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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 4:00am-4:29am EEST

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but the organizational system has not been established, and how is it possible without introducing this body into the organizational system of power, in general, to talk about something, we have a law on the country of peoples, there it is written with the participation, with the participation, with the participation, with consultations, that is, we first establish, then, when we start it, another question arises, this is already political, it should be held again after the deoccupation of the tai kings, electing the majlis, these are all logical questions, because the crimean tatars, as a component of the ukrainian people, the entire ukrainian people are used to living according to democratic procedures, only after... those issues can be legally formalized, and that is why i say, those of you who are talking about crimean tatar autonomy or the region today, yes, because they either do not know the situation, or they are useful, stupid, because all these issues today have the only actual result, this distracting society from urgent issues, what issues, protection of the people of prava, here today the occupation is being called, the work is real, sorry, not a cabbreak, but the real work is the deoccupation, reintegration of crimea, i can't talk about the military. block but
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as an example in relation to the civil block, so in relation of the civil block of all these issues, just so you understand the situation, we just held and the crimean tatar resource center was held by other organizations, our association for the integration of crimea, which i represent, has already held a series of three strategic forums, well, regarding the future of crimea, they have already worked out relevant proposals to the integration strategy, then to the government's plans, then we gathered for now, we began to think about what to do with the organization of the activities of the international crimean platform. because the summits are held, it is very right, it is the right policy, i am her i personally support it, but let's talk about the real results here and on the ground, what it gives us, what specific plans, strategies, tasks do we have, there is a lot of work on the shore, someone gives us funds for this, in what amount, which state , we see security agreements today, there are eight of them, it's very good that they are being concluded from great britain to finland, i only found two questions, quote:
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we are not going to the united nations constituent assembly in san francisco in the 45th we today the desperation of the battle for gudal canal if we should not think lightly about the lendlease plan with such comparable categories, dear ones, and when they start telling us, excuse me, you know this as standards, let's turn over the ukrainian flag, everything will change, it will not change, from the fact that today we will declare something on a formal level, and even if we can today to declare it, because any constitutional act on crimea, it foresees the realities of the situation, we must first clearly understand the reintegration strategy, the reintegration strategy was approved in the 21st year before the great war, we were promised a new one in 203 editor, mr. danilov promised, patashev and ms. virishchuk, then we heard another statement by mr.
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danilo, as far as i am mistaken, a public one, well , someone in power or officials for sure that there will be some general strategy about all reintegrated territories, today mr. danilo is no longer the secretary of the national security council , and a new question arises, right, so who is there, what will be the new position in the nsdc, she is responsible for this, because the nsdc apparatus is responsible for the preparation of decisions, and the de-occupation strategy of the reintegration of krymuchyn in the 21st year, where everyone told us about the diplomatic way , it should be changed to levels that is, i am talking about the fact that this should be done here and now, when we do it, the strategy will be signed by president zelensky, we will build from this, which, excuse me, constitutional yes, well, if i am not mistaken, in 2021 when developing the de-occupation strategy and the reintegration of the peninsula , the image of the krymstar people and the krymstar resource center, etc., took part. now you were not invited to the majlis. ugh, she is
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at the very least, it does not correspond to the realities of the great war, so let's put an end to it, criticizing a document that obviously should be changed today is a thankless task, the only thing i can say, here's what i can say, for the development of this strategy in 2023, the plan was approved, well, and here everyone already had the question of lawyers, because there is a plan, but the strategy was not changed, that is, on the basis of which, if the strategy was not changed, the plan is already new, and the second question, and from there many lawyers , in particular. and i saw this plan sorry for the television, mr. boris, i really hope that we will have the opportunity to do a whole separate program with you on all the mentioned topics, i thank you very much for the fact that you were able to emphasize quite acutely and fairly those points that, well, how on me, sometimes they discuss it a little too cautiously in the information space, thank you, boris babina, the representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, i thank... my colleague
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gulsum for the fact that we were able to realize another recording of the together beraber program, let us remind you that this a joint project of the tv channel espresso and the atp tv channel. stay with us and... an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads , we will have better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? everything in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the football format changes the time of departure on the air from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 220. expert analysis
