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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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greetings to all espresso viewers. thank you for being with us and news for your attention. scouts damaged seven russian planes at the vieysko airfield. this is reported by the ukrainian pravda publication with reference to sources in the main office of the russian intelligence service. the airfield was attacked by drones. on april 5, four so-30 fighter jets, two military transport planes and an amphibia plane were hit, and the diesel substation of the airport was also destroyed. the number of victims in kharkiv has increased to five, the prosecutor general's office reported. the occupiers hit the city center and the residential area with airplanes sector one of the shells hit a private house, and also flew into the central park, where many people were. damaged
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high-rise buildings, educational institutions, cafes, hostels and hotels. according to information from the state emergency service, there were several fires, cars and garages were on fire, the fire was extinguished, emergency services are working on the ground, one explosion, then another, and i was carried away by glass, carried away by the blast wave and injured by glass, then it was terrifying, it is normal to be angry with the russians, and ours... can and should be turned into donations. volunteer kitchen espresso continues to work for victory for the second year in a row. we make our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum, and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will fuel our zero we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers.
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the account already has 34 00 hryvnias, we need 50 00 hryvnias. join and support our soldiers donor you can see all the details on the screen. elections to local self-government bodies are underway in poland. people elect about 47,000 deputies at local levels, as well as almost 25 voyts, burgomasters and mayors of cities. maria chernyakhivska, who is now in touch with us from warsaw, will talk about the course of the elections. maria, my congratulations and tell me the details of the manifestation of will. greetings anna. poles vote today from 7:00 in the morning and will do so until 90 in the evening. only after that will the data of the first exit polls be known. this is an election local level, but they are important for polish politics, because the more votes a candidate from one or another party gets, the more this party...will have influence on polish
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politics and, of course, on poland's foreign policy. if we consider the experience of the previous elections in poland, then residents of large cities, in particular warsaw, are mostly supporters of the party of the current prime minister of poland , donald tusk. as for the turnout, at 12 o'clock it was over 16%, which is a high turnout if compared to the similar elections that took place in 2018, by one. the most active voters in poland are currently voting in the city of lublin. in the meantime, we talked to the residents of warsaw, why are these elections important for them? let's listen. this is a good question, and i look at it more from the point of view of women and their opportunities in poland as a whole. at the parliamentary elections held the day before, we showed our politicians the power we have.
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to make everything work in the place, to make it better for the residents. my only dream is to reduce the payment for water. it is a bit expensive in warsaw. in other cities, i heard that it costs less than in the capital in poland, it is reported that the elections are going smoothly. the police say
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that since the beginning of the election silence, which has been going on here for the second day, they have had to intervene in the situation more than 200 times. that's all i have, and... you have my word. thanks for the work, thanks for the details. maria chernyakhivska from warsaw about elections to local self-government bodies in poland. a year without the moscow patriarchate, the congregation of the church of st. george the victorious in april 2023 transferred to the orthodox church of ukraine. and liturgical songs and prayers sound only state language previously, it was the main center of the moscow patriarchate in lviv, the church was called st. george's cathedral. mykhailo hrushevskyi, the first president of the ukrainian people's republic, was also involved in the shrine. he was the church elder of this orthodox church, the only one in austria-hungary. this sunday , they celebrate the holy cross sunday,
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they worship the main symbol of christianity and the salvation of mankind. there are many changes in the parish, a lot of work in order to... in order to, well, to convert everyone, to the wishes of all the people who may have had some doubts about the transition, but in order to convert them, to return them to the bosom of this parish, this is one of the first ukrainian orthodox churches in lviv, but it is ukrainian, for a long time it was russian, when the community, the church community decided to transition to the orthodox the church of ukraine, there were no conflicts, eh... the church is overcrowded, and it is very important for us to give a signal now to all the orthodox who are in union with the russian church, to break this union, because the russian church is not a church, but an anti-christian church . in
