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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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kicks of ukraine, where our partners contributed more than 405 million euros. the second direction is decentralization of generation. instead of large power plants that are vulnerable to attacks, dozens of small scattered objects should be installed. and the third direction is the strengthening of our anti-aircraft defense. here we also turn to partners for help. this is now a priority for our entire team. our task until next winter is to minimize risks for energy. sector, to ensure that ukrainians have light and heat in their homes, enterprises worked smoothly. on the evening of april 8, residents of poltava heard the sounds of explosions. the russians attacked a residential building with a rocket, a family-type dormitory in which 30 people lived was destroyed. a few more neighboring houses were damaged, and children were killed among the victims. our correspondent anna morozova will tell you more. night from 8 to 9 april. for the residents
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of the poltava territorial community , after the announcement of the air raid warning in the evening, the residents of one of the villages heard the sounds of an explosion, the explosion was such that from the bed i threw it away, we lay down, but i thought it flew straight into the house, i couldn’t see anything at all, the door was blocked, i knocked out the snow, but the neighbor helped from the other side, and then they slowly left, then i was from the fourth, from the third i was the last to leave , they checked the apartments, there is no one. in the first minutes after the arrival of the flight , chaos began in the yard of the residential building, according to eyewitnesses, the residents of the two-story building that was hit were shouting, looking for neighbors and relatives, the roof of the building, in which thirty people lived, caught fire. they ran, well, they are helping, they are helping, well , in fact, everything here was on fire, the rescuers arrived very quickly, the houses opposite the shooting site were also damaged, windows were blown out in the building, balconies were destroyed in some places, and... also the cars
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parked in the yard, the apartment, well , everything was completely destroyed, and the loggia was destroyed, and the balcony was destroyed, all the glass is there, the door is damaged, and the car is also damaged. so far, it is known about the dead woman, 16 injured, including children. according to preliminary information from the poltava regional prosecutor's office, it is known that the russians hit by a kha-59 missile. rescuers continue to work on the spot, they are gradually sorting out the consequences. enemy shelling, more than a hundred rescuers were involved in eliminating the consequences of the russian shelling, the residents of the destroyed building were currently housed in a school, in addition to this, there was a repeated alarm in the region at night. later, already at night, the enemy attacked poltava oblast with shahed-type drones. within the poltava community, two drones were deployed by our mobile fire groups. fortunately, there were no casualties. several people who were injured due to russian shelling, one patient is in hospitals. in a serious condition, others
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- of moderate severity. the victims will be paid the first financial aid of uah 10,000, which will be allocated from the community budget. anna morozova, bohdan pryskorov from poltava for espresso tv channel. russian killers shot at least 54 ukrainian prisoners of war, the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine opened 27 criminal proceedings. this was announced by the head of the department for combating crimes committed in the armed conflict, yuriy bilaus. in according to him, cases of shootings of unarmed ukrainian soldiers have been recorded since march 2022, the court has already sentenced the first russian terrorist for the execution of a defender in chernihiv oblast. let me remind you that the other day it became known that the russians killed three ukrainian soldiers who were captured by them in the kherson region. since november of last year, we have actually seen such a geometric progression of such an increase.
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cases of such a number, and now we are working not only on this fact, but also on previous facts, and the command, which is clearly responsible for such actions, and this is not only about the commanders who directly manage these units, it is up to the highest management, including the minister of defense and above. two months of arrest without the possibility of making bail , the pechersky district of kyiv chose this preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of a teenager on... the capital's funicular, so he will be in custody until june 5. earlier, the state bureau of investigation denied the information that the man allegedly a former employee of their department in the bureau, they noted, he is a driver of the state security department, who is currently suspended from performing official duties. let me remind you that the murder took place on april 7 at the capital's funicular station, where the suspect, who was drunk, had a conflict with a group of high school students. he pushed one of them, he fell and broke the glass with his head. died from
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a fatal cut to the neck, april 9, 24, today our position is simple, he, the family believes that he took their child. and they will do everything in order to punish him, what exactly it will be, i can't say for today, that the family is really in a very, very, very bad condition, you understand, this, this is a child, this is a child, which was simply lost, and i believe that there will be the same position, that the family will prove his guilt as much as possible, so that he receives as much as possible, probably the highest sentence. changes in school education , students will study at desks for 12 years from 2027 - this is the next step of the reform. the new ukrainian school will undergo changes in the educational process. after ninth grade students will be offered a choice between two directions, academic or professional.
