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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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how to re-actualize these crimes of the soviet regime and the communist regime on the territory of europe, for ordinary citizens. thank you very much, thank you very much. roman potkur, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the institute of history of the academy of sciences of ukraine, researcher of state terror in the ukrainian ssr and the ussr, was with us, now we will have a small ten-minute story and a small advertisement. "to fight for one's country is a great honor for men", says mykhailo kovaliv, after being wounded he serves in the center territorial configuration of lviv oblast and motivates people to join the army. well, he told, he gave an interview to our great colleague khrystyna parubiy, and now we will see this story and his thoughts, and i am very proud of this story because i think that the centers of territorial ... assembly are not
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only in lviv oblast, it's good they work, they try to do the best they can, but there are undoubtedly, as in any nation, there are people who , in fact, disgrace the entire work of the territorial centers, and we hear about them very often, and we hear about how normal people work not very often, and right now is such an opportunity, so see you in 10 minutes. i like to fight for my country, i think it is a great honor for a man when he takes up arms and he is responsible for his actions. my name is mykhailo kovaliv, i am currently serving in the dorobitsky tsp, the military department. i
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was still present on the maidan, of course, i had such a youthful call to all this, i was still a young boy then, i wanted some kind of movement, some drive, change in the country, and then of course i wanted to go and fight for my country for my homeland, i wanted change, of course. i was a student in my first year , unfortunately i didn’t finish and the end of the maidan was may, yes, then the maidan was already dissolved and i already went to volunteer in the right sector, yes, there weren’t enough weapons for everyone, even here i was waiting for my turn when i would have my first combat two months ago that there were also certain situations, no, well, there was a lack of weapons , a lack of certain understandings of what
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was happening in general, a lack of experience, but instructors came from abroad, former afghans taught us, that is, something was being built, and something compared to ukrainian nationalism, some kind of cohesion, that's what we had, of course, to work as a sniper, a gunner, a machine gunner, we tried everything possible, i just liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, i generally i did whatever i wanted, that is, i wanted to, i was taught, and... i was in intelligence, i was in the infantry, i was in assault units, that is, i tried everything . 15th year, i already moved to polkazov, from 15th to 17th year i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino, it was a more trench war, such a stationary war, like the first world war, the situation is a little different there, the guys there, with a different worldview in general, they have a more developed cult of war, honor and dignity. certain historical facts, and
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of course i really liked azov, because there, it is fashionable there, it is a trend there, to fight, to fight for your country, in the 20th year i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade, so i i wanted to try something completely new in life, but i knew that the armed forces of ukraine were certain bureaucracy, there are certain disadvantages, of course, and i wanted to try it myself, of course, that there are pros and cons in the armed forces of ukraine. but this ukrainian army is modern, and we are building this army, and we are changing this army for the better. already to bring out, and on february 24 i certainly met in the trench warfare, here is the full scale, for me what i expected almost, what i wanted, and. full drive, full-scale
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war, airplanes, aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream has already come true, i think this is what i lived for, so that you meet all this and overcome it. it's bad then i was redirected in the direction of the frontier and the vicinity of the frontier. there were no shells, unfortunately, the situation with the artillery was very bad, it practically did not work on our side. if they let us in, probably, i don't know, every minute, as long as it takes, then we could respond in an hour or two. then in rubizhny nav'. we were constantly moving there were assault groups, well, an assault group, an assault unit, we were practically not called out, today it was an hour here, an hour there, then a third task, then we spent the night somewhere, the next morning some kind of battle started again, because the russians were constantly climbing somewhere, something wanted all the time, there were
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a lot of them, unfortunately, from all sides, we already started to have casualties, unfortunately, three hundred, and unfortunately, i was also wounded. it was sometime in the morning, we were created again, again some new unit, because we have already reduced people, they told us that we should go there, there are already a certain number of enemy forces there, and we need to hold that front, we left, and again we do not know where they are, which units are near us, that’s how it is, i don’t know how in the blind, but of course, that the blood boiled, them, we had to be there, a combat clash. i was wounded, i had to report that my guys were wounded, i was asked to rehabilitate them, i was the commander of the detachment at the time, i am right, i report, unfortunately, a little way out of the protected city, it flies above my knees, i can no longer feel my leg, unfortunately, i already have two wounded, unfortunately, the situation is no longer
