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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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with electricity. ms. svitlana, explain this, in september 23rd, the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmygal, said that the government allocated almost 10 billion hryvnias for the protection of critical infrastructure. he said then that this was one of the priorities, he did not give any details, but he said that very serious and powerful and systematic work is being done. i have a simple question: the money went somewhere wrong, there was not enough money, or what? and so far ukraine was not ready for such strikes, what happened? but why? we had several levels protection, and they all showed their effectiveness, there is the first level of protection with the help of gabions, we covered with these gabions, these are sandbags, the most valuable equipment there for the power system, and it really showed itself very effectively from the shock wave, from the fragments, as for the second level of defense, it's against... drone
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defense, it's fortunately the russians haven't attacked that level of defense yet, and the equipment that's there, it's relatively safe, as far as missile defense is concerned, it's the best best defense here, it's air defense, air defense systems, unfortunately, we have, well , the president, the prime minister, and all of us are talking about this, that we need additional support. in the form of air defense, so that we can protect large objects, because large objects that occupy a huge area there, it is difficult, difficult to cover them with some kind of physical protection so that they are inaccessible to a large number of missiles there, which fly to the same object at the same time, then i have a counter-question and the last one, head of the supervisory board of the energy center andriy gota said that in view of the constant... security,
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constant shelling, restoration of theses without providing ukraine with anti-aircraft systems - this is a futile matter, do you agree with this? we will restore what can be restored, especially now in the short term, what can work already. of course, i agree that we need additional air defense systems, this will significantly increase our resistance to strikes, to attacks. russians and will help preserve our energy facilities, this is not a secret, if we all understood it, but we will restore what it is possible to restore and we will repair, because we need to provide consumers with electricity. thank you very much, svitlana grynchuk, deputy minister of energy of ukraine. thank you. thank you. it is possible to restore the trypilska tess, andrii, the head of the supervisory board of centreenergo, told about it. which i
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have just quoted, but without the provision of air defense systems, as he said, this idea will be useless, the need for air defense systems was repeatedly emphasized by the already mentioned mayor of kharkiv, ihor terekhov. in kharkiv, let me remind you, russia destroyed tets-5, which can also take years to restore. how do people live in these cities after the destruction of energy facilities? look further. you've heard everything, you've heard everything, here's the house and then the test, i've had a hard time, i'm an immigrant from luhansk, how do you think i survived all this? in principle, it was inevitable, so somehow plus or minus all the people were gathered, let me go in there, now we will putty for a month or two and work again, and you work there, yes, but you were not on shift, no.
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were all alive? yes, thank god, that's the biggest thing they were worried about. so far there is light, but at 3 o'clock they will turn it off, there is still water, but they will supply it according to the schedule, when it will be, when the lights will be turned on, no one knows, the elevators are turned off, what floor do you live on? eighth, eighth, let's lose weight. over the past two years, tets-5 in kharkiv has been hit by missiles six times. of varying intensity,
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five rockets hit the main building during the last attack, the consequences you can see behind my back, not only the equipment was destroyed, but also the building where the equipment was located. tets-5 is very difficult, and we have loaded axles, so if anyone has cash, it is possible
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to buy, we work, of course, because different people leave, there are only grandmothers left, very few, such a contingent, not young, and like her, she left without... the light of the seventh floor, how can you leave her without a purchase, until 22- on the 22nd there was a trolleybus, until the 22nd there was a trolleybus, and now after this bombing, when the bombardment had already taken place, we had no electricity, it is now with interruptions, trolleybuses do not go here, only buses, we were thinking of leaving, but here in my husband works, so we are very tied to our work, we can't leave yet, well... so not yet we leave, those with whom i communicate, they usually stay, because this is where they grew up, this is their home, and they have already returned here, and to leave a second time, well, not everyone wants to, but there are those who leave, leave to the west, well, more of those who
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remain. svyatoslav pavlyuk, expert and executive director of the association of energy efficiency of ukrainian cities, joined our broadcast. good evening. energy-efficient cities of ukraine. energy-efficient cities of ukraine. sorry. before that, i quoted the center for economic strategy, and they predict that in in july-august we can expect severe restrictions for... consumers due to attacks on energy, we asked the representative of the ministry of energy about this, but i did not understand whether there was such an answer, can we expect this or not, what do you say, the period is somewhere from april from october to even the beginning of november is a period when we
