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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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and 6.5% to those sejniks, but when analyzed, it can be said that the party preferences of poles since the october 15 parliamentary elections have not changed significantly, they are the same, and thus the ruling coalition has confirmed its mandate of trust in society and to carry out these changes, which began with... with coming to power on the 13th, uh, with her coming to power on december 13 of last year. polish prime minister donald tusk commented on the results of the local elections and says that law and justice are somewhat ahead of him civil coalition. what is pleasing - wrote tusk on twitter. systematic catch-up, seven points in 2018, five in 2023, two today, record victory in cities, advantage in the assembly. if
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the low turnout, especially among young people, the defeat in the east and in rural areas is a concern, what is the conclusion for us not to whine to work, you have already mentioned that there will be presidential elections, but there will also be elections for the european parliament in early june, and this it is also probably important for poland, these elections will also be for political forces that represent... poland will be represented in the european parliament, but given what is being said in poland, and whether these local elections are already a marker of support, which will be in the elections to the european parliament and in the following elections before, well, the presidential elections, well, the conclusion from the local elections is that the turnout was a third lower than on october 15. during the parliamentary elections, i.e.
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the turnout in october was 70 almost 5%, today it was 52%, so it shows that it was still not possible to mobilize people to mass participation in the elections, the turnout for the parliamentary elections to the european parliament is even lower, whether it will be like that in june, at the beginning of june, i don't know, we have to hope that it will be quite high, because... high, the specifics of the electoral legislation were such that less, less participation in local elections was taken by the younger generation due to the attention paid to absentee ballots, the possibility of taking absentee ballots and so on, that is, we do not want to go into details, their turnout was lower, in the parliamentary elections in october it was very high, and everyone is hoping that that the younger generation will come more en masse to the european elections, and it... it
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is unequivocally pro-european, progressive, and it will support the pro-european political forces that are united today in the ruling coalition, this does not cause doubt in me and observers, but the conclusion from these elections is that parties, political parties and all citizens who are active in political processes and understand the importance of political processes should be active every day and because every election is important, there is no unimportant. beyond all doubt, and it is also important for us to understand in this situation, and i, how these results of the local elections will affect ukrainian-polish relations, and of course what we have seen over the past three months, when various groups of polish citizens tried to picket the ukrainian border, and this had consequences. consequences for ukraine, taking into account
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the fact that we have a large western window, and this window is right on the polish border. well, these local elections were so extremely instructive because today's ruler coalition, it completely took over the policy of the law and justice party, which was actively developed since april last year, there is an embargo on the import of ukrainian rural. products, they began to talk about closing the transit of ukrainian products through the territory of poland and so on, i.e., they began to compete with radicals, anti-ukrainian radicalism with radicals, that is, even with the confederation of pro-russian political forces, from a political point of view it was you, for me it was an absolute absurdity, because it can't be like that, a pro-european party must be by definition a pro-ukrainian party, and not...
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to use anti-ukrainian measures, well, that's obvious, because there is a choice between either supporting ukraine or supporting russia, prime minister tus understood this perfectly, and he did so at the time. towards the end of the election campaign, he already realized that he had put so much effort into protecting the rights and interests conditionally in quotation marks, we have, so that at the end he asked himself the question, in fact, what would be the return from such a position of his, and it turned out , that this... the dacha is extremely low, because 50-60% of the farmers supported the dog, only in 10% citizen platform, or prime minister tusk's citizen coalition, i think he will draw conclusions from this that it is necessary to tell the truth first of all, not to seek
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justification of all bits of polish, polish farmers, polish agriculture, what is the situation somewhat it may turn out to be difficult, or it may seem so, but here we don't... we want to enter into these discussions, instead, we just need to tell the truth and present an alternative view on these matters, of course, solving their questions, and then, i think, support will be there will be no more of this anti-ukrainian hysteria. people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, who is the co-chairman of the verkhovna rada's group on interparliamentary relations with the republic of poland, says that tusk's hopes for the victory of his party over peace did not come true due to flirting with the peasants, and this... gives a chance for a fairer position poland during the negotiations on ukraine's membership in the european union, such negotiations should begin here, and of course we are at the beginning of this path, and the main thing is to understand that we have friendly neighbors