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they provide for the preparation of schoolchildren for admission to a higher education institution or mastering professions and entering the labor market. also, students will be able to choose educational programs independently. components. our goal, first of all, so that the child has more subjectivity, was the choice, first the choice of the profile, then the choice of a part of the subjects from within his profile, a part of the subjects that, regardless of the profile, can be chosen to try something. for this, for another part of the transformation is already underway, in order for this choice to appear at all, we need the high school to be large. we are very interested, we communicate. with a lot of people on this issue, we follow all the news, all the issues that are being considered, well, we all have to start, although we are already ready for this, because the profile already exists, it just needs to be improved, robotic
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surgery is no longer a fantasy, but the reality of the american device davin, which allows you to reduce the patient's recovery time and reduce the risk of infection and blood loss, how doctors operate... side by side with robots, our correspondents will tell. lyubov prokopenko from cherkasy region. the woman had achalasia from the gastrointestinal tract. this ailment prevents swallowing and causes discomfort in the stomach. cherkasy doctors could not cure a rare disease. so lyubov turned to lviv specialists. in october 2023 , the patient was operated on with the help of the davinci robotic surgeon. the operation took place, i didn't even have time. will even feel all that fear there, some kind of preparation very quickly, well, the operation was also quick, the recovery was generally very, very cool, everything went easily and recovered, now exactly 5 months have passed, and i already feel very well
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, for the first time in ukraine, a robotic operation was performed in 2019, the da vinci unit was purchased by vinnytsia private clinic. thanks to this work, it is possible to carry out surgical interventions that are beyond the power of a person on their own. these operations are less traumatic, less blood loss, less tissue damage, more advantages in terms of surgery itself in terms of patient safety, as an oncological safety, yes in general safety, and the results are very comforting to us that the patient is rehabilitated faster after such operations, and can go home faster, already healthy. the davinci medical rig has four years to which the instruments are attached. the operation is performed by a surgeon who controls the robot through the control panel, the doctor's eyes, and a special 3d camera inserted into the patient's body. the davinci robotic system consists of three main components: the surgeon's console, where
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the surgeon is during the operation, the patient's console, which is located near the operating table and the console, which connects the information to the output on the screen. teaching. on a davinci robotic system requires some time, initially it is a learning curve from 20 to 50 operations on simulators. in the first medical association of lviv , surgeons operate with the help of robots on adult patients since 2020. in february of this year, benefactors presented doctors with a devinch device, which is used for children's operations. at the beginning of the era of robotic surgery in our clinic, we performed s... operations on children, at first they were teenage children, older children, this related to our learning curve, we had to, well, in a word, improve, learn, and after overcoming that learning curve, we started to qualify smaller children for
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surgery, and the youngest child that has been operated on in our clinic is 9 months. surgeons call robotic operations a breakthrough in domestic medicine in the first medical association of lviv. plan to operate on newborn children with developmental disabilities, the number of such patients will increase, which will lead to high-quality care and, accordingly, good good. clinical effect, robotic surgery in ukraine, it has only its installation. in ukraine, there are only five robotic surgeons da vinci, in lviv, vinnytsia and dnipro. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. well, great prospects, great realities already exist in medicine, we can already wish success to doctors and developers of these robotic systems, well, we are not robots, we... will, continue to work, yuriy fizar joins the conversation, world about ukraine , yury, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl,
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good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular it will be about this, nato does not want a war with russia, but will continue to support ukraine, ukraine, it turns out, is at war with christianity, they say in the united states of america, and what connects donald trump and the total solar eclipse, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: great britain and france should step up their efforts to help ukraine in order to prevent russia from winning the war it is waging against us. prime minister rishi sunak and president emmanuel macron agreed on this the day before during a telephone conversation. information about it was made public by the press service of the heads of both states, in particular mr. sunaki macron. discussed the priority for providing assistance to the ukrainian armed forces over the next several months, which, in their opinion,