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have quite a lot of solar energy per day, and that is, our solar power plants produce quite a lot of their own electricity and... we can cover a large part of our needs with solar power, at the same time, they give their power during the day, when there is sun, when in the evening people need to heat kettles there or something else, they may not be enough, it also depends, well, this is exclusively the behavior of people, as well as peaks of summer consumption in us, it traditionally depends on how people turn on air conditioners, so turning on air conditioners is one of those... factors where energy consumption in the summer was actually sometimes more than the consumption in the winter, so it's a question of consumer behavior and how much they can refuse air conditioners, will they not be able to refuse, then
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the dispatcher will refuse this with planned and unplanned emergency shutdowns, please tell me, and if we talk about more distant prospects, for example on... well, today we also listened to comments from kharkiv, there are doubts that people will survive the heating season, or that it will come, what are the prospects for ukraine for the winter as of now? and it depends on the city, it depends on, again , on ukraenergo, that is, in order for people were warm, two things must happen, there must be some boiler systems working, there must be electricity, there must be gas, well if, if the city is a city with centralized heating. er, if they have gas, but no electricity, theoretically the city can, and many of the cities have taken care of this, install their energy installations and generate electricity directly on the spot, with some generators, cogeneration installations, and it is possible to provide the amount
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of energy necessary for the operation of the pumping equipment in order for this heat to be generated to submit to people, this can also happen, or it can be a situation. when there is no gas, there is no electricity, and then this situation is quite sad, because we are moving to the stage of wood-burning stoves, and this depends on, well, how, how uh... local self-government bodies will be able to provide this , now that the trypilska tez was destroyed, and there is also a lot of destruction in kharkiv, it makes sense to remember that the government talked a lot about the allocation of money for the protection of critical infrastructure, there was talk of 10 billion uah at the beginning of the season, and i it's easy for you question, it was impossible to defend, no matter how much money there was, whether there was any suspicion. that the money was spent somewhere in the wrong place, or how do you explain the fact that
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energy facilities continue to be hit and it looks like they are defenseless? you see, i've been to several such power facilities, critical equipment, it was covered with some kind of concrete, covered with sandbags, those beg-begs, but if a missile flies directly into it, well, that's just not enough, and... even more so, if in a power plant, which is a huge facility, something gets into the roof, for example, yes, that is , we will not close the roof, i will remember that this is a typical power plant, a typical generator plus a boiler system, this is the size of a football field, this is the huge size of this installation, and it is all covered with some structures, and getting into any part, this is the collapse of these structures, this is damage to some underwater systems, control systems. because the generator itself is a generator, there are still a lot around it, well , actually what you are showing now in the frame, there are
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a lot of steam pipelines, pressure, control systems and so on, this is, well, it is huge and, well, to a certain extent stable, but to a certain extent , a piece of equipment, and therefore there are prospects for its restoration, well, somewhere they may be able to rearrange, for example, some piece of equipment from one turbine to another turbine, for example, collect one of the two broken ones there, maybe something can be canceled, but... from to restore, i’m sorry, but there is a point, yes, there is a point to restore, please tell me if there is no air defense, well, it’s difficult to say, you have to try, yes , that is, air defense may or may not be, that's for sure there may be anti-aircraft defense itself, or there may not be a thermal power plant itself, or this or that, or that, you have to do both, you can't just cover it with bags. maybe we need a proposal, it can be covered only by means of air defense, or
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there is another option, well, they do not exclude each other, this is the construction of distributed generation of small generating capacities there of 10 megawatts, 20 megawatts each, scattering of gas turbine systems or gas starting systems , scattering over the territory of the city, over the territory communities, and in places that are not obvious, so that they are not visible at all, but that's exactly what i wanted to ask you about . it would be possible, or it will still be possible in the future, to do something so as not to expose a large number of people to the risk of lack of heat and light, that’s right, as i understand it, the experts in the field at one time, maybe even talked about it before, but now it has become more active , talked about energy decentralization, i honestly do not know what it is, but i would like to ask you to explain in simple words whether it is possible to achieve this energy decentralization in a short period of time? in a short period of time it is quite difficult to do it, to be honest, that is, the idea is that if you have
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a large installation, it is easier to bomb it than about 20 small ones, and, that is, if we have a turbine there, conditionally there 120 a megawatt there is 200 megawatts, then we can put 10-20 small ones of ten megawatts there and scatter them over the territory, in this way, hitting one does not mean that all will fail, but again, we must take into account that, well, they must be done, their you need to release them to the company that produces them, and they need to be brought, assembled, connected and started, this whole process requires, it is so time -consuming and it is labor-intensive, because you need employees who can do it, let me remind you , that we had such an experiment last year, the americans gave us a system, it seems it was a 20 megawatt system. which was deployed there in a container, they advertise it in 41 days, it is all assembled in containers, it is simply
