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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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reminded me of the character of the hollywood cartoon walt disney buddywood pecker, well, i am so in profile, if you look, well, similar, similar, but trump will save america in 2024, by the way, this is the election in 2024, and he will become president and the inauguration will be in 2025, january 20, that's why they said a little incorrectly, he won't save in the 24th, well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column. i'm just
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preparing everything for today, i'm starting to prepare for tomorrow, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even under during such a small load, incontinence can make itself felt, helped me. feminost uro: thanks to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps to restore control over urination both day and night feminost uro: urination under control, ask in pharmacies, lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical lacalal fix , the key to beauty is a healthy liver, carsil gives the liver strength, there are discounts on carsil tablets. 10% in
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great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that every thursday... velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the air of the tv channel espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on
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and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. so, big ether continues, now we have a very interesting and important topic about people's deputies. sofia lazarova, an analyst of the movement, is honestly in touch with us. mrs. sofia, i congratulate you. congratulations. deputies finally became touchy-feely with an angry decision. and here is an interesting statistic actually from the movement honestly, that at least 54 people's elected representatives of this ninth convocation. received suspicions of
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criminal offenses, such data is only from nabu, well, first, let's discuss this number, 54 is how many there are, that is , it is... a large number, i don't remember here, every one, but every eighth, every eighth elected official, they were suspected of criminal offenses, again, this is data only from nabu, and what kind of crimes are they, can they be classified somehow, have you classified them, and then we can talk about possible suspicions from other law enforcement agencies, from other investigative bodies , please, yes, well , accordingly, only the national anti-corruption bureau issued a suspicion of 54x... nardek, this is stated in the answer to our request, we were informed by nabu. accordingly, we cannot know exactly the last name of these people's deputies, because according to the current legislation, of the criminal procedure code , the name of a person is not disclosed until there is a court verdict. nevertheless, from open sources, we
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managed to find the names and numbers of the articles under which suspicions were issued by 42 nondeputies, and the most suspicions here are the article about non-delivery. non -declaration and under the article on high treason, respectively, there are 13 people's deputies, at least suspected of false declaration and 12 suspected of high treason, 12 suspected of high treason, well, i can guess which deputies it is about, which deputies may it is a question of which political forces, please tell me, but well, there are suspicions about , it is especially interesting about, and declaration is also very important, because these are actually people who... receive money from the budget for their activities, to pay for their work with the voters, their assistants, compensation for housing, transportation, travel, foreign business trips, is still paid from the state budget and it is clear that everything must be declared here, because it happens that in our country a person lives in
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some apartment registered for the fact that , and still receives money for housing rent, well, that is , there are different moments, but is it possible to find out... if there are already suspicions, whether these cases have been transferred to the court, or have not yet been transferred, but investigative actions are taking place, that is, the case is being prepared for trial ? yes, well, it is really important that raising a suspicion is the stage of criminal proceedings when there is already a certain collection of evidence, however, this does not mean that it has been proven, and some of these cases have been transferred, this was reported publicly by the relevant law enforcement agencies, but... but how not side of the proceedings, we cannot find out this information precisely, because again there are peculiarities that while the pre-trial investigation is ongoing and the case is being considered in court, this information is not announced publicly, therefore, accordingly, regarding a number of people's deputies
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, we know at what stage of the case, for the majority, in fact, it can be traced only if you know the case number, if you search, there are at least two people's deputies who received it. already the verdicts of the court are actually ilya kiva from the pro-russian opz party, the court found him guilty of as many as four articles about in particular, for crimes against national security, as well as for propaganda of the communist regime, and he was sentenced to 14 years with confiscation, but, as is known, it seems that in december of last year he was liquidated in the suburbs of moscow, and there is a court verdict against trukhin's servant, regarding scandalous... on a road accident, respectively, and after the verdict he made a mandate, if i am not mistaken, there was another deputy kovalev, i have already forgotten, maybe he is not kovalev, because it happened a long time ago, well, all during this war, but perhaps, you remember, he was in the kherson region a people's deputy, from a servant of the people, who also,
