documents of the kgb there from the stagnant 80s and 70s, then if you read communist newspapers, it looks like everything is stagnant, nothing is happening. on the other hand, if we look at the documents of the kgb, we see a completely different picture, we see a lot of such grassroots protest, which is actually protesting against. introduction to czechoslovakia and solidarizes with solidarity in poland, and generally talks about many important points, including the independence of ukraine. of course it wasn't
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the mainstream that was visible, but it was constant, and actually this struggle, which continued anyway, was and existed throughout the entire period of the communist occupation, the bolshevik occupation of ukraine, this is, in my opinion, one of the key ones. and important elements of this information war, because russia itself is trying to show that, well, we are one people, nothing happened and in general no one there in ukraine wanted to be independent, in fact it is not so, and thousands, hundreds of thousands of cases that we keep those persons who were actually repressed for the struggle for independence, they vividly prove that this is not a myth, but a big lie, i emphasize again, it seems to me such painstaking work and a large-scale invasion, i am sure that she made her corrections in the mode of justifying all those data , that you have access to, how is it now, how is it different from what you did before?
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well, actually now one of the big differences is that we did not open our reading rooms, but the state archives, civil state archives opened their reading rooms for visitors, of course during non-air alarms, we unfortunately cannot allow this with a high degree of risk, as we are in the premises of the security service in the building. security services and the risk of inviting researchers to us, it is certainly much greater than in civil archives. at the same time, in fact, immediately after that, a month after the start of the full-scale invasion, precisely in april of the 22nd year, we fully restored the functioning of the work that had been going on in the archive before that, and since before it was covid, so we have already learned to work in remote mode to a certain extent, this is such a sad moment. when you do not have the opportunity to work directly with researchers, communicate with them, talk about the needs they have in scientific research, but here it is worth saying that
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actually more than half of those who contacted us visited us, it is still there were relatives of the repressed, even those who wanted to find out information about their dead, and now we actually work in such an online mode, that is, the archive continues to work and if he was constantly working, and we provide answers to appeals to us when something... they are looking for repressed relatives, we provide the opportunity to get to know and work with digital copies, and the same applies to actual research scientific projects when we work with colleagues there from poland , from the czech republic, from germany, from the united states, from other countries, and our geography is extremely wide , from australia and japan, actually to north america, if we were to cover the northern hemisphere, and well, not only the northern one, but actually. in addition to the fact that we restored ours work and began to continue to respond to those appeals that come to us even now, we also resumed scientific projects that were ongoing, were and were started before
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the full. a large-scale invasion, because we believed that now is an extremely important moment for ukraine to explain our past, explain our history, because it helps foreigners understand, if the price of our struggle, why we are fighting for our independence, why it is so important for us , the answer for us would be obvious and clear, because, unfortunately, we have the experience of what happened to our ancestors when ukraine was losing its independence. and we actually work on such projects, the projects that we restored, they usually related to such common moments of history, which could better explain who we are, why we are fighting for independence, and what russia and all its predecessors really are. a very important point that you emphasize, it is the demand that gives birth and intensifies this process of research, so i don't... i don't
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know if i can ask now, in particular and everyone who listens and watches us, to be interested, to be interested in the history of their own families, because very often it is time, let's say, many different events are layered, many different true and false layers, it seems to me that digging into the truth in order to realize how much , to what extent each of the ukrainian families suffered in one way or another from... the soviet communist occupation, this is extremely important, you did not come to our studio empty-handed today, we will now talk about a large study about ukraine in fact in the second half of the 30s years, and now we will talk about the persecution of the czech minority. for many of our viewers and listeners, it may be a surprise, well , were czechs also persecuted in ukraine, well, that is, there was
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at least... who was not touched here, tell me in a little more detail, i 'm afraid that there are some no one was touched, but in fact, this year we published a book that, work on which began a long time ago, but really a full-scale invasion and so intensified the work on this book, it was so rather difficult to a certain extent the project, because despite the fact that it began at the moment when a cooperation agreement was signed between the czech institute for the study of totalitarian regimes, which is... in fact, the czech counterpart of the institute of national remembrance, and the security service in 2009, and it actually concerned searching for the fate of repressed czechs and slovaks in the territory of soviet ukraine, actually what is preserved in our archives, and after that, in yanukovych's vision , the political situation changed in ukraine, then the situation changed in the czech republic, but actually a full-scale invasion
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paradoxically accelerated it. processes, and it became clear to us and our czech colleagues that we have to get together as much as possible and publish it, the book turned out in principle not so thin, in our country, in principle, all books turn out like this for some reason, but this is precisely because we want to to show that representation of archival documents that we keep in our archives, in fact, this book, like all our other books, is to some extent such an invitation to research, it is rather such an emphasis. on because actually, and when we talk about the repressions of the great terror of 37-38, if it was not obvious, but the czech minority was also the focus of this terror, and it is important to actually talk about those moments that were not obvious, unknown before, not only to researchers, but to society in general and actually repression against the czech minority, this is exactly such a topic, because really, who would have thought that the czechs were also recognized by the soviet regime as an enemy
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people, how? enemy nation, and actually our book clearly shows this, that is, it is 100 documents, selected from the 1930s to 1991, the last documents, these are actually documents about rehabilitation, it is, as it were, the final moment when the repressed were on the one hand rehabilitated, and on the other these documents about rehabilitation, they clearly testify to the falsification of all these accusations, which were during the great terror. and you have already visited the czech republic with this book, presented it, what was the reaction, actually yes, first the presentation was in kyiv and next week we made a presentation in prague, there was a very, very good response to the actual presentation in in prague, there were representatives and descendants, or rather ukrainian czechs, those czechs who later returned from ukraine to czechoslovakia, to the czech republic.


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