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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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that these are problems for us to explode, and i understood, they will decide that if we want to enter from the territory of belarus, then seeing the french, we will tell them that we will have a cup of coffee and a baguette, that is what they expect from us, ai-ai-ai , the french are there, oh-oh-oh-oh, well , you know, in principle, this is some kind of intensification of the cries that the russians will hit the countries on... literally, that is, they will hit france, literally, and also one thought, which they now began to say, is that it is necessary and time to strike at some objects, factories and something else in the countries, well there the czech republic, romania, somewhere else, well, for example, about the czech republic in that, in the same broadcast , the same solviv told, besides, we will destroy them also in the places where they are based, in exactly the same way. as i do not understand,
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for example, belgorod is constantly bombarded by vampires, and i think that it is necessary to destroy the czech factories that produce them, here at least the first step could be the termination of diplomatic steps, let's destroy the factory, diplomatic relations will end by themselves, why stand up twice, i would say that this is now some kind of new scarecrow for europe, that they will start bombing europe, and that... the drone that flew over poland, in this context, it looks like a drone that flew over poland by accident , or there are missiles, the drone is not a missile, but just such an attempt, you know , this is a little groping, and how is it, will they react, moreover, putin has already said literally the same thing, and it is obvious, immediately his statement there, attracted a whole shower
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of similar statements by propagandists, but i think that the key here exactly what putin said he hid behind the military and muttered about the destruction of the airfields of nato countries. let's see also. fighter pilots are naturally worried about whether they will be allowed to destroy the f-16 before takeoff. if they deliver f-16, it will not change the situation on the battlefield. and we will destroy their planes just as we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment. of course, if they are used from the airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, wherever they are. well, there are all these cries about strikes on countries directly already nato, i will repeat it once again, such a reaction is all just french words. what do they
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think can send some military contingent to ukraine, that is, this is what caused all this hysteria, which has been going on for months, which just keeps getting worse and worse and finally led to the fact that just a few days ago, putin already started this, to hint at something, why it turned out that way for them somehow, you know, something too important that they just keep talking about it, it may seem to us... that our macron so much said, it would be better if he gave us more weapons, but you know, that is not exactly the case, weapons are of course good, but also very important, the readiness of the nato countries to show that they are really ready to seriously oppose russia, and that this opposition will not be limited to just talking about the fact that ukraine should not lose and somehow prevent the conflict from expanding, because everything... this is
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not serious, and even notice that not only macron himself is talking about something that we need to help somehow more, we should possibly even consider sending troops, but need more well, look, for example, the statement of the prime minister at the last press conference there, he was there together with blinkin, and he just also said calmly enough that, yes, ukraine has the right to strike at military facilities inside the territory of russia, this ok, it's self defense and that's it. i would like to tell you such a new opinion, which, if it continues to develop, then it means that it is possible to talk about the fact that it is necessary to help ukraine in these strikes, this is really very dangerous for russia, and you know, against the background all this is very interesting now to investigate how this is exactly what russian propaganda is trying to attack the french, but they have such a propagandist, well, besides, he is the vice-speaker of the duma for a moment. who, well,
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there is some great-grandson, great-great-great-great-grandson of the same fat lion, who tells us that this is the great russian culture, it has nothing to do with war, and that is not all true. unambiguously, so i will tell you that when you look at this descendant, you understand that everything is somehow very unambiguous, and that means he gave an interview to one of the main news channels of france, the leading channels bm, it was back on march 21, but it is still being discussed, moreover, you even heard that solovyo is already mentioning it there, he said it there, so let's see what he said there, because that's what i would say , it's really like that... state duma, he hates france and wishes us all the bad if we send soldiers
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to ukraine. we will protect ourselves exactly as much as vladimir putin, the president of our country, decides. the president of france refuses such a development of events, and we will inspire you with his opinion piss on what he says, that's right, and when he says there are no red lines for him, and piss on his line, we don't give a damn about macron and everything he says, we 'll kill everyone, but france also. a nuclear state, of course, with two hundred missiles, we will kill all the french soldiers who entered ukrainian soil, and it is also very interesting that, in fact, this is all the talk of the russians that
