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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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we definitely managed to gather more in this hour, and khrystyna parobiy knows for sure that in the next news release you will hear, congratulations roman, thank you, i will tell you about the work of our air defense tonight and the situation at the front in the release in a moment, wait. news in eteri espresso , khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. 16 enemy drones were destroyed at night by our defenders of the sky - reported the air force of ukraine. shaheds were destroyed over mykolaiv, odesa, dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia and khmelnytsky regions. in general the russians launched 17 shock warheads of las crimea, as well as a kh-59 guided air missile from the occupied airspace. daughters
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debris of the downed shahed damaged the energy infrastructure facility in dnipropetrovsk oblast. it happened in kryvorizka district. a fire broke out there, it has already been extinguished. in total, our defenders shot down four enemy drones in the region, - said the head of the region, serhii lysak. the occupiers also attacked nikopolshchyna with fpvi drones. two of them hit myrivska hromada. two private houses were damaged there. fortunately. people survived. six people were injured due to enemy attacks in kharkiv region. the occupiers bombed the village of velyki prohody of the dergachiv community with an aerial bomb, the regional prosecutor's office said. a 75-year-old man was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds. other residents provided help on the spot. also , two women have an acute reaction to stress. in addition, residential and commercial buildings were damaged in the village. buildings caught fire,
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the russian invaders also hit the territory of forestry in chuguyiv district with mortars, two people were injured employees, rescuers managed to pull one of them out from under the rubble of the building. in the kyiv region, pyrotechnicians removed the warhead of the russian kha-101 missile. the projectile fell and did not detonate in the vyshgorod district of the region, the state emergency service said. the rescuers were driving the enemy ironman. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 78 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the heaviest battles continue in donetsk region, in the novopavlovsk and bakhmut areas. the enemy stormed the positions of the armed forces more than fifty times. in the district in avdiyivka, our defenders repelled seven attacks by the occupiers, five more near the working area in zaporizhzhia. on the left bank of the kherson region. the enemy
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made seven unsuccessful attempts to advance. during the day, our aircraft struck 12 areas of concentration of the invaders' personnel, weapons, military equipment and the enemy's anti-aircraft missile complex. and the rocket launchers hit the air defense vehicle, the reb station and two areas where the russians were concentrated. and we have a new collection. walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment. special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. ukrainians are urged to save light.
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energy, especially in the evening hours. the ukrenergo company noted that massive enemy shelling caused significant damage to power plants. yesterday's attack on ukrainian power generation was the third since the beginning of the year. under during the previous two, thermal and hydroelectric power plants were also affected. their main role is to quickly increase electricity production in the mornings and evenings, when consumption increases rapidly. therefore, the energy experts ask not to turn it on during this period. powerful electrical appliances, or use them in turn. it was a disturbing night for the residents of the rostov region in russia. the local governor complained about the drone attack. he noted that air defense systems were operating near novoshakhtinsk. later he added that four were allegedly shot down over the region drones, as usual, without destruction or casualties. russian soldiers are involved in the murder of ukrainian writer
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volodymyr vakulenko. this is evidenced by the investigation of the public organization truunds. evidence was collected by experts during trips to the places of tragic events. actions in kharkiv region. i would like to note that the ukrainian children's writer volodymyr vakulenko lived in the village of kapitolivka in the izyum oblast, which was occupied by the russian army in march 2022. the occupiers shot the writer with a pistol. we found signs of russian involvement the armed forces of the russian federation or the special services of the russian federation before the murder of volodymyr vakulenko during the occupation in izyuma sometime at the beginning, in the middle of april. in 2022, we discovered that he was kept for some time on the territory of school no. 2 in izyum, and that he was received there by representatives of the special guard. become a pilot,