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neighbors, because it turns out that in the east, north, northeast, east, southeast, and in the north, we still don't quite agree. unfriendly, to put it mildly, neighbors, how in poland they now perceive the statements of the president of poland, that it is necessary to prepare for a possible, possible confrontation with russia, and that it is necessary to help ukraine more in this situation, but at the same time we see, despite these statements, how russian missiles fly into the territory of poland and... uh, the polish military says, well, the missile was there for 39 seconds only in heaven, and that is why she returned to ukraine again, planes take off in order to prevent russian missiles from hitting poland, putin tests the poles for strength, and what do ordinary poles themselves
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say about these threats, well, in polish society anxiety is growing, war anxiety, the understanding that he... is getting closer to poland itself, after all , prime minister tusk speaks about it openly, he says that poland is in a pre-war state, so these are quite such harsh statements, which in the end the world media spread all over the world, and the poles, of course, experience this as a mine against the past two years, when ukraine... was winning on the fronts of the war, so clearly, this concern was less, it is now, when the situation at the front has stabilized, more reports that russia has gone on the offensive, anxiety that the americans
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are not providing aid to ukraine, and so on, the next target may be poland, after all , these have been stated repeatedly by putin from... by medvedev and other high-ranking officials with of the russian federation, if the understanding of this is that there is a military threat, instead of a part, and therefore the support for ukraine must remain unambiguous, as prime minister tuski and the majority of polish politicians say in the end, but the problems are with these farmers, i think that conclusions from the local elections, the elections will be made correctly, correct and that the situation at the border will stabilize. and to avoid these situations, which do not benefit anyone, and ukraine and poland as well, so neither the european union nor the european union. ben hodges is an ex the commander of the armed forces, or the troops of the united
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states of america in europe, he says that the most potentially hot spot in europe is the so-called suval corridor, that is, it is a corridor that goes from... belarus, or at least a conditional corridor, to kaliningrad, kenniksberg, and there is a part of polish territory, or in poland they are talking about the fact that... that there is a possible conflict in this suva corridor, which is potentially the most potential and most problematic for russia, considering the fact that they need this corridor to kaliningrad? of course, this is already being discussed 15 years, because the first exercises of russia and belarus were in 2009, the west of 2009, where exactly these so-called allied troops, they were trained to... repulse or suppress the uprising of the polish minority in
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belarus, and then go march through this suval corridor to the kaliningrad region and further to the west, such exercises were already in 2009, and of course already in the 14th, in particular in the 22nd, the understanding came that these were not just some flirtations and games of idiots, actually. it was a very serious preparation to the scenario that russia wants to implement, and now this suvar corridor is being strengthened a lot, exercises and joint exercises of nato troops and polish troops are held there, new polish military groups are stationed there, i don’t know the divisions, brigades, etc. it matters what they are called, on the other hand, the strengthening of defense capabilities is clearly taking place in this area, because the awareness of threats. is increasing in poland. thank you, mr. myroslav, for the conversation, it was myroslav
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cech, a polish politician, public figure. friends, we are working live on the tv channel and conducting polls. today we ask you about this, will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? let's look at the intermediate results of the survey: 89% - yes, 11% - no, that is , these are the results of our survey on youtube : 86% yes, 14% no. vasyl winter's broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings,
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friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, today we will talk about zelenskyi shmyhal and mobilization, midvedev in zapoi, about how potap entertains russians in europe, and the russian orthodox church, in the literal sense, kills . we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on... for those who who is watching us live now, there, please take part in our vote, today we ask you the following: will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, vote either yes or no, leave your comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, vote if you donate on zsu 0,800 211 381, no 0800 211382. all calls to these rooms are free. so, this week the verkhovna
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rada of ukraine should consider the second reading of the law on mobilization. over 400 amendments, between the first and second reading. the committee on national security, defense and intelligence carefully considered all these amendments, and on april 10 this bill should be brought to the floor. the president of ukraine and the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine has already called on the council to adopt a law on mobilization in the coming days, let's listen to what volodymyr zelensky said. we are talking to the parliament so that they vote in the coming days, to vote on the relevant law. this is very important, and it is not completely irresponsible. what they do and what they do there is a problem with this law, i think