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they are somehow legitimately on ukrainian territory, the french do not perceive them in principle either, and here is an interesting discussion just this french magazine. on this subject, it is very clearly visible there, you know, how a descendant, in fact, of the occupying power of ukraine, of this russian imperial power, is trying to talk about the fact that he has the right to be the occupier here, you just know, this kind of imperialism is so very vivid , and she 's just here, i don't know, you know, it's something very bright and... and it's clear how this french journalist reacts to it as well. we saw that you translated macron's speech here. you are somehow more you pay more attention to our president than,
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for example, to the chancellor of germany. what exactly in macron's speech touched the russians? he is the first of the european leaders who directly raised the issue of sending soldiers to ukraine, we are very worried by this statement, because it brings us closer to the third world war, it is you who are talking about the third world war, not the french, yes, of course, but this is what you want to direct soldier in odessa, russian bridge. you say that odesa is russian, and the government says that donbas is russian, and most of ukraine is also russian. i was in ukraine, as a journalist, and i met many ukrainians, and they all told me that they wanted
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to be further away from russia, to preserve their independence, to remain ukrainians, and not to become russians. you have heard the words of those who say: leave us alone, we waited 30 years for these ukrainians to stop doing stupid things, ukraine is my country, my great-grandfather was the mayor of kyiv, and i don't want my country to speak another language, ukraine will never have the same borders as before the war, period, will never exist either. oh well, maybe ukraine should have more borders than before the war, that's absolutely clear, it's clear, even you see, and talstitsem agrees in a certain way, but you know, also pay attention, he, he did say this about
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how much they are worried about any statements that they will be put in a situation, you know, of such instability, certain that it will be unclear to them, and what others can do. countries and whether they will cross what the russians imagine as red lines there, and a red line for russians is a war on the territory of russia after all, and this is such a red line, about... well , actually macron hinted that it can be easily crossed, and that is why it is so disturbing. and let's see how the french eventually reacted to this propaganda, how they evaluated it, it is also important, just to understand how these words, all these imperial eyes, these, you know, genocidal eyes, are perceived by adequate journalists in adequate countries. what was missing here was the decline of the west. and atal's homosexuality, and the lies of paris and our channel. and nuclear threats, bingo
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can be said to be russian propaganda. yes, he is sprinter, as soon as the camera was turned on, everything possible poured out of him. these are threats, insults, swearing. obviously, our role is to give him a floor and say something against these theses, which is what i tried to do. he knows his french is good. shakes, affects, he knows that his french past can also affect us, he is the voice of the kremlin for the french, and all this is clear when he tries to tell us all these horrors. well, that is, as you can see, everyone adequately understood, moreover, they understand that this is simply necessary resist, because it is a lie and it is russian propaganda, which is actually completely aggressive and has nothing to do with life. she's just trying to create a different picture, and the main thing she
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's trying to convey is fear, it's scaring, it's scaring someone somewhere. well, so that this does not happen, it is worth reminding, you know, a simple thing like this, just such a, you know, speech video for those who really want to fight in ukraine, uh, first of all, of course, for the russians, so that they they remembered it, it's like... actually, the bashkirs went to ukraine in wishes to support putin here and how did they return home?
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oh, boys, boys! so all the dancers who try to conquer ukraine will return in such boxes, and that's in the best case, in the worst case, they simply won't be found in our land. see you damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i don't know that there is no health, and what kind
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a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. lakalut fix fixes reliably, my dentist recommended it to me. so. reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical. studies have proven: lacalfix protects the gums and fixes the denture five times more reliably. lacaka fix. buy with a 30% discount at obto pharmacies. pharmacy prices 911 and on the 911 website a real dictatorship reigns in a fictional country, turn on hbo's new satirical series on mekogo mode, or can her tyranny lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian in the megogo subscription. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in
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decide to become a judge. based on this fact, nazk conducted an inspection. but who will take the vacated chair head. none of the members of the kks commission has yet nominated their candidacy. on thursday, april 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on espresso tv channels. information marathon with mykola veresne. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15.