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deployed on the site, connected, and we didn't connect it for a year, that is, we first handed it over to the armorer, drove the plane to america, brought this system to ukraine, and for a year it just stood there and we didn't connect it, that is, as far as i'm concerned, this item should have been a showdown such government ones and this should have had consequences, the germans also gave one of the cities that was liberated another system, it also stood still for a year, and now it is being transported to kharkiv, they also did not connect it, that is, last year year we about... demonstrated that such systems quickly connect, not we can’t, we don’t know how, but why, well, it’s not the subject of public discussion, but it should be the subject of such governmental clashes, in my opinion, you reveal very interesting things to us here, thank you very much, sviatoslav pavlyuk, expert and executive director of the association of energy-efficient cities of ukraine, was on radio liberty, thank you very much, that's all we have, i urge you
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to subscribe to radio liberty's internet pages until monday. champions league quarter-finals only on mego, barcelona-psg and man city-real. who will pass on, who will leave all hopes are on the field. find out on april 16th and 17th exclusively on megogo. there are discounts on linex forte capsules. 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhiy zgurets
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is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy will talk in more detail fizar, yuriy, good evening, please. word two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the day , as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. an unusual look at the new ones. good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. exclusively on the air. our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine,
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drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that... change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politklub that sundays at 20:10 at espresso. hello, today is a story about two girls and one boy who go missing in the chaos of war at the start of a full-scale invasion of russia all the children who will be discussed from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region are snizhana almagambetova, georgy
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burskyi, and sofiy kavaschenko. snezhana is only 11 years old and nothing is known about her. since february 24 , 2022, a girl disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region in the city of gola prystan, and just 20 km from the bare pier in the city of oleshki in the kherson region , this 15-year-old boy lived before the war, his name is george burskyi. please look closely, in his face the teenager is missing and maybe you will recognize him and help you find it. so. like snizhana and georgy, nine-year-old sofiyka vashchenko disappeared in the kherson region at the very beginning of the war. the girl was last seen in the village of cheplinka, in the kakhovsky district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhana, georgy and sofiyka, and first of all, the search is, of course, complicated by the fact that
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children have disappeared in the occupied territory, and by the way, it is precisely in such situations that there is great hope for witnesses, who , in particular, in social networks can see our videos about the search in the occupied territories. so i turn first of all to residents of the occupied part of the kherson region. if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, georgy burskyi and sofia kuvashchenko, please let us know immediately by calling the hotline at 11630. if you are unable to call at any time, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot children's tracing services in telegram, and of course, children can be in the occupation, in the territory controlled by ukraine, or even abroad. therefore, if, for example, you live in one of the european countries, you will see it there one of the children we are looking for, god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, don't
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delay and call 11630. 11630 is the only european missing children line that works in 28 european countries, so remember, better write down this number, may you never need it, but just in case, it is necessary to know it. i told just one of the many difficult stories of missing children. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the children's search service website. here is a photo children who have disappeared and need our help, so please do not be indifferent, look into their faces if you know any information about any of them. please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116/30, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. of course, now
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the vast majority of children we are trying to find have disappeared due to circumstances somehow related to the war, in the occupation, in the front-line cities or villages , or during evacuation, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often... disappear by running away from home, mostly boys and girls in adolescence resort to this, and the reasons here are very different, conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, on regret, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some behavioral manifestations children and teenagers who testify that
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they need to be taken care of more, they need to be taken care of more. what could it be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock and gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be a depressed state where the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks. this is definitely a reason to take care of her. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, productivity, this may also be evidence that he has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, to have some kind of warm trusting conversation with him, to support him, to help him, and sometimes to refer him to specialists, to refer him to a psychologist or other specialists for help.