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the swedish city of gothenburg showed the film shadows of forgotten ancestors. the event took place in the city theater, the film was shown with english subtitles. my colleague yuliya kyzyk will tell you more. veronika with her mother and younger brother came to sweden as refugees, here the girl actively attends demonstrations in support of ukraine and tells foreigners about the war. veronika says that she has been interested in ukrainian literature and cinema for a long time, and wants to tell swedes about it as much as possible. even literally against us, our own culture it is often used, or destroyed, or stolen, therefore the cultural plan, everything related to it. it is very important to protect and preserve, not only for ukrainians, but also for other nationalities. i believe that it is important to raise awareness about ukrainian
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culture, in particular, that ukrainian culture exists, this particular country and this particular culture exist, because in my opinion, many people in europe, or in general in the world , are not really. knowledgeable about ukrainian culture. dmitry plaks has been working in the theater field in sweden for 30 years. this year he became a dramatist in the production of the ukrainian play bad roads by natalka vorozhbyt in sweden. it was the first modern ukrainian play staged in a swedish theater with swedish actors. plaks says that ukrainian culture should be opened to swedes, because there is currently no widespread understanding of it in society. i don't think that the awareness of ukrainian culture in sweden is at the desired level today, but it is growing, unfortunately, thanks to the war. activists have been holding weekly demonstrations for two years in a row support of ukraine in the city center. they
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want ukrainian culture to be present in sweden in the long term. this event is aimed at swedish society to tell them about ukrainian culture. what she was before, what she is now. ukraine is now in all the news, a lot of swedes know ukraine through eurovision, for example, because ukrainian songs occupy high places. but still , i wanted ukrainian culture to be present here in sweden, under any conditions, under any conditions, not only during the war. julia kyzyk for tele. channel espresso. international partners in ukraine allocated more than 700 million dollars for humanitarian demining. funds provided for the projects of 2022-2027 were informed in the ministry of reintegration among key donors - the usa, switzerland, norway,
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eu countries, japan, the netherlands and germany. the government will continue to work with the international professional community to strengthen mine action. activity the news editor is working on the final issue. i'm telling you, i'll see you at 8 p.m. and i'm leaving you in the company of mykola verys for almost two hours. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola verysyn, well, as always , annayeva told the truth, we will talk to you together until 20:00. with different people from different countries, but we will definitely start with our homeland, ukraine. ivan tymochko,
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a serviceman, head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, has already appeared before us. thank you, mr. ivan, for finding time for us. i have a question for you, as for an ignorant person in the field of exact sciences, namely mathematics and arithmetic, i have always been tricar and i can't understand anything. if the mobilization of conscription and that is, the conscription age is reduced from 27 to 25 years old, am i correct in my understanding that at 26 they can no longer be drafted, and for me it is, as for me, it is less people, not more people are subject to conscription, well if there take from 18 to 27, then there will be a lot of them, and if up to 25, then there will be a little less, so what... then, if the idea, well, now they tell me something the opposite, i say that in mathematics
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always had bad grades, explain, mr. ivan, i think that not everyone in ukraine is an excellent student in mathematics, i think that many naviglas like me, well, i probably excite or worry you, as the europeans say, because i myself am completely educated as a humanitarian, i have a humanitarian lyceum, a history education, then... . the academy of public administration is an institute, so i always work as an official and in the social security system, i work in civilian life, so i, too, as it were, but the topic is actually very, very serious, extraordinary, the thing is that by and large in the country , the mobilization age can be from 18 to 60, and the senior team is up to 65 years old. but this age in our country is divided into conscription from 18 to
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25, well, if there are, well, the law has already been adopted, a change has already been made, that is, those who would hypothetically have to carry out military service, and the age from 25 to 60, and i say the senior officer to 65, these are those persons who are... militarily obliged, i.e. these are persons who can potentially be mobilized or are already mobilized into the armed forces of ukraine for war or enemy aggression, this is an almost exact interpretation of the definition of the law , which specifically refers to those who will participate in defense of ukraine during hostilities, or participate, so in fact we have all the human resources. churches from 18 to 60 years old, relatively speaking, these are those who could be
