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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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we are stronger together with football, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing, well, there are a lot of events, now we will communicate with kharkiv, we are in touch with halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, glory to ukraine, mrs. galina, to the heroes, glory, congratulations, well, what , we would like to ask you about the consequences, i don't know, during the longer period of russian raids on kharkiv, yes, what was the situation with the extreme raid? at night we were bombed again and it was quite audible, although it was a suburb, it was a suburb called the village of korotich, there is a civilian airfield, even in peacetime , such airshows were always held there, and it is small there, it has not been working for a long time, but at night iskander, we were flying through 300, it is not clear, but it was very, very loud, we in kharkiv heard it all and simply . five times the same
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place, and this village of koroteche is known for the fact that it is periodically hit there, but if you remember last year there was such a large transshipment point there, the warehouse of the new post office is located, and then many people died there, who work there, i.e. they periodically strike there, in general, it is a thing of the past the energy system in kharkiv is quite difficult during the day, well, i will say that this is the first time i have electricity and the internet at this time. in the morning, for example, there was no water, but there was light, that is , we somehow have one good thing, there is no other good thing, but nothing, yesterday, for example, there was no electricity in my area for 8 hours, the matter is therefore, so that other regions understand when they say, well, there is no electricity, you can use a power bank, you can use a mobile phone, but the fact is that after the strikes on march 22, we have something happened with universities mobile connection, when there is no
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electricity, then my mobile connection does not work, it sometimes breaks through, well, it only breaks through, there to say hello, everything is fine with me, at most, eh, the mobile internet almost does not work either, so it's unrealistic, i.e. without light here, well, there are no such flags of civilization, well, but in principle, it does not affect the people of kharkiv much, the worst is, of course, for people who have a lot of it. in apartment buildings , electric stoves, because in those with gas heating, it works, you are from matches you turn it on, and the electric stoves are people who somehow trick themselves, but i talked to the neighbors, there are electric stoves in the neighboring house, then they go to the neighboring school, where they heat water in kettles, they collect it in pots and carry it home to drink somehow hot tea, elevators mostly don't work, for example, there is light in my house now. the elevator
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doesn't work because too many people get stuck in the elevators. we are talking about the fact that we are not talking about turning off the lights. we say, when did you have a connection? it's more important for us, because those schedules, well , it's unrealistic to adhere to them, because the enemy is constantly hitting various points of the energy system. well, we understand that it is still in the distant future in the next winter, it is. everything will hit everyone, and we understand that each of us now has time to think about how to deal with it later, to look for some safe options for ourselves, because the city itself may not cope, such a situation is quite difficult. ms. galina, i wanted to ask if the authorities somehow predict how long it will take, whether it will be months, whether it will be six months, or whether it will be longer. when kharkiv will have to live with blackouts, well, actually, how will the people react... to this, do
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people already have a desire to leave the city after, firstly, how actively the enemy began to attack, because it poses a direct threat to their life, and the second point is still life without light and without elementary conditions, well , it is difficult, especially if we are talking about families with children, for example, thank you, families with children have become a little less, at the same time they are there, but there have been fewer of them, i... think that everything will be fine in principle by the summer, and after all, we have such a more or less warm region, and somehow people will survive the winter, already when the new school season starts again, that people with children will decide something about what russia is trying to achieve by spending such large resources on , just to terrorize society itself, civilians in particular, eh, well, here they just want to panic, eh... you asked
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about the mood, the mood is calm, but there is simply no panic, for example, this morning we were disconnected again metro, and when the metro is disabled, it is a problem for kharkiv, because it's a very big... metropolis and you still have to get there, people work, people have some plans, they have to get somewhere, and people just have to leave the house in two, three hours, walk a lot, because the routes are not so easily formed , electric transport, trams do not work in our country , they have not been running since march 22, when everything was damaged, and the subway is the only means of transport that you can get to, where you can quickly get to, they let in, so 12 trolleybus lines, they let in... it's very little for kharkiv, well, if so, to understand what it is kharkiv has more population than the whole of estonia, well, let's put it this way, that is, it is quite a large such metropolis, plus we have so many emigrants, but at the moment we have more than 2,000 immigrants