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under control, i was already dragged along the street, over stones, with my hands like this, because the car could not approach, because the enemy troops were working, under fire , so of course under the eye. risky shelling, and i had one third in a row, two hundred more were added later, but somehow there were no buildings of any kind, all the guys were somehow dragging themselves, somehow they barely got there, barely hobbled, then ours already came up an evacuation vehicle, barely here, too, and already then they got to the hospital, he can remember his brothers, whom i saw a minute ago. he is alive, he communicates with me, he jokes, together we dream of something better, a better ukraine, but unfortunately, he will be gone in a minute, unfortunately, there have been many such cases, unfortunately, we are the 24th brigade suffered a lot of losses, for a long , long time, i was treated for about six months, i was
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taken out of state, so it’s similar, as standard, here is this bureaucracy, it’s okay, i went through all these situations, eh, then, of course, i didn’t want to be disabled, i still want to return to... the east, when i was wounded, i did not know at all that such a status was of limited use, because it was something strange for me, i did not know what it was, then, then the order came , that we cannot take you east, because you are of limited fitness, and i also receive a disability of the third group, and i did not want to be a burden for the boys, by order of the general staff, i was transferred to the tcc of the tsp in the city of dorohobych, i began to notify people, saying that you have to go to the army, carry military registration documents with you, a lot of negativity uh... a lot of misunderstanding, mostly more than 90% very aggressive, what ukraine gave me, and why should i go to fight, open the borders in general, i 'm from here first of all, i can give you my passport, but why doesn't zelenskyy go, and why doesn't the government go, a lot of chatter, a million reasons to abdicate one's responsibility
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as a man, there must be some kind of warrior cult, well , that's what we are the descendants of the zaporizhia cossacks, that we are the descendants of sich marksmen, that we descendants of ounupa, it should be. somehow like this the state, unfortunately, the times of the knights, unfortunately, are no longer the same, the knights are already gone, here are these soldiers, in fact, real patriots, those who i do not want to offend everyone, of course, there are still people here who are, of course, also patriots of ukraine, but mostly those who love supasionaria, supasionia people, these are the people who care most about opening the refrigerator, and there was a sausage for 12 hryvnias, everything is full, but some kind of spiritual development, some kind of spiritual development, where you are from, your history, the future, they are not interested , the main thing is that... there would be work, it is difficult to work with such people, what is the point of speaking you have to fight for your country, because they don't understand that, unfortunately, then probably the money, i plan on until i get fed up, or until i'm wounded, or until god forbid, maybe i won't be alive, but i i will know that i
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have done everything that is important for the country, everything that, everything that i could do, my conscience, my honor, my dignity, i will know my boys, my friends, my acquaintances will know that i i did everything as much as possible, i am responsible... for myself, ukraine begins with me, personally, i give i can still give them anything, i don't see anything wrong with it. damn you, stepladders, the great danes don't walk anymore, wait, i'm suffocating, there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried gerovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ is a good thing. sense of active life. gerovital energy novelty. even more iron for good deeds.
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the project. friday at 10:00 p.m. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day for help. telephone turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22
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at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together with... once again good health, you can see the polish flag behind me, together with the ukrainian one, this means that we will talk about history, and we will also talk about the present. pavel bobolovych, a polish journalist, is in touch with us, good health, mr. pavle, good health, good health, good evening, well , look, so the question is all of us, we, dowry, i and my colleagues know that this week is a week... grief for the poles, and this is the katyn tragedy one and the katyn
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tragedy the second, that is, in the 10th year and in the 40th year, this is what the investigation into the disaster where died the president of poland, high-ranking polish leaders, it is over, and what the hell, i would like to ask what the poles think, the poles think that the russians did it on purpose, did it by accident, or a coincidence, or polish pilots, what is the general opinion, is there general opinion about what a huge delegation flew to celebrate anniversary of the mass murder of polish officers by the russians, well, the soviets, and then they got into a plane crash and the entire polish leadership crashed, what do the poles think about this event of the 10th year?