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well, died, let's say so, he began to cooperate with the enemy, he actually stayed in the occupied territory, there to protect his business or something, but in any case it was collaboration. and as for him, i just don't know, i think you will name him as well, because i haven't followed his history, were there any suspicions, were there any cases against him , convictions? yes, well, there was suspicion against him under two articles, this is an article about high treason, and also among the people's deputies we found, he is the only one with an article about collaborative activity, in fact, i will not tell you whether it was, whether the court reached a verdict before the moment when it was liquidated naked. sorry, but there was suspicion, suspicion about him, here it is also important, because we see various deputies who, well, we just saw a photo, and there are deputies who are clearly traitors to the state, well, let's say, mr. derkach was there in the photo , there are suspicions about nestor ivanovich,
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shufrych, dubinsky, there are a number of others, and there are people who, for example, have completely different positions in their public and political activities, but also. there are suspicions both there and there, and the following question arises here, and whether you are, well, or whether it is possible to find out, find out or find out the circumstances of the matter? has factual and or objective grounds, and where the case may be a political order regarding certain deputies, because they will all be on the list later, that these people, there are suspicions against them, there are court cases against them, there are court hearings, are conducted in the court hears the case, certain decisions are made, but there is a suspicion that these individual deputies, for example, may be subject to political persecution, and others, well there is an obvious fact. or treason, or bribery, or illegality, or false declaration? well, accordingly,
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the fact is not obvious until at least it is proven in court, and this is all really suspicion. on the one hand, it is quite telling that the majority of suspicions of the same treason are held by representatives of the pro-russian party opzh, and literally they received these suspicions after the beginning of the majority, after the beginning of the full-scale invasion, only medvedchuk and kozak seem to have had suspicions. with opzz just before the start of a full-scale invasion. of political persecution, then i think it is a question of such a wider discussion, some kind of trust in law enforcement agencies, whether it exists in society or not, whether it is at a sufficient level to not suspect that some law enforcement agencies can engage in political persecution, in any - in any case , they are engaged in collecting evidence, and if any evidence is found, the case will be proven in court, if... it does not happen, this, or it is delayed, it is also possible to think here about whether
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the evidence is sufficient or insufficient , which are suspected are announced, but i think this is more a question for law enforcement agencies, well , really, the bright active political life of any politician, especially one who claims some of the highest positions in the state, will somehow be connected with scandals, with black pr, and with lawsuits, i think everyone is ready for this, otherwise the story is when a person has really committed a crime or is a state traitor. or is suspected of treason, then we can definitely talk about some kind of political struggle here, because again, in such moments are very often used in political struggle, and there is nothing surprising here, i think that all politicians who know what they want are ready for it, but you know, i have such a question for you, but more of a political-philosophical one , but all the same, every eighth elected official, only according to the data obtained by nabu, is suspected of criminal offenses, i am mentioning this in a rustic way, i will not quote now, but he talked about the deputies of the verkhovna rada there. so that half came from prison and, well, but how to change it, well, that is, how to treat people
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report what you see, choose people who, well, they are still innocent, but a lot of suspicions about people who are supposed to carry out law-making activities, well, this is the ideology of our organization, including that you need to train your political memory and accordingly , when electing people's deputies, you can always check whether this person had suspicions or not, whether he was whole... a person based on these suspicions was eventually acquitted or was found guilty, but the number of 54 people with suspicions is, on the one hand , such an interesting number, because this convocation of the verkhovna rada 9 was the first inviolable, so to speak, because at the beginning of this term, the people's deputies voted to abolish parliamentary immunity, and accordingly the procedure for bringing them to criminal responsibility changed, it was simplified, now in order to... in order to serve a suspicion on a people's deputy , a submission from the prosecutor general is not required a separate vote for each people's deputy in the verkhovna
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rada, and of course this accelerated this process and one can even state that this inviolability has worked, if anyone had any skepticism about it, because the law enforcement the body can, accordingly, find some evidence for serving the suspicion and directly hand the suspicion to the people's deputy, whereas previously for this it was necessary for the prosecutor general to submit a submission to the verkhovna rada. the verkhovna rada voted to bring their own colleague to justice, and this is also a question for reflection, whether people's deputies would vote 50 times for 50 of their colleagues three times to bring them to justice, so this figure speaks of bad trends , if at all, well, there are some reasons to issue these suspicions of criminal crimes, but also of good ones, that after all, law enforcement agencies are working and their work has become easier with the abolition of the deputy. for the work, thank you rukh chenso, sofia lazarova, casting analyst
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of rukh chenso, was in touch with us, actually we discussed, and now we will listen to serhii rudenko, because at 20:00 the verdict program starts, what will be discussed today, serhii , please tell me, good evening, you have the floor, congratulations vasyl, today we have several topics, well, the first one, it is the topic of the week, not the day, it is mobilization, the law on mobilization, tomorrow the supreme... the rada of ukraine must consider the law on mobilization in the second reading. the verkhovna rada of ukraine considered more than 4,000 amendments in the committee over the past two months. so for... the presentation of a new mobilization law should take place, what will be adopted in this mobilization law, no one can say for sure. however, there are proposals that cause certain emotions or certain comments, obviously we will hear these same comments during our two-hour broadcast, since we