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called up, can be called up, or who , regardless of age categories , are outside the armed forces, and those who can now be called up from 25 to 60 and god forbid that such an age limit remains and god forbid that we do not appear before challenges when, unfortunately, we may again have to... say, reduce this conscription age and increase the age of military service. to reduce, or rather, the age of conscripts, that is, conventionally speaking, to 23 or even to 18, because all citizens in ukraine must understand that one way or another they may potentially have to join the ranks and defend ukraine, with which, why has such a specific need now arisen , well, that's understandable. above all, still, in the current legislation, or in the one that is currently being considered,
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there will be the issue of demobilization, on the issue of rotations, and for this it will be necessary to increase part of the troops, because if there is a rotation, then some units enter their place, the second ones are allocated, which means that a larger number of people are still needed for this to happen, if according to the law there will be mobilization... processes that are discussed in the verkhovna rada, the terms of demobilization will be determined, why do i say if, because in fact , as far as i know, the last meeting of the committee. there is still a discussion in the national security committee, whether these terms need to be included or not, how to calculate them, according to the total service there or according to the calendar days of stay in the armed forces forces, that is, there are many nuances there, this is a topic for a separate conversation, and actually we also
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know that according to this new legislation that is proposed, persons aged 18 to 25 will actually train as reservists, since there will be no conscription and they will not be subject to conscript service, as we used to call it, conscripts, then they must be prepared for the fact that potentially, when they turn 25, they have to join the armed forces and defend directly on... the line front or in those units even the rear, which provides support, provision actually from the units that are directly involved in the battles, and this is the topic that in 18 to 25 they will be trained on the basis of higher educational institutions, on the basis of local territorial communities, on the basis of training
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centers, these are here are the plans, they will be ready somewhere by 25 years and already there, well, let's see what the timing will be there, in order for there to be a general national preparation, i will tell you even more, let's take the israeli-palestinian conflict or war, israel demobilized from 20 years and older, that is, even though they are many times more powerful than palestine, having a many times better trained army, they still called 360 there... that is, what are the challenges, the realities of today, in relation to such and it is necessary to push back. mr. wang, see if there are any contacts in your opinion, maybe to your knowledge, you have some facts between
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the military and political leadership of ukraine, or maybe separately military, separately political and demographers. leadership, i.e. we have the institute of demography, the academy of sciences, and we have many specialists, and sociologists and demographers, why i ask this question, because they say that there are three to four times more men who are over 40 than men who are over 20, accordingly there are also some imbalances, disproportions, what will happen in 10 years, what will happen after for 20 years, we have known that the second world... war on the territory of the soviet union killed so many men that we still have these pits, so to speak, demographic and so on and so on. to what extent is there contact, to what extent does the top management understand the need for mobilization, given the moment that people are dying and it is primarily men who die, and
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there are far fewer young men now than those over 40. so... in fact, what is the situation? well, of course, the post of the commander-in-chief has this information, since there are representatives of all authorities and not only the armed forces, but also the cabinet of ministers, the national security council, and directly the president himself, and many structures that are tangentially or connected to the protection and defense of the country , that is, there is information there, not only extras. yes, but there are also plans of events, there is also information about let's say, how many emigrated, how many are in the country, we understand, but there is no, relatively speaking, not to one person, but there are general exact numbers, fairly accurate numbers, calculations, and there is also an understanding of how much can potentially be used to conduct hostilities