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welcome to the broadcast of the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service, i am oleksiy kovalenko, its host. the war in ukraine can be won. it is possible if we support the armed forces with weapons, - emphasized the republican congressman from the state georgia rich mccormick during a congressional hearing on us military posture and national security challenges in europe. in response , the commander-in-chief of nato's joint forces in europe, christopher cavoli, said that ukraine has a good chance of victory, largely due to the tenacity of its military, which has been holding its defense against a much stronger army for more than two years. us deputy secretary of defense celeste wonder told what goal... the us is trying to achieve in ukraine. an important issue when it comes to ukraine, which in my opinion is incredibly strategic
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an important country. in the world, is this war even winnable? yes, and it can be done in a number of ways, for example, preventing the russians from achieving a strategic victory, or forcing a strategic defeat on them, that in itself is a victory, even if it is a temporary victory for the alliance, so in that sense we can do it together with our ukrainian partners. i think this is very important, you said earlier that the supply to ukraine is adequate. i don't like the word adequate. our support must not slow down. this idea, which is promoted by from both sides of congress that we can't win this war is crazy. we should not give them adequate help. we have to provide them with an advantage in weapons. general
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cavoli, if we help ukraine, what do you think their chances are of stopping the russians, at least where they are now? i think they would have a very good chance, i think they could do it, we work very closely with them on their overall plans and how they execute them, their plans are thorough, they have a thorough approach to their defense. they feel that the administration of the us president does not have a clear plan or goal in ukraine. can you clarify this for us? the goal is the strategic failure of russia. putin's goal is to subordinate ukraine to himself, to deprive it of its sovereignty and so on. and
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also to weaken and undermine europe, america and of course the nato alliance. so our goals for what has guided our policy over the last two years is for ukraine to remain a sovereign, independent, european country that is able to defend, contain and ensure the defeat of putin, and ukraine is doing this with the support of everyone day we must do everything possible to prevent putin from achieving his goal of undermining european security. we do this in the interest of our national security. because of the admiration we americans feel for ukraine, and ultimately we do this to keep americans safe at home and abroad. also , during the hearings in the congress, the deputy secretary of defense of the united states, celeste wonder, criticized ukraine's attacks on russian oil refineries. earlier this week , pentagon chief lloyd austin said that ukraine's attacks on oil refineries in russia can influence global energy markets.
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voice of america journalist ostapyarish observed the way the american press covers this issue and the development of negotiations regarding the next package of us aid to ukraine. he also had the opportunity to ask these questions at the pentagon. congratulations ostap. congratulations oleksya. ostape, how do you explain the pentagon's position regarding ukraine's strikes on russian oil refineries? definitely oleksiy. you already remembered where it started. there were hearings this week representatives of petny spoke at the congress. we just heard this fragment. their main message was an appeal to the congress. to praise the funding for ukraine, however, several lawmakers asked other questions, they asked about the united states' proposal for ukraine's strikes on russian refineries. thus , united states defense minister loydo osin said that, in his opinion , it would be better for ukraine to strike targets that would have a direct effect on the battlefield. and celeste wallender is the assistant secretary of defense of the united states states, she said she believed russian refineries were civilian targets. however, the military experts we spoke with do not agree with this
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assessment. they say that ... russian refineries are perfectly legitimate military targets, even, by the way, some nato officials say that these strikes had a significant impact on the russian economy and undermined russia's ability to finance its war against ukraine. i had a question, i had an opportunity to ask this question in the pentagon, to ask why they do not consider russian refineries as legitimate targets for of ukraine, and what is their assessment of the impact of these strikes on the military situation. let's listen. why the pentagon does not consider oil refineries, which are directly related to russia's ability to finance this war, to be legitimate strategic goals for ukraine. i will not speak for ms wallender, and obviously the minister's words speak for themselves. as minister austin emphasized, we are focused.


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