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sometimes they won't be in the fullness of the people who just happened to be aviacatastrophe je zrozumio graje, navit jak my teražemo jak bylo, bo ne mozemo skazati po sprawdi in pleni jak ce bylo, ale oni mozemo skaty, rosya samo samo vyrožitevo, vyroživo na influencena politice na politikum w polszy, сonebut
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moze zrobity, she will be w polszy otrymywaty political the result we can imagine that at a certain moment russia, moscow will come to the conclusion that it will give the plane, and this will also really have political consequences in poland, it was a very bad thing from the beginning, done in poland, but mr. pavle, look , and i'm just trying to understand such a pole who doesn't exist, some kind of average pole, neither left, nor right, some kind of centrist. such and such, and when the situation of the 40th year appears before me, just when they took and killed 20,000 poles, 20,000 officers, for 20,000 people who were not guilty of anything, then they killed, did the president somehow get into a plane crash, and if
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you put a bomb on that, and all the horrors that the russians are creating in modern . and we see footage, we see photos, we see shootings, we get the impression that you have to be a complete idiot to start looking for and justifying russia, this is the normal state of affairs in russia, the russian government, it has behaved like this for centuries, in afghanistan, in czechoslovakia, hungary, vietnam, african countries, always all the same, there were no exceptions anywhere. that they were polite gentlemen saying, oh, we have a plane, the poles, come, look at the plane, or take this plane, investigate, there's never been anything like that, well, well, well, what did they say in this historical period, because it is not only 25 thousand people killed that is criminal, but we can say much earlier all-polish uprising of the 19th century crime.
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was much more unequivocal in his attitude towards supporting ukraine from the very beginning, and this is a person, and it should also be remembered that in 2008 in the year when russia attacked georgia, he
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directly said in tbilisi that first georgia, later the baltic states, and maybe it will also be my homeland, these are the words of lech kaczynski in 2008, and the famous man, lech kaczynski hit someone
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did not sound, one more question already about the present, i was honestly a little surprised, because the european union proposes to control ukrainian carriers in poland with the help of gps trackers, i always thought to myself that they already exist, it is so, it is so simple , i was surprised when these were protests, i thought to myself, well, listen, there are... put gps trackers in the car, you can record everything, where she is going, whether she is staying in poland, whether she is going to a port, some gdańsk, or she is going somewhere in
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germany, it's 20 seconds of work and it's finished and it's clear who's guilty and who's not guilty, whether it's the ukrainians, whether it's the poles, whether it's the russians going across the border to belarus, or kaliningrad, everything is clear, and here it turns out that already six months of scandal. and six months later, the european commission says: listen, maybe we can install gps trackers, and then we will be there to know where these ukrainian cars go, to what extent the poles, by the way, are ready to go for this polish farmers, transporters, who, from my point of view, should welcome the initiative of the european union, okay, let's put a tracker and forget about our friction and bad relations at the border , well, i am here, unfortunately... it can be considered that there is
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a very important trace of a third state here, we all understand what state it can be, which state is interested in dividing poland and ukraine, it is clear that there are and always will be some different interests of one state and the second state, as for transportation, i cannot understand for whom it was beneficial to block borders and other transportation of production, i cannot understand this, the carrier does not transport.
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here, in general, it can be said that ukraine will have the same problems as polish farmers, so now it could be said that polish farmers and ukrainian farmers could protest together, but not at the polish-ukrainian border, but in brussels, why block the border between and ukraine from the very beginning made something incomprehensible, but look, this is what the politicians are saying, who always take advantage of such situations, there is a political moment, a political moment in poland, there were elections, it is clear that no one
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wanted to make a decision, so as not to...
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journalist, thank you very much, everything is very reasonable so he put them on the shelves for us, so thank you very much, and ukrainian-polish relations resemble the title of an american film, stupid and even stupider, well, what can you do, we don’t have any other politicians for you, as comrade stalin said about pro... writers of his time , and at last we waited for mr., i can personally say for sure, i finally waited for mr. volodymyr hrysk, diplomats, minister of foreign affairs for nine years, head of the russian research center, good health, mr. volodymyr, thank you for visiting us, why i , i make such and such compliments, because it is obvious that the editors...


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