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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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an independent politician, in principle, until the beginning of march of this year, johnson was really just a spokesman for trump, and american political scientists also recognized this, independent political scientists recognized that johnson really broadcast only trump's policy in relation to the house of representatives, in relation to congress as such. at this stage, johnson is trying to play a certain individual role, he is trying to find new allies, but in principle he continues to play within trump's envelope. and within this logic, what foreign leaders do, what does cameron, what sikorsky is doing, what macron is doing personally, all this influence that they have on the united states of america, it shows that a potential future leader of the united states of america needs to consider the ukraine issue, the aid issue needs to be considered, so if trump really wants to be a global leader, if he really wants to succeed'. influence on the international
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community, on its european allies within nato, it needs to be more pro-european, it needs to be more conscious about the problems of ukraine, so what sikorsky is saying now, what cameron did, although officially this visit was not as successful as everyone hoped, but it is all directed not so much at trump as at johnson, it is directed at that he should understand his potentials. in terms of politics, he must understand his potentials in terms of survival, as the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states, he must still put the ukrainian project, the ukrainian budget project to the vote, because it is the only his chance to agree with the union on his preservation in the position of speaker with conservative republicans, with potentially democrats, it already depends on the text of the bill itself, so one way or another, but both korsky's statement and
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cameron's negotiations, which he conducted, are all directed at johnson, it's all directed at trump and the fact that aid for ukraine is not exclusively a matter of foreign policy, it's a matter of domestic policy, and it's a matter of american elections. well, what is the interest, you can explain what trump's interest is not provide money to ukraine? and, his only interest is to sink biden's rating, because biden has been the last 2.5 years. said that ukraine is exclusively a matter of his administration, it is solely a matter of how active a foreign policy president he is, how transatlanticist he is, and now biden, or rather trump, now trump, who before that, well, back in july 23- th year said that ukraine is a corrupt hole in which you should not invest money, which is even worse than afghanistan, now trump says that he would be much stronger. he would be much more effective and
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he could save ukraine, that is, in this case, ukraine is just a tool, a tool of the internal political struggle between biden and trump, and ukraine is the issue that trump has been on all this time, all these 2.5 years, just blunted biden's rating, and now he sees that at this moment biden is unable to do anything with congress, and he himself wants to play a proactive role in helping ukraine. that is, ukraine is not really an individual topic of negotiations within the borders pre-election debates of the united states. ukraine is a tool. ukraine is a tool for trump to sink biden's ratings and to show that he is an active president in terms of foreign policy. well, while in the united states of america they are solving the ukrainian, so-called ukrainian issue regarding financing and regarding the opening of this. of its large tranche of 61
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billion dollars in the european union, they say that it is necessary to expand and accelerate military aid to ukraine, in particular, to provide an additional air defense system, about this in the social network x wrote the head of eurodiplomacy josep borel, he stated that there will be a meeting of the eu council of ministers in april, and what borel wrote, i expect bold decisions at the joint meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense. of the european union on april 22 with dmytro kuleba and rustem umyerov, the european union supports ukraine with all its forces, but when they say that the european union supports ukraine with all its forces , it is perceived a little differently, because if borel thinks only about air defense systems, then obviously ukraine even thinks about what or foreign legions will not enter here, including the french, in ukraine, the russians are trying to advance. ukraine.