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see candidates for vacant positions in the courts this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova. why did the wife of the ex-chairman of the ukrainian people's liberation army decide to become a judge? based on
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this fact, nazk conducted an inspection. but who will take the vacated chair of the head of the vkks? nobody yet? he did not nominate his candidacy to the commission. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. there is an acute shortage of judges in ukraine. the judicial system is overloaded. there is currently a shortage of ministers themis is about 2.5 thousand. the higher qualification commission works non-stop to fill vacant positions as quickly as possible. competitions for constitutional court, appeals, and local judges are in full swing. we are against. we continue to introduce you to the candidates, but first to the news. the higher qualification commission of judges was unable to elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous chairman, roman ignatov. among the members of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine, there were no people willing to take up the vacant position. the question arose unexpectedly for all of us. officially, none of the members yet
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he did not nominate his candidacy to the commission. we will remind, the previous head of the higher qualification. roman ignatov resigned on march 27 of his own free will. that year, in december , information appeared in zma that ignatov allegedly has russian citizenship. he himself denied it. at the beginning of this year, the vkk concluded that it is absolutely impossible to establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. the scandal regarding the alleged russian citizenship of the judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv does not subside. the sixth court of appeals has begun consideration of the case on lviv's reinstatement as a judge. previously, the court of first instance satisfied his claim and decided not only to reinstate him in his position, but also to pay his salary for the period of forced absenteeism. the supreme court did not agree with this and
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filed an appeal. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to the journalists of the scheme project, he is a russian passport received back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and in 2012, at the age of 45 , he renewed this document. the judge's family as well. real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already at the last court session, the representative of the sbu reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers that lviv's russian citizenship exists, but now it is impossible to neither prove nor disprove the information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan lviv continues to assure that there is no passport of the aggressor country. supreme on june 11, the court of ukraine will begin consideration of the cassation appeal against the judge's verdict. of the zakarpattia oblast court mykhailo pak, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. nabu detectives exposed a judge for a bribe of uah 2,000 back in 2017.
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at least two or three dollars. according to the materials of the investigation, mykhailo pak made the necessary decision for money in the case of the social security management of the mukachevo administration. ivan is satisfied with the presentation, but what is it, and is it possible there? he says he can. in 2019, the higher anti-corruption court sentenced mykhailo pak to seven years of imprisonment. this sentence was overturned on appeal, but the supreme court sent the case back for a new trial. and just a year ago, in december, the appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court finally put an end to the case of mykhailo pak. he filed a cassation appeal. the judicial system is being renewed in ukraine. competitions for the constitutional court, appeals, and
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local courts are in full swing. for the first time, all these competitions are held as transparently and openly as possible. we see live interviews as unscrupulous candidates twisting and turning in attempts to manipulate the facts and how they try to hide the stains in their biography. for me, this is a conscious choice, this... this is lawyer oksana ovsienko, she is applying for the position of judge of the kovel district court of the volyn region. the questions are not difficult for me, i have absolutely nothing to hide. i have logical explanations for all the questions presented here. she is also the wife of andrii ovsienko, a former member and head of the supreme council of justice, who resigned in 21st year. this property, which is indicated in my declaration, is my declaration there is an identical declaration of my husband, this is... property acquired during joint joint property of the spouses. a few years ago, oksana ovsienko managed to privatize a plot of land with an area of ​​320 m2 in the picturesque place
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near the lake. my husband and i planned to build a small vacation home there, this is a village, but there is a small lake in the village, but soon the plans changed. we have decided that we will not live in this area. we will come all. to the city of lutsk to live, while talking with my colleague titivalov kostyantyn kostyantynovich, he asked me in a conversation to sell him this plot of land, because he said that he found out from the cadastral maps that this plot of land borders his father's plot of land. i wonder why colleague ovsienko was looking at where she has land. nevertheless, according to the candidate, the appraised value of the land was not... that small, so much so that she simply gave it as a gift, besides, my husband and konstantin were classmates, they were, well