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is an increase in the supply of ammunition, drones and air defense equipment. well, there is also interesting information from france, but this time from the minister of foreign affairs of this country, stephan sizhurne, he said that in an interview on tv channel-24 that... france, france is now under no conditions, that is , negotiations with the russian federation are not interesting, because after these negotiations, moscow publishes some reports, summaries, which contain unreliable information and write absolutely not what was discussed during these negotiations, well , this is russia, so why talk with it, think in france, well, we think the same in ukraine. nato member countries do not want a war with russia, and that is why they are doing their best with... efforts for russia to win -lose, not win in ukraine. this
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was stated by the commander-in-chief of nato's joint forces in europe, christopher cavoli, during a speech at georgetown university in washington. according to him, at the level of the north atlantic alliance, the leadership decided not to take such a position, due to which this military-political bloc could be considered as the initiator of the conflict with russia, however, ukraine - says general kavoli on... will continue to support and will do so precisely in order to deter a possible conflict between the alliance and russia. the european union must be able to rely on its own efforts in everything, because the american defense umbrella over europe may soon close. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said this during a speech at a conference in brussels. he clarified that ... that american defense aid that protected europe during the cold war could soon end depending
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on who takes up residence in white in november home for the next four years. next is a short quote from the chief european diplomat , joseph borel. the importance of nato remains, but a european component must appear within nato. well, what he means, i mean josep borel, when he talked about this european component of creating a european. it is unknown, but if he meant it, then several months before that, for several months already, many european leaders emphasized that it is not worth talking about this, because it is some nonsense, it is better to have developed armies in each of the countries members of nato, and nato, as the main thing, which will cover peace and tranquility on the european continent, not only on the continent. russian propaganda in action, it seems, at least to me. it appears that we will have to wait a little while longer for help from the united states of america
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, unfortunately, and here is why: the only war in which the united states of america should be engaged is the war on the southern border with mexico, and for that congress should immediately appropriate money, not for the war in ukraine. about this in an interview with donald trump's former political technologist stephen benen on the channel real america's voice, the real voice of america was told by a republican representative in the house. georgia state rep. margery taylor greene. during her inclusion, she accused all speaker mike johnson, the head of the committee on foreign relations michael mccaul said that billions of dollars, which. went to ukraine, were destitute of customs and settled in the pockets of ukrainian oligarchs and even, says ms. green, perhaps even in the pockets of volodymyr zelenskyi himself, and therefore no more dollars to ukraine, considering and to the fact, again in the words of margery green, that, next, let's hear, well , rather long nonsense from her mouth, but
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nonsense that is worth hearing in order to understand what a part of americans breathes. this is a war against christianity. the ukrainian government attacks christians. the ukrainian government executes priests. russia does not do this. they are not attacking christianity. in fact , they seem to be protecting him. this is another thing that is clear and obvious to many people who look closely at what is happening. i do not praise volodymyr putin i do not praise russia in any way. i'm just pointing out the obvious. and obvious to many people. the attack on christianity is also happening in america, the attack on christians is happening all over the world. so why should we give $60 billion to a country that destroys the christian faith, persecutes christians and kills them by canceling their elections. they weren't even allowed to vote against zelensky if they
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wanted to, completely shut down the free and honest press, silenced people in their country, and now... they're also conscripting into the army more and more young men. i don't think americans support it. if mardury taylor green said that once, i'd hear it, and then i'd give it to you, and i'd think, god, she's on a load of pills, but she keeps saying it. no, well, as for the pressure on the free press, i'll agree here, but you know that, as always, you tell a lot of lies, and then, well, a little truth, as if to somehow say, well, i'm right about something, well , but about the priests, i remember the story. well, i wrote a book on this topic and will research many stories of the beginning of the war, when a ukrainian priest of the ukrainian orthodox church, he went out on the road when this russian convoy was driving, he was simply carrying some medicines or something, well, he was simply shot, without even getting out of the car, such stories are meaningless, we know very well how the russians do it in in the occupied territories, they executed not only orthodox christians, but also protestants, well, that is, this is absolutely