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of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate the non-committal. view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. greetings, today is a story about two girls and one boy who go missing in the chaos of war at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of russia. all the children we will talk about are from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. this is snow white almagambetova, georgy burskyi and sofiyka vashchenko. snowyna is only 11 years old and nothing is known about her since february 24, 2022. a girl disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region in the city of gola prystan. and just 20
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km from the bare wharf in the city of oleshki in the kherson region, this 15-year-old boy lived before the war, his name is george burskyi. please look carefully, in his face the teenager is missing, and maybe you will recognize him and help him find him. yes, as well as snizhana and george, on the very at the beginning of the war , nine-year-old sofiyka vashchenko also disappeared in the kherson region. the girl was last seen in the village of chaplinka, in the kakhovsky district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhana, george and sofiyka, and above all, the search. of course, they are complicated by the fact that children have disappeared in the occupied territory, and by the way, it is precisely in such situations that there is great hope for witnesses who, in particular, on social networks can see our videos about the search in the occupied territories, so i appeal first of all to
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the residents of the occupied part of kherson region if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, georgy bursky and sofiyka vashchenko, please let me know right away. call us on the hotline at 11630. if you do not have the opportunity to call at any time, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, and of course, children can be both in the occupation and in the controlled territories of ukraine or even abroad. therefore, if, for example, you live in one of the european countries, and there you will see one of the children we are looking for. or not god forbid you have a missing child, don't delay and call 11630. 11630 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries, so remember, you'd better write this number down, so
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you never need it, but it is necessary to know it just in case. i told only one of the many difficult stories of children. who are missing, information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find, you can see on the website of the children's tracing service, there are photos of children who have disappeared and need our help, so please do not be indifferent, look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116 30, calls without ... valuables from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that now the vast majority of the children we are trying to find have disappeared due to circumstances somehow related to the war. under occupation in front-line cities or villages or during evacuation. but at the same time, as before
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of a full-scale invasion, children often disappear by running away from home. mostly boys and girls resort to this in adolescence, and the reasons are here... very different, conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and teenagers who testify that they need to be taken care of more, they need to be taken care of more. what could it be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when the child goes to bed at three o'clock, he gets up. the 12th is definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be a depressed state, when the child
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is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of him. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, productivity, this may also be evidence that he has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child , if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, have a warm and trusting conversation with him, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer for help to a psychologist or others specialists join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own, the result of their work is our safety and yours, they, the boys from volyn do... that everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until
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holy victory everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. crazy losses do not stop the occupiers rush west from avdiyivka. will the opponent be able to further increase the offensive at the end. they are seeking a total blackout. the russians are using
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new tactics to attack ukraine's energy sector. will it be possible to restore the power system before next winter? local elections in poland. opposition parties get the most seats in government bodies. will this help solve the problem of blocking the ukrainian border? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with a military expert. dmytro snigerev, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy kucharenko and polish politician and public figure myroslav chech. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the fighters of the 12th azov brigade, the 95th dshv brigade and the 60th ombre smashed the enemy column. intelligence noticed an armored group of russians, it was moving towards the position of the defense forces in the kreminsk direction. ukrainian soldiers fought back. stormed the invaders and destroyed 11 units of the invaders' equipment, and the azovians also
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managed to capture the attackers' tank, let's see how it all turned out. glory to the defense forces of ukraine. and thank you zsu. friends, over the next hour we are conducting
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a survey, today we ask you the following: will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, or write your comment under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you donate to zsu. 0800 211 381, no 0800 211. 382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we the first guest on the call is dmytro snigiriv, military expert, co-head of the right. how are you, mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, thank you for the invitation, let's start our conversation with the russian offensive announced or predicted by president zelensky at the end of may, the beginning of june, what are the possible scenarios of the development of events and the directions of the offensive