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scout, tanker or gunner? during the full-scale war between russia and ukraine , high school students increasingly choose military specialties. why do they want to join the army and for whom? compare, see further in the plot: on kirill bogdanov, well, he also started from the very bottom, and if i'm not mistaken, he also graduated from the odessa military academy, and in my opinion, he can be such a bright ukrainian example of a ukrainian officer. so, 16-year-old yuriy talks about the person he wants to emulate in life and profession, the boy has already decided to become a soldier, plans to enter... the military academy in odessa and be a scout. i have good physical parameters, and i believe that the profession of a scout will suit me the most, and i ready to develop in this direction. scouts are perhaps one of the most
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versatile of such fighters, capable of performing various types of missions. for example, for example, in addition to the usual intelligence, they can perform some. the task, that is, to sabotage the enemy's rear. high school students can learn about various military professions from the military themselves. they hold meetings with graduates in schools of the lviv region. oleksiy came to talk about his educational institution and his admission experience. he is a third-year cadet faculty of missile forces and artillery of the national academy of ground forces named after pyotr sagaydachny. the boy also chose a profession after the same meeting at school. i have my own impression about it. now the state actually needs new personnel, fresh personnel, they should be motivated ukrainians, young ukrainians who choose their choice of profession, precisely the protection of the state in such a difficult time for us, that is, this is the period when we returned to war again, we have 400 years , it is cyclical again, it will continue further, and now for our country and state
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persevered, we need to mobilize our efforts not only of the military, active, not only of our, so to speak, adults, but also of our youth, oleksiy motivates schoolchildren by his example. military, he explains, specialized universities produce the basis of the ukrainian army, it is from the officers that it depends on how the armed forces of ukraine will fight in the future. the key thing about our youth is that it is a formal reorganizer of the army, that is, at the moment, fresh heads, fresh thoughts, fresh views, these views are exactly what helps us to move quickly to nato standards, rather got a new look, a modern, interactive look, that is, it is significantly different from ours, so to speak. or soviet times, now with the help of the arrival of new, motivated mods who already see how the world is going and where it is developing, we now have a more clear point of view about where the army needs to move in the future. 16-year-old yuriy also sees this role in the army for himself, he says that the defense
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of the country is the main reason for him to choose a military profession. military is that a profession that, well, i did not choose it because it is prestigious. but it is simply considered quite prestigious in society at the moment, and in principle, i believe that it should be so, because it is, after all, protection from external, external aggressors. the lviv regional territorial center for staffing and social support organizes and supervises the recruitment campaign for the admission of schoolchildren to higher military educational institutions and military colleges of non-commissioned officers. schoolchildren are told about military specialties military personnel who have already participated in actions, or acquire relevant professions. pilots, scouts, gunners, tankers shared stories from their own experience, motivated so that modern young men and women in the future could defend ukraine decently from the enemy. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr studeny,
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espresso tv channel. look for more news on our youtube, because there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also. short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment your thoughts are important to us. you can also find more up-to-date information on our website and on our social media. networks, and we will see you at 10 o'clock, then my colleague roman chaika will continue the conversation, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning to those who have just joined, thank you to those who donate and watch us this morning, we remind you that we are raising uah 2 million, and this is specifically... for fpv drones and not just fpv drones, but those that have been configured and passed the test
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directly in combat conditions, that is, this is our own production, and two units need them, we collect together with the sprotyv base for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar, this is one qr code and one surface card wow, if you don't know how to use a qr code , and the second, this is for the fighters of the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets fpv, this is a blow. kamikaze drones, which are already adapted to the challenges of the front line, right from today to today, while you donate, we will actually tell you now, this moment was very interesting recently, when i spoke to congressmen, republicans prime minister of japan fumiya kishida, it was april 11. but yesterday he actually addressed not so much to all congressmen, but specifically to
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a group of congressmen and trumpists, those who blocked the possibility of making a decision on financial armed aid to ukraine, he simply called on them, well, at the very least, trump’s make america great again doesn’t work. if america abandons the role of ... world arbiter in many places where international law is violated, he calls on them to overcome uncertainty about their own global role, this is how it sounded in his mouth, our colleagues from the voice of america told about it yesterday, i embarrassed them with one word. during that time , we can see that the us ambassador, who is here, bridget brink, understands very well what is most needed in... this minute, she repeatedly called for an increase in the number of air defense equipment and assistance