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actions of the enemy already now, how much they plan and will plan, because mobilization is in the country. actually takes place from february 24, 2022, just after a large-scale invasion when martial law was declared. we have no mobilization waves, we have no levels, stages, degrees, periods, we have one general mobilization taking place, in accordance with the needs and the challenges facing the armed forces and related structures, and this is the development of new military units, this is really the supply. new types and types of weapons, unfortunately, these are also losses, both sanitary and non-recoverable, we also now have a large number of our ukrainians, whom we... are mobilizing, who are undergoing training, training abroad, who are formally are counted in the armed forces, but they are not involved, because they pass or
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training, or pre-training, or training, as well as those mobilized who are now called up, are in training centers, that is, it is also a huge array of work, a huge volume, the task of which is not, let's say, to close specifically one... sections or one types types of troops only on the front line, but also efforts already in accordance with the fact that the third year is a large-scale invasion of the enemy, after all , efforts are now being made to prepare a process of constant rotations, a process of constant replacement of units, again we have, so far it does not work, the effort is the third year of the war, something i do not see so that there are rotations, so that there is mobilization. with the exception of the cases described by journalists, well, not very good work of these military enlistment offices, i will put it in the old fashioned way, that is, they prepare for a year, they prepare for two, they prepare for
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three, then the question arises, and the military-political leadership understands exactly what it needs, how many people are needed, how to prepare them, whether there are weapons for them, whether there are clothes for them, whether there is food for them, where to teach them, and so on, i don't see any of this yet, at least, maybe it's some kind of secret, may not tell. to the general public, at least i don't see us understanding where it 's going, and you understand where it's going? you and i, you know, as humanitarians , we can turn to one physicist who said: "if the movement is not visible to the naked eye, it does not mean that it is not happening, well, this is a pro-brown movement, it means that pr in the country does not work well, that i know for sure whether a physicist will be there or a humanitarian pr should publicize their achievements. communication, unfortunately, there is a problem in communication, we agree with that everyone, well, again, the first challenges, if you clearly inform which units
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have gone on rotation, where training is held, then i guarantee you that it will fly there, and always, unfortunately, the enemy is only some public space with there is information that some units have been withdrawn for rest, for recovery, where exactly, the enemy is definitely trying to strike this... territory , if there is information about the movement, accumulation of troops, the same story, so in fact it should happen quietly , covered, this is just the case when the word military secret should not be ironic, you know, but in terms of communication or with society and in terms of clarifying general ideas, yes, unfortunately, there is a certain problem in this regard, and the enemy uses it very seriously, but on the other hand it. because of the principles, no one will know, but the principles, then no military secret , but if the ukrainians know the principles, it will be calmer in the rear, everyone will understand
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how it works, well, if the top military leadership does not invite academician ela libanova, the chief demographer of ukraine , in order to still find out what awaits in 10, 20, 30 years, who to take, who not to take, i would advise, i respect them very much. kalibanov academy, and i believe that without it it is difficult to understand what is happening in ukraine with the so-called human resource, with people, i don't like the word resource, it is somehow the wrong word, i think so. thank you very much, ivan tymochko, military serviceman, head of the council of reservists of the land forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us. now we will have an advertisement, and then we will talk on euro-atlantic integration, on its potential. or doubts about such possibilities, and now advertising, please invite us to our
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others. old age analysis of changing processes the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think, political club, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good health once again, i remind you that we will be working until 8 p.m. today, and now it will be
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with... a political analyst of the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation, he will appear now, and i will advertise for him, because when ukraine and ukrainians first of all hesitated a lot, and that was 10, 15, 20 years ago, maybe 25 years ago, i did not i remember when mr. volodyr and i met, he was an absolute supporter of the nativites, he was such a nativite, we were still joking, because in the 90s there was a separate group of people. small, which wanted to become personal members of nato, that is, at the level of citizenship, write a letter to brussels, with ukraine, ukrainians do not want, but that's what we want, and that happened too. good health, mr. volodymyr, thank you for visiting us, it is obvious that when we talk about euro-atlantic cooperation, we also talk about the 75th anniversary of the alliance.


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