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at this stage, borel is talking specifically about air defense systems, to his credit, the blocking of the budget of the european council against the background of the inability of european countries to provide ukraine with an additional patriot system is a powerful step that, in general, no one in europe expected. correct, very sharp. in a certain way, it is a pillar step for the fact that european countries were ready to provide more air defense systems for our security, more anti-missile defense systems, so here it is necessary to give a barrel, if we talk about support in general, then very clearly divide
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the support levels on the bilateral level of the european level. we see that this support is starting to weaken. we have certain problems with the regional one, now i hope we will restore contact and talk with him about how the european union actually tries and promises to help ukraine with all its might, said jose borel, the head of european diplomacy, who wrote on the x social network. that will be brave regarding support for ukraine, there will be a ministerial meeting of representatives of the european union on april 22 with the participation of dmytro rustem umer, and another issue that will be quite relevant in
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the last few days, on april 17 in washington, the ministers of finance of the big seven at the spring meeting of the international monetary fund and world bank groups will consider an approach to the use of frozen russian assets, i.e. those assets that ukraine may use across the border, more likely to be used in order to help ukraine, the financial times writes about it, it will be a compromise offer from the united states of america, not as radical as confiscation, but more aggressive than the current plan of the european union with allocation of profits from assets to ukraine. we are at the point. to study all possible ways to maximize the value of frozen reserves in the interests of ukraine, we cannot wait forever, we understand this - dalip singh, deputy national security advisor to the president of the united states of america told the newspaper, this issue is important enough for ukraine, i have
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referring to the use of frozen russian assets, because experts are talking about different amounts that can be... frozen around the world up to $300 billion, so basically, the question is whether the world community will dare to allow the united states of america, great britain, germany, which helps ukraine a lot, to use these frozen russian assets to pay for weapons that go to ukraine, equipment for ukrainian soldiers, to support the energy infrastructure that now... are being actively destroyed by the russian occupiers, in short, there are a lot of questions, we hope that on april 17, where this big meeting of finance ministers of the big seven and the international monetary fund and
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the world bank group will be held in washington, we will hear concrete proposals, because the world is tired of russia, the world is tired of putin, the world is tired of the aggressive policy of the russian federation towards ukraine to... this terrorist activity of putin, the world is wary and they understand what is happening in ukraine, and especially in the last few weeks, when the russian occupiers are attacking the energy infrastructure of ukraine, destroying tes and tec, trying to deprive ukrainians of heat, light, and actually everything that they are used to. civilized world, these attacks on civilian infrastructure can be classified as crimes, war crimes, which is true, but yesterday i had valery chala on the air, he says that in the world international practice it is not so, not so clearly in legal
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practice, not the responsibilities of the parties who cause these are clearly spelled out blows, and when it is done, for example, by a russian woman. then it is necessary to prove in documentary which in documents in some certain evidence to provide evidence. what is happening, although i hope that both the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine and other investigative bodies of ukraine do their best to do everything right from a legal point of view, and to ensure that international institutions, including those that consider issues of military crimes, nevertheless received all the evidence of vladimir putin's criminal activities, so that he had more than... one a warrant from the international criminal court for the deportation of ukrainian children to the russian
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federation, and for the destruction of critical infrastructure in ukraine, for the killing of civilians in ukraine, for the fact that they destroy our cities, for the fact that they rape women, for the fact that they commit war crimes on the territory of the ukrainian state, i think that this issue, this issue will be brought to a logical conclusion. and putin will receive more than one warrant from the international criminal court and appear before the international tribunal. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take our poll. today we are asking you about whether you would entrust power to the political power of the military after the war. we ask about this for a reason, and in the second part of our program we will talk about the social poll, where ukrainians from... also answered this question, we will compare our results of both
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the television and youtube polls with the what ukrainians actually say. so, if you have a smartphone or a phone at hand, you can also vote if you would entrust power to the political power of the military after the war (0800-211-381), no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will catch up. the results of this vote, then we are in touch with boryslav bereza, politician, public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, mr. boryslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, so, mr. boryslav, yesterday the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the law on mobilization and emphasized the main points about how mobilization should take place, further mobilization in ukraine, because this mobilization. it has been going on for two years without this law, and it is clear that there was
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a mobilization process, it continues, in your opinion, will the adopted law affect the mobilization process and how? well, let's take turns, do we now have a law on mobilization, yes, on the basis of this law, we conduct mobilization, is it effective? no, he isn't is effective, but not because the law does not allow, but because there are no mechanisms and there are none. people's motivation, will the new law change this situation, no, it won't, will it affect, well , the provisions of this law on the fact that the vast majority of ukrainians who are currently required to serve in the military do not want to serve, no, this will not happen either, why ? well, because this law does not motivate, moreover, in order to change the situation, it was necessary to motivate, well, firstly, it was necessary not to waste time, secondly, it was necessary to be in power all the time. don't embarrass yourself constant reputational and corruption scandals that raise more questions