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and the readiness of the russian army for this major offensive. mr. serhiy, it is not necessary to talk about the fact that the russian offensive, unfortunately, does not stop, the offensive which began in october, it currently continues along the entire length of the ukrainian-russian front, so when they talk about the next offensive, which should take place at the end of may, at the beginning of summer, i have big questions, and this information is based, accordingly, on this main intelligence department, the ministry defense, how is this disinformation of the highest? official, i will remind you that from october 2023, correspondingly to april 24, the russian occupiers managed to seize approximately 500 km of ukrainian territories, and we are assured that the line the front is stable at the moment, the stabilization of the front is certainly evidenced by the battles directly at
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the time, zelena street, ee plus, accordingly , the situation is difficult in... the aldiiv direction, where the occupiers are trying to break through, including using heavy armored vehicles, lipukrainian positions. another issue is that we are currently holding back these advances. the situation in the lyman direction is just as difficult. the occupiers are storming simultaneously from the bilogorivka district and from the veselo district of the donetsk region in order to create an operational encirclement of the ukrainian group in the area seversk the situation in maryanskyi is no less difficult. in the orekhiv direction, where, accordingly, the occupiers hit the junction between the robot and the willow, unfortunately,
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they have a tactical advance, then explain to me, the offensive is taking place. or the stabilization of the front, and in general this thesis about the next russian offensive at the end of may, and where does this information come from, moreover, let's talk about the fact that the russians are currently using the so -called window of opportunity, let me explain what we are talking about, precisely until the end of may, the armed forces ukraine will receive artillery shells, or according to the czech initiative, it is 1 million projectiles, or according to the initiative of the eu countries , 500,000, and... it is possible that both initiatives together manage 15 million projectiles. the russian occupiers are currently capable of producing 10,000 shells per day. simple arithmetic - 300 thousand per month. in this way, we will be able to equalize the coefficient of fire damage by the end of may. and explain, the occupiers do not understand this? probably, on the contrary
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, they are making maximum efforts to try to reach the administrative borders of donetsk until the end of may region take a look. what is happening on all areas of the front, the tactics have changed to the attacks of the occupiers using heavy armored vehicles, which has not happened for a long time, you have demonstrated these successful actions in the respective lyman direction, a similar situation was in the avdeiiv direction, in the same bakhmut directions, in the orihiv area direction, i.e. trying to push the positions of the armed forces of ukraine using even heavy armored vehicles without counting. with losses, even personnel is absolutely not counted here, does not count losses of armored vehicles, because they understand very well that by the end of may, in addition to these two initiatives announced by me, the corresponding political crisis of the united states regarding the package vote, package not only aid to ukraine, but
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also to israel and taiwan, respectively, will be removed from the agenda. why are these stupid tests being promoted to us? mr. dmytro, let's listen to what the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense kyrylo budano said in an interview with the german tv channel ard, how he characterizes the situation at the front, and what he thinking about the advancement of the russians, which may be in may-june? well, first of all, at the end, at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer, we are waiting for activation. fire actions of the enemy, primarily on the territory of donbas, they will move a little towards the temporal ravine, will go in the strategic direction to pokrovsk, if the russians try to carry out any. over the past 10 days, russian troops have advanced another
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2-3 km to the west of avdiyivka, as you said, the most significant advance is recorded in pervomaisk, between tonenko and umansky and in are the people of semenov, or the russians, trying to use this pause that we had with financing? with the supply of weapons, including from our american partners, and in this way to turn the situation around, this means that obviously by the middle of summer we will see a more or less clear picture of what will happen from this, or already by the fall, by the beginning of summer, and besides, mr. seri, i thank you for quoting it, well, explain to me, a person is really detached from ee... the situation on the frontline, there will be possible advances in side of the temporal ravine, the battles in the temporal ravine are going on, this is how
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the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense characterizes, sorry, they overslept the audiobook, when the occupiers, using the drainage system, were preparing for several months this breakthrough into the rear in the rear of the armed forces of ukraine, igur did not i saw, so... actually, it is worth saying that due to the failure of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, what happened in the avdevka area, a breakthrough in the rear of the ukrainian group, and, accordingly, the subsequent withdrawal of the armed forces of ukraine from avdevka, which we could hold for more than one month. i will remind you that the events of the 22nd year, when i reported, including from your ether, first gave information about... the possibility of the crossing of the occupiers in the lisichansk region, they even said the place where this crossing would be, the relocation of pontoon equipment, was ignored full