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registered in kharkiv alone, that is, it is from those gray areas, kupyanshchyna, izyumshchyna, from there, they are all in kharkiv, that is, there is a lot of population here, how do people survive and react, well, russia wants to sit... which one, we understand that, but russia does not take into account the one that is in kharkiv there remained such a skeleton of people who are already imprisoned to work for victory, i'm not talking only about the military and not only about volunteers, i'm talking about a large cluster of people who organize logistics for aid, for humanitarian aid, for military aid, for the wounded, that is, a lot of people who... organize this logistics with other regions of ukraine with others with international organizations, here almost everyone works for victory, and such people, in principle, it is impossible to break them, in principle, we just share ways of survival, sit on the internet,
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how to be better, how to insulate better windows like what, which device to buy and adapt in order to go online, that is, this is what we exchange. mrs. galina, look, you mentioned the kupyan region, that people are leaving from there, in particular to kharkiv, what news is coming from the kupyan region now, we understand that there are ongoing battles, the situation is not easy, the enemy regularly bombards various regions of the kharkiv region and so on and so forth, what is now in the front-line zone? thank you, the fact is that the enemy is shelling not only kharkiv, the enemy is shelling the border zone, for example. there is the town of borova, there was also shelling there now during that day , the shelling was quite powerful, and of course, kupyan region. forced evacuation has long been announced in kupyan oblast, especially for families with children and many who have left. many of them are in kharkiv. what's more, i will say that i, as a deputy, have already been approached
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by such displaced persons for financial assistance, now i work there with one family, which we are processing, because there is a disabled person there, and they left there, and they settled here somewhere , quite difficult. there are such moments when it is difficult for people, there is not enough help from the state for medicines and so on, eh, in the kupyan region, in the last days, while russia was focused on destroying the livelihoods of kharkiv residents, a little bit from kupynsk, they were lagging behind, they were not shelling so much, but now there are rumors that they have started to focus again in the kupyan region, well, of course, they have the same goal, to take the kupyansk junction, such a large railway junction, the second after kharkiv, and they really need this junction for one purpose, in order to conveniently transport resources for the army , fuel, products and so on and so on, equipment, because it has already warmed up, they are in a hurry,
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they could hardly take this territory both in autumn and in winter, although there were battles there, because there is a swampy area. this is the oskil river from the left bank of the oskil kupynsk nodal river and there is a swampy area there, as long as it was winter, autumn and early spring it was so cold, tanks simply got stuck and equipment got stuck in the swamp. now it started to get warmer and they started to hurry and most likely they will start these actions now, we just understand it, because the weather finally started to allow them to do it. thank you, ms. galina, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to you already, we have to go on a break. kalyna kuts, deputy. halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in direct contact with us, now there is a short break, after it we return to our studio, stay with espresso. attention, move from razpak tv. sofa cape covers with a discount of only
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stronger together. well, about the good news. reserves of the national bank increased by 7 billion in one month and broke a historical record, the press service of the national bank reports. such dynamics are caused by significant volumes of income from international partners, which exceeded the net sale of currency by the national bank and the country's debt payments in foreign currency. the foreign currency accounts of the government at the national bank received 9 billion 310 million, and almost 5 billion, this is the first trans tranche from the european union, well, there is at least some good news, so the reserves of the national bank increased in a month by almost 7 billion and updated the historical record. well, in the meantime, we will include volodymyr bitsyak, the commander of the third volunteer company, in the conversation formation of the territorial community, deputy chairman of the sumy district council, mr. volodymyr. we welcome you, i welcome you, as always, the north-eastern outpost of the defense of our state. well, we would like to immediately ask
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about the situation on the russian-ukrainian border and, in general, what is happening now with shelling near the front territories? well, if you take into account the shelling, relative to what they are, yesterday there were 83 explosions in all in the whole area, well, to say that this is a relatively small number, if it was. there were 250 total explosions and 400 as a maximum, so the intensity was on for yesterday , the joy was reduced to a great extent, let's say this, well, if they had finished them at all, it would have been even better. and if before the evacuation of people, is there now a need for those from other areas that were not previously involved to take at least children, yes, families with children, all children from the five-kilometer zone have already been evacuated, so only adults who wrote, let's say,
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the appropriate paper, that they stay in these territories at their own risk and fear. only the adults remained in the five-kilometer zone, if you look there, the village is inhabited point velyka pisorovka, there are somewhere around 250 people left, well, in the community somewhere , i mean in these front-line villages , let’s say the border villages, the same in ryzhivka , there are also six people left, this is the bilopol community, so the people who wanted to, let’s say, were evacuated, well, look, the key story is preparation, we understand, for some new possible challenges that may befall sumy region, we wanted to ask you accordingly, the degree of preparation and the pace of work, when we talk about fortifications, we understand that well, recently, a few days ago, you and i talked about this topic, but maybe there are certain positive developments, because the government