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than answers. thirdly, it was still necessary to show the authorities how she or her close people are fighting today at ground zero and protecting ukraine. this, by the way, would show, well, that the authorities consider the possibility of the participation of close people, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, business partners, in the military, military operations, and that would also be wrong. and finally the last thing, it was necessary to conduct a large all-ukrainian information campaign, which should motivate people, but for that it is necessary, at least to begin with, to study the experience of countries in which this was done, well, for example, israel, for example, azerbaijan, other countries, no one did this. moreover, have you ever seen the president personally lead a mobilization movement? no, on the contrary, he distanced himself, and do you think that people... after that, they will be very motivated when they do not hear from the president at all that it is necessary, that is part of it, but there is another
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part, the number of our military expected in this draft law provisions like demobilization after 36 mi, and by the way, it was b from the point of view of mobilization, that someone is in a city or village and sees how his neighbor... they go to the zsu, only 200 or 300, because otherwise it is impossible to leave the army now, and here, and he understands that. .. and this is not only an entry, but an exit in a civilized country, for example, as in israel, where there is a war now, and there are also mobilized, who are demobilized, and they are mobilized for them, and this is practiced, implemented, why not do it, but i mean , a huge number of you do not accept
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the mobilization, and such a story demotivated them, demotivated them to vote for... zelensky, that is why this story failed, and we see that instead of creating a motivational factor, they created a demotivation factor for the military, this is a big problem, and the president, how to solve it, they promise a new law, in 8 months, that it will be created, not they say when it will be submitted, they don't say when it will be passed and they don't say what provisions will be in it, so there are far more questions than answers, but again... any law should change the situation for the better thanks to what is in it , are there laws, no, there are none, a whip and a gingerbread man, what a situation, on unfortunately, there is no place, well, it is obvious when the leadership, the military leadership of ukraine is talking about
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the fact that there will be a law on demobilization. they mean that there are not enough people now, if you just say that there will be demobilization in 36 months, it means that those who left on february 24th in 12 months should be relieved of their duties, and accordingly, others should take their place people and forces of the armed forces said during the consideration of the draft law on in the verkhovna rada. that the composition of the occupying army of russia prevails on the front showed almost 10 times the situation, i am now the head of the operational-strategic troops of khortytsia in the composition of four operational-tactical groups, the donetsk
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region exceeds us by 7-10. we have mechanized infantry, motorized infantry, as a rule, 8-10 men, there are two units left, some, according to male standards, the unit is given to cover 100 m of defense. if, they can defend 20 fronts, which the general says absolutely, but this scale, he says that there are 10 times more of them at the front than ours, well, they have country, and you didn't hear about it, and i don't see
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the need, i wasn't convinced, now sodal comes out and says that it's too late, even, now it's too late, then... zelensky recently said: i don't see that someone had to be mobilized, and at the same time he says that for the month of june, the russians will mobilize an additional 300,000. i want to remind you that last year the russians began to mobilize 400,000 and have already finished this mobilization process, 400,000, 130,000 are current losses , these are the ones who were crushed by the armed forces during this year, 130,000, these are one hundred percent those who were destroyed ukrainian soldiers, of these 400 thousand 130... will be replenishment, another 70,000 are the so-called or1, one operational reserve, they will be created and will be pulled up as needed, and another 2,000 are the same two armies that shoigu said about , one army is 100,000, they are creating two new armies, and another 3,000, so zelensky does not understand how the supreme commander, when he is told by a hard worker, said a hard worker, and
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now, when sodol says unexpectedly, he understood. but it's a shame, it's an open shame, let's tell the truth, soda tells the truth, moreover, everyone was talking about it for a long time, zaluzhny said it, whispered about it, but zelenskyi ignored their warnings, he lost time, six months of loss to be able to mobilize, and why? because zelensky's rating is in front of his eyes, and he wants to win the upcoming elections more than to win the war, unfortunately, this is true. he is not against winning the war, on the contrary, he is for it, but he wants to win the elections more, because otherwise he would have already made an unpopular decision with his constituents, but his the voter did not see. of these decisions precisely because zelensky is very careful about his rating, so i say once again, the situation will not change, we need to mobilize
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at least for a month now, well, at the same time we need to mobilize somewhere around 150-200 thousand people, and then we need 25- 30 00, this is what the military says, so zelensky is silent about it, he does not say about it, and why does he not say, why does he name how many people need to be mobilized. rating again, this damn rating, i forbade it, frankly forbade you to conduct it polls on the rating until the end of the war, until we win any ratings, because it is the orientation towards this rating that drives him insane, his rating is now falling, the balance of trust is not trust, now at the level of 25%, recently it was almost 60, falling confidence in zelenskyi, and he is trying to keep his rating at least by not making unpopular, but statesmanlike decisions, but this is not... normal, it is inadequate, well, but without winning the war, he will not win the presidential elections, i know he won't win, but he lives it, you know, he, he
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is generally in the grip of the churchill syndrome, when you believe that you will win the war, but then it turns out that you cannot win the election, yes, this is how it works in general all over the world, because in a democratic society people get tired of politicians, which was during the war and they want to change it, it is always like that, only in totalitarianism. the same politician remains in the world, for example, in russia, where stalin remained, or now putin remains, in any case there will be changes in a democratic society, ukraine is a democracy, there will be changes, but zelensky does not understand this, for him these are too complicated conditions of the situation, he, you remember, is the office of simple solutions, simple solutions, always simple solutions, he believes that with such... such efforts he will be able to convince his voters again vote for him, that's all. and so, against the background of our mobilization problems, there is another problem with our