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to ukraine, and at the same time confirmed that this aid, which somehow managed to be found due to force majeure, the agreement is still signed for 138 million dollars, it is to strengthen, at this point, right at the hot stage of shelling from precisely our air defense forces, and every time you hear, probably, this... this story with republicans, trumpists, you cannot understand how it is that those who gave us the most help suddenly have such a story, full of some kind of paralysis or idiocy , so if you can, or you're subscribed, you have netflix, it's an online movie streaming network, if you don't, then ask someone who has a subscription to netflix, there's a very good documentary... investigative film, it's called anti-social networks, and there, ranging from innocent and
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an internet attempt to create the same internet community that existed in japan in the early 2000s, when there was a fashion for japanese , here are these anime cartoons, there was the network to chen, in america they made forchen, and here are those who are all in the internet organized all these memes, fun and funny, sometimes provocative. various things that were done by the community, the anonymous community on the internet, and it explained how it all got into the hands of various communities, very radical ones, some of them involved in racism, white supremacy, others, the glorification of nazism, still others caught the reptilians in their heads, creating a kyu, and in a word... you understand why this was something that had never happened in the history of the united states, an attack on congress, what kind of community is this
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, those absolutely americans , who support trump and various theories that would rather be fit for a mental hospital, for pavlovka or culparker, than for adults living in the most powerful democratic country in the world, in a word, this is ... a very important film, watch it, anti-social network, no you can, you don't have netflix, ask someone to download it for you, this is an opportunity, now netflix provides such services, it is very, very important to understand what... is happening in general with the help of ukraine from the us, by the way, about this my colleague vitaly portnikov spoke with the director and screenwriter and publicist alex garland about the so-called world premiere of a dystopia about the division of the united states, the uprising of the united states, and here it is possible and not so much a utopia, as george
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orwell would say, who at one time wrote 1984, and now we see it in the territory. what's up is called the russian federation. so, let's see what the director said. congratulations, mr. garland, and let's begin with the plot of your new film and the script. 19 states seceded. the united states army is ramping up the intensity. the white house warns both western powers and the florida alliance. the president, elected for the third term, promises. quickly quell the uprising, want to try something on? are you aware that there is a real civil war going on all over america? we are out of politics. judging by the news, this will be the best. civil war in the united states. many say that this is another utopia, however, the plot itself is superimposed on the fierce
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political struggle that we have all witnessed in recent years. whether you were trying to create a utopia or simply fearing the future that the world will soon see in the united states. the action of the film takes place in the usa, because america is the most powerful country in the world. but the problems highlighted in the film can apply not only to america, but also to many other countries of the world. for example, among these problems are extremism, division and populist politics, which also exist in my country they are common in many societies in europe, asia, and south america, so yes, this is definitely a global
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problem that the film is addressing. i would like to understand how you feel about how the audience will react to this film, whether you want to warn them or just want to state the reality in which they almost already find themselves. part of the problem we're dealing with is a lack of communication. i think the problem with the lack of communication is that people are being told by others what to think instead of engaging in open discussions. instead of conversations , lectures often take place, so i don't want to contribute,
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actually by giving someone lectures, which there are already a lot of in the world, instead. i hope to facilitate a two-way communication with the film audience. i ask this question because i just want to understand how you perceive this prophecy in art, as a statement of reality that can definitely happen, or as a warning that allows you to somehow stop the destructive processes in society eh no country is immune to terrible events, one of the biggest mistakes that countries can make is to believe that they are exceptional, that they will not be affected by the problems that others are currently experiencing. teaching is false,