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has allocated, well, several billion hryvnias, i will not name the amounts yet. but i found out a significant amount in addition to what was issued, i found out that it was highlighted, this is already public information, denys shmagal already spoke about it officially, so that means, well, what i see, i observe when i move around the sumy district, well, in my opinion about 80 percent of this work has already been completed the present time, and the work continues, the conditions are just favorable, thanks to god. there is none here, so i think that, well, plus or minus another month and all fortification works will be completed in full. look, mr. volodymyr, we would also like to ask you about the general situation in sumy oblast, right now in the city of sumy, right? what is the situation, how many people are now
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moving from the districts to the regional center and, in fact, how is the government helping them with housing and adaptation. let's put it this way, well, there are really many idps, now it's the same big clerk's office, somewhere around 300-400 people, why do i know, because we are giving out a food kit and we organized it for them, so already somewhere around 200 people have received it and tomorrow, monday, i apologize , they will also continue, so somewhere around 500 people in bags from a large register, then a lot. in oftyrka, in the city of oftyrka, also vypovochnikov, i asked the people of these residents what you need, you, well, do you have a place to live, you don’t, well, everyone is as well equipped as possible, everyone who, well, let’s put it this way, didn’t want some people lived in a dormitory there, then they rented it for themselves apartments, those who have funds, those who do not, dormitories are provided to them, where they are located, well
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, in principle plus or minus it is relatively normal, let's say so. that it is possible to understand that it is better at home, but we have what we have, and many people, let's say, are already going back, buy in a year that, well, we are such people, that the planting season is starting, everyone wants to return there, the vegetable garden is already starting, let's say, ugh, the sowing has already started, volodymyr bitsa, commander of the third third company of the voluntary formation of the territorial of the community, the deputy head of the sumy district council was in direct contact with us, they talked about... in sumy, there are some, we will say with uncertainty, yes, because the situation is dynamic, changing, but at least in the last period there are a little less shelling on in sumy oblast, if up to 400 shellings per day were recorded there, now there are less than a hundred, that is four times less, we understand that, well, this obviously indicates that at present the enemy is less
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of a nightmare for the residents of sumy oblast, but we must be vigilant and we must follow everything monitor this, well , actually, if you want to... monitor everyone important news and to be aware of all the most important things, then join our youtube, here you can also find important clippings from our television broadcasts, apt statements of the speakers who appear on our broadcasts, are also on our youtube, and also short videos on check out hot topics in the shorts section, and the actual live broadcast of our broadcast is also available on youtube, where you can leave your comments. and your suggestions too, so thank you marta for bringing our viewers to the attention, well be not just espresso viewers, but espresso youtubers. serhiy gerasimchuk is in touch with us. deputy executive director of the ukrainian prizma analytical center. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, congratulations. glory, i congratulate you. well, presidential elections are coming up in slovakia.
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yes, and we understand that there are no unimportant states in the european union. this is the first rule. the second rule - our neighbors - is also an extremely important story, because it is not only about emotions and solidarity and so on. well, but there are also such, you know, leather ones. our interests are there when we talk about transit and not only, therefore, the presidential elections in slovakia on april 6, what are the prospects, what are the people going for, and accordingly, how does fico and his political power feel in terms of the slovak presidential elections. two candidates are going to the second round of the presidential elections in slovakia, one of them is directly related to robert fico, it is peter pillegrini, the current one. the head of the slovak parliament, who is apparently going with the support of the current prime minister fitso, another candidate is ivan korchuk, a career diplomat
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who is more opposed to both pelligrini and fizo, and in every way demonstrates his support for the pro-western course of slovakia, on the other hand , pellegrini in the last period of time, especially... between the first and second round of elections, began to use narratives that are pleasing to russia to a much greater extent, accused korchyk of playing along with nato and the european union union and puts their interests above the interests of slovakia itself, and to some extent pelligrini's behavior can be understood, because he appeals primarily to the voter stefan garabin, who took over. the third position, and which is generally open a pro-russian populist, moreover, a supporter of various conspiracy theories. it is impossible to say with certainty who will win now
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, because the fact that korchuk won during the first round was a surprise, but it is not clear whether he will be able to mobilize his electorate to the same extent in the second round, and to what extent the electorate will really flow to pelligrini the third candidate. candidate with the third position, and the interesting thing here is that although pelligrini began to utter pro-russian slogans and appeal to these voters, one way or another, he is not a good enough candidate for pro-european forces, and at the same time not a good enough candidate for all these populists, because despite all his rhetorical exercises , pelligrini is still perceived as part of the political elite, as a kind of european politician, so the slovak village may not vote for him, either