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aid, or rather not our, american aid to ukraine. defense forces can run out of artillery shells and anti-aircraft defenses quite quickly without the support of the united states of america, leaving ukraine vulnerable to partial or total defeat in the war. this... was stated by the supreme commander of the united armed forces of nato in europe, american general christopher cavoli at the hearing of the committee on armed forces of the house of representatives of the united states of america, let's listen to what he said. now the russians outnumber the ukrainians five times, that is, the russians fire five times more artillery shells at the ukrainians than the ukrainians can fire back. in a few weeks, that ratio will be... we're not saying about months, and we are not talking hypothetically, mr. boryslav, tell me, the internal situation,
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domestic political in ukraine, it affects the decisions of the americans and the decisions not of the americans. no, now it is not affected at all, now it is affected exclusively by internal games and efforts of each of the two parties, democrats, republicans, to win the presidential elections. this is the main story that is currently preventing ukraine from receiving this aid. but you know, i can say different when we had a year, you know, i can say different when we had a year of comprehensive support from the united states, did zelenskyy use it in order to obtain some agreements that would oblige to provide support to ukraine and weapons as well, did zelenskyy sign any agreements, anything else? no, but why, because... or because he thought that it would always be like this and people would come to him, but it doesn't happen, he was warned about it. by the way, israel
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will receive permanent weapons from the united states as part of the treaty of alliance. and this is what an israeli military journalist, serhiy ouslender, told me yesterday on my broadcast. they they are waiting for additional money, but they receive basic money, basic money, basic military aid, because... there is a contract, because he signed it, why didn't zelensky do it, because he can't calculate the situation, well, yes, that's true, but the main problem right now is precisely that republicans and democrats are fighting over this bill, because for each of them it is important as a blow to the opponent, not as help to ukraine, and for the republicans, this shows that, look, biden does not care about domestic american problems. he doesn't want to strengthen the border, for biden it's a different story, look, they want to destroy our democratic standard procedure, how we want to give people citizenship, or
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else. for whatever reason, it doesn't matter, or something else, each of them attacks, ukraine generally recedes into the background, i'll tell you more, i'm now watching american tv channels very carefully, there ukraine has disappeared, and taiwan has disappeared, there is only israel, now iran's strike, that's iran's strike, but the problem is that ukraine itself refused to attract it to itself. attention, you have at least heard that zelenskyi appealed to our diaspora, which is huge in the united states, for them to go to a rally, for a protest, for them to attract the attention of their candidates in the elections, no, they did not hear, but why, what prevents him, by the way, and where are the demonstrations, where are the hunger strikes, believe me, it can all be done, and by the way, this was offered to zelensky back in november
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of last year, he is silent, does nothing. therefore it is not necessary to say that nothing depends on us, we could influence, but we did not use the window of opportunity and we did not we're using the tools that we have now, we're just waiting, but what 's happening in the united states right now is a total shame, because the united states is now so messed up that it's giving up its leadership function in the whole world, and that's also true, and you already mentioned israel, there was information already this evening that lebanon fired at israel de... rockets, at least 40 rocket launches were recorded from the territory of lebanon at israel, and obviously, obviously, as predicted by international agencies, that there is something more going on than missile launches, well, we will monitor this situation, obviously, the united states of america will now react to the situation in the middle east, and again ukraine, as you say correctly, will be pushed back somewhere to the third or.
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the fourth plan. mr. boryslav, thank you for the conversation, it was boryslav bereza, a politician and public figure, people's deputy of ukraine, of the eighth convocation. friends, there is information coming from the middle east, i hope that in the second part of our program we will not mention it either, because the israeli air defense system, is intercepting the missiles that are now, with which they are now attacking it, it from the territory of lebanon, and... in principle, obviously, obviously, the situation will be tense during this weekend, in the middle east, we will monitor this situation with you, friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, those who watch us on youtube can take part in the survey, just like on tv, today we ask you about whether did you trust the power of the political forces of the military after the war, let's see the intermediate ones
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the results... the poll of the television poll, this is probably incorrect data, but 100% could agree with it, on youtube 75%, yes and no - 25%. can we once again show the results of the tv poll? 87. yes, 13% no, these are the results of the television survey, these are intermediate results, in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, continue our conversation, i will have journalists olga len and oleksiy mustafin as guests, do not switch, stay with espresso, it will be further interesting.
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russia is targeting ukraine energy system. the government says the situation in the energy sector is worse than the first winter of the war. how to protect ukraine now, we are talking about it on the bbc nazhivy broadcast from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. the new wave of russian strikes on ukrainian energy is more powerful than the one that began in the fall of 2022. hits are more accurate. the consequences are more devastating, at night, as reported by the ukrainian military, an energy facility in the dnipropetrovsk region was damaged, as the day before, as the government announced on april 11 , russia...


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