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a hoax, the only question is, who is she appealing to with this and what does she want, that is, well, she opposes zelensky, what a jew according to the nationality of christ, well, that is, i can’t understand, you understand the logic, i don’t understand this logic at all, but this logic, which is now being pushed by donald trump, and margery taylor green is included in those 15-20% of pro-trump, she should have blocked it as if this johnson in the case of something or not, well, how to block, not to block, put forward a vote of no confidence, and then the question is raised about starting a new speakership, and it is possible, it is possible, because today, for example, we should vote on some plans there for april 9 april 9 for unlocking the allocation additional aid of 60 billion dollars to help ukraine, but it is not yet known whether they have started to vote or not, and one of the options is that she simply expresses her lack of confidence, they begin to elect a new speaker of the house of representatives and thus delay
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this again, and you know, not even it can be said that the ukrainian side is not finalizing, that is, i think that even if i had come here, i don't know the best... diplomat from ukraine, who had only been during all the times of ukraine's existence and started to tell something, there was a lot of evidence, a lot video, well, she would still say the same things, kharkiv, you do not give weapons kharkiv, in kharkiv, today in poltava oblast, for example, in zaporizhzhia , christians are being killed, if, well, if you divide people like this, christians, muslims, there are also, that is, they kill christians because you do not give us the opportunity to defend ourselves, you hear, vasyl, and you know that here is also interesting. margery taylor green obviously does not express her opinion, although she also adheres to it, but she expresses which... donald trump is telling her because she is this one, that is, she is talking about it, and today, in fact yesterday , the foreign minister of great britain, cameron went to the united states of america, in the united states of america he seems to have already met with donald trump himself, today he has a meeting with of state antony blinken, the secretary of state and there should be
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a meeting, and maybe already took place with the congressmen, but what was i leading him to, he had it with... he had to meet with donald trump and convince donald trump of something, what to convince the person who gives your instructions people talk about such things, well, this is mrs. green, or mrs. green, she is here again, i am just making a comparison, but putin had zhirinovsky, who always said what putin thought, but he did not i wanted to voice it because, well, it's like a political match of that type, he can't speak openly, but zhernovsky could say it? and well, it's the same story, again , that is, you are trump, you don't voice it, when you were told that you want to exchange ukrainian territory in exchange for a cease-fire, you say, i didn't say that, well as if you say it's fake, although there are insights that say that... you said exactly that, but major green can say anything, well, it's like me, and it's not me, well there are such people, for example, although mike johnson has already refused to say anything, and
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now he is already saying, okay, we will finally unblock this aid, so now they are not giving him, that’s all, now they will delay it, and she says, let's move on, a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar, russia and china agreed to start a dialogue on eurasian security with the involvement of states. like-minded people, about this was stated by the head of the ministry, the minister of foreign affairs of russia, sergey lavrov, at a press conference following the negotiations with his chinese colleague wang in beijing. moscow and beijing also want, as lavrov said, to set up a double countermeasure in response to the double deterrence from the west, moreover, ivan lavrov also said that side by side they will try to solve world problems, in particular, in the issue of finding ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully . well, but here the russian minister declared that any attempts to do this should be taken into account interests of russia. avan once again said that without representatives of russia, no peace conference
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on ukraine would have any meaning. well, apparently they both hinted at the fact that the conference in switzerland, which is scheduled for june, should be held with the involvement of the russians, because otherwise, otherwise nothing will work out - they say. continues to gradually distance itself from russia, the minister of foreign affairs of this country ararad mirzoyan will not participate in the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the cis member states in minsk on friday april 12. this was reported by the press secretary of the armenian ministry of foreign affairs, anni badalyan, in response to the request of the armenpress agency. however, she did not state the reason for such a decision. well, let me remind you that previously the prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan did not participate in of cis heads of state, which took place on october 13 last year in the capital of kyrgyzstan, bishkak. well