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the position of hungarians in slovakia is interesting: the hungarian minority had its own candidate, who apparently did not make it to the second round, and some of them may also vote for perigrini, and some may not. those who will obviously vote for peregrini who support viktor orbán, because viktor orbán, the hungarian prime minister, has his own. contacts with pelligrini, at one time orbán even helped pelligrini with contacts in moscow, when pelligrini himself was the prime minister, he appealed to the hungarian prime minister about it, so the intrigue persists and a lot depends on how it is resolved, because if peregrini becomes president, no one will block the decision of the fizo government, if korchuk becomes president, then he can occupy the position that the president held until now chapola. namely, in the event that the government will promote some controversial initiatives that are contrary to european integration, because
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integration continues further, that will contradict the fight against corruption, then the president can either promise a solution or send them to the constitutional court for constitutionality, actually made chapotova with the decision prom'. punishment for corruption crimes in slovakia, which fitso tried to promote, and korczyk will have exactly the same tool if he wins this presidential election under time of the second round. look, mr. sergiu, what i wanted to ask you, if we are talking about the role of slovakia and hungary in the european union, we understand that now a serious situation is at stake for us, because hungary is currently clearly the only country that is blocking one or the other decision regarding ukraine in the european union, and we understand that if slovakia also has such a pro-orban president, let's say this, then these will already be two reinforced concrete countries that can
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this entire pro... process regarding the adoption of those or block others in ukraine, and do you think there is leverage, if we understand that, for example, orban can somehow be convinced thanks to money, will there be leverage on the government and the president of slovakia in the european union, in case it is necessary to decide certain decisions regarding ukraine? actually, like orban, so does sico, and... the slovak can be convinced again with the help of money, because if we look at the economic situation, we will see that while orban has one of the weakest economies in in the european union, slovakia has one of the weakest economies within the eurozone, but slovakia belongs to the eurozone, that is, the euro is the currency there, but slovakia's economy is weak compared to other eurozone countries, and of course there is the issue of the influence of individual
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political leaders. and here we are talking not only about such large states of the european union as france and germany, but also about the neighboring czech republic. we know that the czech government, the czech president, who is quite sympathetic to ukraine, has now suspended any intergovernmental consultations with the government of fitz, arguing that the government of fitz pursues a natto pro-russian policy. the czech republic has always been historically close to slovakia, and i think the czech republic can continue to do so. to press, but of course it will be easier if korchok is the president, because the president is in one way or another responsible for foreign policy, and here this tandem could restrain the initiatives of the fitz, which are directed against ukraine, well, the poor proud slovak people, so to speak, i ironic, but we understand, there is the influence of the czech republic, there is the influence of the european union on brussels, and there is influence hungary and orban, but where is this, so to speak, the lowest line below which the slovaks could not sink. when we talk
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even about the possible rise of pellegrini to power, that is, fizo together with pellegrini, they could create an extremely dangerous structure, but still there are certain things that would rather not be allowed in brussels, or not? well, the fact is that now in hungary there is actually no state that would support it, and being the only non-constructive member of the european union, hungary still needs... someone who, in case the european union tried to deprive such a state of its right to vote, voted against it, until recently such a state was poland, but since 2022 poland has changed its position, now there is a risk that slovakia may become such a state, and then it will be a tandem when hungary blocks the decision against slovakia, and slovakia will block the decision against hungary. ah, will it happen, in many matters it could happen, but
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well... as long as the european union controls access to funds, moreover, introduced that decision, that access to funds is possible only when states meet eu standards in the field of human rights, rule of law, etc., then this argument will be used and especially this argument will be used now, when states are in a not the best economic situation, as well as in the years to come , when... the new budget process begins, i think that this is a good fuse, which directly concerns ukraine, then we may face a problem here, so i still really want to hope that some kind of conditional at least the balance in slovakia will be preserved, god forbid, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhii geresimchuk, deputy executive director of the analytical center ukrainian prism, was in touch with us, an extremely interesting story, god forbid, of course, if slovakia
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joins the honor club. orban, well, let's go to a different format together with marta. yes, the espresso tv channel is ready to share news with you, yes. traditionally , anna eva melnyk appears on our airwaves, and together with the news editor, she prepared a fresh issue. so we give you the word and please tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, the newsroom will tell you about the main events of this hour. in particular, whether norway will enter its troops in ukraine, how germany is preparing for a possible war. and how is the exchange of defenders of mariupol going? details to follow, stay with us. russia does not give up the defenders of mariupol. the process of exchanging a fighter.


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