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will talk about mobilization both in the first studio and in the second studio, and of course in... in the second studio, when we will have three people's deputies of ukraine, and it will be at 9:15 p.m., iryna gerashchenko, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and solomiya bobrovska, let's talk about who is being mobilized now, how much is the sign of equality there are between the men who are such as can be mobilized and the extent to which these men receive deferments or preferences, separate categories on which to base. language, in short, there are a lot of different issues that relate specifically to the current situation in mobilization, and the prospects for mobilization in ukraine in 24-25 years, although, of course, now ukraine lives not only with the anticipation of this mobilization law, but also with the anticipation of
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the global peace summit, which is to be held in switzerland in july, in june-july. it is not yet known for sure which date they say 9-10, maybe june, maybe it will be in july, but more than 100 countries will send their representatives in order to delegate them, and delegate them the authority to participate in the global peace summit, on the initiative of president zelensky , this initiative was supported by the president of switzerland, i the most important question is what conclusion will the participants of this global peace summit reach and how will this global peace summit affect the russian-ukrainian war, this will be a powerful enough landmark event in the next two months, after which the nato 75th anniversary summit will take place, and actually about we will
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talk about all this with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014, pavlo klimkin, and how this summit will affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war, and most importantly, whether at the current stage, ukraine may push, including russia, to she got away from ukrainian territory, we will also talk with former employee of the security service of ukraine and military expert ivan stupak. in short, topics for conversation. very much, i hope that during these two hours we will try to tell you, dear viewers, what to expect in ukraine in the next few weeks and months, because a lot of what is
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happening depends on the mobilization law, as i have said and continue to say now in society, including what is happening at enterprises, what happening in the economy? what happens in general in any sphere of our life, so we start at exactly 8 p.m., well, we will finish at 10 p.m., vasyl, you have the word, thank you very much serhiy, serhiy rudenko announced the program verdict, i read oleksiy goncharenko, who said , that there will soon be some news about this law, but then he writes that the news is bad, well, in any case, we will watch, you know, this is the kind of story when the right decision must be made, it must please many, many not please, but there should be a result on... most importantly here hopes, of course, of our legislators, its analytical group. america is on fire, a dystopian action movie about the uprising of the states will be released in ukrainian cinemas already on thursday. according to the plot, the united states of america will experience a political crisis, and later a dictatorship, and a civil war will break out. by the way, this is far from the first film that turns this country into a place of the apocalypse, lina chechenina
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has already watched part of the movie and is ready to tell how scary everything is, on his... please, have a word, good evening, vasyl, congratulations, well in terms of realism, i definitely can to say that it is realistic, because once it is more important how realistic everything is, be it 20 minutes into the movie, i heard a huge loud explosion and it was, trust me, very realistic, i will continue in a second. so, the uprising of the states is originally called "civil war", i think, for obvious reasons , the tape under that name was not released in ukraine, because we have enough of that. i think it's not a very good attitude to the term civil war, but i want to say that the film is spectacular enough, but it needs to be understand the following, and this is immediately in
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the warning before you start watching the movie, you are warned that if you are too traumatized, do not want to scare yourself even more with powerful sounds of explosions and rather harsh shots, then you must understand for yourself that you watch the tape or not, if you know what to go for, i can say for myself that i absolutely loved the first 20 minutes, i think the tape is quite spectacular, i watch it in imax and it is a tape for aimax , for such a viewing, definitely not at home with a computer, a laptop, in a special hall, the production is the a24 company, these are well-known american producers and distributors, for their films, and their films, which they distributed, and received a lot. oscars, and at the end of the day, if we're talking about this movie, there really is an apocalypse going on there, because america is on fire, simple. let's look at
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the passage. citizens of america, i note that the florida alliance, and the western forces of texas and california, will be accepted back into the united states when their illegal secessionist government. will be reset, so y the count tells how during this dictatorship there is an uprising of people against it, and here they go to washington to overthrow the president, our main characters are four journalists, in general it is a film about journalists, so personally i was very interested in watching it, and what are heading to washington because i think they need to take an interview, to photograph the president, who treats journalists very badly, in general, in washington, journalists are better not to stumble, because they are live targets.