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, i haven't heard russia's reaction yet, maybe there is one, i just maybe didn't see it, but they will say, oh well. the first people will be able to get there, stand on the moon in five months, five years, i'm sorry, the odious founder of spacex, elon musk , said this in an interview with the norwegian businessman and banker nikolay. angenu on the x microblog network, formerly twitter, which is owned by musk himself, by the way, according to him, the last tests of the heavy launch vehicle are currently underway, after their completion , the company spacex says that musk will be able to send people to the moon in 5 years, to mars from seven to 9 years. he also noted that after people spend time on the moon mars, then will be able to reach other planets, as well as other systems. musk, i also believe that if humanity ... lives on different planets, it has a better chance of survival, yes, especially, if it does not destroy its planet and invest more money in the fight against, say, some global
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environmental threats, but he still in this interview he said that in 20 years the first colony may even appear on mars, if there are 100,000 people there will be enough space on earth where people could live happily in reality, but well but well but well and in conclusion, so far... residents of north america, north america, there canada, north america, mexico from the northeastern part of the continent to the southwestern watched the total solar eclipse, had the opportunity to watch it for a few minutes, donald trump in his stili decided to take advantage of this solar eclipse and filmed a pre-election advertisement in which americans are advertised as writing the most important event. 2024, which one, watch this ad in its entirety without comment.
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reminded me of a character from a hollywood cartoon walt disney's woodywood pecker, well, i'm so in the profile, if you look, well, similar, similar, but trump will save america in 2024, by the way, this is the election in 2024, and the state'. not the president , the inauguration will be in 2025 on january 20, that is why they said a little incorrectly, he will not save on the 24th, well, that’s all i have in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, i am preparing and starting to prepare already for tomorrow, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our future broadcast, so don't switch.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. so, the big
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broadcast continues, now we have a very interesting and important topic about the people's deputies, sofia lazarova, an analyst of the movement honestly in touch with us, mrs. sofia, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, the deputies have finally become touchy about their own decision, and so interesting statistics actually from the movement, honestly, that at least 54 people's elected representatives of this ninth convocation were suspected of criminal offenses, such data are available only from nabu, well... popper, let's discuss this number: 54 is how many there are of them, that is, it is a large number, i do not remember here, every one, but every eighth, every eighth elected official, received suspicion of criminal offenses, again, this is only data from the nabu, and what kind of crimes are they, can they be somehow classified, or you classified them, and then we can talk about possible suspicions from other law enforcement agencies, from other
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investigative bodies. please, yes, well, accordingly, only the national anti-corruption bureau issued suspicions to 54 narcotics commissions, this is stated in the answer to our request, we were informed by nabu. accordingly, we cannot know exactly the last name of these people's deputies, because according to the current legislation, to the criminal procedure code, the last name of a person is not disclosed until there is a court verdict, nevertheless, from open sources we managed to find the last names and numbers of s... for which suspicions were issued 42 people's deputies, and most of all there are suspicions under the article on false declaration and under the article on high treason, respectively, there are 13 people's deputies, at least, suspicions of false declaration and 12 suspicion of high treason, 12 suspicion of high treason, well, i do i am guessing which deputies it is about, which deputies we are talking about, or which political
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forces, please tell me, but well, there are suspicions about, especially interestingly, about, well, declaration is also very important, because these are actually people who receive money from the budget for their activities, to pay for their work with voters, their assistants, reimbursement for housing, vehicles, travel, foreign business trips, but it is paid from the state budget and it is clear that everything must be declared here, because it happens that in us, a person lives in to some apartment registered for the fact that and then... he still receives money for housing rent, well , that is, there are different moments, and is it possible to find out, if there are already suspicions, whether these cases have been transferred to court or not yet , but are investigative actions taking place, that is , the case is being prepared for trial? yes, well, it is really important that raising a suspicion is the stage of criminal proceedings when there is already a certain collection of evidence, however, this does not mean that it has been proven. and
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part of these cases.


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