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the most important thing is that the mobilization is going like this, but the most important thing is that the russians succeeded with this law, they managed to raise the issue that our people are not ready to further defend the state, because of this law, they raised the issue in the west like what is the event today, and if you don't want mobilization... the parliament doesn't want to vote, then why do you need help, well, just tell me, if that's all, why should we help, president. asks rhetorical questions, because if he calls on the verkhovna rada to adopt this law, then this is the first call when we see that the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine articulates his desire for the parliament to adopt this law, and he says that the russians managed to raise
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the issue with this law that our people are not ready to continue defending the state, in the whole history, which pov'. with the law on mobilization, there was a lack of a leadership position, i.e. at the time when this law or draft law was submitted to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it was generally unclear who is the one person or group of persons who will implement this law through the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this draft law officially came from the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, although, taking into account its importance and taking into account the fact that there is a war in the country, obviously the author of this draft law and the draft law as an urgent matter could have submitted it to the verkhovna rada of ukraine himself volodymyr zelenskyi, he did not do this for certain reasons, and now he says: well, now we appeal to the parliament so that the parliament
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accelerates this consideration of this draft law and that the parliament finally passes this law. imagine sitting in the parliament the parliamentary majority, which is the representative of president zelenskyi and his party, the servant of the people, that is, and to whom he still has to turn, that is, he has a pro-presidential faction, there is a monomajority that assumed responsibility, political responsibility for the country in september 2019 or at the end august 2019, and it now depends solely on this monomajority whether this law on mobilization will be passed or not? if the monomajority does not have enough votes, then president zelenskyi should say: we have there is no monomajority, now we will reformat the majority, but still, since there is a danger that the russians in june
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2024 may... 300,000 people, let's reject all political misunderstandings with the whole parliament, 300 votes, and maybe 400 votes , we will vote for this law, because this is a matter of life and death for ukraine, it is not only a matter of our responsibility to our western partners, because the system of mobilization in ukraine must be clear and... understandable for every person, for everyone conscription, instead of what we hear, for example, from the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmyhal, who is officially the person who submitted this mobilization law, that mobilization in ukraine will be much milder. the army currently does not
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need 500,000 people, and he stated this in an interview with the estonian tv channel. err, let's listen to what shmyhal said and continue. the president and i are monitoring the situation, we have changed the commander in chief, he has conducted an audit of the defense forces, rotations have begun on the front line for the first time since the start of a full-scale intrusion we understand that not so many people are needed now, so the mobilization will be much softer. i think that during this year we will complete all the necessary tasks. mobilization of ukrainians. we have new brigades, they are manned, but we are waiting for equipment, military equipment and ammunition from partners. when all this arrives, new brigades will be manned and we will increase our fighting strength significantly. so what does this mean, this mobilization will be much milder? what does it mean that we don't need 500,000 people,
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how many people do we need? 300 0, 400 people, and... if the prime minister says that the president and i are controlling the situation, then what does he mean when he talks about this, that there were some new people in the defense forces of ukraine who were in other positions, it is meant not at the front, more in the rear of ukraine, and that these persons will now get to the front line and replace those who have been there for a long time, or does this mean? that we do not need 500,000 mobilized, then it is not clear why the measure reprimands president zelensky says that in ukraine there is no what should be, we still do not have answers to these questions, and obviously, in this situation, clarifications are needed,
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including from the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, about the fact that what kind of mobilization will it be, and what does soft mobilization mean, that is, if now there will be only men'. in two statuses, fit or unfit for military service and will not be limited fit, does this not mean that this mobilization will not be so soft, when people who until now were considered limited, those with limited fitness will be mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine, and obviously there will be many, too many of these people, taking into account the fact that limited fitness during the martial law... it was extended to people who, who could not be recognized as disabled, were disabled , but what were there, who had health problems,
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and these problems remain, we still do not have answers to these questions, we only have the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine about these statuses, that the status will be suitable, unsuitable, and will not be limited suitable, then we have the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. that mobilization will be carried out for men aged from 25 to 60 years, and previously it was from 27 to 60 years old, and the ministry of defense of ukraine has already called on men who are 25 years old to appear at territorial recruitment centers and specify their data or pass a military doctor. commission, that is, we see that they are already potentially those who will be mobilized in the near future, since these age limits