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extremism is something that needs constant vigilance and protection from it, everywhere and everywhere. and you can ask why you decided to turn to the actual plot. all your previous scripts were, let's say, such a fantastic picture of the distant future, and this film is more of an appeal to... almost current political reality, why did you decide to, shall we say, come down from heaven to earth? this is a story i've been dying to share ever since i wrote it, which is almost four years. in fact, i described what
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was happening, and it seemed to me quite scary, disturbing and dangerous. the truth is that even...fantasy stories often stem from something real, be it a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, psychology, or like our tv show developers, about how to tech billionaires in silicon valley are treated like genen when they're actually just entrepreneurs, so i always try to reflect on the current state of the world, but in this case... i did n't think this kind of plot was suitable for a sci-fi movie. that's all. one of your earlier films was about
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contact with artificial intelligence, which did not yet exist as a reality. today, in fact, we have already come close to this reality. how do you generally imagine the world with artificial intelligence. you believe that art can answer this question? wow that's a good question, i'd be an idiot if i said i knew the answer, frankly, i don't, but i'll tell you what i think, the process is already underway, humanity has already observed such a process, i mean nuclear power or nuclear weapons, as soon as it became clear that it was possible, it already meant that it would inevitably happen, and the same would happen with an artificial one. people, journalists, filmmakers or just ordinary citizens can spend a lot of time thinking about it, worrying and asking yourself whether it is good or bad, but
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you do nothing because the process is irreversible. so the question is not whether we can stop it, but what we will do when the new age comes. if you look at nuclear weapons, in a sense we've dealt with them and... good and bad, bad, because nuclear weapons have spread all over the world, and at some point in the future, it could easily turn into a disaster. on the other hand , we've done well because nuclear weapons haven't been used in conflict since world war ii world war so it's kind of a mixture. i can assume that something similar will happen with artificial intelligence. a large part of the problems that we... today, which you raise by and large, is still related to the thinking of the person himself, and you can say that this is such a comic book thinking,
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thinking in fragments, small, fragments of reality, and you are a human , which created this comic book mindset, you grew up in a comic book atmosphere, created your own comics, how does one stay whole, such a fragmented mindset that today is taking over the world, it's interesting, i really grew up on comics, my father was an animator, i don't have a concrete answer to this question, but i can say that there is a certain connection between the comics and the movies, because it's a sequence. often, when i'm writing a movie script, i see it as a comic book in a weird way.
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i see a sequence of images or frames that are very similar to the drawings in comics. whether it affects anything else, not sure, maybe it doesn't, but it's something that lives inside of me. one of your halo scripts is dedicated to this such a clash of worlds that cannot find something in common with each other, there are people, there are covenants, remember, this is good, it is essentially a theocratic empire, and we in ukraine also very often perceive our own war as a clash of civilizations. you imagine how civilizations can co-exist when they have completely different values, how to prevent this constant conflict. in my opinion, of
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course, it is better that civilizations do not collide at all. any collision usually has bad consequences. one of these consequences there is disrespect, so it is better that civilizations, instead of clashing, treat each other in a neighborly manner with proper human kindness. one of your... screenplays was written based on a famous novel, one can say by my favorite writer, kajio shiggur, and this novel, like his other works, was essentially devoted to the issue of the lack of humanity, one could say that we also see in your new film here is this nostalgia for humanity, but the question arises, how to restore this feeling now in the 21st century. i hope so
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understood the question correctly. i think the point of ishiguro's work is how quickly people can slide into inhumane acts. if they do not think properly and act fairly and intelligently. these actions can be absolutely ethically and morally wrong. the lesson i learned from his writings and from life in general is how important it is to act rationally and caringly. after all, giving up basic
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values. people of decency and respect are very quickly able to drive themselves into the depths of total madness, unfortunately, for some people does it take very little time for states to reach this level of insanity. thank you, mr. alex. thank you very much. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. children are born in...
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