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, they were acquaintances, and the story is a bit more interesting, three weeks after receiving the gift, the brother of ovsienko's colleague, kostyantyn titivalov, roman, a judge of the torii district court of the volyn region, announced a decision in the case in favor of ovsienko's client, an interesting coincidence. right, but what would have happened if you had not given or sold this plot of land to a relative of the judge, yes, obviously he could have taken offense at you, well, theoretically, i don’t think so, i believe that directly, for example, the judge and his brother, these are completely two different families, they do not live together, that is, they do not have a relationship family members have joint rights and responsibilities, it is interesting that according to avtomaidan data, from 2015 to 2017, the candidate represented the parties in as many as 15 cases heard by this particular judge. later, when ovsienko's husband became
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a member of the supreme council of justice, judge roman'. titivalov was appointed as a judge for an indefinite period, and in 2019, when ovsienko held the post of head of the vrp, the rada helped titivalov avoid punishment for an accident he caused while driving his audi in a state of severe alcohol intoxication. i know that nazk was investigating this fact . the family of the candidate for the post of judge and the former chairman of the supreme council of justice lives in a house of 124 m2. and have 15 hectares of land under it, oksana ovsienko also managed to obtain and privatize it for free. this plot of land was acquired by me in the process of privatization, our house is located on this plot of land. the cost, why i did not mention, because there was no need, we had no desire not to sell, that is, there was no need to evaluate this plot, since it was acquired for free.
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we admire oksana ovsienko's ability to acquire land for free, but it did not help her pass the interview. the commission was not satisfied with the explanation of the dubious property schemes. and this is hanna andrienko, the judge of the oktyaber district court of the city of poltava, and she has a very poor immunity. he fails her every time on the eve of the qualifying assessment. andrienko did not come for the interview for the fourth time. or got sick. in fact, we have every reason to suspect that in this way the judge is banally trying to escape his resignation before passing the interview, because if, after the qualification assessment, the commission finds her unfit for the position of a judge, she will be dismissed, instead, the resignation will allow her to retain all the privileges of a judge and a considerable lifetime allowance from the state. there are reasons to worry. according to the opinion
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of the public integrity council, the judge. andrienko closed at least 49 cases related to drunken driving after the deadlines expired. the public integrity council draws attention to the fact that the judge's omission of the time limits for bringing persons to justice according to article 130 of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses are systematic. and in the motivational part of the decisions, there is not enough justification to explain why the judge missed the deadline. in such a number of cases. a disciplinary complaint against andrienko from the dere foundation is currently being considered by the supreme council of justice. it refers to the fact that the judge could submit forged documents to the vrp in order to avoid disciplinary action. the result of considering just this complaint may be the dismissal of andrienko, which she tries so hard to avoid. therefore, the illness did not prevent the judge from submitting an application for resignation to the supreme council
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of justice. and a statement to the higher qualification commission about the termination of qualification assessment in relation to it. during her illness, the judge sometimes appeared at other hearings, but never made it to the evaluation. we hope that soon the supreme council of justice will stop this manipulative attraction of cleverness and cunning. for today, i have everything, it was the judicial control program and i, tatiana shustrova. if you have information about... honest judges and the facts of corruption in the judicial system, let me know on facebook or at the email address you see on the screen now. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week.
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judge tander will be in custody for another two months, the details of the case of ex-intelligence officer roman chervinsky and whether the us will provide additional patriots for? good evening, anna melnyk is with you and for your attention the final news release. the emergency situation with the gas pipeline was quickly eliminated in mykolaivka , donetsk region. it was possible to do without disconnection of subscribers from gas supply, donetsk-obgas said. let me remind you that during another russian shelling in the city , a gas pipeline caught fire. they could almost be left without blue fuel.


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