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information, and in three days the representatives of gur are coming out, the russian occupiers have crossed over in the lchansk region and we are currently forced to leave the city, a city that could be held for more than one month, sir, i will the last example, gur comes out, tells, seven planes were destroyed in yesk. this information is refuted even by the information cesspool, the institute for the study of war, which says that there is no visual confirmation. there are no satellite images that would indicate the destruction of the planes, and the first version reports that two su-25 planes were completely destroyed and burned in the fire. second message in a day. they do not appear at all, it turns out that they destroyed four su-30 cm and three more aircraft, this is the level of competence, how much
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can we play these, sorry, budaniv games? well, mr. dmitry, there is a supreme commander, there is a commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, well, obviously, they decide who is in charge of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, we can only... comment and state some facts, or in this case you can them to comment and make their assessments, against this background we see how the russians are dispersing information that kharkiv may be taken by russian troops, president zelenskyi said that today kharkiv is well protected from a land invasion by russian troops, and he called the talk about the plans of the occupiers to capture the city... directed disinformation, if the whole story around kharkiv is an informational and psychological special operation of the russians, then what do
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you think is the reason for such an aggressive bombing and launching strikes, missile strikes according to kharkiv, what, what goal are the russians pursuing? thank you for the question, mr. serhiy, first of all to provoke the so-called... process of internal migration in kharkiv of 1,300,000 and , accordingly, in addition to informational and psychological operations, the russian special services, which carried out, including in the ukrainian military , regarding a possible attack on kharkiv, selective strikes are carried out on the residential infrastructure, and the tactics of terrorists and businesses are used, i explain what we are talking about, the tactics of the so-called double strikes, first the first strike is carried out on the residential infrastructure on the spot ee... the crime of the russian occupiers , representatives of the security forces, rescuers, and medical services arrive, and at this moment, the moment of maximum accumulation of rescuers,
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representatives of... the security forces and medics a second blow is struck, and at this time, when the russians are trying to pull the ukrainian trail in the terrorist attack in moscow by the ears and tie us to idols, the occupiers themselves are using the tactics of terrorists and works, here you don't even need an evidence base, but the main thing is that that the russians are currently trying to provoke chaos, panic, mistrust in the actions of the central government and, accordingly, the president of ukraine. that is, to provoke a mass exodus of the civilian population from kharkiv, which is a threat to national security. imagine a million forced migrants, that's it the blockade of the transport infrastructure, the burden on the local central authorities, and most importantly - the situation of chaos in the country, and if you look, mr. sergey, and you are an excellent analyst, they
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are trying to inflame a similar situation. and around a possible attack on kyiv, on sumy, etc., and thirdly, why the russians raise this topic, the distraction of operational reserves of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, the thesis about the possibility of an offensive is thrown in, according to which the general staff must react at the moment of the redeployment of operational reserves, instead of covering the most difficult areas of the front, the donetsk direction, the armed forces of ukraine are forced to stretch theirs accordingly. to cover the kharkiv, sumy direction, well, and accordingly kyiv, here are the three key aspects of this informational and psychological operation of the russian special services, but unfortunately, well, sorry, the western media also help, today’s publication vzekonomist, first of all, i have a question for terikhov, who in general, you were allowed to invite foreign correspondents to the regime facility, the article clearly states
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secret industrial object. this is the first, second, in the article, english journalists give assessments of the capabilities of the russian occupiers, six divisions with a total number of 120,000 are being formed in siberia, hysteria is being fueled, that is, a special one for foreign forces, the number of the division of the armed forces of the occupiers is 12,000 personnel, 6 for 1272, this is so that you understand that information. any the economist, new york times, washington post, financial times, must be checked, and most importantly, dear theorists, trust only verified sources of information, the ukrainian general staff mr. dmitry, i also wanted to ask you about these forecasts regarding the mobilization, the possible mobilization of the russians, because the russians deny that they are announcing an additional mobilization
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of 300,000 people from june 1, zelenskyi says that preparations are also underway for these people, and mobilize these people in order to involve them in the russian-ukrainian war. at the same time, the ukrainian side says that we do not need to mobilize 500,000 people, as they say, the previous leadership of the armed forces of ukraine wanted, that is, if the ukrainian the management says that they are preparing 3,000, we don't need it... but how much does ukraine need then, and is the ukrainian leadership sincerely talking to the ukrainians now? a valid question, mr. serhiy, moreover, let's talk about the fact that the syrian's statement about that looks quite strange, well, dissonant.


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