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are now being expanded, according to the decision of the parliament, which was signed by the president of ukraine. by the way, this decision that the lower limit of those who can be mobilized during the war, i.e. from... we are not so soft, well, we saw about this softness, the possible softness of mobilization on the example of my colleagues from the investigative information publication, their journalist. yevgeny shulgat was tried to be served with a summons by tsc employees, who were brought by an employee of the cyber ​​security department of the sbu, my colleague
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yevgeny shulgat was conducting an investigation into the head of this very unit, meaning cyber security of the sbu, so sbushnyk came with two representatives of the territorial territorial assembly center and began to search in the shopping and entertainment center. center or where was there or was there a journalist somewhere in the store and they actually started handing him a summons to the shopping center right there, let's watch a fragment of the journalist's dialogue with representatives of the territorial assembly center. is your appearance here related to my journalistic activities? not related to your desire, but related to your duties as a citizen. and how did you know, how did you know my name, and how is it, where did you have, do you have documents in the tsk, tsp, you came there when you were 16 years old, you
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know me specifically, what order, you know me in faces, i would explain to you, it's like when they approach, every citizen is already known and trained, show them, those who break the rules, we're wasting time yevgeny georgiyovych, you refuse to answer, i'll design and it will be formalized. refusal to answer is simple time, they refused, that is, the representatives of the tsc went to the store, found a journalist who was pointed out to him by an employee of the cyber security department, or the cyber security department, security services of ukraine and started. to serve a summons, why it is done in this way, no one can say, on the other hand, the media community mediar is concerned about another
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case of pressure on journalists. in its statement, the community demands the opening of criminal proceedings against sbu and tcc employees. i will quote this appeal: illegal surveillance of by a journalist, representatives of the special services and the use of the military as a tool to stop journalistic investigations is an unacceptable and threatening precedent, the statement said. the head of the independent investigative agency slidstvo info, anna babinets, thanked. to the media community for prompt response and support, and also reported that a criminal case had been initiated due to pressure on the journalist. this morning we submitted a statement regarding the situation with our journalist yevhenii shulgat to nabu. the prosecutor general's office has just reported the violation proceedings: first, on the fact of abuse of official powers, second, on obstruction of journalistic activity. i wish the law enforcement officers a fruitful investigation,
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we are always ready to help. it's not... it's about the fact that the journalist avoided being there and didn't want to receive a summons, or didn't show up at the territorial recruitment center, but what the journalist was brought to, you see, the sbu employee brought two employees of the tcc, pointed to man, he said to the journalist, serve him a summons, this is exactly the journalist to whom a summons should be served, from such episodes with such... approaches that the tsk is currently demonstrating and those who serve summonses, obviously such stories are not added by the tsk or the sbu, and of course, they raise certain questions, well, if the person really did not appear in the tsc, then the tsc can come to the person's place of residence together with the police, or send this summons. at
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the journalist's place of residence, if they have any complaints against this journalist, but this is the story that has now gained publicity, it raises certain questions about equality in receiving summonses by journalists and ukrainians, well, that is, to what extent all people who receive these subpoenas have equal conditions, and these questions will obviously arise. already after this law on mobilization is adopted, how the norms of this law will come into effect, and most importantly, how people will then be responsible for showing up to the tcc, for not showing up to the vlk, and for avoiding mobilization, the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk of the armed forces of ukraine says that harassment
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of employees of territorial recruitment and social support centers is unacceptable, their rights cannot be violated allow, at the same time , they will not put up with the violation of the rights of civilians either - says oleksandr pavlyuk, and i promise that this story will definitely develop and the armed forces of ukraine itself will answer all questions, including those of my colleagues from the investigation agency info, among the things that have been discussed very actively over the past few months, this is precisely the liability for violation of mobilization and military accounting, which is parallel to the law on mobilization, there is a law that actually provides for increased liability for military offenses, and in the draft of this law, which is already under consideration by the verkhovna rada, there was a provision on the criminal liability of citizens
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of ukraine, for avoiding mobilization, for violating mobilization, or military registration, so there was information about that the verkhovna rada committee on law enforcement, during this consideration of the draft law, excluded criminal liability for those who violate mobilization and military registration, serhii ionushas, ​​the head of the verkhovna rada committee of ukraine, stated this, he says that... today we recommended to the parliament to adopt this bill number 10379 as a basis with committee amendments. what this draft law provides: for violating the rules of military accounting in peacetime , a fine from uah 3,400 to uah 5,100 will be imposed repeatedly or in a special period.


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