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i will say more, well, what, judging by the beginning of this one tapes, there is a very good description of the work of war correspondents, because you have to see a lot of horror and you have to somehow choose whether to photograph the moment of murder or to help a person, there are many different discussions, just like that... in the film, i think, and more will be shown, i'll remind you again, and there's a tape coming out on thursday called uprising of the states, and i'll emphasize again, if you're not ready to hear loud explosions in the movie, if you're not ready for hard shots, think about whether you should go, if you're ready before that and love this one very high-quality action, otherwise of course i would stop my attention on this film, vasyl, thank you very much, thank you, well, i'm looking forward to it... when this movie comes out, i'll definitely go and see it. lina cheschenina spoke about the film: america on fire. let's wait. indeed,
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sometimes films are made in the states that you think can't happen, but then it happens. i would not like america to be on fire, it is our partner in the war against the truly terrorist country of russia. therefore, we wish them prosperity, success and adequate decisions regarding support of ukraine and against. of russian aggression, and now about what the weather will be like in ukraine, tomorrow my colleague natalka didenko will tell us, she is joining us, natalya, congratulations, good evening, please have a word, congratulations vasyl, greetings dear viewers, let's talk about summer in the middle of spring, about the weather, about magnetic storms and a lot , a lot of all kinds of interesting things, literally in a second, we look back at nature in the spring, admire it, and spring is just such a time when we finally shake off the winter, such a little dazed, as if we are starting
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to travel, in addition to some work and rest, and today we will also start our meeting with a trip to poltava region and a trip that has been inhabited since the time of the kyiv movement, there was a fortified settlement here, it was destroyed in 1000, i apologize.. 239-1240 by the mongol-tatars, then these lands were restored and settled already in the second half of the 17th century, they belonged to colonel svizhka, in 1740 , a settlement of the hillfort arose here, then it passed to different owners, and in 1863 the hillfort became a parish center. the beginning of the existence of hrebinka itself is so much later when... the construction of the railway began in 1895, it is such a railway junction, and it received the status of a city in 1959, and it is clear from the name that the city is named in honor of yevhen
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hrebinka. ukrainian publisher, public figure, writer, who greatly contributed, by the way, to the publication of the kobzar taras hryhorovych shevchenko, hrebinka is located in poltava oblast, on the left bank of the gnyla orzytsia river, and nearby are the villages of lutayka, korniivka, zagrebella, orzhitsa and slobodopetrivka. this is how she is a beautiful flowering poltava and a beautiful flowering comb. be sure to visit. we go further and talk about... the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention is a prognostic diagram, and from it it can be seen that in the coming days there will be a small activation at the beginning of the day here at night and until tomorrow evening, so nothing like that will happen special, but nevertheless, listen to your feelings. well, let's move on to the weather forecast, now i said that it is - it's time for lazy forecasters, because the weather
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in... is homogeneous, it is not difficult to forecast, but still there are certain differences, nuances, that is why we are going together according to the weather forecast, so in the western regions of ukraine tomorrow the weather is expected to be dry, sunny with high the air temperature is 22-25°, but in the carpathians, of course, especially in the vysokohirya carpathians, it will be much cooler, and you should note that the nights are still quite cold, somewhere around +6 +11°. in the north of ukraine. tomorrow will be sunny, dry, beautiful weather, comfortable 22-25 above zero. in the eastern part of ukraine, no precipitation is expected, the air temperature will fluctuate between 20-22°, and it will be dry, sunny and warm in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast. in the central part of ukraine, the weather is dry, anticyclonic in nature, the synoptic situation is determined by an anticyclone, this area
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is high. of atmospheric pressure and the temperature, as you can see, is also comfortable, 21-23° warm. in the southern part of ukraine, you can also easily confuse the southern part with the north, east, and center, because the temperature is the same, as i said, 22-25 higher zero, dry, sunny. in kyiv, there will be no rain tomorrow, it's practically summer at 24-25°c, and i highly recommend enjoying it. tomorrow's weather, tomorrow is april 10, but on april 11, 12 and 13 in the north, including kyiv and in the western regions of ukraine, a slight decrease in air temperature is expected, but of course you should carefully monitor the more detailed forecasts on the espresso channel, when they will be rains, now, by the way, due to the high air temperature, the fire danger has increased, so please be careful, be careful, and of course we will watch together
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development of the synoptic situation. on the espresso channel, you know, it’s raining somewhere, and i ’m looking, well, it’s not that you’re cheering, but it’s such a revenge of nature, we see, in russia, it’s pouring, tearing, it’s like in lesya ukrainka, the one the one who breaks dams, the one who breaks dams from the forest song, obviously settled somewhere on the russian rivers, digs them dams, fill them, well, in any case, there should be revenge for the atrocities committed by russia against them. country in relation to the ukrainian nation, well, of course, it should be so, obviously, and that is why we are watching by the rivers kama, the urals and so on, maybe even stop russia and let nature take its time there, we will be warm and well, take care of ourselves, donate to the armed forces of ukraine, support each other, and leave with espresso, because literally in a few of moments the verdict program with serhii rudenko, and it will be interesting. good evening,
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we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, our victory, today in the program. ships are burning and water heaters are exploding. the kremlin is trying to discredit the successful strikes of ukrainian drones. in essence, the russian games on zas are a nuclear threat. scenario of the global summit. lavrov went to beijing while switzerland is preparing to announce the date and location of the peace forum. will china take part in it? revenge by summons. employees of tsc are used in the interests of the authorities. how mobilization becomes.


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